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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising (www.techradar.com)

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Imma make the jump once they force me to 11. I've been saying this for years but they finally got something cooking i truly can't abide. That screenshot of what you're up to every ten seconds is fucking terrifying to me and that's not even considering govt snooping. I ain't about to leave a record of my porn consumption for my wife to see lol! Linux is finally juuuust about idiot proof and game friendly enough for me. Can't wait to be one of those smug guys that says 'just use linux lol'

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

I didn't know laser was an acronym! Cool!

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

You're just like the ones i hear saying RATM went soft. Stop being a dumbass, it's infectious for some and the rest of us are embarrassed for you.

This comment isn't just to get you angry, though it is that too. The second part, here is to tell you that ad hominem is a widely used propaganda method to shut down thought on important topics.

Does where snowden decides to post his message reduce, at all, the content of that message?

Easy! No. Not at all.

So don't carry water for the ones who silence dissent. It makes you useful to them, and useless to the rest of the world

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

There's lots of em, some are in the replies you got before mine. The point isn't whether you believe them, the point of them is to make you not want to listen to RATM. Hell after 9/11 there was a memo put out asking radio stations not to play certain 'anti establishment songs, but only one band was called out specifically for total blackout. Wanna guess which it was?

Their message is powerful, and getting more obviously true every day. I dont give a single fuck about whether they for paid for being a successful band, and neither should anyone with a modicum of understanding in the message they speak.

Regardless, thinking they're hypocrites isn't what matters, people are free to think that. The only thing that matters is whether thinking that way stops one from listening to their words, which are true no matter what you think of them. If one decides not to listen don't because someone said they're now RWTM, somebody in psyops is happy for their ignorance

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

See guys? Comments like this one. Note how the premise of my comment was ignored and they engaged in ad hominem, while saying (without saying) that you should ignore them completely. This is the kinda fud to look out for

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

Don't apologize, you did a great job. Now id like you to read the entire chain along with snowden's words so you can catch up on the whole point of this thread. Do this and you'll be less "object lesson" and more "lesson learned".

I'll edit my comment too. See how this commenter is doubling down? They offer nothing, (even couched within their ad hominem), of substance. I mean to say that they disparage the "message" as having "less meaning"without really explaining why.

Indeed, the commenter invites the reader (by agreeing with them) to engage in 'virtue signaling' (by again saying without saying), conflating their distaste for corporate sponsorship and expensive tickets (something we all share) with a reason to not listen to RATM at all.

It's another great example of bad reasoning one might fall prey to if one doesn't engage in critical thinking.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Ok, youre one of them who can't stop replying when their feeling are hurt. Shoot your last shot in, and go smoke a cig or something, cuz it's the last reply for you today. Ill check in with you later, maybe in a week.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

The important thing for you to consider is if i did, would what i just said be less true? I invite you to consider this, and not in an Internet fight way where we flex our shit talking muscles at each other, but in a "hey, maybe there is a point worthy of debate" kinda way.

Like id be interested in considering the point that "the messenger does matter. I'm sure there are cases, but they'd be extreme cases to my mind.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

C'mon, we are in a privacy sub. Maybe you should take your frustration with me to pms and ill help you out, privately. The need to fluff your feathers for the others in the room is distracting you.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Then rather than engaging in an emotional battle, read the content of his statements and judge their veracity as an idea separate from the man. If motive is impossible to discern from the data you have, you need more data, right? At least if you know what it is that he is accusing the govt of, specifically, will help to determine more of the motivations behind his choice, right?

I'm not saying read them and believe them, but rather cast your critical eye upon his focus, and then perhaps you can poke holes in his conclusions or discern what, if he's lying, those lies are meant to achieve

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

If this continues, bailout incoming

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

This is definitely more plausible than their improving build quality

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Master of mankind

1998 Hell in a cell reference, yeah? That's the only thing that coherents up this comment

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

I keep thinking of the matt Damon puppet in team America world police.


the_post_of_tom_joad ,

your Mom is widely accepted

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Microsoft is talking control over its ecosystem. Will it police your os for piracy? Look at what you do so it can sell you products? The use case is infinite once they have the data

the_post_of_tom_joad ,


I looked that up. Ouch! Is it ok if i ask whether it hurts or feels 'good' to do? You have an urge, or is it like a nervous tic? I'm curious what it is like if'n it's no trouble

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

It’s a numbers game.

Shut your ignorant and definitely young-ass mouth. Think, for one second about what you just said. Does this make sense? Even i (not a doctor) can smell the stupid on this, cuz you pulled that out of your ass.

In the future, just shut your mouth and nod as if you understand when you're presented with new information.

Do this and you'll look smarter until you get smarter.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

...there’s a bug on your arm. It’s pretty much the same feeling...

I may be getting the wrong idea cus of the analogy, but is it directed towards a general spot on your scalp or do you feel like a specific follicle crawling on you you must remove? Wait, does talking about it increase the urge? Sorry if so, I'm really curious

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Haha you're right, usually i avoid the youth angle. But his comments smelled so youthful the words came out on their own. only the young get mad at the insult so i think in moderation it's a good tool

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Aargh ive had carpal tunnel to the point i had a brace on my WoW arm (though probably not as severe as yours). I have ADD too and scratch my scalp to where it bleeds when I'm nervous. Oops now im making it bout me lol. I actually just wanted to thank you taking the time to write up this detailed comment. So thanks!

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Thank you, it does!

