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Emmie , (edited )

lol ‘bitch, I don’t know who she is’ that is hilarious honestly if it wasn’t all going into such serious direction

Emmie ,

That was kind of random

Emmie , (edited )

Obviously, it is impossible for her to not know the actress it’s a clear lie

Emmie ,

It’s useful for buying drugs online on the dark web so I for one like it

Emmie ,

European elections have this advantage that the morons don’t even go to vote nor know what is going on.
It’s the sole reason why is it going so good, obfuscation. Anything outside of the country is too much too grasp for the rightists.

There’s some kind of deep moral to this and I am not sure it is a good one

Emmie , (edited )

Well it’s true where I live. Those elections are seen as unimportant and not many care and even skip them with a tendency for more… intellectually, EU versed ppl to vote

25% attendance in eu elections vs 45% for country parliament. Most recent elections improved 40 to 65

As I said the moral of this story isn’t pretty

Emmie , (edited )

I was playing with dried out dog shit in some forsaken sandpits of Eastern Europe just after the Soviet’s collapse.

I wish I could romanticise it somehow but no matter my attempts it never sounds super cool.

Emmie ,

No, no this is the part of Christianity where we convert heretics. With heavy automatic weaponry

Coming to terms with no longer having privacy and control over my technology

I miss the days of VHS and DVD shelfs in homes, for example. If you bought the tapes and had them in your home, no corporate entity could alter those tapes without your consent, monitor how many times you watch them, sell your data to whomever they please without your knowledge, roll out new mandatory conditions to a 'user...

Emmie ,

GOG game releases are nice for that feeling I guess or they were in the past maybe it enshittificated too

Emmie , (edited )

So I was right when I thought social media is propelling us to collapse and that it is analogous to cigarettes on a collective scale.

Small solace though, it already permeated every corner of civilization changing us in mostly bad ways.

I think we really need to choose our social media carefully knowing that every type has their own mental illness flavour risks from body dysmorphia to groupthink. We need to be self aware of our shortcomings and tricks employed by corps for harvesting engagement.

Nowadays you turn off your brain and browse social media to relax but you should rather do the opposite. Focus the brain knowing the site was purposefully made to trick you to spend as much time on it as possible and invest as much emotions as possible. This isn’t some harmless casual leisure activity, you become a cog in a corporation war for information when you open the site. On unfriendly territory, a battlefield of digital war, you ought to wear a helmet at least.

Hello GPT-4o (openai.com)

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) is a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction—it accepts as input any combination of text, audio, and image and generates any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. It can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds,...

Emmie , (edited )

This is not just some technology but something that may lead to a true artificial intelligence with all the far reaching consequences. It’s like nukes and manhattan project.

If we had feasible way to prevent birth of true AI I am sure most would want to stop just before it becomes sentient and spreads to every network connected device in the world.

Emmie ,

I feel certain fear of glass. I have been on the internet too long

Emmie ,

Yeah I don’t know why they have beef with polyamory and why watch it then. I guess probably some ingrained catholicism issues

I think I am gonna block them and nothing of value will be lost

Emmie , (edited )

The whole catholic doctrine is fundamentally flawed and incompatible with progressive world. I am not very tolerant of it at all. I can’t tolerate bullshit

This isn’t some high horse I am trying to ride but a pragmatic approach vs something that is fundamentally against me.

I don’t pretend I have the keys to the only true and ultimate best way of life but I am simply pragmatic in my war against that which hates me.

If I was POC I would fundamentally hate Klu Klux Klan out of innate will to survive. This is very similar. I don’t get to pick sides or have a luxury of tolerance here.

Similarly with so called right wing nationalism. I don’t have any choice other than to keep battling against them on sea, land and air. Even literally so if needed. My loyalty to my kin is unwavering and I would be willing to die for them if it was necessary. Thankfully it isn’t. However I am ready. Believe me.

The current struggle however requires different action. Drastically lowering influence of Catholic Church is very important objective we must secure. As the influence of it wanes, so our freedom increases. One day we will see the world we fight for, where no one has to fear to be themselves.

Luckily, it is not very hard to expose various CC pedophilic affairs which severely undermines public support for this institution. It has decreased here to 60% from 80% in 3 years and the churches are rapidly emptying thanks to the brave and brilliant journalists.

Emmie , (edited )

There are also those that view me as some political ideology, a choice so to say. However this couldn’t be further from the truth. My identity is the same as race or the colour of hair I was born with. To deem it a choice is fundamentally a hostile action to my very existence which will of course be met with appropriate reaction as needed out of the necessity for survival.

Religion is a choice, even politics (though not always as you can see). Who you are isn’t a choice it is simply a fundamental right that needs to be won in a war if needed the same way ethnic groups fight for the rights to exist in peace.

