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megopie ,

They can’t afford to have the bubble burst, so many important organizations and companies need this to succeed.

If it fails… then what was the point of the mass harvesting of data? What was the point of them burning billions of dollars to lock down peoples interactions on the internet in to platforms? What will be left fix search engines other than preventing SEO and stop selling places on the page?

There are of course other reasons, but not ones that can be admitted. For them to admit what a farce this all is, would be to admit that they’ve been wasting all our time and money building a house of cards, and that anyone who’s gonna along with it is complicit.

megopie ,

The vast majority of the crypto world failed to understand one key concept, money is not the value for which goods/services are exchanged, it is the value by which they are exchanged. People do not have a use or value for money beyond what it can be exchanged for, if no one is willing to exchange for it, it has no value.

Crypto only had value as a currency if people would accept it for goods or services, and the only thing people ever accepted it as payment for, in any meaningful capacity, were illegal goods and services. The value beyond that was purely based on a speculative ideological assumption that people would abandon the traditional banking system for a new system that they couldn’t buy anything with.

megopie ,

most of the bitcoin being spent on electricity and hardware gets exchanged for actual
currency before it is spent. And most of the luxury goods sales are gimmicks and limited time.

And there is a huge amount of criminal activity with bitcoin still, they just mainly use it to launder money now as the transactions are impractically slow and costly for anything but particularly large trades.

megopie ,

Lmao, reading the line direction as part of the line moment. “ So we meet again, long pause” or “This isn’t my world, DISAPPOINTED!”

megopie ,

Almost like the system is compensating for more than just a “minor hiccup” cause by the pandemic, almost like that’s a convenient excuse to cover up a decade of mismanagement of investment.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

megopie ,

If moderates really don’t want trump to win so bad, maybe they should make some real commitments to policy changes that the left want, not just half baked, watered down “market based” solutions that get shredded to a skeleton in committee.

Moderates can scream their lungs out all they want, but talk is cheap, and if they want the left on side they should earn that and not act so entitled to their support. Trump is bad, he shouldn’t win, but why is it on the left to keep him from winning? Why is it never the moderates fault for failing to hold up their end of the coalition?

megopie ,

Why is the onus on the left? How come it’s never on moderates for being such poor coalition partners that knee cap their proposals at every opportunity?

megopie ,

Mandatory voting usually just amounts to requiring people show up at the polls, they can spoil ballots or write in joke candidates.

It’s not exactly authoritarian, but it wouldn’t really change the situation like some think it would.

Really, the moderate left needs to get it through their fucking heads that the left aren’t their fucking rebound date when the moderate right shits the bed.

If they want the left’s vote, if they fucking want to keep trump from winning, they need to appeal to voters not just patronizingly talk down to them.

The onus is as much on the moderates as it is on the left.

megopie ,

Anyone who doesn’t push for the Democratic Party to support policies that will convince those people to vote are actively doing the same. It takes two to tango, and moderates need to work with the left if they hate trump as much as they claim too.

megopie ,

I worry that die hard moderates will throw the election for trump by failing to support policy that will convince apathetic voters to show up.

megopie ,

If you actually care about trump, actually fear what he will do, maybe you should do everything you can to push for policy that will get the fence sitters to show the fuck up, rather than insulting them.

Voting does not wash your hands of responsibility for actively pushing away the people you need voting with you.

megopie ,

It is extra absurd, because they seem to care enough to scream at disaffected voters, but not enough to scream at the democratic establishment for not taking drastic action to win over disaffected voters.

megopie ,

Seriously, people need to stop condescending to disaffected voters and start screaming at their representatives and local party leaders to support policies that will actually excite voters.

The onus is on the Democratic Party to win this election, not on everyone to the left of them to drag a stagnant DNC over the finish line.

megopie ,

The party needs to start trying to win apathetic voters over if they’re as terrified as they claim to be of trump, not just spout vague platitudes, push out the most bare bones minimum viable policy possible and then shrug when it gets dismembered in committee.

megopie ,

Yah, they seem real eager to scream and bash progressives and leftists for letting trump win, but are shocked and aghast when anyone suggests they didn’t do enough to push a platform and candidates that could beat trump in the election.

megopie ,

Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of moderates and the democratic establishment don’t seem like those who genuinely want to prevent trump from winning again if it requires them to make concessions or go against lobbyists.

megopie ,

Right now, voting for the current set of candidates will not support the values of the left, it will promote the values of the moderate middle. if the moderate middle wants to prevent another term of trump, they need to give real commitments to policy agendas that will convince disaffected voters to show up. Threatening them with another term of trump clearly is not working, telling them that they should be grateful for what they already got clearly is not working.

