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PowerCrazy ,

Safety standards is the stated reason, but the actual reason is that weight is unregulated and can always be increased in pursuit of any more profitable dimension. If weight was the taxable dimension, we'd live in a much better world.

PowerCrazy ,

Both. More weight of a car = more danger to everyone.

PowerCrazy ,
PowerCrazy ,

Well since we can't ban cars, the most severe problem, then I guess we can't do anything. Good job defending the status quo I guess.

PowerCrazy ,

Amazing how the existence of a single person who (may possibly) need a car means that everyone gets to drive cars and there is nothing that should be done about cars. Man isn't that convenient for you.

Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims (krebsonsecurity.com)

Virtual private networking (VPN) companies market their services as a way to prevent anyone from snooping on your Internet usage. But new research suggests this is a dangerous assumption when connecting to a VPN via an untrusted network, because attackers on the same network could force a target’s traffic off of the protection...

PowerCrazy ,

This won't mitigate this specific attack, however running your VPN as a full tunnel will.

PowerCrazy ,

Full tunnel using routing wouldn't work but many full tunnel implementations use a shim where once the Tunnel is connected, the system route table isn't referenced anymore, so you can put as many static routes etc as you want, but all traffic will hit the VPN interface before routing is done. For example Cisco any connect removes route look-up from the TCP/IP stack of the local system.

Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose (arstechnica.com)

Pulling this off requires high privileges in the network, so if this is done by intruder you're probably having a Really Bad Day anyway, but might be good to know if you're connecting to untrusted networks (public wifi etc). For now, if you need to be sure, either tether to Android - since the Android stack doesn't implement...

PowerCrazy ,

The association from otherwise well meaning people with dick-size and body shaming when it comes to cars is weird/creepy.

PowerCrazy ,

Must be compensating for something.

JustinH , to Fediverse
@JustinH@twit.social avatar

"We Need To Rewild The Internet"
An absolutely excellent read (and great analogy) by @mariafarrell and @robin Probably the best piece I've read all year.

I often struggle to think of a term for "appearing messy from a distance is often, on a human scale, healthy actually." Comparing the social web to an ecosystem is exactly it.



PowerCrazy ,

Isn't that what Freenet or ToR do in a similar way?

Though I guess with yours its smaller on the scale of individuals interacting.

PowerCrazy ,

Also breathalyzers. You can be compelled to give blood/breath/etc in the course of a criminal investigation and there are no constitutional protections covering you.

PowerCrazy ,

You get rid of cars and you stop designing society to accommodate the one edge case where someone lives 100miles away from a city that they have to commute by car to everyday for some reason.

PowerCrazy ,

How about trains? That way 99% of people dont' even need to drive, ever.

PowerCrazy ,

Literally the definition of an edge case, but consider this, if you never had a car you would have never been in that situation to begin with.

PowerCrazy ,

Bikes aren't pedestrians and shouldn't share any aspect of public space with them. I don't care beyond that. Additionally if a biker ever complains about pedestrians being "in the bike lane," the biker should be jailed, their bike impounded, and be forced to ride one of those 1800's Big wheel bikes.

PowerCrazy ,

It's an entitlement issue. I obviously want cars gone, at the very least from within urban cores, but ideally everywhere. But bikes also share the same issues as car-brained folks. Where they think that because they are a bike and that is better then a car, they should have priority over pedestrians and it's up to the pedestrians to make sure they aren't in the "bike lanes," etc etc.

It's important to codify that bikes only exist because of a courtesy, but much like cars, they do not hold any status above pedestrians, even if the citizenry has ceded a specific space for them.

PowerCrazy ,

Absolutely not. Cars make noise because physics says they have to. If somehow cars can be 100% silent in all ways, there is no reason at all that should be making noise (other then the horn to alert people in case they need to alert people).

Noise pollution is absolutely part of the problem with cars, so the last thing we need if we want in a society that continues to allow cars, is archaic rules where cars have to create more pollution.

PowerCrazy ,

Never forget that noise pollution is one of the multitudinous problems with cars and it's a car brained idea that cars should be forced to pollute more then they already do.

Should bikes also be forced to have sound emitting from them?

PowerCrazy ,

SF and Oakland aren't car-free, they are car outsourced. You don't drive, you have someone drive you. Other then a very narrow stretch of Down Town SF to Oakland, most of that metro area isn't served by public transit. Unlike say NYC where most of the metro area IS served by public transit. (It's still not car free though.)

PowerCrazy ,

Not just conservatives.

PowerCrazy ,

I don't want suburbs at all and public policy should make suburbs unaffordable.

