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@RealFknNito@lemmy.world cover
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar



“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

No you're right, we should take the side of the government who actively performs military drills off the coast of a mostly defenseless island of people to subjegate them. The side of a country who has countless times shown us they not only don't respect our way of living but actively support our enemies like Russia. The side of a country that if given the option would propagandize us the same way they do their citizens. Heard of Tiananmen square?

I'd rather be exploited by billionaires for my work than lied to, manipulated by, exploited by, then murdered by my government in the streets.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Surprised this doesn't fall under libel, claiming to partner with a brand and put words down as if they said them. Not that I don't support God tier trolling of gas companies, just seems like they'd make a litigious move.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Well, they're on billboards so someone legally owns them even if the activists were the ones renting the spot. Someone has their real name tied to those and I'm sure a corporation would try and get something out of them.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

The two current candidates are so far apart the people who claim to be undecided are ignorant or stupid, willingly or otherwise. I'd understand riding the fence between Biden and Bernie, even if I've made my choice between them, but between Trump and Biden?

That's the kind of person who is undecided if they want to drive to work or walk down the middle of i-95

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

So close to being self aware. What happens when you reverse the roles with the same logic then? Judging a police force for their most violent cops but not judging a demonstration for their most violent participants is what? Are you suddenly a 'freedom fighter' because you believe your cause is just? History proves the worst people always think their path forward is the righteous one. I really wish we'd stop getting distracted by this shit and fight against the real oppressors of us all: The wealthy.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I'm 14 and that's deep. Way to sidestep the actual point.

The counter to hypocrisy is to be principled, yet that sign seems to accuse people of the exact thing it represents. I'll ask again, if your enemies are oppressors, does that make you a self-claimed freedom fighter? Rebel? Or something less flattering - Terrorist.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

So when a man hits you over the head, you go after the hammer?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Wonderful, then you'd agree we should get rid of all hammers then too right? Clearly it's the fault of the tool, not the one wielding it.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

google "how to form a rebuttal" 👍

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah it's hard to stay consistent when warped logic is applied to different scenarios. I'll spell it out for you, Mr. White.

If a murderer uses a hammer to murder, you don't ban hammers, you go after the murderer. So then why when the wealthy use the police as a tool, you try to ban police, instead of going after the wealthy?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not asking for your emotional or instinctive response to the situation, I'm asking you who you hold accountable. Your response seems to hold a tool (hammer/cop) instead of the thing that used it to hurt you(criminal/wealthy).

Yes, you don't care, I get it. You can't engage with serious shit so why the fuck are you responding? There will always be another tool, always be another way to hurt people, stop fucking focusing on the tool and go after the person using it. So exhausting trying to teach morons unwilling to learn.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Again, cops are just doing their job. You want to change what their job is, you need to go after the people giving them that job. You aren't going to topple a critical pillar of society, law enforcement, because you think it's corrupt.

For the last time, eat the rich, stop getting distracted.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

God you're so right. We should divide our attention so nothing gets done instead of focusing it on the most pressing issue. You're a fucking idiot, goodbye.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

This is the tech you're all afraid of?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Reminds me of how the "1800 gallons for one burger" statistic uses annual rainfall to calculate that as if it was captured, stored, and used from our kitchen sinks.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Because statistics like those often ignore the fact the water they're calculating is inaccessible for other uses. They calculate the rainwater used to make the grass grow, water we don't collect nor have available for other uses, but it makes the number higher and shocking. If you see "14,000 gallons of water per cow" you think that's how much water we've "lost" when in reality, it's a massive bucket of rainwater they're drinking out of, not a hit to our irrigation or water treatment facilities.

It's a misleading statistic meant to shock and manipulate you into a specific way of thinking, a lot like your original comment. I don't give a shit how much rainwater a cow drinks, I care about how much is being pulled from local irrigation. Rainwater is going to lay in the dirt and evaporate anyway so why is that being calculated? If the answer to how much water is being pulled from our infrastructure is nearly zero, that's how many fucks I dedicate to it.

