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uis ,
@uis@lemmy.world avatar
thawed_caveman ,

I've lived in cities with trams for the past 10 years and i think buses are less cool but more practical. Installing the rails is expensive and disruptive, they take a lot of room on the street (with the stop included), and if a tram gets stuck the next one can't go around, it just sits there and waits.

uis , (edited )
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Regular railroads periodically place railroad switches for reversive movement(or how it is translated) so if one train stucks, trains behind it can use "wrong" track. Same in subway. Why don't you complain about subways then?


thawed_caveman ,

Oh, so all those times i was stuck inside a tramway were just bad dreams i had.

You're off the rails (intentional). I just said that i have personal experience with tramways as public transit, and i get responded with a dubious generality and a passive-agressive meme from fifteen years ago. And for some reason a whataboutism with subways??

onion ,

Busses get delayed/stuck way more often

Shardikprime ,

Finally, multi track drifting is available for all

ElCanut ,

Who wouldn't like it ?

lightnsfw ,

That's not a teleportation device.

Mycatiskai ,

You mean a suicide and rebirth device?

lightnsfw ,

Tomato tamato

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

No thanks. I don't want to be at the mercy of some driver who can and will deny people service however and for whatever reason they please.

nolight ,

By law, they can not.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Ohh yes they can, and they do, all the time. Laws can't protect people against their behavior because laws are enforced after the fact. Prevention is key here.

nolight ,

Self-driving future doesn't seem to be that far away, and I imagine it to be even simpler on rails. Either way, the key is to get people off those nasty things they call "cars" and take it from there.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

And who cares if they suffer catastrophically as a result?

nolight ,

At this point I am not sure we are talking about the same thing. The picture in the post clearly represents European trams. I have not witnessed one argument with a driver despite using European public transport on a daily basis.

onion ,

Self driving trains have been around for years

onion ,

No they don't. I have been taking public transit for decades too, and I've never heard of drivers refusing passengers. They just stop at each stop, like that's their job?

What you have experienced seems to be a local problem, yet you apply it to public transit in general, everywhere.

I think your initial comment is also a strawman, because the meme never suggested banning cars. In fact you can see a car lane on the right. Having trams in a city doesn't make you be at their mercy, you can instead ride a bike or a car if you want.

RubberElectrons ,
@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

Man, it's gotta suck being this afraid of everyone.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

It sucks being justified in being afraid, yes. And I am very, very justified in my stance, not just by historical standards but through personal experience and experiences of the people I care about. Public transport is the pits and a last resort people are forced to be dependent on for poverty. It CAN'T be the way forward for our people.

RubberElectrons ,
@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

You're entitled to your incorrect opinion. I like mass transit for reasons like removing my need to pay attention for every second of a trip, for much reduced cost per mile, and for meeting/looking at interesting people.

Most people seem to agree. You can't move a coffee table on it (though I have, my apologies from a now-wisened teenager), but that's what stuff like car share services can step in on.

Who's denying you service, and why? The driver is way at the front of the train, what are you on about?

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Yep, my lifetime of assault and harassment on public transit is just an incorrect opinion. Fuck my lived experiences and those of everyone else, the only perspective that matters is your own because all that matters is you getting what you want.

Ugh. Just ugh.

RubberElectrons ,
@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

Alright grumpy, calm down. I'll repeat the question: what happened? That's as much energy as I'm willing to give the weak crying.

Literally 1.7 billion rides on the NYC subway system in 2019, it seems to work great for us. I dress in weird shiny rubber clothes sometimes while going to a party or whatever, I get looks of curiosity or derision from other passengers sometimes, and I don't give a shit. Are you just that sensitive?

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Wow, holy shit, your best response is childish name calling and tone policing.

Everyone, this is what abusive people do when they are willing to be immoral to get what they want. When faced with a legitimate grievance they can't refute, they attack the person, in this case in the most blatantly childish way possible.

Basically he knows forcing people to use public transit will cause innocent people to suffer more violence but he doesn't care about that, he only cares about his feelings and he's willing to force you to be beaten, assaulted, even killed to get his way.

Think of your daughters and wives who would be groped, beaten, sexually assaulted, and murdered in the name of appeasing this hopeless retard, and then ignore him.

RubberElectrons ,
@RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

Bro I'm upvoting this because of how hilariously sad this is 😂

Anyway, no biggie. Can't answer what happened, a simple question.

Don't come to big cities, we're gonna charge you to drive your lifted dangling nutz grocery getter below 59th st, and laugh our asses off at your limp open carry chicken pistol. Real men and women live here, with and for each other.

