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@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This is an A-Lister commie board, we have Ryan Gosling too!

Edit: whoops I thought this was a hexbear post but my point stands, less commie though

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I mean I'm trying but I could always be more woke probably

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Why do you mention personal property? Anarchism and communism still allow ownership of personal property, but collective ownership of the means of production such as factories and schools. You could do everything you do now in a socialist or anarchist society.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How do you believe anyone is "born evil"? What does that mean? Would you support eugenics if this 'evil gene' could be identified?

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We must make ISPs a public service owned by the people. Who can argue that internet isn't essential to being a regular member of society? These companies rob us and use their monopolies to manipulate us.

As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline (getpocket.com)

Here's a non-paywalled link to an article published in the Washington Post a few days ago. It's great to see this kind of thing getting some mainstream attention. Young children have not made an informed decision about whether they want their photos posted online.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It's weird the parents that are complicit in this, like how do they justify it in their mind? I had a girlfriend in high school whose mom encouraged her to post risque photos online in 8th grade, taking photos of her with her thong out posing seductively etc, she wanted her daughter to be hot. Maybe the parents are trying to relive their youth vicariously.

But you are right, worse than the random parents encouraging this, the platforms knowingly encourage this sexualization of children because they know the ad revenue it can generate.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You're not a woman I'm guessing

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Probably so, I agree most men probably don't reply like the comic but it's not uncommon, I don't think the artist was trying say it's always like that but just something women worry about

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think my parents did a fine job, when me and my brothers were little we would play 'crips and bloods' how kids play 'cops and robbers' but none of us wanted to play as a cop.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ah but I love reading these specific philosophical discussions on tech, I don't blame you though

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Why do I need to use a mobile website? I guess the comment I replied to was meaning they require their app for mobile banking vs browser which I should have realized

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What I misunderstood was what the bank required an app for, in my very sick and sleep deprived mind I thought they were saying banks required you to install their app to get service from that bank in any form which I thought was absurd, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Numerous places I've lived had contracts with Comcast so there was no option but them, and the speed is shit, maybe they needed to raise prices to pay for their forced monopolies.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

"Oh my god you sho met, I'm going to die, but I don't blame you because you didn't invent the gun"

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

From the reports I've heard by amateur youtubers, those dumb face thumbnails actually do get them more traction

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It's an opinion piece, they start out with their claim and try to back it up, it's not a news article, what is the problem?

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I'm not too young and I've been in a good number of relationships. The best ones happen when you're not looking for it or trying to date. It's worth it to try I think though, a romantic relationship is unique, and even if you think you're the worst, no one else sees you the same way you see yourself.

Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed (mastodon.social)

For anyone wondering if Threads and Facebook at large will be a fine neighbor in the space and compatible with other apps/services in the fediverse: they’re already automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed https://mastodon.social/@dansup/112126250737482807

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It's like combat, companies like this see it as necessary to take every protective step possible, they have an inferior product so manipulation is the only way to maintain their monopoly

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Facebook and others actively promote harmful content because they know it drives interactions, I believe it's possible to punish corps without making the internet overly policed.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sorry to say if your views are closer to true libertarianism and the principles favored by those links you would likely be considered distinctly leftist. Dbzer0 is a primarily anarchist community, on the far-left.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

"I want to eradicate non-whites and install a christo-fascist dictator" is as obnoxious as "all people deserve housing and healthcare and a system based on extracting all excess profit from workers is exploitation"

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You have views that are independently more left or right, but say if your views were a political party, it would be placed on a spectrum from left to right based on how many of these positions fall on either side of the spectrum. Typically the views that are seen as far left and far right are mutually exclusive, like authoritarian centralized governance versus decentralization, increased immigration vs decreased, but it's true there is a lot of nuance lost when things are viewed that way.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There are crypto ads involved in the product though? Fuck that, even if it was default off

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I have an android from 2018, it still works great and I can run adblock on firefox, eat shit apple!

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Often the RVs in places like OP is referring to are dilapidated and don't run, with tarps on them, not connected to water or power. Essentially a small shanty house in a slum so I guess it depends on your definition

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I have driven across the US multiple times, in what way is it not? The bay area is a lot more than San Francisco

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I wasn't being totally serious, it's true the bay area is significantly more racially diverse than the US as a whole, but the issues and political atmosphere in the area isn't so far removed from the general population.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The first point about leaving your car open, people do that everywhere, car break-ins are prevelant across the country.

There are very high housing prices but also high wages, though yes it's worse than a lot of the country as far as inequality. The bay area is more than San Francisco though, have you spent much time in the area? If there were more autonomous Waymo cars in cities this wouldn't be the only time it's happened.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Wtf are YOU talking about?? What are you basing that on? I have lived in multiple cities where many people leave their car window down so it doesn't get broken. Even suburbs!

