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7heo ,

And the bank sends you this "warning" because they're just nice people and love you so, so much. Gee, I feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

7heo , (edited )

I'm more inclined to think that it's a dark pattern to shame you into keeping the money in thei...erm your account. You know, where they can use it.

Because I don't think there would be much room to complain, after the fact, about a price you already agreed to pay, and paid. But yeah, thanks for your answer. 🙂

Edit: that was wrong, apparently US banks get more from a customer's funds when the customer spends more, than they do when said customer has money saved up.

7heo , (edited )

Tell me you don’t know how tips work without telling me.

Tell me you don’t know how tips are in the US without telling me. FTFY.

Yeah so I'm from good ol' Europe, where we tip as a feedback for a stellar service, not as an attempt try and help service workers get food and shelter to survive another week. So yeah, no, I don't know how "tips work", because apparently that also implies giving your credit card to another person, letting them go out of your sight with it, and charge you whatever the hell they want. I would also never give my credit card to anyone else. Either you got a means of payment where my CC doesn't leave my hand, or you will get cash. I'm not handing out my entire bank account to a rando.

Edit: s/it/my CC/ # for clarity

7heo , (edited )

So, lemme get this straight. We fucked up the climate with industrialisation and uncontrolled capitalism, through energy consumption. Now, the #1 industrial company (that's two for two, if you're counting) in chip making is using one of the most energy (and there we go, 100% 🥳) intensive technology at our disposal to try and eventually have a shot at maybe keeping the climate in somewhat of a check... Am I the only one seeing this? 😶

That's the energy equivalent of giving every kid and teacher guns to "stop school shootings". 🙃

7heo , (edited )

I found it here.

Here is the (IMHO) relevant part (emphasis mine):

If you use the App with an account hosted on a third-party server, then there are only a few cases where FUTO may learn any information at all about your use of the App.

  • If you have the App configured to use Google push notifications, then FUTO's push notification gateway will be involved in delivering push notifications from Google to your device. Push notifications include information on the Matrix event that generated the push, including: the human-readable name and Matrix user identifier for the user who sent the event and the Matrix room identifier for the room containing the event. Users who desire a greater level of privacy can configure the App to use UnifiedPush instead of Google Cloud Messaging. When a user on a third-party server receives a UnifiedPush notification through their third-party push server, FUTO does not see the notification or learn anything about it.

  • If you obtained the App from the Google Play Store, and the App crashes, then we will receive a Firebase crash report.

  • If you sign up for our mailing list in the app, then we learn your email address.

The notification should be UnifiedPush by default, and crash debug reports should be opt-in, not automatically sent out to the dev via Google... (I don't think it is even possible to opt out)

7heo ,

on their conscience


Thanks for the laugh, I needed that. 🙂

7heo ,

There's a wonderfully complex system of deferred responsibilities making sure that the people who actually caused this can have all the plausible deniability in the world, see themselves as having nothing to do with it, and enjoy a very relaxed life with riches we can only imagine.

7heo ,

That's the point of the plausible deniability. You can go after them with a personal conviction, but you can't go after them with proof. There's nothing left to "logically connect".

Because they controlled the mechanisms that were designed to hold them accountable, and made sure not to be accounted for.

Kinda like how attackers who intrude on a system delete the logs and other traces of their presence.

7heo ,

Technically, "without text nor image". Your list is implying otherwise.

7heo ,

In that case, your second and subsequent points should have no text, since the source material has no text for them. And the last point can't arguably have text at all either way. 😉

More seriously, the source material has both texts and images, and it was your choice to only represent half of that. You could have easily written:

meme explanation

Note: Descriptive information is in italics.

text image
understanding a meme with text Small brain
understanding a meme without text Normal brain
understanding a meme without text Nor image
understanding a meme without meme


This meme is taking the classical "expanding brain" meme, and removing increasingly more content with each panel, implicitly prompting the reader to interpolate more information at each step, to practically illustrate the concept of the meme itself. The last panel has nothing at all.

