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phoenixz ,

Yet again destroying the internet even further.

No no no, you don't want to go see pages with creative content. Stay here in my walled little garden, I have such wonders to show you

phoenixz ,

I really believed that...

Uh-huh... There is a long, LONG list of bullshit that he believed, and continues to believe. There comes a point where we either have to accept that he has the mental level of a 5 year old believing in Santa Claus, or that he is a narcissistic compulsive liar.

phoenixz ,

I might be off here, but iirc, eater is about 1000 times denser than air, so 10 meters of water gives you the same pressure as the 10 kilometers of air above you. It goes fast.

phoenixz ,

Aarrrrr, I spotted a mythical jellyfin, strrrrraight ahead! It's even new and shiny!

phoenixz ,

Teams is the fuckin worst.

At this point I prefer to Skype before I'd teams, and I hate Skype with a passion already.

Call quality is abysmal compared to meet, it's a continuous crash, feature suddenly inexplicably doesn't work, and what not more. There is always somebody who can't get video turned on all of the sudden, always effin around with audio and this morning o cut off a teams call and decided to call the person by phone because that at least worked.

Fuck. Teams.

phoenixz ,

So to have a productive comment on all this teams shit (and slack shit too IMHO)

What is currently the best self hosted solution?

I used to habe nextcloud with only office, offering and allowing multiple users to work simultaneously on documents, next cloud itself rocked, but what about video and audio calls, what about chat? Anything out there that is integrated easily in next cloud?

phoenixz ,

The solution is -besides regulations for that - have governments push for much MUCH more bicycle roads and same for public transportation. With great public transportation and bicycle roads, most people won't need cars to begin with.

phoenixz ,

Well a few things there:

1: yes they want it, most people don't know what they're missing. Everyone always asks me why the Netherlands is so friggin nice when they go there. Limit cars, bignoaet odnthe answer

2: even if they don't like it, we're at the point of "do or die". Climate change keeps beating expectations in that it's always so much impressively worse than expected. Just now I read that CO2 dumping into the atmosphere actually is increasing, we're actually making it worse faster. Soon we'll be at the point of "where do we get fresh water" and "all our crops are dying". Then the wars start, not for "I want that oil of yours" but "I want that food of yours". It doesn't.need to be that bad, we still can fix it if only we wanted it.

3: bicycle infrastructure and public transportation infrastructure is so so much cheaper than all the car crap we've been building for the past 7 decades. Cheaper to build, cheaper to maintain, It's quieter, it's healthier, which lowers healthcare costs for nations, it's prettier, cleaner and solves an enormous part of climate change. If only car and oil companies could stop bribing pushing our politicians

phoenixz ,

HI WINNIE POOH! How have you been, have you had your daily dose of honey yet?

phoenixz ,

Should you though?

I get it, it's annoying, but the entire "let's block people with opinions I don't like" is probably the single source of pillerization and increased extremism on the internet.

If I'm not allowed to have a discussion or disagreement with you, and get kicked out instead, I'll just go to places where they will talk with me and where it's chock full of other idiots like me who are much more extreme and in our safety bubble we can all continue not beat the same dead horse and circle jerk and make eachother more extreme because there are no dissenting voices, there are no voices or reason and calm, there are no cooler heads around.

This entire moderation where we simply started dumping people with who we disagree has made the world a.much, much worse place.

Granted, it sucks to have to deal with crazies and extremists, but at least whilst they're in the group we can all keep them grounded in reality.

phoenixz ,

not safe debating

Sorry, just to comment on this one: I really dislike that phrase, its use is part of the reason why we are where we are. You ARE safe, all the time. It's not like you talking in a lemmy instance puts you at risk of being shot in the head.

You may encounter assholes, and opinions that you don't like but that doesn't make you unsafe. Uncomfortable, mayby, for having to read information you oppose?

A black man driving and stopped by US police can claim he feels not safe. We lemmies are perfectly fine. I think many people need to grow a little thicker skin in that regard.

phoenixz ,

While LLMs have become a problem recently, this problem existed since way before that

phoenixz ,

Exhibit a

phoenixz ,

I very well get what you're saying but a lot of people don't understand the difference between "has a valid opinion I disagree with" and "is a flame troll LLM" and just block anyone with an opinion they don't like, loudly proclaiming"you are a bad fatig actor!"

