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Xanis ,

Oh well see that would actually require communication and commitment.

We don't do that. Something about needing that job that they definitely won't pull out from under us to pay those bills that never go up.

Xanis ,

Give it a minute: Tech Jesus and his Nexus friends are having a great time with ASUS recently. I'm sincerely looking forward to how far they take things.

Xanis ,

Just about anything is traceable. The trick is making it not worth the effort.

Xanis ,

I'll say this: Grabbed a free month of Prime through Google Play. Went to cancel it before it charged me again and I had so much trouble figuring out how I decided that I couldn't be the only one and ended up Googling it.

You couldn't quit in the Google Play Store. It wasn't even listed.

It wasn't any form of subscription or listed as a membership on Amazon.

You couldn't end it by following QR codes or links supplied to you on Amazon itself.

It wasn't in your Amazon profile or Google profile.

The ONLY WAY to cancel it was by scanning the QR code, following the link, clicking on a "Contact Support" button, clicking on another button under "Help Topics" that said, "How to end your Prime Membership", and finally you were taken to a page where you could actually end it. Obfuscated like a motherfucker.

Xanis ,

Told off an old guy who was waiting in line at a grocery store during covid. I was directly behind him. This fuck actually had the audacity to call the store from the line, request a manager, and then told that manager over the phone that they had better do something about it or he would.

Made it my purpose to piss him off after that.

Xanis ,

@dogsnest Thanks for the heads up.

OP thanks for posting this.

Donated what little I could. Free access to information is absolutely one of the most important things we as a collective can support.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information (futurism.com)

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

Xanis , (edited )

Corps hate looking bad. Especially to shareholders. The thing is, and perhaps it doesn't matter, most of us actually respect the step back more than we do the silly business decisions for that quarterly .5% increase in a single dot on a graph. Of course, that respect doesn't really stop many of us from using services. Hell, I don't like Amazon but I'll say this: I still end up there when I need something, even if I try to not end up there in the first place. Though I do try to go to the website of the store instead of using Amazon when I can.

Xanis ,

Man, this is really downplaying the history that was legitimately made by the incredible people at SpaceX. It actually felt to many of us like we had just gone to the Moon for the first time.

Dunno about anyone else but I was freaking out.

Xanis ,

This precise sentiment has gotten me told off a few times now. Usually with someone yelling the word "Genocide" over and over so I can't get a word in. People are so fucking dumb it's actually unbelievable.

Whatever my frustration, I just want us all to work together even after we get Biden a second term. The only reason, ONLY REASON, the GOP have their power is honestly because we can't stop slap fighting long enough to plant a foot in their asses. This would also work for the Democrats. We do have two feet. Whatever our perspectives and opinions, there is a single neigh universal truth we can all accept:

This life sure could be a lot better.

Xanis ,

Nah, everyone is free to hate. However, support from others on this planet against Trump is also important. To some degree we all affect one another and his rise into the seat again would directly impact a LOT of people, even outside the U.S.


I'm hoping that there is now enough anger and frustration for us to carry the momentum past the voting gates and straight into very strong pressure towards all politicians. This IS fixable. The message is there, even if it will result in violence from our militarized police force.

Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations (x.com)

There were a series of accusations about our company last August from a former employee. Immediately following these accusations, LMG hired Roper Greyell - a large Vancouver-based law firm specializing in labor and employment law, to conduct a third-party investigation. Their website describes them as “one of the largest...

Xanis ,

It's important to remember that the people who are okay with this report probably won't speak up. Those who find reasons to not be okay will speak loudly. Personally, I take reports like this with a grain of salt and an assumption we are told only the good or neutral bits. I then decide if those bits are enough to constitute good will. In this I feel they are.

So good job: LTT.

Xanis ,

Looking forward to the sudden, definitely inexplicable, price increase of specific hardware at about the nine month mark.

Xanis ,

First time I experienced this exact sentiment was years ago playing Dynasty Tactics.

99% chance to hit?

Realize devs forgot to include the decimal. 90.1% chance of exploding.

Xanis ,

Whoa hey man, he gave us a range! Next thing we know you'll be demanding he know her name and have met her parents or something crazy like that.

Xanis ,

There is a place nearby where you can buy 5 boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese for $5. Used to be a box for $.50-75.

When your next stubbed toe could require you to sell an organ, cheap Kraft seems perfect.

Xanis ,

Yup. People up in arms over this should be reminded that if you want to support SJ here that, in a worst case, you are directly supporting the privatization of vocalization. Like to goof around by talking in Morgan Freeman's voice? Be prepared to get slapped with a notice to stop. That voice is off limits, and oh also your natural voice sounds like this person.

Is this silly? Absolutely. But dammit we see what's happened to Youtube so be aware of the risk.

