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cyborganism ,

I was thinking about this the other day. Windows 11 is starting to roll out on company laptops and I would love it if we had the choice to install Linux. But I think there are some challenges to that.

Most large companies control what employees are allowed to install on their machines for security reasons. We wouldn't want any spyware or ransomware or any kind of malware getting installed inadvertently. Most places will use software allow lists through applications like the Software Center and use software detection programs to monitor if any non compliant software is installed.

There's also permission management through group policies on Windows to manage which kind of user can do what on their system.

Finally, I hate to say it, but most companies use the whole Microsoft Office 365 eco system with Microsoft One Drive and SharePoint. I know we can use the web version for some of the apps, but for practicality's sake, it's best to have an installed version. And the cloud sync feature of One Drive is also very important for automatically backing up important work. I doubt they would let that go.

I would love to hear if anyone can offer solutions to these problems.

cyborganism ,

Exactly. I once had a computer with Linux where I had no root access, but was able to install, or at least unzip or build, pretty much whatever I wanted in my $HOME directory. And I wonder if it isn't possible to installs Snaps or Flatpaks without root permission?

cyborganism ,

I should've mentioned I've been practically only in IT companies. We never really had speciality software of any kind. In fact I could've done all of my work in Linux except for a couple of times where I had to develop in c# and .net wasn't ported to Linux yet.

But the things I've mentioned were what was holding the company back from giving me a Linux machine.

cyborganism ,

When the only tool you know how to use is a hammer... Everything becomes a nail.

cyborganism ,

No not really lol. I wish I had come up with that quote.

cyborganism ,


Omg I just was the video about how they added the commercials in Star Wars just yesterday.

cyborganism ,

Yeah if you self host, a UPS is very important.

Roku TV bricked until agreeing to new terms of service

See title - very frustrating. There is no way to continue to use the TV without agreeing to the terms. I couldn't use different inputs, or even go to settings from the home screen and disconnect from the internet to disable their services. If I don't agree to their terms, then I don't get access to their new products. That...

cyborganism ,

Is there a factory reset button on it? Maybe you might be able to reset the TV and never connect it to the WiFi?

cyborganism ,

My friend, I'm trying to offer you a solution so you can still use your current TV at the very least. Your tv if useless right now, correct? Resetting it and not connecting it to the internet might allow that. And you could then hook up a separate streaming device to it.

I thought that was you goal?

cyborganism ,

Alright then. That's too bad. I guess you don't have a choice but to either accept the terms or sell it and buy a new one.

I have an old 720p 32in Sony Bravia TV from 2010 with both analog and digital signal reception with all the old inputs that allow me to plug my old consoles on it. None of that smart tv bullshit. The day it dies on me, I think I will cry.

Older Computer Programmers & Engineers

Lately, I was going through the blog of a math professor I took at a community college back when I was in high school. Having gone the path I did in life, I took a look at what his credentials were, and found that he completed a computer science degree back sometime in the 1970s. He had a curmudgeonly and standoffish...

cyborganism ,

I did a computer science degree in the equivalent of a community college then followed with software engineering in an engineering university. Graduated in 2008.

I find that software development and IT in general was a lot simpler back then than today. Nobody required any kind of certification to get a job.

Early 2000s, when you had a problem in your project, you really had to mess around and try things to find the solution. You couldn't really so much on stackoverflow or similar sites.

cyborganism ,

Things are much simpler now. Even little things. For instance error messages. They used to be cryptic as hell, but these days there is more of an emphasis on communication.

I don't know. I worked with old IDEs like Turbo C, Turbo Pascal or some of the earliest versions of Visual Studio and I was able to know from the output where the error occurred from the error message and could work with a debugger to find the true source.

The only thing more complex is the volume of choice. There are just soooo many ways to do something that picking a way can be daunting. Its led to a situation where you have to hire based on ability to learn rather than ability with a specific toolchain.