Stay in Idaho or whatever, enjoy your "I'm scaewed" life 😂

onion ,

I don't agree with your conclusion that public transit is responsible for assault and murder.

What you are essentially suggesting is breaking up society and isolating everyone so people can't harm each other. That is an extreme solution to this problem

You also forget about all the people suffering from cars: thousands of deaths each year (compared to how many in subways?) from accidents and pollution.

Jentu ,

Off camera, there's a lawn mower driving as fast as it can away from the approaching tram

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I'm stuck in stupid America, but my British friends tell me of regular rail delays because of leaves on the rails. I assume that isn't a problem with these trains, so why is this a problem in the UK?

L3mmyW1nks ,

Maybe they're just taking a piss? Same for the whole train system shutting down due to a single snowflake.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I've been looking into it since I posted that and apparently it makes the rails slippery and the trains have to slow down because of it and trains have to slow down because of it.


So I guess the answer is that these trains have to slow down too.

96VXb9ktTjFnRi ,

This looks more like a tram than a train and they don't go fast anyway, so I don't think they'd need to slow down.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Probably true. I didn't realize it was a speed issue until I read up on it.

Lupus108 ,

From what I experience on the subway and tram on rainy days is that starting from a stop is also tricky, since steel wheels on steel tracks have not a lot of grip on rainy days, leaves make it worse, so the wheels spin in place and it feels like a slow, rocky start.

So I figure they also drive a little slower overall not miss the stop.

yetAnotherUser ,

Huh, I'm riding the tram/subway frequently and never noticed any issue when it's raining.

Maybe your trams have fewer powered axles? I know of a city whose trams solely have powered axles, allowing them to drive on unusually steep gradients in any weather.

Lupus108 ,

My city is pretty flat, so I'd guess that they don't need all powered axles?
In the subways it's more frequently on the longer trains, that are full, so during peak hours.

uis ,
@uis@lemmy.world avatar


runeko ,
@runeko@programming.dev avatar

It's a big problem for anything using rails. https://youtu.be/ZEuFSw-CMzU?feature=shared

EvokerKing ,

Please go back to the fuck cars subLemmy or whatever the fuck it's called. I don't want to also block 196 for being annoying as shit about weird topics that don't make sense and you can't back up.

DriftinGrifter ,

You havent Been in 196 for long have you?

EvokerKing ,

I have. There is a lot of actually good memes and then once in a while some fucker posts here instead of a community that I have blocked like fuck cars or politics.

DriftinGrifter ,

Well this Kind of post tends to reflect the opinion of most people Here if you want the other side of the coin go to r/shitposting in reddit

EvokerKing ,

Pretty sure they have the same issue, considering blocking them too. Might be thinking of a different one though.

onion ,

Oh no a single post you don't like, better comment on it and threaten block instead of just scrolling a little

EvokerKing ,

It's so many at this point.

Pestdoktor ,
@Pestdoktor@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck off

mossy_capivara OP ,
@mossy_capivara@midwest.social avatar

This is a queer socialist community better block it now

onion ,

don't make sense and you can't back up

Wrong and wrong?

Trains are more space-efficient than cars and can therefore solve traffic congestion.

There you go. Not that difficult to grasp.

EvokerKing ,

Trains are barely more space efficient and what would we do with current roads for cars anywhere? If we just leave them there, nothing would be gained. And cars are just easier to travel by and make more sense in general.

onion ,

make more sense in general

That's a meaningless statement

barely more space efficient

By barely you mean 20 fold?


EvokerKing ,

See, this is why I don't like these posts. You have to keep in mind that the train won't be at that capacity because it is more limited in where it can go and when. Sure, if you are like going across a country it's alright, and I don't disagree, I've actually used trains for that. But as soon as it becomes the only source of transportation, we have issues.

onion ,

This post literally has car lanes in the fucking picture so get your strawman out of here

EvokerKing ,

So then are we really saving space if we keep it there or are we just using more to make train tracks?

onion ,

The problem with having only car lanes is that they'll always be congested, no matter how many lanes you add (look up induced demand). Trains have so much more capacity that we don't run into this issue.

Basically, 4 car lanes=traffic jams twice a day vs. 2 car lanes + 2 train tracks= traffic flowing freely.

Of course a subway would be even nicer but those aren't always an option because tunneling is expensive

EvokerKing ,

And making train tracks across line distances is also expensive. Why would the government spend money there instead of something like the failing school system or defending the nation or trying to help with the huge issue of homelessness.

fossilesque ,
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar


Deme ,


LarmyOfLone ,

I believe small single seat robo-taxies would allow a lot of the gaps to be closed and resistance removed.

