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CCF_100 ,

installs a datapack that disables creeper explosions without also disabling mob griefing

fury ,

Well, then, they ought to drop enough dirt for me to patch it. You think I carry stacks of dirt around with me all the time?

Klear ,

Is that a trick question?

Voroxpete ,

Yes. Of course you do. This is Minecraft. What kind of question even is this?

brown567 ,

The creeper hole stays as a testament to my foolishness

shani66 ,

I'll just move in to vintage story

Blemgo ,

Vintage Story is nice but fuck those bears.
Zero chill and you either have to relocate or do continuous kamikaze charges just to get rid of them.

Draconic_NEO ,
@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The server I play on has Mobgriefing disabled and has had it disabled for many years since people would use creepers to blow holes in people's walls and floors on purpose. Also ghasts were blowing up parts of the nether hub and gold farm (made of glass).

They also disabled fire spreading because people were destroying stuff with it both intentionally and unintentionally.

rbos ,
@rbos@lemmy.ca avatar

This is the way, unfortunately. I do that but allow players to set worldguard flags in their region to enable it. At their own risk.

Draconic_NEO ,
@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The issue is the server doesn't use plugins since they had lots of issues after each update while using plugins and the maintainers decided it wasn't worth it to maintain that. So as is it only has a script to minitor chat for commandts like :home :spawn :warp etc. and is otherwise completely vanilla.

There are some downsides like that villagers don't breed but they also do give out spawn eggs and occasionally spawners, so it's still reasonably easy to renew villagers. Big downside is that farmers can't replant crops, so all crop farms are manual.

cpw ,


KoalaUnknown ,

disables mob griefing

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Hey now the creeper just did the hard work for my new home

Yurgenst ,

I feel personally attacked by this.

Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I just mod out creepers because they're the worst.

SkyezOpen ,

I installed the mod that made them shoot explosive arrows into the air because I like my map to look like a war zone.

radiant_bloom ,

I always patch them with cobblestone so next time they only break the surface !

I would do obsidian but I have better things to do than mine obsidian 😂

Lemongrab ,

Obsidian farm, ez

Denvil ,

Can I just patch the top layer and then find it again way later :(

noxy ,
@noxy@yiffit.net avatar

at least stick a torch in there so nothing spawns!

flicker ,

I'm unbelievably lazy and this is what I do. Torch on every surface and then a patch of grass. Never had a problem.

I give people playing Minecraft with me the same warning I give my partners.

This is a blanket warning that everything I build on is chaotic in the same way my mind is, and any time you spend in my sandbox is time you spend rolling the dice on a fun new disaster.

WolfLink ,

Do you want underground zombies driving you mad?

At least fill every other layer with cobble so the underground zombies won’t spawn

phuntis ,
@phuntis@sopuli.xyz avatar

baby zombies also small slimes if it's a slime chunk patch up every layer

Interstellar_1 ,
@Interstellar_1@pawb.social avatar

Baby zombies also need two blocks tall to spawn. Spiders on the other hand...

Honytawk ,

Even that, doing it too much will increase rendering work. Which may tank performance on low power computers or those with big modpacks.

Just fill in every hole like a big boy

jose1324 ,

Come on man this is crying about nothing

bob_lemon ,

I man, a single torch solves this issue.

reverendsteveii ,

I'd rather zombies in a sealed pit contributing to the spawn cap than zombies where they can wreck my shit

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