PowerCrazy ,

If you are willing to pay $100/gallon of gasoline, pay for all the roads, pay for the carbon externalities of both the cars and the roads, and pay for the water infrastructure and basically live in a Galt's Gulch, then sure, you can do whatever you want. But that isn't the case today.

PowerCrazy ,

This is basically the same as the voting rolls that democrats and republicans use for canvassing. The amount of information they have and have had for years predating the internet, is immense.

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Are microplastics from car tyres contributing to heart disease?

"Add one more likely culprit to the long list of known cardiovascular risk factors including red meat, butter, smoking and stress: microplastics.

"In a study released Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, an international team of physicians and researchers showed that surgical patients who had a build-up of micro and nanoplastics in their arterial plaque had a 2.1 times greater risk of nonfatal heart attack, nonfatal stroke or death from any cause in the three years post surgery than those who did not."


The research is particularly noteworthy, given that one of the biggest sources of microplastic pollution is the synthetic rubber in car tyres: https://aus.social/@ajsadauskas/112015017609398126

So it's not just the sedentary lifestyles that car-dependent planning encourages that's causing health issues.

And it's not just exhaust fumes either.

There's also the health impacts of microplastics, including from car tyres.

Worth noting as well that internal documents from the big oil companies show that they knew since the 1970s that recycling wasn't going to solve the problem of plastic pollution. They promoted it anyway: https://aus.social/@ajsadauskas/112064312364853769


PowerCrazy ,

Plastic is bad, but if you are talking about microplastics, plastic items that's aren't "wear items" are not a significant source of them.

PowerCrazy ,

I should have clarified, they aren't a significant source of microplastics until disposal, since plastic disposal is a fiction. I.e. If you have a plastic water bottle and you drink the water, you aren't going to get any significant micro-plastic just because the water was stored in plastic. Same with PVC piping for water, or whatever.
However if you have a road near a body of water, you will get a very significant amount of microplastics buildup in that water that is much greater then from water stored in a bottle.
In the long term, all plastic becomes micro-plastic and gets everywhere, but wear items are absolutely the leading cause in both volume and the cause of increasing microplastics around the world.

PowerCrazy ,

i'm not convinced that female ceo's are paid less then male ceo's. And I know for a fact that female network engineers are paid the same as male network engineers. Unless the study is comparing specific jobs at specific companies, it seems like the article is bs.

PowerCrazy ,

I'm objectively correct on at least one point, and that is because the company I work at publishes total compensation for engineers and male and female engineers are identically compensated. CEO compensation at all public companies is published as well, so go ahead and show me some underpaid female ceo's, I'll wait.

PowerCrazy ,

I'm more concerned with problems presented as some kind of "unsolvable" bias. If you have 1.4million payslips that are showing clear systemic discrimination based on sex surely that is a huge class-action lawsuit right? Wouldn't hundreds of thousands of workers being underpaid be a great avenue for direct action that would economically elevate them and provide some succor in an unjust world?

Show the data. Show the methodology. Give it to Netherlands or EU equivalent of the ACLU, let's solve some problems!

PowerCrazy ,

Too bad that's a lie since they still have all the polluting aspects of car production and wear items (tires, brake pads, pumps) plus way more electronic waste. The only thing they dont' have is specific tail-pipe emissions, which on the balance is the least important part of car pollution.

PowerCrazy ,

Wait until you hear about how much emissions a single cargo ship emits. Or a commercial Jet, or Cruise ship, or a coal plant.

PowerCrazy ,

The problem is cars. Not how they are fueled.

PowerCrazy ,

pity about all the other problems cars cause.

PowerCrazy ,

If old cars could be converted to electric easily, then you'd have a point. But every single electric car sold is ~1 additional car on the road, and extra cars are worse for the environment then fewer cars.

ajsadauskas , (edited ) to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Concerned about microplastics? Research shows one of the biggest sources is car tyres

A lot of the emphasis on reducing microplastics has focussed on things like plastic bags, clothing, and food packaging.

But there's a growing body of research that shows one of the biggest culprits by far is car tyres.

It's increasingly clear that we simply cannot solve the issue of microplastics in the environment while still using tyres — even with electric-powered cars.

"Tyre wear stands out as a major source of microplastic pollution. Globally, each person is responsible for around 1kg of microplastic pollution from tyre wear released into the environment on average each year – with even higher rates observed in developed nations.

"It is estimated that between 8% and 40% of these particles find their way into surface waters such as the sea, rivers and lakes through runoff from road surfaces, wastewater discharge or even through airborne transport.

"However, tyre wear microplastics have been largely overlooked as a microplastic pollutant. Their dark colour makes them difficult to detect, so these particles can’t be identified using the traditional spectroscopy methods used to identify other more colourful plastic polymers."


