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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising (www.techradar.com)

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

DaddleDew ,

Microsoft, stop. My computer can only be so switched to Linux.

DaddleDew ,

I didn’t wait. I did it earlier this year and haven’t booted from my Windows 10 drive since then. My entry drug was Linux Mint. But I quickly switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment (I prefer how it looks and handles multiple displays). It isn’t that hard to learn the basics you need to use Linux, as long as you use a decently stable distro that you won’t need to troubleshoot at every update. In my limited experience, you only need more in depth knowledge when you try messing around with more "cutting edge" and less "stable" distros and are installing experimental features.

I can’t believe that Microsoft is expecting everyone to get rid of their computer to switch to 11 once the support for 10 expires next year. I even revived an 15 year old laptop that only had 4Gb or RAM by installing Mint on it (and switching its HDD with an SSD I had kicking around). It’s fast and perfectly usable for everything but modern games now

DaddleDew ,

My machine cannot run 11 because of the arbitrary hardware requirements so I was looking down the barrel of Win10 being no longer supported next year.

I proactively installed Linux Mint on a second SSD I had kicking around just to see if I could live with it without making any commitments. I never looked back since then. I switched to OpenSUSE soon after though but that was because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment because I didn't like how Cinnamon was handling multiple monitors. But I haven't booted up my Windows 10 drive since then, other than to migrate some files I needed.

DaddleDew ,

Another easy solution for Photoshop is to run a virtual machine.

DaddleDew ,

I had a win 10 VM set up and it "booted" faster than my regular win 10 drive. I then switched to a win 10 LTSC VM and it "booted" a solid 10 seconds quicker on top of that.

DaddleDew , (edited )

I tried Fedora KDE spin first but it didn't work out for me. IDK if it was my hardware configuration it didn't like but the first time I booted it, it spammed me with crash reports. I poked around it for a few minutes, not being able to go far without things crashing again and again. I installed the updates and rebooted it hoping it would fix it but it got much worse after that. I couldn't do anything else as it immediately crashed at startup. I couldn't be bothered to look any further into it and switched to OpenSUSE which has been rock solid for months and still going. I'm running Plasma 6.1 with Wayland on it with no issues as well and I know Plasma 6.2 is coming soon. It uses pipewire as default as well. To be honest, IDK what Fedora would do better for my uses, except maybe for a faster package manager.

I'm certain that my Fedora experience isn't typical but for me at least it was a disaster.

DaddleDew ,

Let me fill in for them then: "We CoUlDn'T PoSsIbLy pReDiCt ThAt tHiS wAs GoInG tO hApPeN!"

That's the usual typical Corporate bad faith answer to whenever a serious consequence that everyone could see coming but they kept ignoring finally happens.

DaddleDew , (edited )

It reads "In-sah-ee-deh a-oot" no idea why they decided to put an "s" at the end instead of a "t".

DaddleDew ,

Ah thanks, I didn't know about that rule

DaddleDew ,

There should be a legal requirement to call a targeted advertisement a targeted advertisement. Being allowed to call them "recommendations" only makes these assholes feel emboldened to push ads where people wouldn't normally accept them. Microsoft is pulling that dirty trick as well.

DaddleDew ,

"He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived."

DaddleDew ,

Do it. Earlier this year I was exactly at the point you are now, coming from using Microsoft since MS DOS days. I'm glad I did the switch and haven't looked back since. It was far easier than I thought it would be. If you know how to uninstall Microsoft bloat you can easily learn to use Linux.

DaddleDew ,

I occasionally use Autodesk Inventor and Photoshop still. I've got a Windows 10 LTSC virtual machine set up just for that. I don't even let it connect to the internet. Any file I need to work on in there I just drag and drop them in and out of the VM. It's like keeping a pet Windows that you can use whenever you need it but it's kept confined in a vivarium so it cannot wander into your house and crap some bloatware on your carpet.

Another amusing analogy I have for it is that I'm keeping it locked in the Matrix. It thinks it's enjoying a big juicy steak but really it's locked up in a virtual world so it can be used by me without ever being able to seeing or affecting the outside world.