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

They blamed us when news for shitty too."this is what you want". No. Its gaslighting and also fuck you. If you did what i wanted you'd all be long dead so shut the fuck up and get back in your volcano line

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

That kid is an alien, the goofy look is cuz he's about to meepmeep across the desert at the end of the movie. But what movie? its been awhile...Maaan is been awhile. Did it star Christian Slater? Was he a seti scientist? Was it a climate message movie? I need a minute...

EDIT: Haha as other poster said, it stars Charlie Sheen who for some reason i always get mixed up with Slater. So close... (not close)

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

From what i remember the entire sequence looked like dogshit even for its time.

Edit: lol it was actually worse than i remembered

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

I put in 64GB because I'm a piece of shit and those empty memory slots looked bad

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Bolexforpoop back wih pigshit again. The reason i don't block you is your neverending entertainment value. Keep posting king.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

It's not a protest if it doesn't inconvenience who you're protesting. All real protesters are arrested, because they inconvenience power (who have but the way made all inconvenient protests illegal).

I'm proud of these guys for standing up for what they believe in. Solidarity.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Agreed. I didn't mean to imply arrest was the goal but rather a common side-effect of effective protest.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

I still use noscript and ublock. How is ublock "everything and more" than noscript? i would love to be corrected by you but far as i know they are very different programs, each with their place

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Thanks, that does unlock new options!

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

So (and im asking for technical clarification as a layman) Facebook didn't put this data miner on unknowing user's phones but did pay teenagers to install one (onavo) on their phones that worked to decrypt traffic for everyone those users interacted with... Right?

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Banks have laws and regulations that they must abide by

Wait, did i step into an alternate universe? Did i escape the shadow realm? I'm free! I escaped the worst timeline!

How do y'all spell berenstain?

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Love me some proton

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

Propaganda worked on those people. I remember the news back then, it all focused on Snowden himself, rather than the revelations. Lots and lots of FUD in the opinion shows, all the talking heads were spending the bulk of their time opining on him, instead

Like the fact he left the us to escape prosecution, his landing in Russia. Remember they even tracked down his girlfriend or something ridiculous? I know I'm forgetting some of it. Anyway all that crap was designed to shift people's focus away from looking into his proof, and towards doubting the intentions of the person providing it. And boy, did it.

It worked, on a lot of people.

I still hear folks call him a traitor to this day, and they always parrot the FUD talking points i remember from back then to a T.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

I think a lot of the blue no matter who types are following the dem line. You can't attack Biden, sure. But the point they argue is always pushing ones mind towards the two party system. They don't want people to even start thinking about talking about 3rd party. Cuz the Democrat's (the party, not the voters) only platform is being better than Republicans and voting for a third party would ruin their whole thing.

It's working too. I had forgotten there even was a green party lol and they've been around since before i could vote.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

maybe federally. Maybe. They definitely wouldn't do anything to stop red states from implementing hurtful anti trans laws.

That is simply a possibility however. But we are in the now, with a Democrat controlling the executive branch. what are Democrats doing with their executive power to stop Republicans in red states from doing whatever they want?

If youre having a hard time coming up with anything, don't worry, so are we.

Is Biden doing anything now? Trans people are hiring now. How can you tell them "well it won't be better, but it could be way worse" and feel good about what that means to them?

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

Even if it doesn’t fix the problem, it’s at least slower, less severe. And not voting isn’t going to change that. It does nothing. It makes no statement, it makes no progress. You feel better not voting for Joe? Cool, so happy for you.

Ok, first, it is only less severe than something in our heads. Dems aren't slowing anything. Second: yo, what is this? Who said i wasn't voting? What's this attitude youre sending?

If I've done something to raise your ire im prepared to apologize, but if not maybe think about how you present yourself

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Thanks, accepted. :)

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Years and years ago my friends mom was complaining about taxes for public school. I said 'but your kids were public schooled!?' and she responded, perfectly seriously, "yeah but not anymore." (We had recently graduated). I have never forgotten this. It's real. Real people think like this

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Is this guy actually based or is he based like Taylor Swift? I wish to be in the loop

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Hey, youre right!

“Capitalism is a Moloch that requires human sacrifice, and its alienation is killing us.”

-Dale Earnhardt

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Perhaps not to destroy it but to make a new business model, selling the ability to get names for lawsuit purposes, and rather than users are going after a profitable extortion racket like yelp did where in exchange for a one time (or even monthly) fee will protect your business from bad reviews.

That's my guess, i couldn't read the article (paywall)

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

If i... Wanna rate work sites...as less than stars of five...

Its nunaya bidness!!

And if she wanna help the weak and tell it like it be then

Its nunaya bidness

-salt and peppa

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Sometimes they never get it, even when their actions directly lead to someone they love dying.

My buddy won't talk to his brothers anymore because they took their unvaxxed grandmother out to a concert and she got COVID and died a couple years ago. They (from what he said at the time) accepted no blame for this.

Personally i wonder if the consequences were too horrible for them to accept right away. Maybe with time, but i don't talk to them either.

Neoliberal adaptation (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

If the Twitter/X thing teaches you one thing, let it be this: Twitter was a neoliberal place. Then Elon Musk made it into X, a fascist place. Once again, neoliberalism laid the foundations of fascism. But that’s not the (whole) lesson… Neoliberal folks are still using X, calling it Twitter to make themselves feel better, and...

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Yeah iirc it was the clinical and pepper term to replace "mongoloid".

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Well ok then. It's not like im attacking your choice man, just joking about your hyperbole. :)

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