"Microplastic pollution has polluted the entire planet, from Arctic snow and Alpine soils to the deepest oceans. The particles can harbour toxic chemicals and harmful microbes and are known to harm some marine creatures. People are also known to consume them via food and water, and to breathe them, But the impact on human health is not yet known.

"“Roads are a very significant source of microplastics to remote areas, including the oceans,” said Andreas Stohl, from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, who led the research. He said an average tyre loses 4kg during its lifetime. “It’s such a huge amount of plastic compared to, say, clothes,” whose fibres are commonly found in rivers, Stohl said. “You will not lose kilograms of plastic from your clothing.”"


"Microplastics are of increasing concern in the environment [1, 2]. Tire wear is estimated to be one of the largest sources of microplastics entering the aquatic environment [3,4,5,6,7]. The mechanical abrasion of car tires by the road surface forms tire wear particles (TWP) [8] and/or tire and road wear particles (TRWP), consisting of a complex mixture of rubber, with both embedded asphalt and minerals from the pavement [9]."



PowerCrazy ,

Your decadent lifestyle shouldn't have ever been normalized. Your neighborhood likely should have never been built. And the hundreds of miles of road network that you use weekly doesn't need to exist.

PowerCrazy ,

No environmentalists likes cars, nor do they think EVs are a good thing.

PowerCrazy ,

The only problem ShotSpotter solves is not enough public money into private hands. What information does it actually give the police, even assuming that it is 100% accurate?
At a certain time and place a gun was fired. Great? Who cares. That isn't worth $1million/mo.
If there are 3 people in the general location and time that a gun was fired, what has shotspotter done to help?

Fortunately Chicago is getting rid of this finally.

Chat Control May Finally Be Dead: European Court Rules That Weakening Encryption Is Illegal (tuta.com)

The EU Court ruled that “Backdoors may also be exploited by criminal networks and would seriously compromise the security of all users’ electronic communications. The Court takes note of the dangers of restricting encryption described by many experts in the field.” Any requirement to build in backdoors to encryption...

PowerCrazy ,

Sounds like the constitution would need to be updated in that case. But there has been no successful constitutional challenges for trans-rights, so it wouldn't apply in this case.

PowerCrazy ,

I've been using an intel NUC for like 5 years now. It does 4k no problem.

PowerCrazy ,

Anything that supports HDMI 2.0 or Display Port 1.4 can do HDR. My intel nuc does hdmi 2.0, that was why I bought it. So yes, it does. Stop being a naive consumerist and learn what you are actually consuming.

PowerCrazy ,

Media passthrough isn't the same as streaming from the HTPC. IF you look directly above the quote above.

For a HTPC, this means HDR support must be in the video, GPU, video interface (HDMI/DP) and ultimately your output device (typically a TV).
HDR10 is supported on HTPCs under Windows, macOS Catalina, Android and (usually) libreelec/coreelec operating systems. Linux is NOT supported.

So you if you have a HDR10+ source on your IntelNUC, or whatever, you can play that over HDMI 2.0 to a compatible TV without an issue.

PowerCrazy ,

I have a USB drive with a keypad on it, it stores my FIPS Compliant SSH-key for IL-5 government systems. I unlock it to add my key into my ssh-agent, and don't use it for anything else. Though it is an 8gig USB stick, so I could in theory run some kind of security/pen testing flavor of linux plus a VPN Client to connect to said systems.

PowerCrazy ,

The government is slow, so using a yubikey isn't authorized, but the datasur pro is, and the private key does have a passphrase.

PowerCrazy ,

I wish it were a straight ban and while I appreciate the desire to make it progressive, the fact is in the most well-connected city in the US, the goal isn't to generate revenue from this, it is to reduce the amount of cars, and that includes poor people in non-suvs.

PowerCrazy ,

If you risked 20 years in prison every time you drink and drive it would happen a lot less. This is pretty much the one instance where I think the fear of punishment should out-prioritize rehabilitation because the act is just so egregious and preventable.

This will not fix anything except the problem of not enough people in prison. Countless studies have shown that after a certain amount of punishment, anymore is functionally useless. In addition you have to factor in the chances of getting caught. If I have a better chance of winning the lottery then getting caught speeding, then the consequences for speeding aren't going to factor into my decision to speed.

The only thing that will reduce drinking and driving at this point is reducing driving, period.

PowerCrazy ,

Lol what? Actively Undermining American Democracy? I have to see the source for this.

PowerCrazy ,

Sure but Cambridge Analytica isn't "anti-democracy" or whatever anymore then political ads are.

PowerCrazy ,

Electric Cars aren't a better alternative to "fewer cars."

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