If the Democratic Party wants disaffected voters to show up, then the democrat establishment needs to work to earn those votes. If they do not then trump will win, and it will be as much their fault as the people who didn’t vote.

megopie ,

Change is slow, and you will get none if politicians do not make concrete commitments. And we don’t get any concrete commitments from them unless they think they need them to win.

Voting is not enough, and only voting does not free one from complicity. Especially if the side one votes for loses because they refused to make commitments that convinced voters to show up for them. Right now, the democrats are not making commitments that are getting voters out. And condescending to other voters because you think they are naïve does not get voters out ether, if anything, it might push them away.

If we want to prevent trump we need to get the Democratic Party to make commitments that will get voters to show up. Not tell people they are dumb for demanding more from their government than “not being trump”.

megopie ,

You can yell at them all you like, but do you think that will change their minds? Do you think that does any good?

Maybe go yell at the party for dropping the ball so hard that those people feel this is their only recourse.

If trump wins, it will be the fault of the party in charge of beating him, not the fault of the people they failed to convince.

Fewer people are using Elon Musk’s X as the platform struggles to attract and keep users, according to analysts (www.nbcnews.com)

Data from two research firms and figures published by Musk and X suggest a deteriorating situation for X by some metrics. Musk has marketed it as the world’s “town square,” but in number of users it continues to lag far behind social media rivals that focus on video, such as Instagram and TikTok. ...

megopie ,

What I find most interesting, is not that twitter is failing in active users faster than the others, but that all the other listed in the article are also all seeing a decline in user ship. Even the new “up and comer” TikTok is losing users.

To some extent I suspect that it’s just a result of people breaking their social medias built during the pandemic. But is there something else? Are they just going to new platforms? Is there a modal shift on how people congregate online driven by the issues with platforms? Or are people just spending less time online with the pandemic mostly over.

megopie ,

Yah, Plenty of liberals shit them selves when you suggest giving an unalloyed good away for free.

megopie , (edited )

Suburbs, are inherently higher carbon emitting that proper urban areas. For an extreme example, if everyone in the US lived in an area with similar characteristics to NYC, it would reduce the counties carbon emissions by 3/4.

Beyond that, they’re only really able to exist, as they do in the US, thanks to exploitative and predatory economic practices. Almost no one who lives there makes their money there, they work somewhere else, extracting value, and then bringing it back to the suburb to fund incredibly inefficient infrastructure.

I’m not saying ban them complete, I’m just saying, take away the massive amount of economic incentives and support that makes them possible. Build out housing in cities and ensure the value generated in them goes to funding their services, infrastructure and development of the cities.

Make the suburbs pay for them selves and they will nearly disappear very quickly.

Now i'm definitely cheering for Rulestein (lemmy.ml)

alt text: A "xit" from user @ChrpngBrd in which he responds to another "xit" from @BlueBoxDave that says "If Israel falls then America falls. It's that simple." @ChrpngBrd's response is a thumbs up emoji, and two stills from The Simpsons S02E19 "Lisa's Substitute." In which, the first image is Martin Prince putting up a poster...

megopie ,

Deranged logic, Israel is not a strategic keystone to the survival of America.

Like, even if one has drunk the Flavoraid enough to think that what Israel is doing is ok and that it’s not an apartheid state that needs the South Africa treatment; in what fucking reality is Israel not eminently replaceable in the role it plays in US foreign policy? if anything, it is a net negative, a dead weight dragging down US relations with the rest of the region.

It routinely takes unilateral action to throw gas on the metaphorical fires of the region. Like, allies have their own goals and ambitions that diverge sometimes, but you’d expect them to converge occasionally and not actively attempt kneecap each others diplomacy.

megopie , (edited )

The US didn’t have a base in Israel till 2017, it’s never really been a significant base of operation for US forces. Us forces have more presence in basically every country in the region with the exception of Yemen, Egypt and Iran. Hell, there’s even a base Syria.

megopie ,

It’s just not the same without the Dracula flow guy

megopie ,

If you think that’s bad wait till you hear about fly ash, chemical plant byproduct disposal and pesticide run off.