Should datacenters be operating in silicon valley where water is already scarce? No. But people shouldn't also be living in a fucking desert, overdrawing from the river that lets anyone live there, so maybe they should move. Not like they can't afford to.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

You should learn how to structure a retort.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Three paragraphs to one line. I know you might have trouble with size comparisons, but do your best little guy.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Well yeah, you gun down a few dozen people, death can't save you. Welcome to baby prison you dumb baby.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Biometric is high security against thieves and nosy girlfriends, not kidnappers or cops apparently. You need to be physically present for most of them which means it can't be done without you knowing. The problem arises when the person who wants access also has access to you.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

How Anarchists see themselves vs the actual result of Anarchy.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

By turning cities into slums and making a militia police force that guns down innocent civilians anyway? Yay anarchy.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Posted one. Want a history book too?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Just never talk in a public server and it still won't.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar
RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

.. No. It's $15 a month unless you sign up every single person in your family. It still boggles my mind how people have grown used to the idea of using services for free. The internet isn't free. Everything costs money, even Lemmy. YouTube has server costs. Employee costs. And dare I say it, profit margins because they're a business.

You need to pay for services you use. I'm exhausted with online entitlement that it all should be free.

RealFknNito , (edited )
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

$15 a month is on par with other subscriptions, part of that money goes to the people you watch so they can get paid for what they do, I don't see what's unfair about this pricing. Yes, the features they give are lackluster and could easily be done by third party apps before they killed them but I pay for premium so the people who do YouTube as a job can make a living.

RealFknNito , (edited )
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Does it even pay the people you watch? No.. wait.. it just freeloads off YouTube by piping that content to their site.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

The service was never fucking free you goober it always had ads. Since the moment it expanded beyond a couple dozen 240p videos, it had ads. You know what they did though? Tried to pay the people you watch so they could make a living giving you content. But yes throw a fucking tantrum that you have to pay the website so they can stay running and pay the people so they can earn that "regular people money" you ignorant fuckwit. YouTube still, to this day, doesn't make a profit and still comes at an expense to Google/Alphabet.

You've been comfortable in that red wig and nose for way too long already.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

They provide a service not easily replicated, hence why there are no good alternatives. They operate on a loss because Alphabet/Google can afford it. They own the monopoly because they're willing to lose money on it. You can swallow your pride and fuck off but it doesn't matter. You don't make an impact. They'll still have the userbase and you leaving does nothing but lighten the server load from people who won't pay anyway.

You aren't entitled to free services at the expense of others. They don't have to let you use their website without charging you. You not using the site without paying isn't the attack you think it is, it's the desired outcome.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

How much do they profit off YouTube again?

Oh wait - they don't. They take losses from it. A business, meant for making money, is suffering a loss to provide goobers like you content and have the goobers making that content profit enough so they aren't in poverty for choosing to make videos for a living.

You people really throw logic out the window when you talk about shit like this. You want corporations to make less money? Go fix the fucking tax laws not bitch about average membership fees like a fuckwit.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It doesn't.

Source? Me. I've had it for months haven't seen a single ad.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I don't care if it's Google, Amazon, or fucking Walmart. If the product makes sense as it is right now and the price is on par with other services, I'll pay for it if it makes sense for me.

I'm not going to avoid something or complain about shit that hasn't even happened yet. If you don't like the corporations and want to avoid supporting them, fine, but I'm exhausted with people giving bullshit answers as to why xyz isn't fair.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Do you know how little money advertisers pay per ad? I think last I heard it's between 0.5 and 3 cents. Could be even lower. That's probably not enough, so they sell your anonymized data. That's not enough, so they offer a membership without ads so the ratio can allow them to get closer to break even. What's left?

The people getting the benefits of membership without paying for it. Third party apps letting you use premium features for free? Gone. Didn't push the needle far enough. Most of their userbase using adblocker? New target acquired.

They're very clearly trying to get their revenue and expenses to hit 1:1 because no company that's doing well is going to crack down on their users. Netflix was flourishing so they let you share accounts. Then, the bill came and they said fuck that. Their revenue and profits went up what, 60%? They just had to endure the people throwing tantrums.

No, they're learning that if 5% of the people using adblockers instead get Premium, they lose less money, even if it means doing what Netflix did and riding out the storm while people bitch and moan about how their free shit isn't free anymore. Should they help offset it by making Premium more worthwhile with features even third party apps could do? Absolutely. Do I hate having to defend a company that could be doing so much more to benefit their users but are making pretty common sense business practices? Absolutely.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

YouTube has been running on a loss since they last posted their info some handful of years ago. I think Susan was being pressured by creators to be transparent or something. YouTube has expanded well beyond what it used to be and hasn't demanded money to compensate. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and Google/Alphabet has been fine with that but clearly aren't anymore.