I think it really made the entire world a worse place to be in, everyone is in their own echo chambers now, nice and safely shielded from scary opinions that don't align with their warped world view.

phoenixz ,

Cars will be needed, period

Having said that, 90something percent of car rides are under 5 kms and can be done by bike IF good biking infrastructure is available

We MUST redesign cities to become humans first, walking and biking must be easy, smaller cars can enter to destination, smaller trucks can enter to supply stores, and that's it. If you design cites for people and bikes, people will use it. Add good public transportation, and you're golden.

Right now in 99% of the cities in the world, using bikes is suicidal, walking anywhere beyond a parking lot is suicidal. We gotta change that part.

Most people will stop using expensive cars if they can bike everywhere, or use good regular public transportation for longer trips.

phoenixz ,

Wow, ten more suicidal people that really want to off themselves and also suddenly all started talking about Boeing, all at the same time. They'll also all off themselves in the coming weeks.

What are the chances of that happening?

phoenixz ,

Yeah after that first whistleblower saying he would not commit suicide, then somehow did it anyway, it is not a good look if a second whistleblower dies, no matter what the real reason was.

phoenixz ,

They may or may not. I've seen a documentary once about a Jaguar that killed a gazelle (I believe) that just had its calf born. The mother was dead and being eaten, the calf had nowhere to go and just stayed with the Jaguar who then sort of accepted the calf and let it live. They became this super weird parent - offspring pairing that, of course, didn't work. The calf needed feeding, there were obviously no gazelles near, and if I recall correctly it either died soon from malnutrition, or after a few days the Jaguar just killed it anyway. The narrator speculated that the Jaguar might have lost its offspring shortly before and still had that motherly instinct.

Moral of the story is. Animals are driven by instinct and hormones, don't trust they will not shred you.

phoenixz ,

You're forgetting child raping pedos in that list, right below the gross sexual habbits. I'd say that one deserves its own category

phoenixz ,

Nah, Musk is an incompetent idiot who got incredibly lucky and managed to fail upwards. He's not eccentric, he's just an asshole

phoenixz ,

Yeah Microsoft isn't releasing this until we can use it responsible.

  1. we'll never be able to guarantee that. There will always be people abusing this.

  2. Though right now it's in the hands of Microsoft and likely requires a shit tonne of hardware to run (I'd imagine a collection of specialized servers), this tech WILL come out eventually, and eventually, everyone will be able to run it.

  3. I give it 5-10 years tops before anyone can just do this with anyone. Want to make a movie of trump or Hilary fucking a donkey? Done. Want to make a video of your 5 year old daughter in a gangbang? Done. The future is very bleak.

I'm honestly unsure if the internet was a good idea and I'm even less sure if humanity was a good idea.

phoenixz ,

I too have a bridge to sell you. You know it's great because I've successfully sold the same one a thousand times for the past decade already!

phoenixz ,

Open source? Standards?


Do that and Lose the chance of earning billions in royalties if WE manage to corner the market?

None of that will happen unless, say, the European Union will force manufacturers hands.

phoenixz ,

Also victims of communism: anyone aged 1-99 who happens to be the wrong family, who practices wrong think, who has family members who practice wrong think, who have an opinion, who like to be different, and I can go on for a while....

People like you should maybe watch 'the chekist". Once you're done and not crawled up in fetal position while crying maybe you can think for a little bit about what it is that you really want.

Seriously, you tankie types are nauseatingly naïeve.

phoenixz ,

Should I also keep in mind that most people don't know how nice Communist counties were to live in? Seriously, give me one, just one country that did communism successfully and where all the people could live in freedom and pursue happiness. Just a single example.

phoenixz ,

Yeah, try just about all northern European countries. Are there people that have fallen off the band wagon? Of course there are, shit happens everywhere. However, everyone there loves better and more meaningful lives than in ANY communist country.

I don't recall the last time in northern Europe (second world war aside) where literally everyone except a few elites (hello Russia) had to stand in line for hopefully some food

phoenixz ,

The TikTok van isn't bad, it's great for humanity, it's great for kids.

Can we now do the same with Instagram and Facebook and the likes? Basically all of social media?