7heo , (edited )

So fwiw, it has ChatGPT-3


7heo ,

Alright, well, I haven't got more time to spend on hacking the prompts to get it to disclose intel. So that's the best I got.

7heo ,


Just smoke, it is much more efficient. It is so efficient it is carcinogenic for the people around you too! 👌

7heo ,

Umbrella corp. That has to be satire. Right? Right??

7heo ,

Dieser Comic hätte für optimalen Realismus auf Deutsch geschrieben werden sollen.

7heo ,

If they are shocked by this, wait until they understand what meta does with their PII and behavioural information... I'm sure they will understand any day now. Any day...

7heo ,

Oh, no, we totally can. We just need to buy local. What? It is "too expensive!!"? Yeah, well, tell me about being part of the problem...

7heo ,

The ARM architecture does apparently (I'm no expert) have some inherent power-efficiency advantages over x86

Well, the R from ARM means RISC, and x86 (so, by extension, x86_64) is a CISC architecture, so they are not even in the same "family" of designs.

Originally, CISC architectures were more popular, because it meant less instructions to write, read, store, etc. Which is beneficial when hardware is limited and developers write in assembly directly.

Over time, the need for assembly programming faltered, and in the 90s, the debate for CISC vs RISC resurfaced. Most developers then wrote code in C and C++, and the underlaying architecture was losing relevance. It is also worth noting that due to a higher number of instructions, the machine code is more granular, and as a result, RISC code can inherently be further optimised. It also means that the processor design is simpler than for CISC architectures, which in turn leaves more room for innovation.

So, all else being equal, you'd expect Qualcomm to have an advantage in laptops with this chip, but all else isn't equal because the software isn't there yet, and no one in the PC market is quite in a position to kickstart the software development like Apple is with Macs.

Now, a key consideration here is that the x86 architecture has been dominating the personal computer market for close to half a century at this point, meaning that a lot of the hardware and software is accommodating (wrt functionality, optimisation, etc) for it specifically.

Therefore, RISC architectures find themselves at a disadvantage: the choice in Operating Systems is limited, firmware and drivers are missing, etc. Additionally, switching to RISC means breaking legacy support, or going through emulation (like the Apple M3 does).

However, in our modern ecosystem, the potential gain from switching to a RISC architecture is considerable (storage is cheaper than ever, RAM is cheap and fast, and seldom anyone is writing assembly anymore. Plus, those who do might enjoy the higher degree of control the additional granularity affords them, without having to do everything by hand, given the degree of assistance modern IDEs offer), and it will gradually become a necessity for every vendor.

For now however, the most popular computer Operating System worldwide has poor performance on ARM, and no support for other RISC architectures (such as RISC-V) that I know of.

The challenge here is in breaking a decades long dominance that originated from a monopoly: if you have paid attention to what Apple has been doing, they initially used large parts of FreeBSD to build a new Operating System that could run on their custom processors (Motorola 68k), and then built the rest of their Operating System (Darwin and Aqua) on top of it. This afforded them the possibility to switch to Intel CPUs in 2005, and back to ARM in 2020 with their M series CPUs.

The quality of their software (in large parts derived from the quality of free software and of staggering design work) has allowed them to grow from a virtually negligible share of computer users to the second place behind windows.

Now, other Operating Systems (such as Linux) have the same portability characteristics as FreeBSD, and can feasibly lead to such a viable commercial OS offering with support for several hardware architectures.

"All" that is needed is a consistent operating system, based on whichever kernel fits, to supplement MacOS in the alternative offering to windows.

Most software would be available, and a lot of firmware would too, thanks to ARM being used nearly exclusively in mobile phones, and most mobile phones running a Linux kernel.

Once we have a (or better, a few) Linux or BSD based operating system(s) with commercial support, consistent design, and acceptable UX for "normies", such CPUs will become a very valid offering.

7heo ,

If Diablo 3 and Duke Nukem Forever have taught me anything, it is that the more you wait, the better the game is.

Also, if you want HL3, here is the closest we ever got.

7heo ,

This repost is so old that it is the very first tab in my browser. For the record, I have [] tabs open. I have had [] tabs open from some time in 2023. That's how old it is.

