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force ,

is it that difficult to look up the answer from a reliable source?

With the current state of search engines and their content (almost completely unrelated garbage and shitty blogs make in like 3 minutes with 1/4 of the content poorly copy-pasted out of context from stackoverflow and most of the rest being pop-ups and ads), YES

SEO ""engineers"" deserve the guillotine

force , (edited )

I'm having a tough time trying to read that, the first part is obviously 「ミスター スパーコル!」 ("misutā supākoru!"/mister sparkle) but the second part is hard to read, I think it says 「ハワー ワリーソ!」("hawā warīso!") but it doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe the ハ is just missing a handakuten and it's supposed to say "pawā"/power? But idk what the second one is supposed to be. Maybe クリーン ("kurīn"/clean)? But that's a stretch.

force ,

“There is no future without electrification. But just electrification will not get us there,”

Daniel Posen is an associate professor in U of T’s department of civil and mineral engineering, and the Canada Research Chair in system-scale environmental impacts of energy and transport technologies. He agrees electrification is vital. But relying solely on electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions from transportation may not be enough, especially if we want to do it in time to stop a catastrophic two-degree rise in global temperatures.

The article you link contradicts you, it clearly suggests that adoption of EVs reduce carbon emissions, but we still need to do more (e.g. ACTUALLY HAVE PUBLIC TRANSIT INFRASTRUCTURE) to prevent a climate catastrophe.

force , (edited )

So I take it you're against the government subsidizing science research in general? "The government shouldn't fund new technology" is a stupid and destructive position. We'd be living in the 1800s if it were up to solely the capitalistic market. I mean, the first broadly effective antibiotics that are responsible for saving probably hundreds of millions of lives at least only exist because of people working in government-funded labs, under government-funded universities, for the government. Why should the environment be treated like it doesn't matter to our civilization?

force ,

wiki.gg is where most of the wikis have transferred to, terraria for example

force ,

The code looks like any other Python code out there.

force ,

The Red Scare happened because it threatened the American ruling class, and America wasn't occupied by Nazis in WW2 so they didn't have the experience of being liberated by mostly leftist rebels. Immediately after WW2, communists and socialists were seen as liberators who freed various countries from Nazi rule, even in the UK where Winston Churchill lost re-election partly due to him going all-in on anti-communism (which the people didn't like). As a result, Europeans were a lot friendlier to communism and were more open to adopting socialist policies. The US was both the leading capitalist power AND it was very distanced/separated from the oppression and rebellion against the Nazis, so they just saw communists as a threat.

force ,

homophobia? aren't homes material?

force ,

i mean it's vietnam, i would expect non-white

force ,

i don't think that's how biology works

force , (edited )

TTS/many kinds of synthesizers fall under the category of AI generally, including Vocaloid TTS. They even have a trademark "VOCALOID:AI™" which is an LLM that's incorporated into Vocaloid 6, although Hatsune Miku uses Vocaloid 2-4 which just uses normal AI (to fit the samples together) and not ML afaik.

force , (edited )

What made me and I imagine a large chunk of other people convert to revanced/similar apps is the super aggressive advertising, it's impossible to use youtube when you get a double ad before and after every 5 second video and get 30 second midrolls every like 3 minutes. You can't skip through a video to find the part you want to see because you'll just get an ad. It's extremely infuriating and time-consuming, it used to be where I was willing to deal with it but they fucked it up. Now I can never go back to ad-riddled YouTube, even if it has a "reasonable" amount of advertising (I am now in the belief that no amount of advertising is reasonable anymore though).

force ,

don't let the US military know that you don't like desert camos. they'll get real mad

force ,

try to not go deaf by 40 after suppressor bans challenge [impossible]

force ,

Security that is impossible to defeat is literally logically impossible

force ,

i installed nobara and while everything was simple to set up, the nobara installer doesn't recognize the ssd i flashed it on. going great

force ,

HDDs are your best option for long-term storage. Every storage mechanism fails eventually but HDDs are convenient, last long, and have excellent data recovery.

force ,

i'm from georgia. can confirm, i don't think there's ever actually been an earthquake where i live in its entire history, but i have had my sleep stiffled by many hurricanes

force ,

yea let them just name the other 200 countries' authorities which are responsible for transportation documents, i'm outraged that this isn't the case >:(

force ,

Often times it's loitering charges, loitering being a fancy term for "being out in public whenever it displeases a person of authority". Sitting on a public bench, having a picnic, walking on a sidewalk, sleeping in your car, whatever, all of those can and will get you loitering charges depending on your exact location in the United States.

