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@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz cover
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar



Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Why are we mad about an active tech company protecting their IP?

Patent trolls buy up more patents than any company could ever be able to use in actual products in order to make money sueing everyone under the sun or striking extortionate licensing deals.

Nokia Oyj is the part of Nokia that Microsoft didn't buy, and it is a telecom company that does its own RnD to this day, and is perfectly open to doing reasonable licensing deals. How tf does this make them a patent troll, unless this is over something dumb and frivolous, which we don't know yet?

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That's not even close to the full story, and partly straight up incorrect.

They sold their mobile branch. The brand of which eventually ended up with HMD global, which now makes Nokia branded phones.

Nokia Oyj is a telecom RnD and infrastructure company, as in the hardware and standards behind wireless communication tech. They never stopped.

They essentially pulled an IBM and exited the consumer market, but they never ceased operation, or sold off their main business.

Microsoft has had absolutely nothing to do with Nokia Oyj since buying their consumer handset branch off them.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

And inaccurate. MS never bought Nokia in its entirety, the parts it did acquire languished for a while, with the brand eventually ending up with HMD Global. That is the company that makes Nokia phones today, and they're doing ok.

The company that's relevant in this patent dispute is Nokia Oyj, the main operations of which is telecom RnD and infrastructure, and it has nothing to do with MS aside from being the company that they bought a mobile phone division from.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I'll be ready to flip the second it comes out if this suit is BS.

But I'm initially siding with Nokia Oyj here because they have a decent track record of actually doing the legwork on their tech, advancing the science, and sharing that with the industry through sane licensing.

Also the company is one of the success stories of my country, so maybe I'm biased, but then that hasn't stopped me from hating exploitative pieces of shit like Rovio and Supercell.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

They're referring to the two mobile client apps on iOS, not JF itself.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Consider using the KDE keyboard shortcut tools to set up a permanent paste keybind instead of using the history.

For example, I have a keybind that sends a known mouse movement input, which I use to set that known mouse input to always correspond to ten centimeters of on-screen movement.

Using a keybind would remove the need to ever select the right item from the history, and reduce the clutter in it for copy-pasting other things.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

My cat: don't just stand there, caress me

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

My account still isn't migrated. Having sold my CV1 for an Index, and even having switched to Linux since, I don't think I'll bother.

But man... Really, really good times were had on that headset, Echo VR, Robo Recall, From Other Suns...

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Heavy, the blacks aren't black, the audio was twice better on the CV1, but the framerate and tracking quality is unbeatable. Resolution and FOV bump is nice, too.

My hands are way too large for the Index Controllers, I desperately want something to replace them.

I need to do this to reach the system button, and I can't always just hold the controller further down due to how the strap works.


Most of the time I hold it with just my fingers so my thumb actually lands where the buttons are, but it's meant to be strapped to the palm of the hand. I've yet to figure out a way to hold them that makes the joystick comfortable to use, it's too far to the side from where you'd want to put your thumb.


Big huge bonus is that it works on Linux. I'm happy with the headset, oled would be nice, and audio was much better on the CV1. But it's not bad.

But I would kill for a lighthouse tracked version of the original oculus touch controllers.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Made a comment in reply to the other guy asking the same.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Lighthouse tracking rocks, I'm never going back to constellation so in that regard it's an upgrade. Misses in Beat Saber due to tracking errors do not happen. And inside-out is just garbage for anything but the actual head-tracking. My dad has a Quest.

I sorely miss the low weight and ergonomics of the touch controllers. They were brilliant, and though it was more basic, their finger tracking could already do all that you'd want. I've not felt it worth the effort to replace the knuckles, unless I can match that.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The Vive pro wands work with lighthouse 2.0. But they really aren't that much better to justify getting a pair.

However, apparently pimax has something that looks a LOT like the touch controllers.

These actually give me hope that they could be what I've been wanting.

Edit: Holy crap they use the same buttons as the wands, and can pair with the Index HMD!

Edit2: aw, they suck

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I still shudder to imagine what the CV2 could have been. CV1 remains one of the best designed VR systems to this day.