I am baffled by this exchange right now haha. Is there some kind of study that has shown no city has smash and grab crime like SF? It's common nearly everywhere in the US. Are you trying to say SF is a crime-ridden hellhole like no other?

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It is a more common problem in certain cities, I'm not denying that but that doesn't mean it's rare in other places. I didn't know it was that much higher there though, that does make those top cities outliers.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What the actual fuck are you talking about? There is no other city in this nation where people leave their cars open. Not a single one.

You’re either trolling or so disconnected from reality it’s terrifying.

This is one of the most intense responses to a comment I've ever had and I was just mentioning an observation of my life experience lol, I don't understand where you are coming from with this.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ignorant of what?? The things I see with my eyes and ears in real life? I'm seriously baffled, what the fuck is your deal, I even said you were correct

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Many average consumers probably don't specifically know what 'spatial' means, or what defines a computer vs a phone or whatever. People with too much money do spend 3500 carelessly, I have known a few of the types, and for the latest Apple technology I could see plenty of people buying it without even knowing what it really is.

tocopherol ,
@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

They can buy whatever they want haha I didn't say I care, I was just saying the article title could be accurate, people spend money without knowing much about the purchase all the time.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Unfortunately in the US many trans and trans-supporting people do view guns as potentially necessary. Glorification of trans murder is common among the right-wing here and they definitely are armed.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I feel insulted every time Windows has some sort of pop-up or notification that is obviously manipulative, like making it appear that I HAVE to make Edge my default browser and putting ads for Edge and other Microsoft products on the lock screen disguised as 'fun facts'. The people making these decisions don't respect the autonomy of people, they want to force us into habits that benefit Microsoft to the detriment of the user.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    it would be considered

    If you asked the majority of people on earth outside of the US it already is seen this way.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    We live under a hostile occupation by security forces employed by the wealthy class, there are deaths everyday due to the systems maintained by wealth and greed.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I didn't say the US was fascist, I'm saying our world is controlled by hoards of wealth and nearly all state actions are to protect that wealth and the people that hold it at the cost of the well-being of the proletariat.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    In the suburb I grew up in, a lot of the restaurant workers spoke Spanish, so even at the sushi place the Japanese chef would speak Spanish to the staff, saying gracias could be no different than arigato or thank you lol

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Well if some dude went around climbing trees, destroying nests and killing the native birds people would probably complain. The harm humans cause is due to their pets too, cats wouldn't be where they are without humans. When there are too many outdoor cats in an area they breed a lot and effect bird populations which effects other parts of the ecosystem. Idk if it needs to be illegal but if it's discouraged the numbers of cats killing off birds can be reduced. If people can teach their cats not to eat birds then maybe it would be fine.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    If they aren't going to recycle which rarely happens even today that is probably just as good of a solution as landfilling them, those little bottles are littered all over the earth. When they demolish a building they would trash all that debris anyway, but yeah a hilarious find, hundreds of them lol.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I know right, a plane ride will take me exactly to her house! What kind of logic is this? Can you recommend a method to travel across the US to visit my grandma that wouldn't require me paying or being restricted in where I could go? That is how modern travel works in every form.

    Also anyway when I take the train I could take a bike with me and bike the rest of the way, or in my city there is a free shuttle from the train station to the center of downtown, with buses every direction from there, any many bigger cities have light-rails or subways that connect from train stations. And it's healthy to walk, people have walked for thousands of years.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    That's a problem with the infrastructure and transit policy, not the technology. I can't afford a car, where I'm at I'm able to take a train to cities nearby, I can take a free shuttle to the train station or bike because it's not very far. In the past in the US at least there were more train and tram routes, when cars because more prevalent cities stopped developing the infrastructure, but if done properly it can be superior to driving.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    How often do you ride the subway? Thousands of people take the subway in NYC everyday of all income levels, it's a pretty big success.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I mentioned in another comment, I'm talking about visiting my grandma who lives on the opposite coast, like once a year or less, it's not cheap to drive that far. And for a trip that would be better to drive than fly I'd rather take a train, it's more pleasant and comfortable, they usually have bars and food served, I don't have to worry about parking or traffic and I could rent a car there if I need one.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Yes in the US honestly I feel anxiety thinking about the cashier being too nice and not responding appropriately friendly enough haha, there is such a pressure for good service for any retail worker that I feel like it's somewhat rare for them to be straight up 'rude', at most they will be quiet. Like you mention though it does vary a lot region to region from what I've seen.

    tocopherol ,
    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    That sounds like a very reasonable way to view it haha, plenty of parents do view the things their kids do in that way and teach them to be sensible, I was lucky to be raised that that way. Many parents here are not that reasonable though and will use as much force as they can to keep their kids from doing things they don't want them to, and are happy to use the law to help with that, one way by supporting strict enforcement of drinking and drug laws. From the last stats I remember seeing the US actually has worse rates of alcoholism and alcohol related illness than Germany also!

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