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Fuck ads at the gas pump

Idk if this is the right instance for this, but how fucking tired of these forced ads at gas pumps is everyone else?

I'm paying 4 bucks a gallon to have you shove advertising down my throat like an erect cock?

What the actual fuck

Anyone have any good ad blocking practices for this?

I've seen duct or painters tape covering the speakers...

You can press a button next to the screen to mute it, but this doesn't work at all gas stations. (Usually its the 2nd from the top on the right side)

I guess its just time to gettoblast music every time I pump gas like back when I was 19....

chiliedogg ,

Most of them the second button down on the right is mute, though I've been running into some recently that disabled the mute.

Anyway, I sharpie a "mute" next to the button on stations where it isn't labeled for other people. It's one bit of graffiti that I'm not at all conflicted about.

RGB3x3 ,

This never works for me at any brand gas station. I try it every time.

bhamlin ,

I've had the exact opposite experience. Only once has the second button down from the right not worked. But in that instance it was the bottom right button.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Neither of those work at the gas station nearest my house. In my frustration I began running my fingers up and down the buttons and found that if you press the second from the top on both sides you get into an administrative screen. Pump still works fine and the ad is muted, and it resets when I leave.

Jimmycakes ,

I just start pumping then go clean out my car. Sometimes I catch a little of the front or end of the ad. It doesn't really bother me as I'm not paying attention and I still have my car music on

xia ,

I avoid those stations i know have ads, and if surprised... i'm happy to know of the hidden mute button.

Squirrel ,
@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

Sadly, it doesn't always seem to exist.

intensely_human ,

In that case I reward the one that did the thing last.

For instance, when Safeway removed my ability to mute the self checkout instructions, I stopped shopping there and only went to King Soopers.

KS decided to also remove the mute option, but I’m still loyal to them because fuck Safeway for moving first on that.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Voting with your money sounds about as effective at influencing things as actual voting.

Quexotic ,

Me too. I let my $$ speak for me.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Your money is the squeak of a mouse against the thunderclap of advertising money.

If they lose a couple weirdos like us but get to sell eyeballs, they'll do it.

Quexotic ,

If necessary it'll be active resistance from me.

bigFab ,

Wow, in Europe we haven't reached that gas station modernization stage yet.

onlinepersona ,

Hopefully Europe goes the other way and gets rid of cars before petrol stations modernize. Fuck cars.

Anti Commercial AI thingy
the_third ,

Living in the boonies in Germany: Not going to happen. But whenever I'm in a city, the car usually gets stored in a car park for the time I'm there. Way too annoying compared to public transportation.

onlinepersona ,

I think that's the political will that's lacking. I've been to remote towns with good public transport. Switzerland even famously has one place where no private cars are allowed and nobody wants them. As the Germans say "Wo ein Wille ist, ist ein Weg".

Anti Commercial AI thingy
schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

I sit in my car.

Zink ,

You aren’t supposed to do that, assuming you’re the one pumping gas. Gas stations are a bad place to generate static electricity, lol.

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

I forgot about the epidemic of gas station explosions due to people sitting in their cars.

hardaysknight ,

I mean, it does happen.

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

If it is of concern for you, you're going to lose your shit when you find out the risks involved when you actually drive your car.

hardaysknight ,

I mitigate risks when it’s reasonable. Not getting in my car while pumping gas is an easy step to take in order to mitigate a risk. Like buckling my seatbelt.

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

Can you perhaps share some statistics of explosions caused by getting in a car? No? How about an article of someone blown to smithereens by getting in there car? Not that either?

What you're feeling better about is the theater of inferred safe practices. The fact that in spite of driving being the top cause of accidental death, you're ok with but although there is no factual info backing up your fear of getting into your car should give you pause.

hardaysknight ,

Wait do you deny these even happen? Are you serious right now? There’s multiple videos and articles. Like this one:


schwim , (edited )
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

Not that it didn't happen, just that they are so rare, you had to find a 4 pixel video of one and are completely unable to provide any statistics due to it's rarity.

