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White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...

White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...::The White House said sexually-explicit AI-generated images of pop star Taylor Swift were concerning and that Congress should consider legislation to address fake, abusive images that are proliferating online.

Fog0555 ,

I wonder how Public Figure law factors in to this.

dangblingus ,

Hasnt this been going on since Britney Spears edits in the 90s? Better late than never I suppose. Great governing.

UnaSolaEstrellaLibre ,

Only caring about this topic now when it happens to some filthy rich white woman huh

1371113 ,

Plenty of regular folks calling for this for decades and only once someone far enough up the money tree gets hurt do they do something. Frankly disgusting.

phoenixz ,

Decades? We had deep fakes for decades?

1371113 ,

We had edited photos for decades. There’s no difference in the effect.

And yes, people have been working on AI in earnest since the 80s, just wasn’t in the public space.

sturmblast ,

Yes, let's legislate things that we really can't control

partner0709 ,


ThatWeirdGuy1001 ,
@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

I think the funniest part about all of this is that fake nudes have been around for years yet now that it's "AI" it needs dealt with.

deezbutts ,

More like now that it's taytay it needs to be dealt with

ThatWeirdGuy1001 ,
@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

I've seen fake nudes of Taylor Swift almost as many times as seeing fake nudes of Britney Spears.

JeffKerman1999 ,

In my case that's a "0"

maness300 ,

The fuck? Why is it a problem just because of taytay?

IndustryStandard ,

This has been a thing for three years now. Are there still no laws?

schnurrito ,

Things the world needs:

  • governments regulating the Internet more
  • some others
NutWrench ,
@NutWrench@lemmy.world avatar

If I had a list of 1,000 things the White House ought to be doing right now, legislating Taylor Swift deepfakes would be 1,001.

shinratdr ,
@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah who cares about women right?

coffeebiscuit ,

A famous person shouldn’t be the trigger to make this happen.

But better late then never…

shinratdr ,
@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

Agreed, but it was, so it’s still important.

TheDonkerZ ,
@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah! Who cares about women, fuck em!


People care about women, you goon. Realize that there are many more important issues affecting the global landscape, we shouldn't care about some fake naked pictures of a popstar.

I'd rather them find solutions to things like the 2 active wars happening in the world, the bubbling civil war on the American southern border, and golbel tensions reaching highs only seen at the beginning of the last 2 world wars...

Lets fix that shit before we allow ourselves the luxury of protecting peoples' shareholders.

shinratdr ,
@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

You do realize that they wouldn’t pass a special law that would make AI generated photos of Taylor Swift illegal and everyone else’s would stay legal right?

This event is being used as a catalyst to put in proper legislation about deepfakes, something that impacts everyone but impacts your average woman much more. I agree with the other commenter that it’s unfortunate that this is the event that caused people to take this seriously, but better late than never.

Sorry, but I can’t see anyone who thinks that AI generated images of non consenting women is issue “1001 out of 1000” as someone who gives a shit about women and issues that impact them, especially as we are in the middle of an AI revolution. This is EXACTLY the time to be solving issues like this.

TheDonkerZ ,
@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

Absolutely, I understand that. But still, respectfully, I don't agree. The point I'm trying to make is that people care about women, in general, but the system could care less. It's gotten better in years past, but the rights between men, women, and members of any other community that identify as otherwise, are not equal whatsoever.

However, any fight we put up now to equalize those rights won't mean jack shit unless we prevent the world from turning into a glass garden from a nuclear fallout. There is an order of priority I wish would be established, and this is not the order if we wish to live as a society past the next 5 years.

I am the furthest thing away from against any "equal rights for all" movement. I want that more than anything. I hate the fact that I have to be a white man because I'd much rather fighting for a change that means something. I just look the part of one of "those people" that wishes to bury others that aren't the same and prioritize my own interest. That's not my game.

Love and peace for all, fuck straight white men.

shinratdr ,
@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

Other things happening now does not mean this is not important right now. If I thought focusing on this was preventing them from doing something about the wars, stopping Trump, or establishing abortion rights, then yeah maybe I would agree.

But we all know they aren’t doing shit about those things. IMO, “what more important things could they be doing” is the wrong question to ask, because it doesn’t function like a priority list where one takes away from their other. If they happen to stumble on an issue that is actually important and prescient, which this is, albeit framed poorly, then I say let them go for it. At least some actual good might come of it.