Xanis ,

Obviously there is a difference. However, I am very aware that if something can be monetized, someone will try to monetize and monopolize it. A few years ago, and possibly still today, the word Saga was trademarked. Disney has attempted to trademark common phrases and such in some cultures. Sony has made attempts. I'm certain Apple has tried. The Pokemon Company. Nintendo. A tiny Youtube creator uses their own music and one chord sounds vaguely like some song and they get demolished.

Don't think for a second that companies haven't sat in meetings and gone, "Do we think we can trademark the sound of a voice? Can we OWN that likeness?" These fuckers would privatize air if they thought they could get away with it. Sound pissed all you want, the reality is we've very likely dodged this bullet once or twice already, so we should be aware.

Xanis ,

Okay, fair enough. I did say worst case, though how you explain it makes sense. I don't trust that they won't try eventually, you're probably right that they won't do so without outcry. I appreciate the down to earth reaction and explanation!

Xanis ,

Nah man, there would be some form of cultural disdain for types of tails. It would become another form of racism. Got your culture, looks, skin color, etc and at the end "tail type". There would be whole sociocultural wars started over tail length. People would go around hiding their tails claiming fashion forward practices to fit in.

Politicians would claim bus seats with holes aren't safe in order to put down the people who primarily use them. Activist groups would come out saying that pants with openings for tail comfort goes against the teachings of the Great Tailed God. Eventually there would be a change towards equality, though never justice. Beneath the false peace people would still be whispering and somehow those few with the "nicest" tails, born into fabulously-tailed families, would always have more privilege and often not understand how having a different tail can be an automatic disadvantage.

Xanis ,

First time seeing this.

Don't make the same mistake Reddit did. Not all of us are degens on here 24/7.

Xanis ,

Sidenote: The Gameboy in the last panel looks like a mouth with buckteeth.

Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets (arstechnica.com)

But of course we all know that the big manufacturers don't do this not because they can't but because they don't want to. Planned obsolescence is still very much the name of the game, despite all the bullshit they spout about sustainability.

Xanis ,

They're almost all small. You're a bit off center too.

Xanis ,

To expand a little I feel it's more that people do not understand racism appropriately rather than not wanting to speak about reality. People, ironically, fear being labeled. For most racism is blatant and obvious. A "do not say or do these specific things" mentality. This leads to the misunderstanding. The reality (as you say) is we should acknowledge racism. By acting like it isn't there we are doing a disservice to the people who are affected by the systemic issues that do exist.

In the U.S. this is very much a larger cultural issue, while also being a problem elsewhere in the world. If I had to guess: Cultures with stronger authoritarian leanings in significant sub-cultures such as work and familial structures also see stronger racism or similar beliefs on the same tree. How is this fought? Humility and acknowledgement.

Xanis ,

I appreciate that it's made for my thumbs as opposed to other, less keyboard optimal digits.

Xanis ,

Fucking better than the situation I'm running full tilt from:

Company is based in one State in the U.S. ALL their regular employees are unionized in that State. They accrue vacation time faster, get paid more, etc etc than us, who work in a different State and who do the same work. Even their mental healthcare is different, with the company supplying mental health support and help and funds. We get a number which directs us to the healthcare we pay for through the company. Thaaanks.

I'm normally not this blunt a person though: "Lol fuck you guys. Byyye." is basically my response once I found out.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

Xanis ,

How do you expect Trump to do as President if he wins?

Xanis ,

Oooh no you don't. You can't do the shitty Manager thing and try to toss this back at me. Answer your own question.

Xanis ,

Are we, uh...taking this at face value or monkey pawing it? Cause some of those seem great on the surface, though one small twist and that shit becomes a curse.

Xanis ,

If the ads are unobtrusive and interesting, and not clearly based on harvested personal data, I wouldn't mind.


Xanis ,

It isn't about feeling bad about them, it's about bad feelings about yourself. Low self-esteem, learned helplessness, expectations of bad outcomes, identification of bad traits in ourselves we know shouldn't come out at work, amongst others. This isn't even about the often referred to "Imposter Syndrome", though for some this is the truth, it's all about those expectations on ourselves and lack of appropriate communication by bosses and managers.

This is leadership at its most basic.

Ball up all the little insecurities we have at work and merge them with poor communication from people in authority, and you have an anxious and debilitating soup. Sprinkle in financial issues and general uncertainty about life and I think most of us just expect things to go wrong.

So yes, take what you can from an employer. Also try and take time where you can to give back to yourself.

Xanis ,

Just, y'know...grab the edge and tactical roll like a baby tyrannosaurus.

Xanis ,

Whoaa there. That's a bit extreme, don't you think? Maybe turn it down a bit. Best we can do is Universal Debt and cardboard boxes.