Emmie , (edited )

I know the scripture and the official interpretation and that in itself is enough. I am not damning, you misunderstood me. I am not proclaiming that catholics are worse. I just find it aligning with my best interests to pursue downfall of catholicism so to say. It is rather calculated and well thought position than some kind of fit of anger or even hate. It is what benefits me.

If this interpretation ever changes then I will reassess the situation. For now it is beneficial for me to hold this position considering the deeply ingrained rules of that religion being incompatible with me.

There is a bigger enemy however - Islam. I’d be even willing to temporarily join the catholics against them to stop the wave of Islam from spreading to Europe which would be disastrous for me.

Frankly if the Catholic Church changed a little and modernised their conservative interpretations they would be an extremely valuable organisation to me to help me ensure my continued well being and survival.

It could indeed happen in the near future considering the tendencies. To ensure their own survival they will probably have to remodel some of their core philosophies. However the current pope is clearly clueless and unfit for this considering the awkward and dumb attempt at staying neutral during Russian invasion. It was a terrible move. A mistake that can cost everything this organisation really.

Emmie , (edited )

I am merely intolerant of an intolerant organisation. It can be summed up in one sentence really. Not every organisation needs to be tolerated. Some are too oppressive.

Find some better religion. A one without thousand years history of killings, murder and rape. A one that isn’t a hypocritical pile of junk.

Emmie , (edited )

Being American isn’t a choice but religion is. And I also would hope for America fall but the problem is that it needs to be strong to face China and Russia. It’s true that the history of America is shameful at best and outright criminal at worst. We all have our pieces of national guilts. Religion however serves nothing. It’s just a drug for the mind, to placate the brain from the raw, cruel reality of cosmos. Not for me to say that it is inherently a bad thing in itself however catholic church definitely is a bad thing in itself. Again, find better religion.

However in thinking about choices we must also consider the shameful indoctrination of children by Catholics this is the only reason why it could be said that it isn’t their choice. Because it was made for them. It’s tragic and criminal. Such practice should be prosecuted.

This is a reason I usually pity Catholics rather than hate them. Because the choice was made for them. They had no say whether they want to be indoctrinated or not. Usually it is so ingrained that even years later after they leave the church they have problems with natural bodily functions.

Is this really a hallmark of healthy organisation? No. It is nothing more than a cult.

Such organisation should be pushed to irrelevancy if we want to progress further as a civilization. Their influence must wane. Which is a process that has already started.

American fall would also be welcome however, it is currently impossible due to character of geopolitical arena. We need strong America with their tanks, aircraft carriers and nukes. We need NATO. In this way I am sort of a patriot. I believe in the power of steel to defend us from the bloodthirsty Russian dictators. Thus my heart sees american military with joy, being well aware it is the only thing between me and Putin’s rainbow genocide.

Emmie , (edited )

I think we just only recently have a privilege to be able to ponder on it. 100 years ago kids were working in some factory since 10 yo everyone was too busy with just surviving. Of course that only applies to the 10%? of the privileged part of the world too.

I think this era is brief and soon the climate change dark ages will come back again for us so that we revert to the more basic maslow pyramid fundaments. Which is pretty sad.

I hope for nuclear fusion infinite energy breakthroughs that will forever secure our individualistic low efficient lifestyles.

Emmie , (edited )

I will answer some questions with my old account using gpt 4 to poison the data.

If you want to poison SO a little at the same time providing valid answers that help users, use outlook.com email domain for new accounts. It seems to not have anti throwaway countermeasures while being accepted by SO. And it seems fitting to bash the corporate with the corporate.

Emmie ,

Maybe they are a walking ai poisoning attack. I mean the whole person

Emmie ,

Comments are clearly ChatGPT I know because I did it once to troll some sub too. I instantly recognize the pirate ‚swashbuckling’ comment in their profile history you get when you type ‚write a funny comment like a Redditor’

Emmie , (edited )

Wait why piracy all of a sudden. Didn’t we agree that people who don’t buy games won’t buy them anyway even if piracy didn’t exist?
Thus the denuvo lack of purpose because it doesn’t raise sales.
Yet many of those same folks are willing to pay to indie devs even if their games are often laughably easy to pirate. It’s about the principles.

For example Hollywood is such rotten hive of misogynist assholes that one may not want to fund them. Or not get royalty to Rowling for the potter game.

By starving bad companies we have a personal freedom to leave generations with only the best devs and brands such as Larian-motherfuking-Studios.

Hell if it wasn’t so risky IRL I’d probably steal Nestle food by tons and share it too. Let’s leave generations without that company.

Emmie , (edited )

Sometimes I feel like it’s the new generation memes. Straight from the shelters, getting taste of real life out there and making memes. But then I already knew the world is hell when I was 13 yo.

