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shalafi ,

Used Firefox on and off since it came around, not a fan. But if chromium blocks ad-blockers, I'm switching instantly. I doubt many people know or care enough to switch.

shalafi ,

The landlord hate is fucking exhausting around here. See an old comment of mine from reddit:

I had a very devout Christian landlord. We got a letter before Christmas, "Costs are going up for me..." Here we go. Well, we were getting a sweet deal as it was.

"...and I know costs are going up for you too so we're dropping your rent from $550 to $500. Have a Merry Christmas." That wasn't for December, it was from there on out. I don't cry over much of anything but I teared up reading that.

Dude walked the walked without talking a bunch of talk.

And that wasn't just us. He did that for everyone. Also, although only a trailer house, it was in the bougie suburb in 2018. The rent was already so low as to be unheard of. Dude bought the 6-trailer park and the RV place across the street, fixed it all up very nicely, no raise in rent. Since we were on the end facing his junkyard of crap, he put a privacy fence in for our wedding present.

Dated a girl in his largest RV park. Haven't seen a nicer one unless it was on the beach or somewhere upscale. Everyone got free internet.

INB4, "Yeah, well, that's an exception. Most landlords, bla, bla, bla." I've had all sorts over 30-years of renting. Almost all were guys who had a house or three and were barely making anything on the deal after mortgage and repairs. Institutional investors are 100% of the problem.

shalafi ,

I cannot see how Amazon expects to profit on this. Seems wildly expensive/complex and I'd rather wait than pay more for shipping.

shalafi ,

Oh! Still not sure that'll pan out, but I'm sure smarter people than me are working the Excel sheets.

shalafi ,

So it's a server rack in truck form? Now it makes a lot of sense.

shalafi ,

They were joking until the blood started to really pour.

shalafi ,

I learned it working telecom. For example, if you wish to offer 911 service, your service has to be operational 99.999% of the time.

It's more casually used to mean a service or operation is insanely reliable.

shalafi ,

How odd that it's only old men! Being that minorities, women and LGBT people are the largest gun buying demographic, you would think they'd be carrying as well.

shalafi ,

college kid level extremist on literally everything

It's really wearing me out on this platform.

I'm stealing that quote BTW. You can't stop me.

shalafi ,

But the headline promised me a "massive explosion" and I'm only reacting to those words. Didn't read the article, nor did I watch the video to see what actually happened.

"Down with Musk!"

Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?

I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and...

shalafi ,

Pull that in my state without both parties consenting, that's a felony. Even if I call a 1-party "it's ok to record 'em" state, they still have to let me know because my state is 2-party. No sane company is fooling with this.

SOURCE: Zoom admin and sysadmin for 10 years.

shalafi ,

Had a storm here Monday that got me thinking on this. Never seen the solar lights come on at 10AM. The rain across the street was going a different direction than it was in my yard.

Coming from Oklahoma, I'm no stranger to thunderboomers, but that one got my heart rate up, no lie. Went down to the creek last night and it was opaque from the silt still coming from upstream. Never seen that.

shalafi ,

You're only thinking about the biggest of the CEOs, the ones you read about in the news. 99.9% are not like that. The vast majority have to actually lead the company. Some suck, and fail. Some are awful and get by on luck for a while, then fail. Some are kickass and keep the company moving forward. Most are in between.

shalafi ,

Better article:


They restored from another cloud service. Were I in charge, I'd still be leery of not having that data on my own drives. I have my Windows libraries mapped to my ghetto RAID 0, and those folders are in turn backed to Google. If all else fails, I have a local backup. And this story reminds me, I haven't installed VEEAM on this new PC...

shalafi ,

I've done about exactly this. Probably bail later this afternoon.

"Sorry team, gotta split early. Something personal came up I have to deal with."

shalafi ,

"1791 was the year it happened. I was 24, younger than you are now, but times were different then. I was a man at that age: the master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans."

shalafi , (edited )

Could a reply be any more perfect?!

Louis: Hot as balls, forever young, immortal, never grow sick, never die, best friend is a literal rock star, has to eat a poodle now and again.

"Woe is me!"

I'm in the woods and swamps a lot. Always think of this line:

"Then on a diet of the blood of snakes, toads, and all the putrid life of the Mississippi..."

shalafi ,

Same. And I still steal Prime videos. Why hassle?

shalafi ,

Say it out loud. We're both pirating content we've paid for. What a dumb system.

shalafi ,

Or shotgun shell sizes and loads.

"It all started in 1840 when the dram was a common unit of measurement..."

shalafi ,

You can skip the MS account, but it takes effort.

Do NOT connect to the internet, or you're hosed and will have to start over.

SHIFT+F10 to get a command prompt.

cd oobe


It'll reboot and now you'll have options to skip the MS account for a "limited experience". Once you get a desktop, connect to the internet.

shalafi ,

Where there's a will there's a way! Don't give up.

