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@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar



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Apple crushes creativity and its reputation in new iPad ad (www.theregister.com)

The ad itself depicted a mechanical crusher destroying artifacts of human creativity. A trumpet, guitar, sculpture, piano, drawing board, paints, a metronome, several analog cameras, a turntable, and hi-fi equipment were among the much-loved items yielding to the machine's unstoppable force.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

If you got Apple is “destroying creativity” from that, you A) only saw the clip or B) are searching for problem.

The outcry's not really Apple, but tech in general. The backlash of crushing the human experience is the transition from valuing true art and creativity, and just lurching toward yet another do-everything screen that doesn't compliment creativity, but instead displaces it, with the hint of incoming generative AI.

Apple really doesn't give a fuck about art, creativity, expression, or for that matter quality anymore. They're good at making a thing that sells, they're good at marketing it, and they're good at convincing people of the cost vs worth equation that gives them insane margins over their chic branding. I love the outcry not because of any validity behind the detriment of tablets and smartphones (which is absolutely there) but moreso because it's entertaining when a company renowned for their advertising prowess fucks up so publicly then backpedals with apologies.

Good times, and fuck Apple.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Between working two jobs, never paying off student loans, unobtainable housing, and medical bankruptcy, yeah you're right. Let's just get our dopamine fix and be content with our squalor.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I remember thinking movies just had absurd sensationalized plot lines and that our societies were past that shit. Then I saw former soviets killed by alpha particle emitting pills, whistleblowers dying, and now I'm thinking the truth is stranger than fiction.

Hang in there Edward Snowden, it's amazing that fucker threaded the needle and still lives.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, sounds like a Gnome-lover trying to gaslight too. Least you could do is be a little less predictable and make this more fun to shit on Gnome.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

LOL, we still don't have Wayland because the daft cunts at Gnome still haven't heard of 4k displays and setting scaling factors for Xwayland.....you know.....problems Plasma never had in the first place.

All Gnome does is propose half baked measures they don't take any action on because the fully formed cohesive solution doesn't spontaneously magic itself into existence, then gaslight the users. Fuck Gnome.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Good, because the attitude you have means you'll only develop for your own use case and then call anyone else an entitled brat. We don't want your shitty project if you're so narrow minded. Please keep it off of repo's and don't risk anyone accidentally rolling it in and creating even more worthless noise.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

That new Chevy RST looking pretty badass, it isn't just marginally better than a Cybertruck, it's objectively superior in nearly every aspect that it can be superior.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Then he tried using Wayland on nVidia, and the MF became the darkest Joker we've ever had.

Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps (www.404media.co)

Instagram is profiting from several ads that invite people to create nonconsensual nude images with AI image generation apps, once again showing that some of the most harmful applications of AI tools are not hidden on the dark corners of the internet, but are actively promoted to users by social media companies unable or...

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

So, if the AI generated tits look real, but they're not HER tits, is it just less terrible?

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not that it’s more efficient, it’s simply used less than in conventional PC architecture.

It's not that you're wrong from a philosophical perspective with that, it's that you're factually incorrect. Memory addresses don't suddenly shrink or expand depending on where they exist on the bus or the CPU. Being on the SoC doesn't magically make RAM used less by the OS and applications, as the mach kernel, Darwin, and various MacOS layers still address the same amount of memory as they would on traditional PC architecture.

Memory is memory, just like glass is glass, and glass will still scratch at a level 7 just like 8GB of RAM holds the same amount of information as.....8GB of RAM.

The article actually quantitatively tests this too by pointing out their memory usage with Chrome and different numbers of tabs open.

Looks like you didn't read the article.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like you didn't read the article either.

Overall, I'm using 12.5GB of memory and the only application I have open is Chrome. Oh, and did I mention I'm typing this on a 16GB MacBook Air? I used to have an 8GB Apple silicon Air and to be frank it was a nightmare, constantly running out of memory just browsing the web.