But more than this you need to plan cities to be smaller urban areas with high density that have everything you need in walking distance. Which also means "less efficiency" in the capitalist sense.

hex_m_hell ,
@hex_m_hell@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, robo taxis are a dumb idea that should stop being proposed forever.

LarmyOfLone ,

Yawn, obviously privately owned monopoly would be bad. I can imagine China doing this well as a public utility.

hex_m_hell ,
@hex_m_hell@slrpnk.net avatar

The fact that it's a private monopoly only addresses, like, half of the problems. Why would China do this better? They have just as much incentive to prioritize the rich as Amazon does. Why would they do anything different?

LarmyOfLone ,

Why would China do this better?

China is ruled by a single party in an authoritarian regime. They have corruption and politicking but they still have remnants of a planned economy and can still make rational decisions for the benefit of their country. For example they have massive projects to build high speed rail and nuclear power.

The US can only make decisions for the benefit of profit maximization. That's overexaggerated of course but you get the gist.

Imagine a whole city converted to public transport, bicycles/quadricycles and robo-taxies to fill the gaps. They could be single seat the size of a velomobile (podbike is an interesting example) and only weigh 100kg and use like 250-500 watt to drive up to 50kmh. Or maybe two seats face to face so you have space to stretch your legs or put your groceries.

hex_m_hell ,
@hex_m_hell@slrpnk.net avatar

How would central planning solve problems like vandalism? And what benefit would this have over bikes and trains?

Autonomous vehicles seem to be literally an unsolvable problem, as covered in depth in the video. What magic would China bring that would make a problem even humans can't solve somehow solvable by AI?

LarmyOfLone ,

They are not an unsolvable problem. What is your argument for this? And no I'm not watching the whole video lol

hex_m_hell , (edited )
@hex_m_hell@slrpnk.net avatar

I work in computer security. It's just obvious if you have even the slightest awareness of the industry. Attacks on AI are Wiley Coyote shit like drawing circles around them. In an active environment they're even worse. With mountains of technology everyone who has ever tried it, the most advanced and well funded companies in the world, have all failed utterly and miserably. They've failed even though there's an emesne opportunity for profit. At a certain point, you have to start providing evidence that it's possible and there hasn't been any. It's a scam.

But here, I guess I have to do this for you:


LarmyOfLone ,

Oh how funny, how clever! It's SELF EVIDENT they are impossible lol. Didn't think of that killer argument.

Obviously you're wrong because they already exist. They are just not yet good enough. I suspect you're some kind of religious nutjob who thinks there is something supernatural about human brains that computers can just never do lol.

hex_m_hell , (edited )
@hex_m_hell@slrpnk.net avatar

I'm an atheist and I understand how LLMs work. I also helped threat model privacy for the NHTSA vehicle to vehicle communication program, so I have some familiarity with the field and challenges related to parallel technologies.

What I'm not is an AI cultists who can't distinguish between technology and magic. Anyone who's familiar with the field, with AI and how it works, and especially anyone who ever thinks at all about AI/ML security (which, I do, since I have both used ML in my work and reviewed projects that use ML models), recognizes the numerous inherent limitations in the technology.

An LLM replicates human errors by the nature of how they're trained. This is inherent to the technology. LLMs themselves were an incredible advancement that allows all kinds of new things, and yet they're just fundamentally incapable of doing the job in this case. So tell me, what technology do you believe would solve just this one problem inherent to LLMs, ignoring all other problems with sensors and computer vision?

What do you propose?

Or maybe just read something from an industry expert specifically in this field:

Given the MASSIVE unsolved peoblems, massive amount of money and multiple years wasted already, and potentially infinite amount of money that could be spent solving these problems, what exact problems would be solved by robo taxis that wouldn't be solved, with much less investment, by trains and bikes?

LarmyOfLone ,

I’m not calling for a ban on autonomous vehicles. There are clear advantages to using AI, and it is irresponsible for people to call on a ban, or even a pause, on AI. But we need more government oversight to prevent the taking of unnecessary risks.

That is basically what I'm thinking. In an ideal world we'd run a "Manhattan project" to create a massive and open research project for self driving AI with different approaches that doesn't rely on profit seeking and short sighted corporations. I still see no rational arguments for stopping to develop and improve self driving cars. There is no theoretical or practical hurdle for it to become near flawless with enough work. Potentially eliminating hundreds of thousands of deaths and injury and also saving a lot of energy and resources.