7heo ,

Yeah, getting old sucks. I'm still 25 in my head, but my body constantly reminds me that I'm over 30, and that it is slowly falling apart like a decrepit abandoned car.

I guess what I was trying to say is: we have crossposting between communities, what prevents us from crossposting between years as well? :)

7heo , (edited )

njal.la does.

Edit: gosh, people do not like njal.la... 😳

7heo , (edited )

Spez could learn a thing or two from russia. That is not how one uses kompromat...

7heo ,

And they must be local rather than remote (cloud).

Also, always prioritise a common format served through filters (for example having all your data in postgres and minio, and serve that on demand as ICS, XML, etc) so that you don't need to duplicate or lose data due to formats.

7heo , (edited )

AFAIU - but that is a veeeeeery "skimmed" take on the issue, so please check what I wrote before taking it at face value:

There were legitimate concerns about tiktok (hugely popular platform distributed as a "black box", with very concerning permissions and behaviours, and owned by a foreign actor - tiktok is "unavailable" domestically - that demonstrably uses technology in an extremely dystopian way on their own population), so there was quite a lot of public pressure to "do something about it", and of course politicians jumped on the opportunity to make a (very) broadly fitting legislation targeting it, coincidentally also having utterly damaging and immensely concerning side-effects for the end users privacy and sovereignty of all applications.

Following that, some of the people got (rightly) concerned about the legislation's effect on their rights and privacy, but the vast majority just saw that their digital crack cocaine was being attacked, and started whining with arguments of varying relevance. At the end of the day, though, a given platform is irrelevant. What is, is the abilities given to the users, and the possibilities that those create. But now, we have a deeply concerning platform, still being immensely popular and uncontrolled; a totally unfitting legislation with incredibly wild "side effects"; and a growing, misguided popular movement to "save tiktok" that will only make a legitimate attempt at mitigating it much harder. Yay.

Edit: after quite some digging, I found the bill here (PDF) - source.

Edit 2: to answer your question more directly:

Can anyone get me up to speed what claims the bill gave to justify TikTok must be either sold or remove from app stores?

The justification is "America’s foremost adversary has no business controlling a dominant media platform in the United States".

Which is IMHO fair. It isn't like the CCP would let American corporations, let alone government controlled ones, run services in China, let alone psychiatrically alienate their citizens, instigate discord and radicalization, potentially manipulate the public opinion, have the capacity to covertly do psyops, and actively, aggressively collect any and all data.

The potential problem I see (and probably what concerns most of the privacy advocates out there) however, is that while the bill is aiming at tiktok in particular (fine), it also targets any "foreign adversary". Meaning that, AFAIU (but IANAL), all the US would have to do to completely and entirely nuke an app (or an entire federated platform!) in the US would be to declare any foreign entity (country, state, corporation, person, etc) their "adversary". Effectively giving them a single "button" to directly nuke any app and services they don't see fit. No matter how legitimate.

7heo ,

Be careful with mailbox.org and their "your contract period ends soon" email. It actually means "pay us or your data will be irrevocably deleted under 60 days". The mail sounds inconspicuous enough, is rather verbose, and even contains the phrasing "you may silently ignore this email". And you will not be getting a single warning before your data is entirely, irremediably deleted.

And even if you only wait 30 days, not 60, your account gets deleted (but not your emails), so you lose any and all ways of contacting their support (rescuing your emails after that gets much trickier). Speaking of which, make sure you use a widespread browser on a computer to use their support platform: otherwise you will get a visual confirmation that a ticket was created, but none will ever be.

TL;DR: mailbox.org good, but (A) make absolutely sure you always have up to date local backups, and (B) beware of the unexpected caveats and the clumsy, confusing wording.

7heo , (edited )


First off, it better not. If you think "Genocide Joe" is bad for palestine, try "Bloodbath drumpf"... I mean, maybe it is better to die violently and fast than slowly? But either way, whatever the pro-palestine movement is after, the democrats are their best choice, and by far. The alternative not only got stronger ties with the netanyahu government, but also a much lower overall IQ, zero consideration for legislation, international agreements, humanitarian matters, and democracy in general (which they have literally confused with the opposition party, for decades by now). You might not like biden, but from a humanitarian PoV, he is orders of magnitude better than anyone the GoP might select (and especially more so if it is drumpf).

