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Colour_me_triggered ,

Encourage your conservative family members to vote for Kennedy. Split the insanity vote.

bouh ,

The glory of a two parties system. The liberals even call this democracy.

HipHoboHarold ,

I feel like a lot of the comments are kind of proving the point. If we say we don't like Biden, then suddenly everyone assumes we aren't voting and therfore are helping Trump. In reality, the meme literally says nothing about voting. That's everyone else jumping to that conclusion.

"I'm just reminding everyone!"

Don't worry. We all know how elections work.

"I don't care if you don't like him! I care about votes!"

Cool. Then let me not like him.

stanleytweedle , (edited )

I don't 'like' Biden but I am voting for him. I've never 'liked' any politicians I've voted for- they're just the closest thing available to the tool I want to represent my interests in government.

You don't have to tell me you're voting for Biden but your 'not liking' him is irrelevant to me, because I do too. So if that's all you're talking about I can't help but assume you're focusing on irrelevant issues and ignoring the most important one right now- voting in 2024.

If you want to talk about specific policy goals, executive actions, legislative initiatives- I'd be interested. But if your focus is just abstract sentiments about a single politician that you only have one other, existentially shitty option for- you should expect to be dismissed by pragmatists that are focused on election outcomes.

If you ever find yourself 'liking' a politician, take a big step back. They're like lawyers- you want the most effective one you can get to represent your interests- but don't pretend they're not professional snakes that will bite you the second your interests are no longer aligned. In politics the only means you have to keep those interests aligned is voting (unless you're in the donor class but I'm assuming no one on Lemmy is).

Johnsonjay ,

Using the best signals, you can turn $500 into $3000 in just a few days of trading in the future and on the site, just start copying our signals and start enjoying your trades.As for a referral for good trading, checking out (Expert~~Eloi$e Wilbert) on ilint$ttrragrram, They have a user-friendly platform and offer a wide range of trading options.

werefreeatlast ,

Also remember that we don't actually vote for the president. That's the job of the electoral college. They just want to see if we all guessed it right.

Hey guess who is the next person to be the president? C'mon tell us! I'm going to guess Biden....I'm going to guess Trump! You are both wrong! The next president is this Gala Apple šŸŽ with a worm inside!

Thanks electoral college! Without you. How could we ever know who You want to rule over us all like a king?

werefreeatlast ,

From the government:


If the electors vote for President, why should I vote in the general election?

During the general election your vote helps determine your Stateā€™s electors. When you vote for a Presidential candidate, you arenā€™t actually voting for President. You are telling your State which candidate you want your State to vote for at the meeting of electors. The States use these general election results (also known as the popular vote) to appoint their electors. The winning candidateā€™s State political party selects the individuals who will be electors.

So let me rephrase, you don't vote for president. You merely provide a suggestion like an 8ball. The government picks electors (not you). They get to vote. Again, not you. So if you forgot to vote, don't worry, it's going to happen anyway. Like if they were going to choose Edgar Allen Poe, it doesn't matter what you want, they will vote for a dead person before they care about your vote.

jackvito ,


S_204 ,

Not voting for Biden is supporting Trump. Not voting is supporting Trump.

This is the simple reality of the situation. Memes don't make a difference in vote totals even if they make you feel special about being the hero you think you are.

SwingingKoala ,

Voting for Biden or Trump is voting for the imperialistic fascist USA. The world doesn't care if you get free health care or a little more hands on fascism at home.

Zibitee ,

Sounds like you don't understand international politics. NATO is fucked if Trump gets in. If you're stupid, don't open your mouth

Dasus ,
@Dasus@lemmy.world avatar

There's an enormous amount of straight up Russian trolls pushing "don't vote Biden".

Look at @ archcomrade @midwest.social

He doesn't even deny it. I got banned on political memes for calling him out on it.

Not voting for Biden is direct support for Trump, who is Putin's bitch.

pyre ,

what. yes, the world very much cares; we're talking about the USA here, everything that happens there affects us all. also is your solution to imperialistic fascism not participating in the elections? lol

jackvito ,

I saw an advert about her on YouTube news so I followed up to her IG page indeed sheā€™s worth to be praised with just $1000 I can now boost of $17,099 ( ƋXPĆˆÅ˜Å¤ Ć‰ÅĆ’ĆÅšĆ‰ Å“ĒÅBįŗ¼Å˜Å¤ )

Ensign_Crab ,

The meme didn't mention either. Just disliking Biden.

sudo ,

Genocide should not be a bipartisan issue. Genocide being unelectable even in just one party is good. If your starting position is "yes, both candidates will commit genocide" you should continue with discussion about direct action tactics. Otherwise I'll doubt that you actually think Biden is committing genocide.