Can we also please start banning kids from the Internet now? Since 20 years ago I've been saying that kids under 14-16 should not be on the Internet, or if they do, with monitoring and very limited time and access. The Internet is NOT a healthy place for kids. Hell, today they Internet isn't a healthy place for adults, but that is a different story.

I hate desantis, but that Florida kids and social media ban is great

phoenixz ,

Yeah and that's the problem, they're no where near "as good"

phoenixz ,

Oh noes, another ad I don't see because or aaarrr.

I know, YouTube is different content, but it's just to make the point: if I gotta watch ads even while paying, then fuck you and your content, I'll get it somewhere else

An AI startup made a hyperrealistic deepfake of me that’s so good it’s scary (www.technologyreview.com)

Thanks to rapid advancements in generative AI and a glut of training data created by human actors that has been fed into its AI model, Synthesia has been able to produce avatars that are indeed more humanlike and more expressive than their predecessors. The digital clones are better able to match their reactions and intonation...

phoenixz ,

I actually agree with prison sentences for execs that push for criminal activities, especially if people die.

That said, new execs should then be brought in, who can keep previous execs in mind when making their decisions. Don't ship going assets off to Airbus. I like Airbus better than Boeing, but we need more competition, not less.

phoenixz ,

Casa definitely was worth it, just in a different way the king envisioned at the time

Paedophiles create nude AI images of children to extort from them, says charity | Internet safety | The Guardian (www.theguardian.com)

Internet Watch Foundation has found a manual on dark web encouraging criminals to use software tools that remove clothing. The manipulated image could then be used against the child to blackmail them into sending more graphic content, the IWF said.

phoenixz ,

Well they're not wrong, tech had been and still is for a huge part driven by sex. Nothing to be proud or ashamed about, it simply is what it is, we're humans and as much as we pretend to all be prudes, we looooove a good sex.

phoenixz ,

Well honestly, if pedos having a go at VR AI kids keeps them from harming actual children
... People do fucked up things, if we can give them a VR AI outlet then let's go

phoenixz ,

The batteries in my awesome 49 bucks LG HBS 800 are still alive and kicking like 10 hours per day after what, 5 years now? Too bad this particular one was discontinued, but at least I have 2.

I also had 300 dollar sony buds, half the Audio quality with batteries that lasted 6 months, now I have 5 minutes of shitty audio quality before they die, yay!

Fuck these design to fail products, they should be outlawed

phoenixz ,

The ollbly difference in charging patterns is that the LG headset already lasted 10 hours from the start where the Sony only lasted 5. I couldn't get a full day of work out of the Sony's

phoenixz ,

2000 plus all your personal information, habbits and sex noises you make.

phoenixz ,

Which then raises the question: why isn't the US using open source software everywhere, paying the same -or very likely - much less to maintain and expand said software? Can you imagine the money stream towards thousands of devs fixing any (but, feature or security) issue, which they would already do for free? Finally some recognition and so on.

Finally they'd have software that they can trust and rely upon, it'll kill one huge company and spawn hundreds of smaller companies. Win-win all around

phoenixz ,

Now for all governments in the world: install Linux already and get it over with. Cut your dependence on an abusive and crappy software vendor

phoenixz ,

Really? Maybe ask redhat? Ubintu? And those are the large ones, there are loads of companies that give support contracts.

phoenixz ,

Also, move ssh to a different, higher port. Since ssh isn't exactly for noobs, changing the port is easy enough to work with and that alone already reduces port scans and what not

phoenixz ,

Just install Linux already, get rid of this Microshit crap

phoenixz ,

Install Linux and be done with the microshit nonsense.

"Oh but this particular thing requires 20 minutes of my time to figure it out" then take 20 minutes. On windows you took a lot more, you can spare this

But "insert specific hardware or software here" doesn't work in Linux! Then find alternate ways. I've used a Linux desktop for well over 29 years now, I had problems , like everyone else, but I never faced any of this and all the other bullshit from Microsoft. Bluetooth didn't work? I got a different adapter that does have Linux drivers.

Linux is growing bigger and bigger, more companies will support it, just use it. Worst case you change problem a for problem b but at least you're no longer paying to be spied on.

F everything about Microsoft

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