I was going to link a vehicle accident to back up my claim but, well, I had problems picking one from the 6 million that occur annually.

But you go ahead and worry about the static electricity while fueling so you can hop in your car and hurtle down the road around the oncoming rockets that are infinitely more likely to end your life but you are, for some strange reason, more OK with.

nomous ,

"Something else is more dangerous therefore the less dangerous thing doesn't exist." - You

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

"Stickers tell me when to worry." - You

nomous ,

"I ignore clear warnings because I haven't personally experienced the issue so it must not exist." - You

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

"Fear everything except for the most likely cause of death." - You

nomous , (edited )

Alright, have fun being an angry little whatever you are. I have better things to do than warn you about your car burning up, enjoy the rest of your day, keep full coverage on your cars or something. Have a nice one.

hardaysknight ,

The he dude is literally the reason we have to have those sticker warnings on everything. I’m gonna say he’s not intelligent enough to even bother arguing with.

nomous ,

They put stickers on every pump everywhere warning about static electricity causing fires. Do you think they just put those on there for fun? I bet you're not vaccinated either, idiot.

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

Luckily there's no sticker on our car about the risks of driving, so we know it's safe.

You seem angry. Maybe 4 1/2 hours of vehicle crashes will soothe you. Dont worry, they are high-resolution.

nomous ,

How do you feel about vaccinations? Is that something you do?

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar
nomous ,

Yeah I have youtube too I can watch car crashes, not sure what point you think you're making there. Do you wear a seat belt? Do you drink and drive?

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

Since you're struggling to keep throwing other elements into this discussion in hopes of legitimizing you calling me an idiot over an anonymous comment section that has angered you:

I'm fully vaccinated because the risk of death without has been proven to be significant.
I wear a seat belt because the risk of death without has been proven to be significant.
I don't drink and drive because the risk of death when doing so has proven to be significant.
I get in my car when fueling because the risk of doing so is so minuscule that there are literally no published statistics regarding the practice.

You seem to be doubling down on the "I'm having a problem winning this with logic so let's find something else to get this guy on" and super light on any stats, so I'm going to concede you are the winner of this online comment battle(Congrats!). Also, I did find a video showing some static electricity fires so I thought I'd give you that as well. It seems you were right all along.

nomous ,

Brother I won the argument when you started typing, I really don't care to engage on this topic anymore, have a nice day.

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

You keep saying you're done but yet here you are, still engaging.

I win because I've commented last. Yay, me.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

There was a whole Mythbusters episode where they tried TONS of stuff to get a gas station to go up in flames (they couldn't, not even smoking a cigarette -- under near ideal conditions for an ignition of nearby vapors -- per my recollection).

Yeah, I'm sitting in my car, especially if it's cold outside.

"Static electricity" isn't somehow more of a concern sitting in your car than standing outside one in a fuzzy jacket.

UmeU ,

They need some signs, ‘No pumping gas in fuzzy jackets’

jabathekek ,
@jabathekek@sopuli.xyz avatar

What about gasoline fights? Did they account for those?

NoSpiritAnimal , (edited )
@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

Cool, here's a video of a known static electricity ignition.


Dark_Arc , (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Hey look... a fuzzy sweater.

I'm still getting in and out of my car. I get in, shut the door, get back out, and close the door. Plenty of metal touched. Sometimes gloves.

Here's another one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JMfxPooeybg

Probably 1 in 10 million (and 2/2 videos where they didn't shut the car door)... I'll take that chance.

Edit: also think about it, if this was a real problem with a high enough frequency they'd engineer the fuel handles to prevent it. Heck, maybe they already did (accidentally or intentionally) plenty of them increasingly have a ton of plastic.

intensely_human ,

Dude your name is literally Dark_Arc. Just accept that your destiny is dying in a static electricity fire

NoSpiritAnimal ,
@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

They do engineer the pumps to ground the static charge. That's what can cause the arc.

You discharge yourself the first time you touch the pump before you fill up.