For example: Use a small and VERY hot nail to melt a sideways hole. Patiently. Use the same nail as a tab. (Probably have to shorten in before the final push.)

shalafi ,

Can I nitpick a thing? 01/06 gave me fucking PTSD. I watched for 8-hours that day and can't watch 60-seconds now. I really can't. I can barely glance at a picture. Now I truly know what triggered means.

But those animals weren't "armed" in any sense of the word as we typically understand it. Yes, some had guns "off campus", but they were too pussy to bring 'em.

Anyway, sorry. I'll be the last human on Earth to downplay that day.

If they want to start showing out armed? Aight. Not all liberals are gun shy.

shalafi ,

I got an idea, and it's kinda nuts, so bear with me.

Stop buying fast food. Just fucking stop.

"We keep buying and they keep raising prices and we keep buying! We're getting fatter by the second! Whatever shall we do?"

I ate out everyday, sometimes twice, for a couple of years. Now I eat out once a week, tops. Fuck 'em, won't pay it.

shalafi ,

3rd stage needs a tiny Dollar General.

shalafi ,

It's a cute little lemmy meme. No one does this. No one talks about this. No one expects this. It's fake outrage.

shalafi ,

Why do you say so?

shalafi ,

That's a solid negative. Sorry you're being downvoted to hell. You might have some points we could all talk about.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • shalafi ,

    This is why Half Life was a game changer. Played that on a 400Mhz machine with an 8MB graphics card. Ran like a top.

    50MB fully playable demo, hooked me. Took all night and several tries to get that over dialup, but I got it done and played till dawn.

    Even Half Life 2 could be played on crappier hardware without too much sacrifice.

    shalafi ,

    Doom 3 did that, first time I had seen it. They want to check if your shit is pirated. For Doom you could drop your local IP and login, no longer.

    shalafi ,

    Yep. HP P1102W here. I print a bunch for work and myself. Can't even say how long a $20 toner cartridge lasts. I'm surprised when it finally runs low.

    shalafi , (edited )

    Feeling it. Starting to look myself.

    Moved to a new team, former boss was frustrating, to say the least. Great company on the whole. Maybe I'm an idiot?

    Pinged tonight by my new manager, who is on PTO but kinda half-ass working anyway. Some shit, "When I get back." Other shit, "Do this now."

    "Updated user account per his manager."

    "Told you not to touch that till I get back."

    "You updated the tracking sheet saying do this thing."

    Fuck me. I can't keep up with conflicting verbal orders, ticket orders, Slack orders, and Jira orders. Am I supposed to provide a fucking timeline as to what was ordered at what date and time?!

    "Also the list in that email, go ahead and make all of the users except $X and $Y as regular users."

    "Uh, no warning?"

    "No need to update the sheet at this moment. I will deal with the people on the list when I am back."

    Done. And still working on it. Now I have no idea whether to continue.

    EDIT!: Boss was wrong a fully apologized! He's gotta stop half-assing being on PTO and trying to work anyway.

    shalafi ,

    Same. Mine's 11+ years old, flawless. Even if it finally shits the bed, I can probably get a refurb kit for a few bucks.

    shalafi ,

    Thank you! Folks around here are always baggin' on CEOs like they're the top dogs. Nope. The Board often orders them to do stupid shit, and sometimes they're brought on to do stupid shit. Hence the golden parachute thing. Damn straight I want paid if you fire me for doing what I was told.

    shalafi ,

    Thought this was a white girl thing. Nope. Crept into bed last week with my wife,

    "And then he cut his sister's throat because of the boy she was with and mom wouldn't buy him a pistol..."

    LOL, I think she's doing it right now!

    shalafi ,

    It's horrifying that so many are so lonely and desperate that they fall into parasocial relationships.

    I'm not going to beat the drum for conservative "traditional families", but there are reasons those dynamics got us out of tiny tribal units and built societal strength. At the least, children require TWO parents, and IDGAF about gender or sexual orientation. Kids need TWO points of view to bounce off of, respond to. TWO people to be responsible for their care and health.

    Social cohesion had shredded to the point that children, and far too many adults, see a pop culture figure as not merely relatable, but personally relatable.

    And remember kids, "personally relatable" is where the old-time religions got the idea of a personal Jesus.

    shalafi ,

    I am not discounting anyone's experience. I am not saying this isn't happening. But I don't see it.

    LiberalGunNut™ here! You would think watching gun related videos would lead me down a far-right rabbit hole. Here's my feed ATM.

    Meh. History, gun comparisons, chemistry, movies, whatever. Nothing crazy. (Don't watch Brandon any longer, got leaning too right, too political. Video's about his bid for a Congressional seat in Texas. Not an election conspiracy thing. Don't care.)

