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How to remotely reboot a Linux host if SSH fails to connect?

Edit2: Thanks all for your responses! I have checked the logs, https://lemmy.nz/comment/6192604, and based on that removed tracker-miner-fs as it's a search/index tool which I don't need. No idea why it took over all memory. I'll also get a WiFi Smartplug as a kill switch. Hopefully that solves it....

jkrtn ,

There's a tale from long ago where someone set up a CD drive tray so that opening it would tap the reset button on a server.

jkrtn ,

Guardrails are absolutely not a reason why people prefer the CLI. We want the guardrails off so we can go faster.

jkrtn ,

This is some "John Barron" energy. Imagine having fucktons of money and still being a whiny crybaby like these fellows.

What is your preferred method for backing up several TB of data?

What storage software could I run to have an archive of my personal files (a couple TB of photos) that doesn't require I keep a full local copy of all the data? I like the idea of a simple and focused tool like Syncthing, but they seem to be angling towards replication....

jkrtn OP ,

This would be self-hosted and local, one of the locations in a 3-2-1 strategy. BackBlaze would work for an offsite but I already have that portion covered.

jkrtn OP ,

That's top of my list for moving the files if I do an S3 or WebDAV backend. I'm overthinking this, aren't I? Just find a WebDAV server, set it up, use rclone to append files and pretty much everything else will be able to browse.

jkrtn OP ,

I was looking at Borg but that's one of the tools where it seems like I need the entire replicated copy of the dataset locally to add more. I believe Borg can open a view into previous versions of the data, so it's technically append only, but I'd find that process tedious.

These are a couple TB and mostly photos I've taken. I'd like to be able to browse and edit at some point, but my primary concern right now is keeping a copy of everything.

jkrtn OP ,

I want like one local device to have a full copy, but the devices writing new data into that one do not need a full copy.

jkrtn OP ,

Do you have a software you like for that?

jkrtn OP ,

"Incremental" sounds right. I want it to act like rsync without deleting files on the destination, so all the folders are merged. (It would be cool if it kept versions but I don't absolutely need that.) Tools like Borg or Restic look great, but I have been searching to see if they support this kind of usage and they seem not to.

jkrtn OP ,

Do a riffle shuffle to make them even more secure!

jkrtn OP ,

Yeah it's hard to find something that perfectly fits just what you want. I think it's better if I do something simple like ZFS and maybe some kind of file server on top.

jkrtn OP ,

"Local" as in the machine I am using to work on, which has a 256 GB SSD. Not as in "on-site" and "off-site."

jkrtn OP ,

Protection against if it happens and they have not noticed within those few days. Probably especially important if they leave the system running while on vacation.

jkrtn OP ,

This is really cool. I ended up trying something similar: serving from a ZFS pool with SeaweedFS. TBD if that's going to work for me long term.

I would definitely be able to manually sync the SeaweedFS files with rsync to another location but from what I see it requires me to use their software to make sense of any structure. I might be able to mount it and sync that way, hopefully performance for that is not too bad.

Syncing like that and having more control over where the files are placed on the RAID is very cool.

jkrtn OP ,

How was it setting up and running Nextcloud? I'm very curious about their office software, looks fun.

jkrtn OP ,

Yes, I do see that. I'm definitely getting answers to a question I didn't intend. I was hoping for more of an rsync but that something which also provides viewing and incremental backups to an offsite. I don't know how to phrase that, and perhaps for what I want it makes more sense to have rsync/rclone to copy files around and something else to view.

jkrtn ,

It's not weird. They just don't give a fuck about truth or consistency. Consider: "what about her emails" vs. whatever it is they are saying about having boxes of classified documents and a copy machine in the bathroom.

What they care about is creating, maintaining, and empowering white supremacist hierarchies. Truth and integrity are secondary to their hierarchy.

jkrtn ,

Customers are forced to. Companies would rather give shitty and inaccurate information with the veneer of helping someone rather than pay a human to actually help someone.

They will continue using chatbots as long as they think it won't cost them more in lost customers or this sort of billing dispute than it saves them in not paying people. What was this, $600? That's fuckall compared to a salary. $600 could happen a few hundred times a year and they'd still be profiting after firing some people.

It's off for now, but it will return after the lawyers have had a go at making the company not liable for the chatbot's errors.

jkrtn ,

What competition? Tax me and give me fucking municipal fiber instead of giving giant paychecks to wealthy assholes who invest nothing in improving the service but raise everyone's rates regardless.

jkrtn ,

Exactly. They're getting massive handouts from our money. Let's cut out the middlemen and pay a utility directly.

jkrtn ,

Perhaps they should have invested in infrastructure with the government handouts they were given to do so?

jkrtn ,

Technically it is, but I agree that is imprecise and nobody would say so IRL. Unless they are being a pedantic nerd, like I am right now.

jkrtn ,

Do-Not-Track, AKA, "I've made my browser fingerprint more unique for you, please sell my data"

jkrtn ,

Corporations are people except when it comes to liability. Compare the consequences of stealing several thousand dollars from someone by fraud vs. stealing several thousand dollars from someone by fraud as an LLC.

jkrtn ,

The patent holder should receive the large fine. Then the patent lawyers filing will have a duty of care to prevent frivolous patents for their clients, or risk malpractice suits for allowing shit patents.

jkrtn ,

They simp because of this. He is "owning the libs" by being a fragile thin-skinned clown while unbanning actual Nazis.

jkrtn ,

If you're not a bloodthirsty Calvinist predestination lover I don't know if you would understand the American mindset at all.

jkrtn ,

I had to build that small VM from source on a different machine because my XCP-ng install was refusing to set it up. Then I was able to move it over to the XCP-ng machine to self host.