The oled display, 90fps, fantastic audio, light HMD, ergonomic controllers... Its only real weakness was the constellation tracking, and with my three tracker setup even that became nearly a non-issue.

Replace the tracking with lighthouse, maybe upgrade the oled with one from today, put in the newer optics that reduce godrays to nearly nil... It would be unbeatable.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The thought of taking a powerdrill to mine, ghetto gaming mouse weight reduction style, has crossed my mind many times.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Are you saying anti-theists are in favor of eradicating religion from human memory?

If so, no. Wrong.

Simply not making decisions based on fictional fairy tales, doesn't require deleting those fairy tales from historical record or cultural memory.

Only religions obliterate other religions, atheists simply don't believe the stories to be true, and anti-theists simply want humanity to stop being controlled by things that aren't real.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Like custom emotes?

There's the custom sticker picker, and some clients like fluffy chat and cinny support adding packs that can be used with shortcodes:


MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There's a bot for this: Giphy Maubot

But it wont work like in discord. I know you could get similar functionality with certain keyboards on android, but I'm not aware of a desktop matrix client with built in meme search and send.

ajsadauskas , (edited ) to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Concerned about microplastics? Research shows one of the biggest sources is car tyres

A lot of the emphasis on reducing microplastics has focussed on things like plastic bags, clothing, and food packaging.

But there's a growing body of research that shows one of the biggest culprits by far is car tyres.

It's increasingly clear that we simply cannot solve the issue of microplastics in the environment while still using tyres — even with electric-powered cars.

"Tyre wear stands out as a major source of microplastic pollution. Globally, each person is responsible for around 1kg of microplastic pollution from tyre wear released into the environment on average each year – with even higher rates observed in developed nations.

"It is estimated that between 8% and 40% of these particles find their way into surface waters such as the sea, rivers and lakes through runoff from road surfaces, wastewater discharge or even through airborne transport.

"However, tyre wear microplastics have been largely overlooked as a microplastic pollutant. Their dark colour makes them difficult to detect, so these particles can’t be identified using the traditional spectroscopy methods used to identify other more colourful plastic polymers."


"Microplastic pollution has polluted the entire planet, from Arctic snow and Alpine soils to the deepest oceans. The particles can harbour toxic chemicals and harmful microbes and are known to harm some marine creatures. People are also known to consume them via food and water, and to breathe them, But the impact on human health is not yet known.

"“Roads are a very significant source of microplastics to remote areas, including the oceans,” said Andreas Stohl, from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, who led the research. He said an average tyre loses 4kg during its lifetime. “It’s such a huge amount of plastic compared to, say, clothes,” whose fibres are commonly found in rivers, Stohl said. “You will not lose kilograms of plastic from your clothing.”"


"Microplastics are of increasing concern in the environment [1, 2]. Tire wear is estimated to be one of the largest sources of microplastics entering the aquatic environment [3,4,5,6,7]. The mechanical abrasion of car tires by the road surface forms tire wear particles (TWP) [8] and/or tire and road wear particles (TRWP), consisting of a complex mixture of rubber, with both embedded asphalt and minerals from the pavement [9]."



MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


Tbf regenerative braking is likely helping reduce the rate at which microparticles are shed by tires when slowing a vehicle, but the absolutely insane torque on modern cars, as well as the weight of carrying around the battery capacity to pull off that one road trip you'll do once a year is likely offsetting the tiny benefits of that one improvement.

Why be efficient when you can ensure your own safety in an accident at the expense of the people you plow through?

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I really hope Aptera takes off, vehicle design in the exact opposite direction and in a way that REALLY makes sense.

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?


MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Same for all of these except a movie theater and that post office.

I work irregular hours so I have any online orders delivered to pickup points I can go grab them from at my convenience.

Post offices in my area have been closing down, and having to walk further and further to my "local" office when picking up parcels has been infuriating over the last few years.