That's true though. And also how IT evolved into different other fields, line DevOps for example. Now there's an *Ops for almost everything. The latest bring machine learning. And each have their own million ways to do things with so many certifications.

cyborganism ,

I think that's pretty bad ass actually.

cyborganism ,

Allez ouste, sacré français! Retourne sur jlai.lu! 😉

cyborganism ,

Ah oui certainement. Avec un bière lol. Ici l'alcool n'était pas permis dans ces établissements.

cyborganism ,

I don't understand why people are so hell bent on breaking everything like this.

cyborganism ,

I recently tried a bunch of distros. I've been using Linux since 2001 and I've been using Ubuntu mostly (or KDE, xfce, mate flavors). I, too, am concerned with privacy and am looking for something simple which allows me to pay PC games with steam.

I tried Endeavour OS, which is a slightly more user friendly, game oriented Arch distro with tools for installing gaming software and drivers, POP! OS which is an Ubuntu based gaming oriented distro as well with a Gnome desktop by default, and Elementary OS, based on Ubuntu, which has a kind of Gnome, MacOS looking interface, but not specifically for gaming.

All of them address the privacy issue by not including the telemetry packages.

The best out of the three in my opinion was Elementary OS. It's absolutely gorgeous, easy to use and allows you to focus on what you need to do without any hassle. You can install most of your apps through flatpaks if that's what you're looking for. And there are no snaps, but you have the option of installing it if you want.

cyborganism ,

Unless you've used Arch before or that you're a Linux power user (meaning you're not afraid of using a terminal and messing around with config files using a text editor), I would probably stay away from Endeavour OS. But if you don't mind messing around a bit and having to configure your stuff through the terminal, then I think it's a great option, especially for gaming. Endeavour isn't as bleeding edge in its software packages as the OG Arch so it's going to be more stable and less prone to bugs and hickups. Plus I found having the tools to set up stuff like NVidia graphics drivers and Steam and other game launcher alternatives pretty damn awesome. Plus, during the installation, if you select to get the online repos to install, you can pick which desktop environment to use, including Gnome.

POP! is so god damn simple. And upon first boot you get a bunch of dialogues to help you with setting up your gaming stuff including drivers. The app store has all the gaming stuff like Steam and other launchers right at the top. The default desktop is Gnome with a custom panel at the bottom. And it's all based on Ubuntu LTS, so it's stable, but it might lag behind in software versions. Everything just worked out of the box. I don't think you'd face any pitfalls here. And the Debian packaging system, as you probably know, is very similar to Fedora's.

Elementary OS had some hiccups on first boot. The default web browser is Gnome Web (AKA Epiphany) installed as a flatpak. For some reason on my VM, page renders were all blank white pages. I had to install the Flatseal flatpak to fix some graphical option with the Gnome Web flatpak permissions. But you can also get Firefox from the app store instead. There was another benign issue, but I can't remember what it was. The web browser problem was the main one. Then for installing graphical drivers, if you have an ATI card I think you're already pretty golden. With NVidia, you'll need to download and install the driver using NVidia's provided installer or add some PPA package repository. You can probably follow a tutorial like this one. As for steam, you can probably download and install it like any other package. I'd install Synaptic package manager to easily manage package installation, removal, etc. Yeah, this one is a bit more of a hassle, but the desktop experience LARGELY makes up for it. I really fell in love with this one.

cyborganism ,

That movie dumb money was such good publicity for Reddit. And now they're probably gonna shut down the star sub-reddit.

cyborganism ,

I just now created a Proton mail account just minutes before seeing this. I think I'm glad I did.

I've been thinking about de-googling myself for some time now. After being with them since they created the Gmail service in the early 2000s, I practically have my whole adult life on Google. I've been using drive and photos as well for as long as it has existed. It's going to be a lot of work to sort through all of this data and start over on a new service.

I don't trust Google anymore over anything. Whether it's privacy (though I was pretty naive to think I had any in the first place) or their ability to keep a service up long enough for anyone to commit.

It's a shame because they started as a really nice company with their do no evil motto with great services and then everything went to shit. Even their killer feature, the search engine, has become complete shit.

Looking for FOSS WYSIWYG HTML editor

I'm making this request on behalf of a community I'm part of, which has some fairly specific requirements that we're struggling to fill. Basically, we're an art and writing group that makes extensive use of building our own old-school webpages (almost exclusively HTML, some of us use some CSS as well). This group has been...

cyborganism ,

A lot of the layoffs are due to AI.