33550336 ,
@33550336@lemmy.world avatar

Apart from liking or liking, do you vote against trump?

TheOakTree ,

A group holds a vote to either cross a bridge to side A or stay on side B. Staying on side A means you won't have much food. Going to side B means you still won't have much food, but also most of the food is poisonous.

Part of the group says "I don't want to starve, I refuse to vote in a way that accepts malnourishment as a solution!" Group C also opposes eating poisonous food. This partial group votes to try and find a better source of food (option C).

48% of people vote A. 49% of people vote B. 3% of people vote C.

Surprise, surprise, Group C had 0 impact on the starving situation AND helped facilitate the eating of poisonous food.

Fuck Biden, and FUCK Trump. But if you think voting for a leftist party or abstaining from voting will change anything in a system entirely designed around having only two candidates, you are just as okay with Trump as you are with Biden. At the very least, you are saying that they are equally as bad, showing that you clearly don't understand the dynamic.

SwingingTheLamp ,

Then there are those of us in Group D, who said 30 years ago that this exact thing would happen if we didn't do the hard work of developing an agricultural system. Now Group A blames us instead of Group B, and it's really too late anyway, the food will run out on either side of the bridge.

Leate_Wonceslace ,
@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I wasn't able to speak 30 years ago. 10 years ago, I was warning people about how AI was going to pose a problem unless we restructured society so automation benefited everyone. Almost 20 years ago I realized private insurance was a scam. Guess what? None of that shit matters. Playing the blame game won't help anyone fix it, but voting can buy us time.

WhatIsH2O4 ,

What a shit parable.

Lumisal ,

Well you are in a shitty situation.

TheOakTree ,

Thank you, I wanted to say this earlier but I was busy. It's a shitty parable to fit a shitty and broken system. If it were any nicer of a parable, I would have less to complain about concerning the electoral system.

bloodfart ,

Oh hey look, another thread for me to post in.

I will never vote for Joe Biden again and you can too.

The party for socialism and liberation is an American political party that has a platform of Palestinian statehood and an end to arms shipments to israel.

Vote psl this November.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

oh, look, it's the Trump lover again.

bloodfart ,

Not voting for trump and telling people how they can also not vote for trump is a funny thing for a trump lover to do.

archomrade ,

This election is going to go so well

stanleytweedle ,

'Dislike' and 'support' are immaterial. Votes are all that matter. Sorry in reality no one cares about your super nuanced political position but if you're not voting for Biden in 2024 you're either useless or an actively opposing my civil and human rights.

Saurok ,

Calling people useless is a great way to get them to vote for your candidate lol

stanleytweedle ,

Anyone that needs me to 'get them to vote' for Biden in 2024 is already a lost cause. I'm just talking about reality. Sorry if that triggers you, but not really though.

Saurok ,

Average Democrat campaign strategy

stanleytweedle ,

Yeah Dems tend to care more about democracy than gaining power at any cost. I'm sure you're more satisfied with Republican tactics.

Saurok ,

All both parties care about is getting re-elected and keeping the current capitalist system. The US is an oligarchy in a democracy suit.

stanleytweedle ,

bOtH SidES! lol

archomrade ,

If this is true then Biden's campaign is a lost cause.

stanleytweedle , (edited )

Yeah you should probably vote for Trump because... uh- idk- he is pretty popular with dummies and some of them are kinda hot and hot dummies are easier pickins if they think you're on their team. Get that dummy squish however ya gosta!

archomrade ,

In deciding people who aren't sure about your candidate are a lost cause, you've abandoned the voters you need to win

I'm not making a case for Trump, but you and everyone else who're passionate about Biden shouldn't be writing off everyone else

stanleytweedle ,

Meh- I don't have to coddle anyone. Anyone still 'unsure' about 2024 is either lying or hopeless. I guess if someone literally just woke up from an 8 year coma I'd give them a pass but that's about it.

Plus these conversations have a very niche audience of about 6 people, maybe one of which is actually an eligible US voter. But even so yeah- if Biden loses it's definitely because I didn't coddle the 'undecided' on lemmy enough ;)

Ensign_Crab ,

And yet everyone on lemmy who says anything at all in opposition to Biden's support for genocide is a Russian agent whose merest opinion to the contrary of centrist orthodoxy is singlehandedly going to cause Biden to lose.