Yes, the automated ones are showing up in local grocers and it has helped, but having to go pick up several kilos of cat litter from the other side of town instead of next door when the delivery gets re-routed due to the pickup machine being full, is not nice.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I feel like this meme only makes sense for people who don't know basic file system navigation...

Literally never had this problem, not once, starting at Android 2.3 when I got my first android phone. It's literally just files and folders, like any other OS.

Even when dealing with apps that don't have a way to check where a file is, any file manager app worth a damn, will have a way to easily find the most recently saved/modified files.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

On Android it's in the root folder. So basically if you just open any file explorer app, it should be on the first screen. The equivalent to the "C" drive or "My Computer" on Windows.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

A given program having a default save location is true on any platform. The "My Documents" folder on windows is used for anything but. So many applications throw files in there it's basically useless.

With Android, application files are kept in application specific locations, while user files basically always end up in Download or Pictures, sometimes, rarely, Documents. DCIM for system camera photos.

If you need to clear an applications files, that can be done via that apps page in settings.

The only difference I can see is that on phones, default file system behaviour is designed so that it gets out of most people's way, while those of us who know how it works can still use a file explorer app just fine.

While normies rely on the default file picker showing a monolithic list of what's on their phones in chronological order, we don't have to. When that thing appears, you can find any file management apps installed from the hamburger menu, and find your files using them instead.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh boy. Do I have a bone to pick with whatsapp. Their message data management is a complete clusterfuck.

Though if you just want to delete media, that's easy. Whatsapp has it's own folder in root that contains a folder for each file type. Edit: Not anymore, it's in /Android/media/whatsapp/WhatsApp/Media now. You can safely delete them all, though media files will no longer be accessible in your message history, as WhatsApp has literally no way to keep that stuff around without monolithically saving all of it on your device, locally, forever.

Instagram saves content to a couple folders, all in easy to find places like root, Movies, DCIM and Pictures.

As for Instagram app data, you can clear that from app settings.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


No, and I've no clue.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Why is this so accurate

Half of the "artisan" burger chains in my city are marginally better than a fast-food chain. One, maybe two of them make burgers so good that they're worth the occasional splurge.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No. He's said it's not usable by your average gamer, which is different. And for him personally it definitely has pain-points as it's unfamiliar, as the linux challenge showed.

He sings it praises on the SteamDeck, because valve has given SteamOS a UI that anyone can figure out by just using it.

Same for ChromeOS, he knows that windows needs to fuck off, but he's also closer to the average person in terms of how much he needs an OS to hold his hand and stop him from breaking things (again, linux challenge).

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Since when has the best way to obtain a PC for gaming been pre-builts/laptops?

Yeah you can buy good and cost-effective pre-assembled and pre-configured machines from some system integrators...

But if you're assembling a desktop, as you should, then you're installing the OS, too. It's not that outlandish, and a valid aspect to evaluate.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Did you not read my second paragraph? What are you telling me that I don't know, exactly?

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

As opposed to buying it illegally, or stealing it legally?

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


Don't be fooled, they just want to mooch a lunch off you cuz they spent their allowance on instruments!

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Why wouldn't E2EE work in the browser versions of the clients? You just log in, verify from a logged in client, and then everything works. Decryption of message history can take a while, but it gets there eventually, and sending and receiving new messages should work with encryption, right away.

Search is tricky because the client essentially has to download, decrypt, then index, your entire user history. The server can't do the search for you, because it never sees your messages in cleartext.

Syphon does actually do this on mobile, but it's in alpha, and while it can do E2EE you have to export your keys from another client, then import them, to get it working. No easy emoji verification.

You might look at schildi, which is a fork of element with implementations for a a bunch of extra stuff. You'll have to get past the app icon, tho.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Again, the web client, or any client, can't have search or message history that works at 100% until it has downloaded your user history, decrypted, and indexed it.

I've not had any issue sending and receiving encrypted messages in the web UI, nor accessing message history once I give it some time to catch up on decrypting it.

Syphon is in alpha, and thereby extremely basic, last I checked.