I liked the UI and honestly I like the VM that keeps the web app separate from the hypervisor. But then it started looking like a massive pain to hotplug USB devices to the VMs, so I bounced.

I am trying Incus/LXD right now and enjoying it so far.

jkrtn ,

That sounds dangerously close to an open standard that would prevent charging $500 for key fobs.

jkrtn ,

If everyone who complained about ads in Prime and Netflix canceled their accounts, then Prime and Netflix would be motivated to remove their ads.

jkrtn ,

What is the solution for when capitalism purchases the regulators? You can purchase SCOTUS rulings for laughably cheap and legislation for even less. If you're really into it, you can spend several decades building up a propaganda network so low information clowns will vote in an obvious con man. He'll drop corporate taxes down to zero, give trillions in handouts, and dismantle pesky shit like the EPA. Profits!

jkrtn ,

Certainly possible, but there is a limit to what they can charge before losing customers on price as well as on principle.

jkrtn ,

BBB is garbage and never does anything. You might try small claims. It does not cost much to file and you don't need a lawyer, just show up with as much documentation as you can.

jkrtn ,

It is because the billionaires write the laws through ALEC. The only part of the system which isn't working as intended is that they had to make any promises in the first place.

jkrtn ,

What's your hardware? 10w sounds great to me. I just started a new build and have to play around to see if I can get better C-states while idle.

jkrtn ,

2020 mood math.

Tried to cancel my gym membership and of course I'm not allowed to do that online

i tried to update my credit card so they won't send me daily fucking emails that i "owe" them $30 (because a gym membership definitely needs to be a cOnTraCt, sure, sure), but the website didn't work, so I tried calling their "automated" system, whereupon after entering my info to the robot, it gave up and connected me to a guy...

jkrtn ,

I do the same. So many gyms have abusive terms which is an immediate deal breaker for me.

I had a gym want me to sign a contract that they could take photos of me and use my likeness for promotional material or whatever else. They can fuck off with that. The manager actually came in and tried to tell me nobody was going to use photos of me. Okay, then take it out of the contract.

This was on top of the usual, "to cancel, you must send Certified mail via eagle to Mordor with exactly seven stamps all from different sets in a black envelope on yellow paper with the date that we read the contents written in green ink on the outside."

jkrtn ,

I've seen Caddy mentioned a few times recently, what do you like about it over other tools?

jkrtn ,

I feel so relieved reading that about traefik. I briefly set that up as a k8s ingress controller for educational purposes. It's unnecessarily confusing, brittle, and the documentation didn't help. If it's a pain for people in the industry that makes me feel better. My next attempt at trying out k8s I'll give Kong a shot.

I really like solid, reliable, and uncomplicated. The fun part is running the containers and VMs, not spending hours on a config to make them accessible.

jkrtn ,

I think the two of you have convinced me to check it out! It is sounding pretty great, so thank you in advance.

jkrtn ,

Do we need private jets for individuals to take on a whim? Maybe we need private jets for government officials specifically traveling to do work on behalf of the government.

jkrtn ,

I would accept that as a rationale only if they also held regressives to the same standards that regressives are pretending to have. There are no Fox News segments like, "allegedly 'pro-life' Texas Repubs urge for entangling humans in razor wire, extrajudicial executions by drowning."

But actually, what they're doing is ad hominem. This is not, "Swift is behaving contrary to her message and needs to stop," it is, "Swift is behaving contrary to her message and therefore climate change is a global hoax so that 'they' can force you to eat bugs and have an electric car with a remote shutoff."

It is ad-hominem to start with and hypocrisy and propaganda all the way down to the core. Fox News in a nutshell.

jkrtn ,

I wonder if what they're asking for is some sort of RBAC? All members of house A can all access content A and cannot access content B. But each individual retains distinct viewing history.

jkrtn OP ,

Yes. Some guides suggest, say, "just use 'key' for now, we'll replace it later." I didn't mention their step adding a stronger key, I guess I didn't see that as an important part of the question.

jkrtn OP ,

I think yeah, I will not be following that advice for sure. Just wondering at this point if someone should take extra precautions around SSD encryption. Like should one overwrite the whole drive if a key is leaked so that the odds of recovering any info from the chips is lessened? Or is revoking the leaked key sufficient?

jkrtn ,

He doesn't fear for his life? There could have been deadly cement in that milkshake!

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