Alphabet makes money in other areas, yes, but YouTube specifically is the problem child that keeps begging for an allowance. So, how does YouTube fix it? How do they save money? By kicking off the freeloaders. You watch ads, contribute your 13 cents for the day, then fuck off - or you can buy premium.

Like I've said before, if you hate the big companies fix the tax laws, don't bitch about them charging you for the service you've been getting free of charge.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, that's fair critique. Them not implementing the features people turn to third party apps for. Absolutely.

What I can't make sense of are the people who want control, privacy, content, and not to pay a dime. YouTube could do this better, sure, but let that be the criticism not the mere fact they have the audacity to kick off people who provide nothing and take everything.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Thing is, what you're describing is a logical fallacy. That because things got worse they're going to continue to get worse. The slippery slope fallacy.

Yes, you used to have dozens and even hundreds of songs that nobody could take away from you. You were your own server. However, now that we have a service like Spotify where you can listen to most of the world's music, not be required to store it, not have to buy each album, each track, but instead pay $15 and listen to anything, anytime, make nearly unlimited playlists of nearly unlimited tracks.. it doesn't make me miss the old days. I don't feel nostalgia for the days when my disk walkman skipped because I walked too fast or the headphones on my head were $3 and I couldn't even hear the lyrics properly. Now we have lossless compression, headphones that would cost thousands just a few years ago being only a couple hundred, devices that don't skip, don't lag, don't buffer, but instead of you fronting the cost all at once you make payment plans. You take for granted the things we dreamt of and demand improvement, not stagnation, and god forbid a decline.

You can still live in the past. Download and store entire discographies from any of the dozens of pirate sites, force them onto your device, then play them as if we still lived in 2009. But the artist doesn't see a dime for that. The pirate site doesn't see a nickel. So you either support the people who make things you like in a system you don't, or you fuck them over to try and stick it to the system itself. Thing is, I think the system will survive even when the things you like, don't.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

This has been a point of discussion for nearly a decade. It's almost common knowledge YouTube runs at a loss. CDN hosting was approximated to be about 2 billion in 2017, not including what they pay to creators, employees, etc. Their revenue does not cover all of these expenses, meaning there are no profits to announce. They borrow money from their parent company, Alphabet, because they benefit from YouTube by it merely existing under their control. They have an effective monopoly on video hosting and zero meaningful competition.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

You know what's really strange? That you think not paying YouTube would make it so they could give their creators enough to where they didn't need to take outside sponsors. Almost like YouTube has limited or even no control over creators having third party sponsors but you still blaming them for it.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I think the only problem with Netflix is that they funnel money into the wrong shows. They'd rather launch 180 new series than fund 18 really good ones. Other companies, like Disney, making new platforms to host their own content definitely hurt Netflix but I think it still has enough value to warrant buying.

I took your comment as idolizing the past and gesturing to a grim future.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

To. Support. The. Creators. I. Watch.

Use sponsorblock then, I sure as hell do. My main goal is to get rid of as many problems as possible and creators not getting paid enough is on that list.

So I buy premium. I participate in the system because a tantrum doesn't fix it.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

The internet is actually free

Okay I'll let Verizon know so they can stop charging me monthly. I'll let Google know the servers they bought should have been free. That the electricity to keep them running, also free. It's all just fuckin free!

How long have you been on the internet? Two weeks? Three? How did you even find Lemmy?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

So you're just outing yourself as being among the freeloaders they're trying to kick off.

Okay then?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

First of all, the link to Reddit had their own links but hey, fuck trying to find a source. Second, you're looking for decade old information as if it were brand new, not really how SEO works but hey.

YouTube doesn't report their expenses. We have to guess. The one time they did revealed they operate at a loss which is why in the fucking Reddit post I showed you, they were discussing said losses. But hey, not an acceptable source. Christ.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Then may your videos be riddled with ads, sponsors, and one day throttled buffering speeds.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

.. Because the site you fucking watch them on needs to pay bills? Why are you all so selectively stupid on this point?

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

And their expenses? 31 billion? 32 billion? You don't fucking know do you? REVENUE IS A POINTLESS METRIC WITHOUT FUCKING EXPENSES. Holy shit you people really are so vapid.

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, take care psuedo intellectual. If you aren't passionate about your position, your position is worthless.

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