Xanis ,

I mean I agree, though I also see the benefit of pushing the super wealthy who are more on our side to do more good. Like it or not, money go burr. I'd like to keep as much of that working for us as possible.

The rest on the other hand, those purely doing it for the high score and fuck you written in cursive: Those can go play on their private landing strip as a plane comes in.

Xanis ,

Neither are a significant number of the non-wealthy. So again, I'll take what help we can get.

Xanis , (edited )

Worked in retail awhile back. Kept having glass shit fall off displays and ends. It wasn't TOO often, just enough to be an annoyance. They were stacking glass product on top of one another. I explained why this was a problem; they didn't care. Some time later I came back to the bosses with an argument:

This is how much we're charging for the product.

This is how much I make per hour.

Cleanup of said broken product takes X time.

This is how much I make in that time, or Y.

Which means a single broken product that breaks costs you Z, multiplied by the number of times it happens, plus the cost of the product itself.

This was what got their attention. These people usually aren't human, they're sociopaths. Remember that.

Xanis ,

I wonder how many of them have little to no sexual or romantic interest in persons presenting as their gender? Like, I'm trying to mentally map someone who likes to engage in sexual activities with someone of the same gender and yet only really have an attraction to a part of that gender, rather than be attracted to the entirety of the person as many of us are.

There's gotta be a legitimate term for this.

Xanis ,

This makes sense. I've struggled to follow the different monikers and identities. Fully, I just accept people and recognize and respect what they want to be identified as to the best of my ability, and apologize if I forget as I adjust. Thank you for putting terms to it. I didn't realize Pansexual meant that in context.

Xanis ,

I imagine most people are just trying to survive.

Xanis ,

I'm going to point out something else that, unfortunately, will feel like an attack to some, though I hope my viewpoint is sound:

Taylor Swift is a product of an industry supported by us. Maybe not you, the reader, specifically, though by a couple billion around the world, across often only dozens of artists. That is entertainment. That is the industry. A byproduct and need of this career is travel and you certainly aren't taking a sailboat across the Atlantic to meet deadlines. Now, I am not blaming us. As always it is the industry and those expectations that should be blamed. We are a tiny part of a larger, global issue, though discriminated against and blamed due to our lack of individual authority. Gaslighting is a hell of a drug.

So while I can question Swift's initial amount of private flights, I will also point out that her hopping in a plane is likely akin to us driving a car, in the essence of usage of resources. We all use in excess to some degree and she did dial it back. That alone is important. Finally, I want to call out the bandwagoners and the envious.

I haven't knowingly listened to a single Taylor Swift song. Not sure I could name one tbh. Though for all the energy those of you who are envious put into criticism of what I can tell is one of the lesser evils amongst the many billionaires ruining this planet, you could be doing more and better. I'll admit, many of the memes were rather funny and dunking on someone with the wealth to afford a team of private therapists can be enjoyable, it has bothered me that we leaned so hard on seemingly (so far) the one wealth enjoyer with a bit of empathy.

Anyway, on the toilet at work. So if you need a reason for this there you go. lol I recognize that I probably don't have all the info. Plenty of people will likely come out with some nitpicked story or article or claim. On the scope of actual problems though? Taylor isn't one of them, I feel. At least not yet. Hopefully not ever.

Xanis ,

Darla there reads like a coherent Trump.

Anyone wanna bet on it being a fake account meant to spread misleading information on unions, while appearing to be voicing legitimate concerns?

Xanis ,

Is it? Hahaha well, at least I'm on the same page. Can't catch them all. My bad.

Xanis ,

In the U.S. you might lose your job if you don't. One missed alarm.

Good luck.

Xanis ,

Sure. Though that doesn't change the shittiness at all. It just represents the issue the loudest, and one that occurs in more places than just the U.S.: Abysmal working conditions and shitty bosses. Forgive me for pointing out something I think everyone already understands, though we are part of a global economy. To create effective change we should also act as a global force to promote those changes.

In a perfect world, at least. Sadly, problems on our own doorstep takes away a lot of energy to do just that.

Xanis ,

We're doing that thing where we blame the person and not the system that provokes these choices. Statistically, a significant number of people in the U.S. are living paycheck-to-paycheck. To them their life almost literally depends on making it to work. I am not saying it isn't stupid and dangerous. I am saying that being a few minutes late for safety shouldn't decide if you get to eat that week. It should, by any reasonable account, be requested to make up. Not placed on some arbitrary point system or lofted lazily over the person's head as a form of control.

Xanis ,

That reminds me: TheEpicNate315 released another video yesterday. Gonna have to find some time here.

Xanis ,

Literally the only thing I still "use" Reddit for is [insert niche issue here]

Google: Reddit [what the fuck is happening??]

Usually get a decent starting line.

Xanis ,

Not gonna lie, thought that said "inventors" and I was like, "I'd watch that."

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