Then you have public intoxication charges which on paper are only supposed to apply if you're causing a public disturbance (despite disorderly conduct already being a charge for that, public intoxication just makes it more severe), but in reality it's mostly used to harass drunk people who couldn't get a ride home, or uber home, and decided not to drive while drunk. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a higher likelihood of getting arrested for public intoxication while drunk walking/public transporting home than of getting arrested for DUI while drunk driving home. But public intoxication and even DUI can also be used if you're sleeping off drunkenness in your car, while the car is turned off.

force ,

Why do I keep seeing people spread this "toxoplasmosis makes you like cats" myth

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

force ,

trusting leftists to do whats right

i can't trust leftists because leftists are stupid. look how they lost italy, the leftists splintered and refused to work together because of petty shit which allowed the right including literal fascists to take over the government. this is the same type of dumb stuff that happens everywhere with leftists, because of their "holier than thou" attitude.

i will not leave the election's outcome in the leftists' hands because they always fuck it up when that's the case. they always refuse to cooperate with the enemies of their enemy because they don't see them as left enough, despite it being the only option to not have their long-term goals permanently blocked off, and the country always devolves into diet fascism afterwards. it has lost us many nations throughout history, so no thanks.

force ,

I'm not sure what you mean by "the Liberals" but I'm not referring to pre-WW2. I'm referring to right now. The current state of Italy. The one where leftists had the government, and then completely screwed up in the face of a rising right-wing threat because they decided they don't agree with some of the things the other leftists were doing.

force , (edited )

The easiest (although not best) example for Italy is the PM. The previous center-left politicians in office were by no means perfect PMs, but the left's infighting and the ensuing breakup of the coalition of various left and center-left parties caused Draghi to resign, and the next (and current) PM is Giorgia Meloni who is an actual fascist who has on multiple occasions reminisced of the good old days with Mussolini in charge and a good economy. Nowadays with hindsight people miss the preceding leftist PMs and think they were actually pretty good after all, but it's too late for that. The country has already started a tumble towards the right and it'd be extremely hard to get it out, especially considering that the left still is refusing to work together.

There were other factors, such as the left in Italy generally tending anti-Ukraine and the population's concerns about immigration, as well as the right focusing a lot on anti-LGBTQ rhetoric/paranoia (Italy is a very catholic nation so this was an effective strategy), but the most important factor and the ultimate killing blow was the left breaking apart.

You may be offered a free premium Telegram subscription – but please don’t accept (archive.is)

Telegram is giving away FREE Premium subscriptions! All they need from you is to use your cell phone as a relay to text out their OTP codes! And the recipient of the OTP sees your phone number! What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this deal?...

force ,

... people just send SMS to random phone numbers?

force , (edited )

Billions weren't lucky enough to be born in a class where they COULD afford to save / set aside enough money to invest in startups. The people who struck gold by happening to invest money into startups had to have had capital to begin with (or had to be in a family with capital), and compared to the billions on this planet, those people are in the 10%~1%.

They had no option to "take the risk" in the first place, they had to worry about basic necessities. Meanwhile the people who "get rich" off of start-up investments had a significant amount of wealth to spare after necessities. It's pretty hard for people who aren't relatively well-off to even have access to the means to invest, for example most brokerages require you to make a minimum deposit of multiple thousands of dollars to use them, and it's not even close to the amount that you actually need to realistically make meaningful money unless you're unbelievably lucky and get the next Tesla or something.

force ,

the threat is never going away, even if donald trump died after this election we still have losers like nikki haley, MTG, mike johnson, desantis (although no way he'd get elected to a meaningful position again), etc. to worry about. even if they don't have the cult following of trump, they're still big issues

force ,

"moderate" americans are just conservatives without the nazism lol

force ,

i'm not addicted to anything yet this is me. (i have ADHD and insomnia)

force ,

Ah, you mean one of the many genetic/biochemical abnormalities which are heavily associated with ADHD/MDD/Schizophrenia/Bipolar/Parkinson's/Alzheimer's/etc., sweet... it can join TAAR1, SORCS3, ST3GAL3, DRD4, DRD5, rs4680, rs6265, FXS... I think that's enough "let's see what kind of fucked up genetics can cause your mental disorders" lol

force ,

Lol when you're constantly told that the solutions to your sleeping disorder is to "just go to sleep", or that you can overcome your ADHD or depression with "just focus" or "just do the thing", it gets pretty tiring. And that is the experience shared by this post, and the experience that the majority of the people in this thread that also relate to the meme have.

force , (edited )

Much of the obsession internet people have over ""privacy"" is just a feel-good-about-themselves thing, rather than actually protecting themselves from their data being collected and used. If you're posting on the internet, yes that includes Lemmy, there's almost no doubt that any government and world-destroying corporation would have easy access to everything about you in an instant, even if you go out of your way to try to use services "focused on privacy". You aren't protecting yourself from anything by not using Google/Microsoft/etc. products.