Adult world was actually less cruel because everyone masks their primal insticts behind a facade of politeness and any violence is passive, systemic. Much easier to cope with in the short term but ultimately maybe more insidious. Money is violence.

Emmie , (edited )

Look, the situation is as follows: You can’t handle spot-on critique from some small vertebrates.

Diagnosis - irreparable flaws of character. Time for drinking or shopping.

Emmie , (edited )

If someone uses vpns for anything other than region locked content then that’s not very smart.

It’s one big security risk and no attacks are necessary for some vpn company tech to sell your data. Hell I’d do it myself to a highest bidder, sorry.

It’s like walking naked around some stranger’s house and trusting them to close their eyes.

Emmie ,

I am thinking more in the vein of piracy or hacking not some business stuffs

Emmie , (edited )

It’s nice however let’s assume that it is the main consumer model. Then everything becomes possibly 20 times more expensive as companies need to keep same profit (shareholders) and now 20 people pool money to share the thing. It’s not a solution to capitalism, however it would work wonders for environment.

Yet it is us doing all the work for the environment while companies don’t lift a finger and get all the profit. Not a viable long term solution to a fundamental problem of wealth.

Emmie ,

This is live example of how IQ doesn’t correlate with „success” though who knows if this funny test would even correlate with what we mean when we think of intelligence in this example

Maybe the greed for views and fanboism wins over no matter the brains

Emmie ,

Stroke is not a joke mate, we lost many good people that way

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  • Emmie ,

    I wonder, what are some examples?

    Emmie , (edited )

    I guess they did it only locally. Though it doesn’t exactly fit the definition even that way. And why would it be ironic?

    Emmie ,

    Seriously? Ehh…

    Of course Russia is facist though, what else would it be? Maybe you got it wrong with a historic non existing failed country created by absolute psychopaths?

    Emmie ,

    Sometimes I can’t take a bath cause the moving water makes my head spinny. I can’t imagine how bad the water bed would feel lol. I’d probably have mid night breaks for puking.

    Emmie ,

    I don’t think many people have such privilege to change countries they live in freely based on whims

    Emmie , (edited )

    Thing must weigh like a ton and that without the gut. How do they even assemble this stuff? And whole thing sounds like an accident waiting to happen

    nm , to Technology
    @nm@veganism.social avatar

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  • Emmie ,

    Admins are unpaid hobbyists like you and me, they don’t think that PRish

    Emmie ,

    lol is this supposed to be some kind of irrefutable evidence lmao even

    Emmie , (edited )

    Lemmy quality descended quite quickly. What’s the more intelligent tech community alternative besides hacker news?

    It seems everything descends into this samey mess of america bad, eat the rich which I don’t dispute with but I am here for tech and not politics honestly. Time and place for everything.

    The amount of low effort comments that seem to only be about points/validation which aren’t even visible for some is tiring.

    It used to be that you would look into comments for useful information about the posted article. Now you can skip the comments altogether and the posted links quality also became questionable.

    I miss times where you could find links to some niche but full of creativity/usefulness websites in the comments or posts. Those juicy gems of the web. Or learn some fact that you had no idea about.

    I want to learn something new being here. Not make my brain feel good with the reward of validation.

    Emmie , (edited )

    I mean I have curated my ‘All’ only to non world news and non memes comms and I was left with literally nothing except this community. There is literally nothing here :/

    I will still keep using it whenever I can though just out of principle and to curb some of my Reddit addictions.

    I am sorry to say nowadays 95% of content appears to be meaningless. Not contributing anything, not creative, not even funny lots of the times. I won’t sugar coat this

    Emmie ,

    See I have this weird feeling that we are too different to even connect somehow. You didn’t even read my comment. Any benefit of doubt of mine is pointless when you just throw some out of place, bland one liner and don’t even want to discuss anything. It’s like talking to a wall

    Emmie , (edited )

    Too niche platform to waste your energy for that imo. Twitter or Reddit have way more range. That’s where all the political campaigns happen. And successfully so

    Emmie ,

    Are you one of those brave martyrs silenced for telling the truth?

    Emmie , (edited )

    I am just annoyed that those sites became so mainstream that’s all. It always gets shitty then but if it is really good it is unavoidable.

    I guess the key is to make it bad enough so normal fans won’t touch it but good enough so that some of us enjoyers will enjoy it

    Emmie ,

    If I am so intoxicated that it seems like a good idea then music probably sounds amazing

    Emmie , (edited )

    I plan to kindap a one of forbes top 100. Then hold them captive until the desired result is achieved and legal matters resolved

    Emmie ,

    That’s just for small players. Big corps probably been doing it for years.

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