TheDonkerZ ,
@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

There's no way that the western world can fix these issues at the same time. They can barely keep themselves from infighting, let alone solving these issues that concern the world at large. Obviously this is me making large assumptions about certain things, but it guided by my point of view that the senile class of corrupt politician that runs the majority of Western Civilization will not work on on things they deem as unimportant. Taylor Swift being able to use her platform to catapult this very serious issue to the forefront of national attention is amazing, and I want to see this through... But not at the expense of countless lives lost because society is crumbling away.

I suppose too that I have a lot of predisposed opinions about the AI discussion at large that cloud this story of any real importance to me. AI, in general, is an excellent tool that can be used to increase productivity, if used responsibly. I'm working on a solo video game project right now, using AI to help me solve logical problems and help creatively kick off some ideas when I struggle to find the right inspiration, and its a fantastic tool. A lot of people tend to dismiss it as a tool that's exclusively used to rip of talented creators and destroy the integrity of the people that do use it in legitimate ways, like myself.

I'm not blind to the fact that this particular usage of AI is capable of doing real damage to every woman, not just Taylor. But it's a double edged sword to me; now that we have a widespread story centering on Taylor's experience, it's gonna get worse way before it get better now.

ZombieTheZombieCat ,

Any policy that comes from this would also benefit men that have had to live with fake abusive images being generated of them. But some people would rather cut off their nose to spite their face. As long as women don't get stuff, then it's worth it for men have to suffer a little extra, amirite? /s

fuck straight white men.

But of course, this is what it always comes back to for men who try to make some transparent argument against protecting women from fake nude photos, revenge porn, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, etc. It's never a real argument. It's some insecure guy getting his feelings hurt by just the mention of equality. They don't feel special anymore, so they inevitably claim that women being protected from abuse is somehow a privilege. It's just tired and predictable.

TheDonkerZ ,
@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

I said it in another one of my replies, but suffice it to say that I'm a stranger on the internet. You don't know shit about me. Calling me a misogynist and accusing me of trying to hide behind my fancy internet words so I can continue enjoying fake porn of people I've never met in real life is the most insulting thing I've get the pleasure of receiving online.

I don't like interacting with it much, but here we are now. You can take or leave what I say, but I do everything in my power to check my privledge at the door. I'm not interested in having discussions to convince people that I'm right, I want to have these discussions because I want to learn from others' points of view. I won't ever let one persons Lemmy comment completely change my opinion on theings, but I definitely will always want to have that dialogue to hopefully better inform my opinions. We could all use a dose of active listening, because that's how problems get solved.

ZombieTheZombieCat ,

People care about women, you goon. Realize that there are many more important issues affecting the global landscape, we shouldn't care about some fake naked pictures of a popstar.

This is the dumbest paragraph.

"People do care about women! That's why 'we shouldn't care' about the slew of abusive fake nude photos of them all over the internet! Literally every other problem on earth is more important than protecting women. See? I totally care!"

Don't be obtuse and pretend you think this is just about "a popstar." This problem and any legislation affects countless women and girls.

One thing about Lemmy is that it's so much more misogynistic than reddit ever was, which I would have never thought possible.

TheDonkerZ ,
@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

I'm not the one being obtuse, I understand that this is about every woman and respecting the autonomy of every woman's body. Overturning Wade v. Roe was the largest step back in society in the last 50 years of politics. But I like to be selective about what to talk about. I could write entire novels worth of comments on why we should care about every one of these issues. Every single one of these things is important and worth proper discussion and problem solving. My stance is that we should be more focused on not letting the world implode with all of the stupid overseas conflicts than allow the star power of Taylor Swift to distract from a larger issue.

I don't appreciate being called misogynistic. I'd like to remind you that I'm a stranger on the internet that you don't know shit about. I apologize that my point of view doesn't align with yours, but to assume a horrible stance about someone you don't know a thing about is a part of the reason why this society is so dysfunctional.

If you'd like to have a constructive conversation about how brutally misogynistic, then I'm happy to. I'm sure I could use a lesson or 2, cause I would never claim to know I have a perfect working knowledge about the issues. Only that I know enough to have intellectual conversations with other people to learn more.

krolden ,
@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

She's a robot not a woman

b3an ,
@b3an@lemmy.world avatar

Kinda annoying that this has been warned about repeatedly before, and yet only when someone famous has it happen to them that they go “oh ok maybe this is a problem.”

stealth_cookies ,

This is what bothers me so much about this, how many people have been affected by this and the only reason this is finally being treated with the seriousness it deserves is because a famous person is affected?

Nudding ,

She's not just famous, she's a billionaire. The government will move mountains for her now.

kent_eh ,

The potential for massive amounts of election fuckery should have been what moved the government to action.

But at least something gave them a kick in the ass, so I suppose yay?