Dasus ,
@Dasus@lemmy.world avatar

No, not everyone, but it would be rather naive to think that actual Russian agents don't exist.

Check out @archcomrade's profile. They don't even deny being a Russian nor do they ever claim to be American, despite doing literally nothing except posting "don't vote Biden".

Getting Trump to win is one of Putin's last hopes.

Theprogressivist ,
@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

Well, you are useless if you can't manage to do the one thing to prevent America from becoming an authoritarian state. But go ahead and keep complaining about how mean people are to you.

Saurok ,

I wasn't complaining, just pointing out how dumb it was.

electric_nan ,

"Super nuanced political opinions" such as being against an active genocide lol.

stanleytweedle , (edited )

Yep- sorry nobody cares what you think deep down inside, snowflake. Only matters how you vote. Biden or Trump- plus all the downballot stuff you don't care enough to think about. Pitch a hissy fit if you want but that's your reality.

electric_nan ,

Ok gee golly mister, you convinced me to support a war criminal! I'm sure he'll win now that you've secured my support :)

stanleytweedle ,

Of course you won't vote for Biden. Choosing the lesser evil in an evil world takes a lot of strength and you're obviously very weak.

electric_nan ,

Wait, I thought Biden was good, actually. Isn't he like our best president since FDR or something? Now you're telling me he's evil??

stanleytweedle ,

Yeah he's evil as Knievel, Jumps busses and shit. But you can't vote anyway so doesn't matter.

enbyecho ,

Can I make a suggestion?

Grow Up.

electric_nan ,

Grown ups know that sometimes genocide is cool and good, actually.

enbyecho ,

I think you illustrate my point.

Grown ups know that life is full of hard choices and that it's pretty damned rare that you get everything you want in any situation. We also tend to understand that there are many things that we cannot change or can only change a little, sometimes over a long period of time.

Choosing not to choose or "standing on principal" is often counter-productive.

electric_nan ,

Some principles ought to be inflexible. It's kind of the definition of a principle. I know what compromise is, and I know right from wrong. It's wrong to compromise on certain things. If growing up means forgetting that, then miss me with growing up.

enbyecho ,

The problem is they are not inflexible. You compromise ALL the time.

For example, you are perfectly willing to overlook all the other genocide in the world.

Think about it.

electric_nan ,

What genocide in the world can I do anything about? My country does most of them, and I never support them. I've been protesting my whole life. I am always against genocide. That is a principle. Not one you seem to share, but to each their own I guess.

enbyecho ,

So in other words, you choose to be flexible with your principles because there's so much in the world you can't do much about. All you can do is chip away. You've chosen this particular battle for reasons, but not others. Conveniently ignoring the consequences of that choice.

I rest my case.

electric_nan ,

In what way am I flexible in my principles? I've never voted for a genocidaire in any other country either.

Ensign_Crab ,

Grown ups know that life is full of hard choices and that itā€™s pretty damned rare that you get everything you want in any situation.

The last time centrists didn't get literally everything they wanted, they formed a PAC to get McCain elected.

Glytch ,

sorry nobody cares what you think deep down inside, snowflake.

I'm not usually a "both sides" kinda guy, but you sound exactly like a MAGAt.

stanleytweedle ,

Yeah you saw 'snowflake' and got too triggered to consider the rest of the comment so now I'm MAGA. That's not atypical.

Glytch ,

Blue maga. Red maga. Both are fanatics devoid of nuance.

stanleytweedle , (edited )

lol- 'Red\Blue maga'. You're entertaining.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

So you think Trump would oppose the genocide?

electric_nan ,

Trump isn't in charge right now. There is a genocide happening right now. Trump has nothing to do with that. How can you not want to pressure the guy that has the power right now to do something?

Theprogressivist ,
@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

That doesn't answer the question.

electric_nan ,

What Trump would do is an irrelevant question right now. This isn't about the future, it is about the present.

Theprogressivist , (edited )
@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

So you think Trump would oppose the genocide

This was the question. It's either yes or no.

Edit: I also find it hilarious that to you, his stance on Gaza is irrelevant when he is, in fact, running for president. Gotta love sticking your head in the sand so your own narrative makes sense.

electric_nan ,

And it is irrelevant either way. Do you think Trump has power to end this genocide right now? Yes or no?