Getting back into the car defeats the purpose by then grounding you in the presence of fuel vapors, rather than before.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

What you're saying doesn't make any sense. If you're engineering something to prevent a spark from a static charge, you engineer it to prevent a spark from a static charge. You don't engineer it to "ground you at first and then fail" if you pick up a static charge for some reason.

EDIT: And there are a lot more ways to become statically charged than getting in and out of a car (which in a lot of cases isn't going to give you a static charge anyways -- e.g. leather seats on cotton clothes is extremely unlikely to generate a static charge).

NoSpiritAnimal ,
@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, which is why the recommendation is to keep your hand on the handle while pumping or touch a metal part of your car prior to returning to the pump, and don't get back into a car.

I have a real life degree in automotive technology and engineering, and you saw a Mythbusters episode.

We can keep doing this forever if you like, but you're still very poorly informed on how safety is engineered into your vehicle fuel system and the mechanisms that support it.

Here is some reading to help you, API recommended fuel procedures (if you're not familiar with the API just read any gas pump or bottle of oil until you are):

Most important, motorists should not get back into their vehicles during refueling. It may be a temptation to get back in the car for any number of reasons. But the average fill-up takes only two minutes, and staying outside the vehicle will greatly minimize the likelihood of any build-up of static electricity that could be discharged at the nozzle.

Dark_Arc , (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I have a degree in computer science, I've worked on electrical engineering projects, my father is an electrician, I have a close friend and mentor that's a forensic electrical engineer, etc.

If y'all in the automotive space think this is a real problem, fix it. It is trivial to shield something from static electricity; TRIVIAL. Frankly it's unacceptable it hasn't been fixed if you're so adamant there's a serious risk to the public.

This reads to me as an "ass covering" article for a very very very rare event. At 1/10,000,000 estimated probability I'd have to live thousands of lives at the rate I fill up my car to ever see this.

I'm not going to worry about this more than I'm going to worry about winning the lottery or spontaneous combustion frankly; the probabilities do not warrant concern. Which I'm sure is the real reason nothing has been done here.

NoSpiritAnimal ,
@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

Citing your dad's job is a wild way to claim expertise.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I question your ability as an engineer if you can't understand how to shield something from static electricity. Hint: use non-conducive material to create an isolated ground that never makes contact with the gasoline, they've been doing it for all kinds of sensitive electronics for decades. This technique is also used to prevent your metal kitchen mixer from killing you if there's a short.

Am I "the expert" in this domain? No. Do I have plenty of exposure to it and other engineering disciplines to make a judgement call on the facts; absolutely.

NoSpiritAnimal , (edited )
@NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

Watch out entire industry that's been operating for more than a century, Dark Arc's dad is an engineer and he has correctly interpreted the facts you can't even seem to grasp.

Quick, now do perpetual motion! Those simpletons have barely even tried.

Not that this will mean anything to you, but this feels a lot like when someone says "why don't we just run lean so we save fuel?".

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar


Thank you for your concern for my safety. I'm not interested.

My advice to you is, if you're worried about this, never get in a car again.

JasonDJ ,

The concern (especially when it's cold since that usually implies dry air) is that a buildup of static energy occurs when your body rubs up against your cars interior.

This concern is usually a bit bigger for younger folks because they tend to not touch any metal parts of their car when getting up, which would discharge the energy while still a decent distance from the nozzle that's leaking gas vapors.

marx2k ,

I used to do that until the pump failed to realize the tank was full and just kept going.

That's also why there are signs telling you specifically not to do that.

schwim ,
@schwim@lemm.ee avatar

I just watch the filler from the side mirror. When I feel the click of the disengagement, I hop out, give a ground pat to the pump and replace the nozzle.

marx2k ,

That's my point. When it fails, there's no click. It just keeps going. Then you're scrambling to stop the pump as it's jizzing fuel all over your car's paint job, the floor, you...

intensely_human ,

We should make a law that any process which requires continuous attention for safety reasons cannot be a venue for advertisement.

csm10495 ,
@csm10495@sh.itjust.works avatar

I actually don't care here lol. It scares me when it makes noise but I just play with my phone anyways.