I think you'll have to just try it and see what state it is in, my issues with it were UI related and subjective, but otherwise I recall it being fine.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No, but I'm not really referring to that. I'm referring to the fact that unlike an installed application, the browser version can't just cache a bunch of data, and have it reliably stick around for the next time you open the browser, nor even rely on the browser letting it download and handle as much data as it might need to to begin with.

So it might end up working not as well, depending on browser and settings, even though it's literally the exact same code as the desktop application.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

A system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.

All religions are cults.

That there exist congregations that aren't actively being taken advantage of, or doing evil shit, doesn't mean people living their lives believing things that aren't real and making choices based on that belief, are harmless.

You can be the kindest soul on earth, but if you believe stabbing someone in the heart helps them, you might still do it.

Believers do that type of shit all the time, like words spoken while meaning well, but doing harm. They look at reality through the distorting lens of faith, they can't ever truly see it. There is a fatal disconnect between perception and reality.

They thank God instead of their doctor, they tell their depressed children to consult Jesus when they need medication, they feel crushed by bad luck because it can't just be bad luck, everything is god's plan, meaning they feel they deserve it.

Religion adds so many tiny twists to reality, and every single one hurts someone. Both the believer and those around them. If you haven't seen it happen, you're the exception, not the rule.

Which server would you reccommend to selfhost for personal use in 2024?

Since I recently set up a decently powerful homelab, with a bunch of services running on docker behind traefik, I thought it would have been cool to try out selfhosting a matrix homeserver for personal use (at the beginning it will be just me, potentially it will extend to some friends and/or a small organization of around 20...

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Unfortunately, Synapse is still the most feature-complete matrix server.

For a small number of people, it is absolutely fine. I run it with five active users, each of which bridge to accounts on at least two other services and I personally bridge a couple discord servers in their entirety, even.

The matrix instance has never been a significant resource hog on my system, which also runs some game servers and often transcodes media.

If you do want to go with something more efficient, make sure you know in what way it is behind in feature-parity, and whether it's a deal-breaker.

If not, running one of the newer servers is likely a better long-term solution (as long as you pick one that won't eventually bite the dust in favor of yet another server project).

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Unless a server/bridge implements the spec incorrectly, any bridge should work on any server, as they all talk using the appservice API.

That said, Synapse is the safe option, and for personal/family and friend use, the resource inefficiency is not that big a deal.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Haha yea, shame on them for trying to transition to a business model that's actually a great value for the customer compared to other music and video playforms, no longer relies on datamining customers to maximize ad-effectiveness, and brings in more income for creators than ads ever did...

It's a totally stupid idea, YT should just eat the costs and be subsidized by Google search revenue forever.

Why can't we just keep taking from the platform while its expenses are covered by some shrinking group of shmucks who don't know about ad-blockers yet, drowning in commercials?


I don't understand this outlook. Like, sure, you can use adblock. One person stealing a mars bar isn't gonna hurt Walmart... But if literally everyone just took their shopping cart home, never once paying, Walmart would just... Cease to exist.

What makes people think that math is any different for online services?

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Then I hope YT gets legally enshrined and archived in some way.

Like it or not, it is the sole complete repository of a lot of video and audio records for recent human history.

It's become something that should not be under corporate control. Something which should be treated with care and reverence.

Yet it is, and isn't.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That's a very bad analogy.

That logic would lead to defect-defect scenarios in all but the rarest of cases.

By all means, defect when warranted, but if a bad company changing course doesn't net rewards, why would corps ever do anything other than the worst possible, taking as many users down with them as they can snare?

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Everyone does it.

But it's a shit source of income that nets mere cents per user, and should be made illegal as soon as political will allows.

Hence, a good service should not rely on collecting user data as a sole revenue source.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The original post is a perfectly humorous meme on the idea that "maybe enabling users doing things via gui isn't a horrible idea".

Posting a screenshot of someone else's post, with a clearly negative note, in hopes of provoking... What? A hateful echo chamber around it?

There's nothing funny here. It essentially just boils down to "look at how dumb this reasonable opinion exaggerated for comedic effect is" which is little more than toxic slander looking for validation.

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