Theprogressivist ,
@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

Again, avoiding the question. I'll answer when you do. It's not that hard, but thanks for telling me all I need to know, champ.

electric_nan ,

Sorry if I am more concerned with the ongoing genocide supported by the current fascist in power, than with the potential continuation of the same genocide by the next fascist who may come to power.

You don't really need my answer, and I don't really need yours either.

Theprogressivist ,
@Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

Cool story.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

No one said anything about not pressuring the guy, but right now isn't the time to be divisive. The US is literally on the brink of becoming a fascist theocracy, and Biden is the only one who can stop it.

It sucks that he's our only option, but that's life.

Shit on him all you want after the election, but right now isn't the time. The alternative is a guy who supports nuking Gaza.

electric_nan ,

What pressure are you putting on the guy? Guaranteeing him your vote is the opposite of pressure. It reads as endorsement or at least tacit approval of his policies. Assuming Biden actually cares to win the election, the best thing to do is threaten to withhold your vote. He still has five months to change voters minds. Let him see the polling, let his campaign see the mood on social media. Genocide is a red line, and it's a low fucking bar.

Ensign_Crab ,

but right now isnā€™t the time to be divisive

It's never the time, and all criticism is seen as divisive by people who can't abide critics.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

I'm sorry about your reading comprehension.

Ensign_Crab ,

So, when will it be the time, and what criticism is permitted without you considering it divisive?

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

After the election.

Yes, Biden supporting Israel sucks, but Israel isn't the biggest issue facing us right now. The existence of our country as we know it depends on the upcoming election.

Ensign_Crab ,

After the election.

You sure?

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Yes, there's that pesky reading comprehension again. I never said Biden didn't deserve criticism for his decisions regarding the Israeli genocide. But, he's literally the only person who can stand in the way of the US becoming a fascist theocracy.

Ensign_Crab ,

Yes, thereā€™s that pesky reading comprehension again.

You're deliberately mislabeling skepticism as stupidity.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

You're deliberately ignoring the parts of my comment where I have already answered your questions.

Ensign_Crab ,

taps the sign

NoLifeGaming ,

Or I dont wanna vote for someone who committed genocide.

stanleytweedle ,

Right on - don't vote. I'll decide if or which genocide(s) your taxes pay for. Just keep paying taxes and not voting- thanks.

Lumisal ,

Then don't pay taxes anymore if you actually mean it.

enbyecho ,

Or I dont wanna vote for someone who committed genocide.

It's funny and sad to me how little thought seems to be put into comments like this. It's like you're taking this position to be cool and fit in. It's more of a personal branding exercise than a principled position.

NoLifeGaming ,

Its funny and sad to me how much you decide to assume on my position, without first asking some questions or trying to understand. Whats also funny is my comment history exists where you can see some of the rational I have behind this position. Not that you'd agree with it but then you'd at least not be making a fool of yourself and saying that it is simply a "personal branding exercise"

enbyecho ,

Briefly reviewing your posting history confirms my suspicions.

Vespair ,

Yeah I remember being 12 and thinking I understood everything too

EmperorHenry ,
@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Good luck explaining that nuance to the average shit-lib.

suction ,

Ok but what no leftie has yet explained is who has asked them to like Biden?
Probably nobody who votes for Biden last time or this time around thinks heā€™s ā€œteh awesomeā€, weā€™re simply grown ups who are able to tell which is the least bad option.
Honestly lefties (if they arenā€™t just groipers posing as lefties) who think itā€™s a hot take to say Biden isnā€™t the optimal person to be President are all suffering from Captain Obvious syndrome while thinking theyā€™re the cleverest people ever.
Itā€™s cringe.

return2ozma OP ,
@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar
Ensign_Crab ,

Ok but what no leftie has yet explained is who has asked them to like Biden?

Criticism of Biden on this platform is reliably interpreted as support for Trump.

suction ,

Thatā€™s how it is in a highly polarised country where every vote is needed to avoid the end of democracy and possibly domestic genocide on POC and immigrants.

Ensign_Crab ,

Is there ever going to be a time when it is acceptable to criticize Biden? Because I very much expect that there will always be some criterion that must first be met before criticism is permissable.

suction ,

Youā€™re like the right wing chuds who loudly say ā€œyouā€™re not allowed to say things anymoreā€ while saying those things.
Actually youā€™re no different at all from them, itā€™s true that if you go far left enough youā€™ll end up on the far right.

Ensign_Crab ,

Yes, everyone to your left is all the way to your right.

suction ,

No just you

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