Imagine when they find out it's actually shit and they need to hire the people back and they ask for a good salary. They'll turn around again asking their gouvernements for subsidies or temporary foreign workers saying no one wants to work anymore.

cyborganism ,

This ☝️

And when your storage is full from videos and gifs that friends exchange in WhatsApp or whatever, or Instagram keeping everything you post, and you want to clean up, there's no easy way to do it.

cyborganism ,

No. It's not deleted with the cache. It's like everything is saved in a separate folder.

cyborganism ,

It's a shame. I really love Windows 10. It's fast and the UI's ergonomy is near perfect.

On my work laptop we recently had to switch to Windows 11 and it's a fucking pain to use. You have to jump through so many hoops and do extra clicks to do what you want. And the start menu has become completely useless. And I hate the gaps and rounded corners everywhere. And that's just on the surface. Performance is piss poor and you have all that crap spying on you to collect your usage data.

The day Windows 10 becomes unsupported is the day I go 100% Linux.

cyborganism ,

Nothing wrong with +5°C in early February in Canada, also.

It's been so warm this winter up here in Montreal, the temperature was around 10-15°C up until late November. We had one major snowfall which melted immediately. Then another snowfall in early January that kind of stuck around but with alternating warm-cold weather with rain, everything kind of just half melted and froze then turned into slush and froze again.

We can't do any winter activities because it's either too warm to have ice skating rinks, or there's not enough snow to ski or for tobogganing. Even walking outside is dangerous because of how slippery or wet everything is.

cyborganism ,

I know!!! A friend of mine went to New York just last week and he was wearing only a sweater. I couldn't believe it.

cyborganism ,

I'm really happy with Mastodon. I don't plan on going on bluesky.

cyborganism ,

He may be annoying, but he's defending your consumer rights. And works really hard at it.

cyborganism ,

He is! Apple, for one, hates him.

cyborganism ,

Here check this out.


cyborganism ,

I know they have contacts to respect, but out of safety, they should completely stop production and offer an alternative to honor their contracts.

cyborganism ,

Being in IT, the only analogy I can make is that when a software design is crappy, it doesn't matter how many bug fixes or vulnerability patches you add, it's still going not going to work properly.

You have to go back to the drawing board and apply good, proven design guidelines and restart from there.

cyborganism ,

Ok. Next time I go to Europe, I'm buying a Fairphone.

cyborganism ,

I'd really like to hear more about your experience. When did you get it? Was was it about the phone that wasn't up to your expectations?

cyborganism ,

I think it's in most mobile phone stores. I'm not sure though. All I know is that it's not here in Canada.

cyborganism ,

I saw it. Thanks. I'll have to reevaluate my choices I think.

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  • cyborganism ,

    His head so smol I don't even understand where he brain fits.

    cyborganism ,

    I shut down my subscriptions to every service last year. The only one I have is prime that I pay for because the streaming was a bonus on top of what I was originally paying for. And PlutoTV and Tubi because they're free.

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • cyborganism ,

    That goes back to 1999, when the Horizon software system was installed in post offices by Fujitsu subsidiary International Computers Limited. From 1999 to 2015, Fujitsu's faulty accounting software aided in the prosecution and conviction of more than 900 sub-postmasters and postmistresses who were accused of theft or fraud when the software wrongly made it appear that money was missing from their branches.

    Some innocent people went to prison, while others were forced to make payments to the UK Post Office to cover the supposed shortfalls. So far, "only 93 convictions have been overturned and thousands of people are still waiting for compensation settlements," a BBC report said.
    Post Office lawyers rewrote Fujitsu witness statements

    During the prosecutions, courts hearing cases against postal employees "were not told of 29 bugs identified as early as 1999 in the system it built," The Guardian wrote in a summary of Patterson's testimony today. The article said:

    "When bugs were acknowledged, witness statements from Fujitsu staff due to be heard in court were then edited by the Post Office as it sought to maintain the line that the system was working well as it pursued innocent people through the courts."

    This is beyond fucked. That's what happens when your have a justice system where the police and prosecution only cares about winning their case with no regards to truth and real justice.

    cyborganism ,

    Anyone ever read the short story "Sales pitch" by Philip K. Dick?

    cyborganism ,

    Oh fuck. Thank you for explaining the joke. I for real didn't get it. LoL

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