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  • megopie ,

    Others have pointed out there a private company, but to be more specific on what that means, they are not openly trading their shares. The majority of shares are all owned by a handful of people who care about the long term health of the business. A lot of companies that we see doing major face plants right now are publicly traded, so any big fund or individual with enough cash can swoop in and buy up enough shares to control leadership, then use that control to get the company to do stupid stuff generally or maximize short term profitability at the expense of long term health.

    A similar thing can happen if someone with a majority of shares choose to sell too a ghoul.

    megopie ,

    Excuse me, the Shark Punching Center would like to have a word.

    megopie ,

    “ We promise it’s not just jewelry for men, promise, because men don’t wear jewelry. This is just a tool, and maybe a status symbol, but definitely not in the way jewelry can be a status symbol.”

    megopie ,

    I don’t think it’s bad, I just think it’s funny that so many men will refuse to wear jewelry unless it’s a watch.

    megopie ,

    On a related topic to weird hippie products.

    I really hate the changes that Tom's of Maine has made since they got bought out. They stopped packing their toothpaste in metal tubes and went to plastic, and they separated their deodorant in to “male and female” lines, and it’s been getting hard to find their unscented deodorant. They got bought out a while ago admittedly, but the changes have been coming on faster lately.

    Like, the new ownership is trying to make them more competitive with other brands, but I always liked them for what made them different from the other big brands and it drives me up the wall how often such good products get ruined by the companies being bought out.

    megopie ,

    It’s soap. Like, traditional, no frills soap. Vegetable oil reacted with potassium hydroxide. It’s a very effective way to make oils mix with water so as to rinse them off of stuff. So if you just want a substance that removes excess oil from your body, it works.

    Basically no other major cosmetic company sells a product like that anymore and if you don’t trust those companies, that’s what Dr. Bronners is for. Just gotta deal with the ranting on the bottles.

    megopie , (edited )

    It allows them to control the appearance and impression of the products more. A huge amount of store design is based around making the stuff appealing and thus increasing the chance you buy it.

    Hence the huge pyramids of apples or the bountiful overflowing stock of vegetables. They’ll generally not even sell a half of what they end up stocking, but if they just stocked what people were likely to buy the shelves would look barren and off putting, and people may be less likely to come back there.

    Even if a glass door on these fridges was perfectly functional and arguably better from the average person’s point of view, the screens give the marketing team more opportunities to spin their products. The goal of a store is not to provide you with what you want and need, but to convince you that you want and need things you don’t actually.

    megopie ,

    Yah, these kind of things don’t tend to work as well as marketing people think. The influence is marginal, and mainly a grift on the part of the company selling them.

    megopie ,

    What the Utah doin? I’m sorry but there is nothing great about the salt lake.

    megopie ,

    The name is a lie, it is not great

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  • megopie ,

    This is why we must destroy all cars.

    megopie ,

    There is no such thing as a good billionaire.

    megopie ,

    He rights lewd/romantic fiction but it’s the most absurd premises, incredibly queer as well. Also, generally very comedic.

    megopie ,

    Highlighting the point that it is not good at critically examining its sources of information. Because it cannot do anything that requires critical thinking.

    megopie ,

    bike drives on side walk pedestrians gets bruised, scraped up, maybe concussed

    bike drives down road real life frogger

    If only there was like… a third options, some sort of third part of the road with like, a second curb. Too bad that’s apparently against the rules of physics in the US.

    megopie ,

    Head empty, only speculative world building thoughts.

    megopie ,

    Yah, people don’t seem to get that LLM can not consider the meaning or logic of the answers they give. They’re just assembling bits of language in patterns that are likely to come next based on their training data.

    The technology of LLMs is fundamentally incapable of considering choices or doing critical thinking. Maybe new types of models will be able to do that but those models don’t exist yet.

    megopie ,

    People want functioning web searching back, but rather than address issues in the industry breaking an otherwise functional concept, they want a new fancy technology to make the problem go away.

    megopie ,

    I’m just… wondering what the internal corporate process that led to this. Like, they had to get people to code this feature, like imagine being the person who gets told “ oh yah, you and your team are implementing and integrating the new feature that sorts video feeds by color.”

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