Earlier it's mentioned that they have 15 tabs open. I don't like a lot of things they do in "gaming journalism" but on this article they're spot on. Apple is full of shit in saying 8GB is enough by today's standards. 8GB is a fuckin joke, and you can't add any RAM later.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

You do have a point, but I think the intent of the article is to convey the common understanding that Apple is leaning on sales tactics to convince people of a thing that anyone with technical acumen sees through immediately. Regardless of how efficient Mach/Darwin is, it's still apples to apples (pun intended) to understand how quickly 8GB fills up in 2024. For those who need a fully quantitative performance measurement between 8 and 16GB, with enough applications loaded to display the thrashing that starts happening, they're not really the audience. THAT audience is busy reading about gardening tips, lifestyle, and celebrity gossip.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I'm actually deeply familiar with the architecture, and how caches, memory, and UM's work. I understand all of that. None of that changes the storage available. Having high memory bandwidth to load/unload memory addresses doesn't fix the issue of the environment easily exceeding 8GB. I also understand the caching principles and how you actually want RAM utilization to be higher for faster responsiveness. 8GB is still 8GB, and a joke.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

15 tabs of Safari, which is demonstrably a better browser by some opinions due to its efficiency and available privacy configuration options. What if you prefer Chrome or Firefox?

I will argue in Apple's defense that their stack includes very effective libraries that intrinsically made applications on Mac OS better in many regards, but 8GB is still 8GB, and an SoC isn't upgradeable. Competition has far cheaper 16GB options, and Apple is back to looking like complete assholes again.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

A weeklong battery life, efficient cores, rapid response time, and great software environment make it a great choice......at 16GB for my needs. I will not recommend 8GB to any user at all going forward. It's marketing malarkey with no future proofing, degrading the viable longevity of the machine.

There's no conversation to continue. Glass is glass, and 8GB is 8GB, as well as being a joke.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

"Your powers are quaint, you must be popular with the children"

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I work for a completely fucking dumbass shit for brains company that internally uses it for some of our intranet sites, and those are always having issues. Whenever someone wants to talk about "gubment waste" I would really like to show them our enterprise stack and the boondoggles of the corporate world where we fuck shit up, have no accountability, and fail upwards while leaving messes too big to clean up.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

It's also cheaper to just pay someone to work IN the store than hiring people outside of the country watching video feeds.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I really don't see the point in voting when the executive and legislative branches are bought and paid for with candidates I don't approve of.

Bernie Sanders' constituents are incredibly fortunate. The candidates available for my districts oppose socialized medicine, returning stock market regulations (e.g. outlawing stock buybacks), and the 32 hour workweek mandate.

When I have someone I can vote for, then I'll vote. Otherwise fuck it, waste of my time.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Tell you what's really hilarious is listening to Chinese (mainland Chinese, any province) completely lose their shit and turn into a rabid psychopath driveling screaming moron as soon as anyone says "Taiwan number one!".

They act like it's the most offensive possible thing that can be said apart from Xi looking like Winnie the Pooh.....because he does of course.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

The Reddit mods and Spez deserve each other. Fuck em, I'm enjoying watching it all burn.

Shadywack , (edited )
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar
  • VRR is finally in but experimental, and will need to refactor the explicit sync codebase when that's merged in....so we're 4 years away from usable?
  • Fractional scaling still experimental, after 4 years, so terrible experience for people with 4K displays
  • Still no UI menu to alphabetize apps automatically
  • Still no proper kstatusnotifier solution, so people will still install that extension
  • Still no auto-hide for Dash, back to using dash-to-dock
  • Breakage for extensions AGAIN

Garbage project by garbage devs, backed by a garbage corporate sponsor (IBM). Expect a garbage experience, thanks for nothing Guh-nome. Thank goodness for KDE and the Plasma project, which has UI solutions for all of the above and much MUCH more to make a cohesive well functioning DE with sane UX.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

There’s also no need for the devs to be gaslighting pricks either.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Millions? LOL
Maybe thousands, and if it is millions, it's far more likely that it's on a distro that puts forth a huge library of extensions to get around Gnome's senseless design choices so they can maintain gtk operability....which has been waning lately.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

When you have that much money, there’s not really much society can do to touch you.

We've confronted robber barons before, and then stuff like the Sherman Anti Trust act happened. If we can collectively gain the resolve, society can absolutely touch these motherfuckers. We arguably had even worse politicians back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, and after some serious incidents it became a politically charged enough issue to overhaul Congress and the Senate.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I view the "take my ball and leave" talk as gaslighting. The rich are rich thanks to infrastructure we fund on a public basis. Roads, police, fire departments, and the very function of society is something we all collectively fund that they benefit from. I wish them all the luck in the world going to some third party totalitarian shithole with minefields, far more broken roads than we have, and warlords.

Have fun, fuckheads, please leave and don't let the door hit you in the ass. That's my response to any talk about uprooting.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

And I'm sure it was all the workers' fault, none of the upper crust fuckers who wasted the money will see any penalty for it.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

First off, 10 billion on a failure shows a great deal of business acumen failings at play. Yes, they can "afford it", but they afford it with all customers bearing that failure. What's perhaps even worse is how easily they can afford it, much like Meta's VR boondoggle.