    If anyone can help me understand, I'm listening. Maybe I shy away from the nutcase shit so hard that YouTube "gets" me? Honestly don't get it.

    shalafi ,

    Said it before, they're dumping low value customers for high value customers. This can be a legit strategy!

    But not in this case. As you said, they're going to milk the cow dead. We wouldn't touch VMware with a ten-foot frog. Leaning into Proxmox ATM, working great so far.

    shalafi ,

    Some states do exactly that, or did back in the day. 30-years ago in Oklahoma, an old 2-ton dump truck with an antique plate was $20, a new Corvette $600. I think Texas flipped that and charged by weight vs. value.

    shalafi ,

    Saw another post that had many great points. What if TikTok leaned into propaganda, topics like reunification with Taiwan? I promise that will effect us, big time.

    Walmart seems to ONLY have a “technical issue” when it comes to requesting a refund. All other areas of the website work perfectly fine! (lemmy.ca)

    Any time saved by ordering online and picking up the order has vanished chasing customer support people to fix something that would have taken a few seconds through their website.

    shalafi ,

    Tell me you know nothing about front or backend webdev...

    shalafi , (edited )

    This is such a childish take. As if you don't participate in the economy, as if you are unaffected by its swings. It's like children bitching about traffic while being a part of it.

    I've been working towards self-sufficiency for years, off grid. How about you? No? Then you best pay fucking attention to how the economy works.

    shalafi ,

    Our tech leans heavily on AS400s, if you can believe that. And we have 98% market share in our space. They're complex, but they work, and don't fail.

    shalafi ,

    Yes, there are clear benefits to working in person. If one can't see that, I'd say that person has social issues. I could go on...

    BUT, WFH is clearly a better solution all in all. Better for employee mental health, better for the environment, all that and more.

    My company (software dev) seems to be navigating this well. We're leaning heavily on hiring people local to our remaining office. One person is required to come in, Tuesday-Thursday, and that's what we hired them for, a warm body in the office to assist. For the work I do, I need someone around to accept deliveries and help around.

    While no one else is mandated to come in, it's nice that they can. Teams meet up, get to know each other, work together briefly, etc., good for morale. We're social animals, we benefit by socializing. This should be obvious, but lemmy tells me otherwise.

    One time I was hanging around the office, wanted to meet a user to fix their SSD. Couple of other folks were there, no one on my team. Shooting the bull with the CSR manager I learned a useful thing I didn't know! Couple of devs sitting in front of me were talking about a thing my team was confused about. "Hold up! So what's the deal with that?" Wouldn't have thought to ask them otherwise. Talking to another guy I became aware of some new tech I didn't know about.

    Picture this: I have two people wanting me to help them, both asks being equal. One I know personally, the other I've only seen on Zoom. First guy came to my wedding, the other I haven't seen since I onboarded them. Who you think I'm helping first?

    Story I related to senior management, including the CEO, while having dinner one night. Poster on reddit claimed to be a tech recruiter. This guy kept a list of local companies mandating RTO. He went after them on LinkedIn for remote work, "Like shooting fish in a barrel." LOL, half our staff, the best half, would walk if RTO was mandated.

    shalafi ,

    All with ya! Mandating RTO is a bad strategy, companies will lose top talent. But, as I said, there are benefits to getting together in person now and again.

    shalafi ,

    Got a couple of acres of swamp down here. Friend of mine won't visit because of the mosquitoes. Makes sense, right? Swamp = mosquitos.

    But there are hardly any! Might get buzzed twice at sundown, that's it, far worse at my home. Also, unlike everywhere else in the South, there are zero fire ants. Literally not a single ant to be found.

    All because I have a robust ecosystem out there. The tiny "ground attack" spiders, whatever they're called, are legion. You won't see one unless you look for 'em, or shine a flashlight across the ground at night. 100s of thousands per acre, maybe a million+.

    I got banana spiders with fat webs for traps, dragonflies and hummingbirds for helicopters and jets. Tiny lizards prowl everywhere. Tiny fish in the "ponds" eat any larva or eggs that get in there, sometimes surface bugs.

    All that scales up to snakes (oddly rare), small mammals, raptors, you get the idea.

    tl;dr: Healthy system = hellish Deathworld for insects.

    One other note: I've cleared about 1,200sq./ft. at the main camp site. Just that tiny bit of clearing is noticeably hotter than 60'-80' down the trail. Haven't taken thermometer readings, but you can feel an easy 5°F drop. Amazing that such a small spot becomes a heat island. Now look at the top and bottom pics. Does the bottom pic look hot to you? Does the top pic evoke feelings of coolness? Yeah. Imagine what our cities, roads and fields are doing to the overall environment.

    shalafi ,

    As to that, see my comment:


    Chiggers are a massive problem I forgot to note! Not sure what to do about those.

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