DaddleDew ,

I uninstalled this crap the moment I saw it appear in Windows Explorer. I never knew it was that bad. It was the rule back when I was still using Windows. Whatever Windows Update installed without my consent, it got deleted immediately.

DaddleDew ,

Corporations must generate growth to please their investors no matter what. If the CEO doesn't do it the board members will replace him with someone who will.

Microsoft cannot significantly generate growth by increasing their user base by making a more attractive product anymore. They have maxed out their share of the market. So they must pursue other ways to generate "growth", like data mining their customers to generate an additional source of income.

In this kind of situation you will see all sorts undesirable behaviors emerge from corporations like that, like lowering the quality of their products or cutting down on their workforce to "reduce cost" event though they are already turning a profit.

We will see this shit happen over and over again until we come up with a solution to this "infinite growth" problem.

DaddleDew ,

Brazenly forcing anti-consumer features like this is an obvious sign of monopoly and abuse of their dominating position on the market. They should have been broken up a long time ago along with all the other big tech companies who have been pulling this sort of crap.

DaddleDew ,

I remember when it happened. Back then we were concerned about how Microsoft was pushing Internet Explorer as a browser on its platform. And then we just gave up on enforcing Antitrust laws let them do whatever they want along with the rest of big tech. Since then they've been doing so much worse than that.

You can blame lobbying for that.

DaddleDew ,

Just subscribe a made up email address. I just mashed my keyboard a few times to type in an address and it worked.

Also trying to force someone to sign up to their mailing list just so you can see an article is a shit tactic. Who the fuck signs up to mailing lists from random websites anyway?

DaddleDew ,

I remember Google forcing a Google + down the throats of everyone who had a Google-related account such as a YouTube account. Then they started boasting about the record growth of their social media platform. I immediately knew that this was only a tactic to please their investors.

Years later they finally caught on with what as going on when someone published the usage data revealing that most of the traffic on Google+ didn't spend more than 5 seconds on the site. This meant that most of their "usage" was people who accidentally clicked on the wrong link or immediately left the moment they saw whatever they were interested in was on Google+

Reddit is doing the same thing by not deleting bot accounts to make it sound like the activity on the site is much greater than it actually is.

DaddleDew ,

Unpopular opinion warning:
After absolutely adoring Subnautica I was excited to try Outer Wilds as I was told it was similar. But for some reason despite my best efforts I just never got myself to care about it. It must be having to start over and over again and having a time limit to do anything that just annoys me too much. I get what they were going for and you can really tell it was made with a lot of love. But it was just not for me.

DaddleDew ,

I'm not even going to install Windows 11

DaddleDew ,

I tried the switch a while back and gave up. I tried a few months ago again with Mint and I haven't looked back. Now I'm looking to change to another distro. Mint is the perfect Linux entry drug. Just install it on another drive if you have one kicking around so you don't commit to destroying your windows install just yet.

DaddleDew ,

I've seen this movie before. They will make it enabled by default and make it difficult to disable. Then a few years later someone will figure out that this data that was supposed to be "private and encrypted" was being sent out to Microsoft, who will get a slap on the wrist, half assedly apologize and immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways to squeeze more income out of its users for "growth".

DaddleDew ,

Thanks for letting me know. Just blocked lemmy.ml from my feed.

DaddleDew ,

I'm sitting in the toilet right now so that would make things awkward.

DaddleDew ,

Big dumb corporation doing big dumb corporation stuff. It's so big it can't behave coherently anymore. But it's also so big that it acts like a black hole that sucks all the money towards itself regardless of how stupid, unproductive and wasteful it is being.

DaddleDew ,

When the marketing guy tries to do a job meant for the engineering department.

DaddleDew ,

The problem is that he placed people who are loyal to him on that board a long time ago. That's how he took control over Tesla and kicked out its original founders to begin with.

DaddleDew ,

This is the norm of what shareholder-driven companies in a situation of monopoly will tend to do. They try to see how much they can abuse their position of dominance on the market to maximize their profits. Microsoft's primary goal isn't to make a good user experience, or even a good OS. Their main goal is to milk as much money as possible from its assets for its shareholders. They've been playing that game for decades, only backtracking when the consumer backlash is strong enough to threaten their sales or when the government threatens to break them up.