Second off, I get that people are trying to "send a message", but if it changes nothing aside from vanity numbers, it will have absolutely zero impact. The impact was "voting for Bernie", and that is about 8 years too late now.

7heo ,

I would argue that what makes sense when considering temperature percentages wrt dissipation, is the difference between old and new, divided by the difference between the system at rest and the old temperature.

Which is then a ratio of offsets, rather than a ratio of one offset and a difference with an arbitrarily defined origin.

In this case, it is fair to assume the temperature at rest of the system around 292K, or 19C.

Which would give: (78.5C - 70C) / (78.5C - 19C) = 14.29%, or (351.65K - 343.15K) / (351.65K - 292.15K) = 14.29%.

7heo ,

I mean I also don't really care about the temperature of my ram unless it prevents it from working. RAM overclocking isn't that useful, and unstable ram sucks ass.

However, it doesn't matter what the component is: the original difference over ambient is the amount of heat that operating the component generated. The difference after cooling is essentially the amount of heat that the specific cooling solution was able to handle. No matter the component. And dividing the latter by the former gives out the amount of cooling the cooling solution provided, relative to the amount of heat operating the component generated. This works for any component and any cooling solution. Cooling it further than ambient can be desirable for some use cases, that's why chillers exist, and that will essentially give out a percentage over 100.

7heo ,

"Becomes". (For those still on twitter - shame on you! - here is an even older "news" about the IDF using robots in Gaza).

[Question] What to spend money on for server upgrade? (lemmy.world)

I've been running a headless Ubuntu server for about 10 years or so. At first, it was just a file/print server, so I bought a super low power motherboard/processor to cut down on the energy bill. It's a passively cooled Intel Celeron J3455 "maxed out" with 16BG of RAM....

7heo ,

And now you know why French companies are literally pegging users with total impunity. Seldom anyone sues companies in France, and when people do, most of the time it ends up ruining their lives with a giant slapp suit.

ISPs especially, since there are only 4 for the entire country, and consequently, they have enormous resources at their disposal.

To make matters worse, the French judicial system is extremely dated, has no understanding of technological matters, and is slower than the Deutsche Bahn processing a broken engine situation.

This is a far cry from Germany, where there are dozen of ISPs per land or even major city, and where lawsuits can happen over the course of months.

When you think of French administrations, think of people who are playing pretend-beamter, but who have neither the tools nor the skills (save for maybe 10% of them who have to manage literally everything by themselves with a stupidly low salary). No accountability, no expectations, and no barrier of entry aside from the "luck of the draw" ended up creating a system where too many people tried forever to work there, only to be paid better than welfare and do less work (let's be honest, being on welfare is no walk in the park, the state will fuck you up if you keep refusing to take underpaid, exhausting labour "offers").

7heo ,

Just remember that if anyone asks, act irritated that you were called in on your day off because the guy who was supposed to do it fell sick, then catch yourself and say "anyway, no time to chat, I got a quota to meet" before grumbling about how you should have listened to your mother.

This is absolute gold.

7heo ,

He is the absolute opposite of Heath Ledger: one of the worst, arguably the worst, method actors, the worst "Joker" interpretation ever, a pretentious tone deaf asshole, and alive. What a shame.

7heo ,

Yeah, this utterly spoiled 52 years old baby sees method acting as an excuse to indulge in his worst and most childish excesses. It is nothing short of a miracle that no one ever asked him to play Ted Bundy. And the depiction would have been a real life Zapp Brannigan playing his character like Chris Kattan played Jed Mosely in "How I met your mother", but unironically. 😐

7heo , (edited )
7heo ,

That is because you got the wrong dick. You need to buy the Lenovo® Certified© Dick™ from Lenovo® directly for double the price, or, naturally, your hardware won't POST.