And yeah most transportation should be trains and bicycles and a better concept for velomobiles, something more like the podbike. But self driving small, cheap and low energy robo-taxis would have incredible value. Most of all it can be shared between people to a much higher degree because it can drive itself to the next pickup without requiring a full time driver or space for one. It doesn't need the range because it can park and recharge autonomously while another vehicle in the fleet replaces it. All large metropolis should ban all cars and only allow robo taxis or special vehicles for delivery etc. With regulation and while avoiding a monopoly. The potential is huge.

But I guess the pseudo-religious hive mind is turning on AI.

hex_m_hell ,
@hex_m_hell@slrpnk.net avatar

You keep saying there's value here, but you can't seem to say what it is. You say there's a solution, but you've just proposed dumping a ton of money in to research with no clear value over existing technologies.

I'm not against AI. I literally said I use AI. Before I used AI, I also believed in self-driving cars. Now that AI isn't magic to me, I understand why this is a fucking stupid idea. People are finally listening to experts who have been saying for years that AI isn't magic. People are turning against the grifters mean "magic" when they say "AI" without having any idea what the technology actually does or is capable of doing.

uis ,
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

China is capitalism with beaslty grin.

uis ,
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

I wanted to search for video that talks about megataxis, gigataxis and MetroVagonMash's gigataxies. You did it first. Thanks.

leanleft ,
@leanleft@lemmy.ml avatar

devils advocate:

  • branches would fall in the tracks
  • wild animals might populate and then get harmed.

  • not citing pros
  • both can probably be mostly solved fairly easily i think
Klear ,

"Would"? The picture isn't fake, plenty of tram tracks look like this.

applewithacape ,

-concidering it is in the middle of a city there are basialy no wild animals
-this isnt more dangerous to the remaining few than any 4 lane Road
-there are city maintenance workers who take care of the trees
-during realy bad storms there are also branches on the streets


1 billion different advantages

The actuall biggest problem would be leaves on the rails in autumn.

groet ,

There are plenty wild animals in large cities. Foxes, rabits, racoons ... Berlin famously has a large boar population. Having a more human friendly city with green tram lines and less car traffic will surely increase animal populations.
However I doubt it would be a problem that isn't easily solvable or is still preferable to the current situation.

Mycatiskai ,

A small brush system ahead of the actual wheels could take care of some of the tree debris. Even a small to medium sized branch would probably have no effect, the tram is heavy enough to just cleave branches apart. The negative of that is the maintenance teams probably have to clear out stuff that gets stuck under the trams.

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,


SignorCadere ,
@SignorCadere@feddit.it avatar

I would love it very much

Allero ,

What's not to like?

SpaceCadet ,
@SpaceCadet@feddit.nl avatar

Green space being used for vehicles instead of for people, even if it is public transport.

Allero ,

It can and should be both whenever possible.

Unlike roads that need to be completely covered in asphalt, rail only needs, well, rails. The rest can be occupied with greenery, and this is a fantastic example of doing just that.

It is still visually pleasing, still captures CO2, and as a bonus reduces noise coming from the trams. Everybody wins!

SpaceCadet ,
@SpaceCadet@feddit.nl avatar

It can and should be both whenever possible

Roads or tramlines don't need greenery. It adds nothing.

It would be much better if this place was a promenade for people, with some benches, a playground for kids, maybe a place to sit and have lunch, ... and the transportation stuffed out of sight underground, aka a subway.

rail only needs, well, rails

And overhead lines ... which trees often interfere with.

SkyeStarfall ,

You can't have an as extensive of a subway network as you can a tram network. It's not trivial to just make tunnels everywhere, and can have consequences for the terrain. In addition, putting many stops on the subway removes the speed advantage, and so is always a trade-off. Good public transit has both.

And green spaces always add something, no matter where they are.

SpaceCadet ,
@SpaceCadet@feddit.nl avatar

Looking at the way this particular road is constructed, and the age of the trees, I guarantee that this space was a promenade before and the space to build a tramway has been taken from pedestrians (people) not from cars.

Allero ,

My country had green tram lines since Soviet times; trees had more than enough time to grow.

We need promenades; but there where we lie down transportation (and it's a necessity, you can't NOT do this), it better look like this, and not as a giant asphalt road.


Don't forget that green areas such as this massively cool cities as well (compared to asphalt).

Something which is becoming increasingly important due to climate change.

schnokobaer ,

I'm looking at unadulterated communism here and I hate it! Remove the green and the tracks and let honest working people park their lifted F 350 to go grocery shopping and bring little Braendin to school!

uis ,
@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Well, more communism for me

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