On top of that, Microsoft has a long history of letting arrogant elements of top management take control of projects who will then force their "vision" down the throats of their customers who don't want any of it. They will only backtrack once the sales numbers become disastrous enough. Then usually the control returns to more competent people and a decent product tends to result from it. Think how Windows Vista lead to Windows 7. And how Windows 8 lead to Windows 10. Or even how the XBox One was originally designed and marketed as some sort of stupid way to watch NFL games on your TV with Kinect controls until they realized they were losing the console war and then started treating it like a gaming console again.

DaddleDew ,
  • On Reddit: "Windows is being enshitified. How can we cope with it?"
  • On Lemmy: "Windows is being enshitified. Good thing we've moved to Linux"

I think I see a pattern here.

DaddleDew , (edited )

According to the article they might be doing this to further discourage people from bypassing the hardware restrictions for installing Windows 11.

Don't worry Microsoft. I am fully deterred from ever installing Windows 11 on any of my current or future computers already.

They wouldn't be acting like this if they weren't convinced that they are in a monopolistic situation that is strong enough to let them get away with it. They don't seem to realize how user friendly and approachable some Linux distros have become, or at least are making the bet that most of their users won't discover it. I hope this anti consumer attitude pushes more and more people into giving Linux a try, like it did for me.

DaddleDew ,

Right now my computer isn't supported by Windows 11 so I have some time. But seeing this crap coming eventually in my future, I started dual booting Linux Mint to see if I could live with it. Turns out I like it better than windows. I haven't booted my window partition in weeks. When I finally upgrade my computer it will probably be running solely on Linux now and maybe have Windows 7 running in a virtual box for the very few programs I still need it for.

None of this would have happened had Microsoft not pushed their corporate enshitification past my threshold. Thanks Microsoft.

DaddleDew ,

What is your reason to pick Debian over Ubuntu?

DaddleDew ,

I wonder for how long they could pay those employee's salary for with that $56Bn paycheck Musk is trying to give himself.

DaddleDew ,

I right click them and then in the drop down menu that appears I click "block element..."

DaddleDew ,

This is something that sneaks up on you as well. And all that started a few years ago when I finally decided to get myself my first smartphone and tried to optimize data usage and battery life. I then realized that not only some apps and "system processes" were using battery and data when not in use, but that there wasn't even given a way for me to stop it from happening. I also got creeped out when I moved to work in another building and Facebook started giving me friend suggestions of people who worked there. Location wasn't even enabled on my phone.

And now today I have no mainstream social media account, run GrapheneOS on my phone, Linux on my computer and have migrated to almost entirely FOSS software and apps. I have become the crazy privacy obsessed weirdo.

DaddleDew ,

These little guys can chew their way through a crab's shell. Don't put your fingers near the business end.

DaddleDew ,

Hear me out: Class action lawsuit

DaddleDew ,

But just because it is in the EULA doesn't make it legal. At a time where big tech is being kept under a microscope for antitrust regulation, I'd say that an OS that actively destroys other competing OSes on the machine it is installed on should be considered an unfair anti-competitor tactic.

DaddleDew ,

If only politicians were held up to the same standards when it came to being in positions of conflict of interest.

DaddleDew ,

The guy is just trying to cash out as much money out of Reddit as he can until people realize how overvalued the site really is.

DaddleDew ,

And that the "increased community engagement" isn't mainly comments of people complaining about being tricked into clicking on an ad.

DaddleDew ,

Just deleted my Reddit account. I haven't used it in over a year now anyway. I was waiting for something like this to make a statement.

DaddleDew ,

I bet the "community engagement comments" are just people warning others that it is an ad

DaddleDew ,

In my area Kia drivers are also generally bad, but more in the "drive 20 under the speed limit for no reason while dragging a traffic cone that they've hit ten minutes back" category.

DaddleDew ,

I noticed that those who were pushing anti BLM, and then anti-mask/anti-vaccine memes suddenly started pushing pro-Russia content the moment Russia invaded Ukraine. They've been around stirring the pot and creating polarizing content to cause disarray for years. And judging by the state of US politics, it has been working.

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