Still, I hope they consult actual subject matter experts, and don't just do a bunch of "common sense" sounding things that don't actually accomplish anything (or worse, cause a ton of collateral damage across all tech industries.)

maness300 ,

Nations are fiefdoms.

It's not because she's famous, it's because she's rich.

Nativeridge ,
@Nativeridge@aussie.zone avatar

Default AI SETTINGS 90% good must be produced for anything over 10% evil
Pause evil until balance is resumed to those settings for the better of humanity......

(Don't lose your 💩, had a few beers)

Hule ,

Put your phone down, mân!

Nativeridge ,
@Nativeridge@aussie.zone avatar


cosmicrookie ,
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

So many women have been calling out for this and it takes frickin Taylor Shift for them to call for a legislation...

Gold_E_Lox ,

did you expect anything else?

papertowels ,

Precedence set by Ticketmaster too....

JoMiran ,
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

The shit this woman has to take is repulsive.

About twelve years ago I met her in Park City, where I lived at the time. I had no fucking clue who she was while we chatted on the lift line but she was very nice and was very excited to ski. I let her take the chair ahead of me and I got the next chair with a middle aged man (late forties+, so about ten years older than me at the time). He excitedly told me that she was Taylor Swift to which I replied something like "Oh, that's cool. I'm not a country fan". He kept yapping all the way up, taking pictures with his phone, etc. At the top he almost made me fall as he bolted from the chair. The poor woman got mobbed by a crowd that seem to.manifest out of thin air. I sat, strapped my foot in (snowboard), took my time, and the poor woman was still surrounded by crazies. She was so excited to ski. I know now she was about twenty but I thought she was ~15 because she was so giddy. I doubt she got to ride. I'm still grossed out by that scene all these years later and things have only gotten worse for her since.

I wish her the best.

ignism ,

Snowboarders like you are such chill dudes. I never was much of a skater as a kid tho I did pick up snowboarding. Last week I strapped my board again, it’s been at least 9 years, was nervous about it as I am not as flexible as I used to (am 38 now) and this kid comes up and says: “Huck Knife! Nice board dude!” Made my day. Made me loose my anxiety and learned that I still knew how to ride.

krolden ,
@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

Why did you give her your lift? Werethey single chairs?

JoMiran ,
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Quad. They were three (I assumed they were together) and I was the only snowboarder. I was starting out and getting off the lift on a tight situation was still not 100% for me, so I didn't want to take them out. I still don't like packed quads. High speed quads are better since they slow down on exit, but IIRC this one was a single speed. Also, on a packed quad I have to keep my leg twisted during the ride so that I don't hit their skis with my board. To avoid that, I always ride all the way to the right.

tl;dr: I didn't want to ride a packed lift and risk wiping out on exit.

krolden ,
@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah packed quads suck especially if you're on a board.

HandBash ,

That's kind of a side effect of trying to be famous though. It's ridiculous to try and get your image out there and be recognized and then to be upset when you are out there and get recognized. Nio saying she was upset but that obviously getting mobbed with fandom comes with the territory of the industry you put yourself into for work.

eatthecake ,

I guess the islamists were right and burkas are the only way to protect ourselves from men. The people wondering why young women are skewing left and young men are skewing right since need only look at the comments on this and similar articles. All tbe porn on the internet is not enough. Men want non consensual porn of any woman at any time. Men want sexual harassment normalized and celebrated. The hurt that this causes to women is nothing more than silly feelings which women need to suppress for the good of their precious penis feelings.

JoMiran ,
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Generalizations will never get you heard outside of your own echo chamber. Your statement is as ignorant and offensive as the bile the red pilled doofuses vomit all over the place.

CommanderCloon ,

Touch grass

Whirling_Cloudburst ,

Probably smoke some grass too and hug some trees.

GBU_28 ,
CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

I’m a man and I don’t want any of those things.

How many men do you know?

How many of them say things or act in ways that make you think they want those things?

eatthecake ,

I've known hundreds of men and the vast majority act in that way. I am not allowed to call myself a feminist, despite feminism giving me basic human rights, because it is considered misandrist by almost all the men i know. They all consider porn to be their natural right with no regard to consent. I have had to fight and kick and scream to have my ex delete old photos of me because he believes he owns those images and can do as he pleases with them.

You seem like an open minded person and that's good. I hope for the best for you. But i am done.

ZombieTheZombieCat ,

You have the love the male commenters going "nuh-uh, that's not what women experience!1" as they get offended and make it all about them and "not all men." And then can't figure out why this entire thread just lends this comment credibility. It was one of those every single thread things on reddit and it's no different here. Except maybe worse.

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