Alternatively, you can firmware disable the non-lenovo dick in the UEFI options, so that the laptop boots, fOr YoUr SeCuRiTeH.

7heo , (edited )

I guess the data mining was the missing ingredient for popularity?

Data mining was the missing ingredient for its sustainability (in the case it is "free" and centralised. The other two options are "paid", and "federated".)

Once the system is sustainable that way, and the owners get greedy, they then add addiction inducing elements to the platform, designed by psychiatrists and psychologists.

That is why it is popular.

7heo ,

The annoying part is that the only use of "AI" I have so far, is "translating reddit post titles to understandable English". Once they train their "AI" on whatever is there, I probably won't be able to understand the "translation" anymore... Sucks. 😬

How to constructively protest against AI voice transcription at work?

As a medical doctor I extensively use digital voice recorders to document my work. My secretary does the transcription. As a cost saving measure the process is soon intended to be replaced by AI-powered transcription, trained on each doctor's voice. As I understand it the model created is not being stored locally and I have no...

7heo ,

I would have work sign a legal discharge that from the moment I use the technology, none of the recordings or transcription of me can be used to incriminate me in case of an alleged malpractice.

In fact, since both are generated or can be generated in a way that both sounds very assertive but also can be adding incredibly wild mistakes, in a potentially life and death situation, they legally recognise potentially nullifying my work, and taking the entire legal responsibility for it.

As you can see in the most recent example involving Air Canada, a policy has been invented out of thin air. Such policy is costing the company. In the case of a doctor, if the administration of the wrong sedative, the wrong medication, or if the wrong diagnosis was communicated to the patient, etc; all that could have serious consequences.

All sounding (using your phrasings, etc) like you, being extremely assertive, etc.

A human doing that job will know not to derive from the recording. An AI? "antihistaminic" and "anti asthmatic" aren't too far off, and that is just one example off of the top of my head.

7heo ,

Without paywall. (Initially posted the same link, but then I noticed their comment. Leaving mine up since theirs doesn't explicitly say what the link is)

7heo , (edited )

We (via the ICANN, see below) actually have the power to do that. The .af TLD only works because the root DNS servers delegate the .af TLD to the Afghan nameservers. As soon as we stop doing that, they are powerless.

And as a bonus, the ICANN could set the nameservers to OpenNIC's, setting a precedent for a more public ownership of the Internet. But somehow I highly doubt they would ever do that...

Edit: I did what I documented here to do, and here is the (automated) answer from the ICANN:

Dear [name],

Thank you for contacting ICANN Contractual Compliance.

Your complaint involved a domain name registered under a country code top-level domain.

Please note that ICANN has no contractual authority to address complaints involving country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), such as .us, .eu, .ac, or domain names registered under a ccTLD (e.g. example.us, example.eu, example.ac). ICANN does not accredit registrars or set policy for ccTLDs and has no contractual authority to take compliance action against ccTLD operators. For inquiries and issues involving ccTLDs, you may wish to contact the relevant ccTLD manager using the contact details at https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db. This page will also help you determine which top-level domains (TLDs) are country codes (outside of ICANN’s scope) and which ones are generic (within ICANN’s scope).

Please note that responses to closed cases are not monitored. Therefore, if you require future assistance or have any questions regarding this case that is being closed, please email compliance@icann.org. if you have a new complaint, please submit it at http://www.icann.org/resources/compliance/complaints.

ICANN is requesting your feedback on this closed complaint. Please complete this optional survey here. 


ICANN Contractual Compliance

Of course, the contact details at https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/af.html are the Afghan ministry contact information, so this is a no go.

And the IANA being managed by the ICANN, aside from electing to use alternative DNS servers, there isn't much we can do.

7heo , (edited )

ICANN is going to become a UN agency before they kick out states as stakeholders.

You seem to be absolutely right. The conduct of the Afghan registry goes square against the ICANN base registry agreement, yet they won't do squat against ccTLDs, as evidenced per the email I received (see my edit).

Thank you for your comment.

7heo ,

That was a literal 1 minute internet search. I would not call that "research", really... The standards are low enough as it is, so maybe let's not drag them down any further.

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