As for playing it safe, Apple is the posterchild for that.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

"I think eggplant tastes horrible"

"Got a source to back that up?"

Yep, sounds about like some motherfuckers around here.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, Right here.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody "earns a monopoly". I'll take advocating for the public trust over ethical bankruptcy. I'm not aware of anytime that nVidia did anything in fairness, only through high pressure antitrust tactics that border on illegal. Fuck Jensen and fuck nVidia.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I already moved over to Proton in anticipation of Google charging for Gmail. It's untouchable as far as longevity, but it's going to be majorly enshittifiedto the point that leaving it will be more desirable than staying.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

It's great to see a service strategy that revolves around delivering value to your users, who then recommend it on your behalf, instead of revolving around delivering the least value while extracting the most revenue possible, so you can hand it to shareholders after executive compensation eats it up.

Way to go Proton! Easiest money I spend every year too.

Mark Zuckerberg: Tech layoffs in 2024 have been a natural response to pandemic-era over hiring (www.itpro.com)

Mark Zuckerberg: Tech layoffs in 2024 have been a natural response to pandemic-era over hiring::Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes companies are still readjusting to pandemic-era hiring tactics amid a flurry of layoffs across the industry.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I think across the economy, a lot of companies overbuilt and then when things went back to pretty close to exactly the way they were before. I think a lot of companies realized they’re not in a good financial place.

Zuckerberg is a miserable motherfucking shit cunt scumbag fuckface.

There's a HUGE difference, and his statement is very false. Corporate profits were stellar when they shit canned people. Artificial demand reduction thanks to the Fed, which causes layoffs and pain for workers but NOT for corporations whose revenues are still at record highs. The fourth circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno would be a kindness to executives, the eighth circle, Fraud....that would be where he belongs. Sometimes I hate being an Atheist, because I do wish nothing but misery and torment on the wealthy for all time. I can see where religion gets some serious legs, and during the French Revolution, that's where they thought they were sending their aristocrats off to.

If only we could have the luxury of that belief too.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Doctooore Sbaitso, please enter your name.

Man I wondered if I'd ever talk to anyone else that used it. I liked asking him to pronounce "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", and he actually did a pretty good job.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Giant rat penises will only hurt you if you have an underlying medical condition (anal fissures, etc).

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

And AI is the technology of the future, despite all the whinging and griping by commenters on the subject.

Yeah because we've never seen tech fads before heralded as the next big thing. If I could roll my eyes any harder we could harness that for power generation.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I think the obvious worry being alluded to is the reason they had 400m in cash due to their arrangement with Google. Their primary sustenance comes from an entity actively seeking their destruction.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Don't forget that Mozilla even had a Metaverse instance, chasing the VR fad, only to turn around and chase the latest trendy subject.

Sony misses PS5 sales target as console enters ‘latter stage of its life cycle’ (www.theverge.com)

Sony misses PS5 sales target as console enters ‘latter stage of its life cycle’::Sony has cut its sales forecast by 4 million units for the fiscal year, down from 25 million to 21 million. It comes as the company missed its sales projections by a million.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I hear ya but they launched with RDNA 2, ray tracing is AMD's 1st gen implementation with dubious claims about their ray accelerators being a hardware solution, and 10tflops with 36 CU's (compared to the 6800xt's 72), the writing was on the wall during launch. Soon as we had specs, all of their claims looked like bullshit to me from the start.

I do admire their overclocking trick to compensate, and I do really enjoy their UX along with that bamf controller. They definitely pulled the right business tricks, but high framerates and ray tracing was laughable to me. Just marketing myth, and I feel you. 30fps is cringe to me and I wish consoles could get past that shit.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

What I really read when you write that is "By the time the earnest benefits of the PS5 platform are realized, they'll be selling PS5 Pro's to brute force improvements".

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

More like “new CEO knows how to chase the latest shiny fad”

Where tech is going, that couldn’t be more absurd. When you’re done bootlicking, that taste takes a while to clear out.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

Truth. Executives lie, then lie some more, then lie about lying, and then lyingly lie to whatever end suits them in the moment.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

I know what would fix it, the French method. Fix that shit real fast.

Shadywack ,
@Shadywack@lemmy.world avatar

We’re past the point of asking for ethics, I don’t think you interpreted the guillotines remark correctly.

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