I wouldn't condone vandalism or anything like that here.

Scolding0513 ,

We need to start a movement to show people different ways to vandalize them without being caught, and print stickers to stick on them to show the reasoning behind the vandalosm

ShepherdPie ,

Finally a good use of the "I did that" Biden stickers.

Scolding0513 ,


jabathekek ,
@jabathekek@sopuli.xyz avatar

Even better:

Start a movement to build robust cycling infrastructure.

Naboo_calls_for_aid ,

A few more people would probably use bikes, but I don't see how this solves the issue, no matter how good the cycling infrastructure we won't see cars and gas stations just disappear.
I suspect I don't see the goals as you intend them, but I don't see people dropping there kids off at school on bikes or biking to and from a restaurant to eat a steak dinner, not to mention city services and transportation. If your target is really emissions I'd suspect that electric cars and limiting private jets would make more progress.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

They'll start putting ads in the bike lanes

jabathekek ,
@jabathekek@sopuli.xyz avatar


Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Just you wait. You'll see "This bike lane brought to you by Chevrolet" in under a decade.

jabathekek ,
@jabathekek@sopuli.xyz avatar

"Asphalt by BP-Oil!"

intensely_human ,

There is some artist who uses this kind of “road sticker” that is damn near impossible to remove. All that artist does is put a little sticker down of a stylized humanoid form, but that sticker on a fuel pump would probably withstand weather and attempts to remove it.

Scolding0513 ,

Any more info would be appreciated

JCreazy ,

I don't think I have ever been to a gas station with ads obnoxious enough to notice. If I start noticing them (ie extremely loud) I stop getting my gas there.

terminhell ,

Jokes on them, I start the pump and walk inside to get a drink/snack. By the time I get back I'm done pumping.

Ginger666 OP ,

i love paying $5 for a small bag of combos that isnt as big as it used to be

lseif ,

thats what they want you to do...

sharkfucker420 ,
@sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml avatar
deranger ,

Covertly stab out the speakers.

They never asked for your consent to pollute your mind with invasive thoughts, jingles, etc. Don’t ask for theirs.

possiblylinux127 , (edited )
@possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

Maybe we need a need OSM tag

Scolding0513 ,


antipiratgruppen ,


possiblylinux127 ,
@possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar


antipiratgruppen ,

Cool. I like the idea!

Though I don't drive, I adore the general usefulness of the OSM project, and would find that sort of stuff very useful if I had an ICE car.

biddy ,

Unlike Google Maps, OSM is just as useful if you don't drive. I love it for walking and cycling, it's got all the little paths, categorized correctly.

intensely_human ,

I’d really love to help out providing that kind of info. I’m an Uber driver so I’m out on the road all day.

What’s an app I can keep on my phone to add OSM tags. Are those tags stored in a single resource shared by everyone, like a blockchain or something? Or are there separate competing sets of OSM tags?

possiblylinux127 ,
@possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

Street complete is the app normally used for mapping. However there isn't a place to enter this information

darcranium123 ,

Let's just pick a day and all smash them at the same time. Sends a very clear message

porksoda ,

One of the gas stations by my house does something similar but actually cool. They show about 2 minutes of sports highlights from the night before (think SportsCenter Top 10 but also with scores) and then some non-political news headlines.

I actually stand there watching the whole time. They get my business.

beebers ,
@beebers@lemmy.world avatar

Glad that you enjoyed the content, but that would be hell for me; Idgaf about sports. If I am so unlucky to end up at a station with these, I try to mute asap.

porksoda ,

That's a fair criticism. I guess I was just thinking it's better than ads, but not if you don't enjoy sports.

AlexisFR ,
@AlexisFR@jlai.lu avatar

I have never seen any ads in gas pump over here. But at the equivalent of 8$ per gallon, there is no need.

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