There is no "chipping away bit-by-bit" when it comes to this, it's pretty much meaningless unless you're nearly completely off the grid, to the point where you don't even use modern technology. The worst you're gonna do otherwise is fuck up targetted ads, but that's not very hard to do considering Google apparently thought I was a pregnant woman looking for leather boots and beauty products when I still had ads on YouTube.

I wish people would admit it's really not about their privacy. Say it's because FOSS services are better (because they are), say it's so you don't get spam from shitty sites you gave your email to, say it's so you can fit in in your niche online communities, whatever. But 99.99% of people in "privacy" communities haven't even put a dent in the data being collected from them by large entities, hell most people in these communities think VPNs will protect them from anything at all other than their parents or boss not noticing them being on porn sites (VPNs can help with privacy, but only under specific conditions that most people aren't meeting)...

force , (edited )

Okay then, I'll ask you this. What can you demonstrate that you have prevented extremely large corporations or the government from doing with your information by replacing some of your services with "privacy-focused" services? Do you really think that, say, the NSA and Amazon don't know you better than you know yourself regardless of your efforts? What do you think is prevented by using some isolated services while you still, no doubt, have most of your data being collected and used by other things?

Could you prove that your life would be any different if, for example, every single piece of information Meta has about you that you don't know they have were wiped off of their servers? Or that anyone here's life would be different?

The only thing I could imagine you could demonstrate is that targetted ads could be "worse". Which is a non-answer, many peoples' ads are completely inaccurate regardless, and ads aren't such a good metric to base the government's or Nvidia's or whoever's access to your data off of.

Fact of the matter is is that, unless you're mega-Amish, your efforts to prevent powerful entities from collecting your data are meaningless, they don't work well, and without strong privacy laws it will forever be that way unless everyone suddenly agrees to only use FOSS user-friendly products and all the ISPs are replaced by good guys. I guess some people here have spent thousands of dollars and hours in an attempt to keep their privacy in their own hands in spite of that, so they have to convince themselves it does work... I don't blame them, government corruption & corporatism has made me desparate before too.

force ,

Maybe it's because I'm in the deep south, but my high school had old testament & new testament classes when I attended.

196 Stands with Palestine, but those of you in the US should still vote in the general election.

I've been seeing a lot of anti-voting sentiment going around. Can't believe I have to say this, but you need to vote. Not only is there more to the election than just the president. (State policy, Senate, house), but not voting is not an act of protest. C'mon guys

force ,

the iranians revolted... into another dictatorship...

and the french revolution ended swell! wait

what about the cuban revolution? oh god damn it

lol i'm just kidding, i can think of a few. the italian civil war and the libyan civil war, and technically the russian revolution and german revolution but i guess it helps when the government you're fighting against is getting brutally beaten in a war against other countries. but i can't say all of those ended in an extremely democratic system

force ,

probably because China is a foreign country and the US is (presumably) where you reside, and you should apparently trust your own government only. but i don't know exactly what a foreign government would want with your personal data anyways

force ,

because american cities aren't designed to serve city dwellers, they're designed to serve suburbanites who live 45 minutes to 2 hours away and aren't gonna come back to shops at a later time

force ,

that's how the IDF gets people to accept their war crimes, they have a division of cute women posting photos on social media (this was an actual problem they had a while ago)

force ,

most people are probably bisexual anyways, i mean back in ye olden days anything with a hole was prone to penetration because society accepted it (don't ask about lesbian sex tho)

force ,

because you're wrong, lol, prescriptivism is just anti-linguistics. linguistics is desctiptive and based on usage

force , (edited )

"degradation of language" oh boy you'd hate to see how different English was 1000 years ago. Is modern English just a degradation of Anglo-Saxon? Or do we go even further back and say that all Indo-European languages are just degradations of PIE? You know that a large portion of the words that you use on a regular basis come from the exact process you describe right now, right? When exactly does normal language change become "degradation of lamguage", is it just when you don't like it?

Do you think that you know more about linguistics than every modern accredited linguist, to say that a certain type of language change in certain scenarios is "incorrect"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analogical_change

Maybe you should solve this worksheet to get a feel lol. https://homepage.rub.de/silke.hoeche/Aspects%20of%20Language%20Change/Analogy%20and%20morphological%20change.htm

Linguistics is first and foremost a science, which means you don't look at what occurs in reality and call it "wrong". It's descriptive, not prescriptive, and you look silly to a majority of linguists if you act like a word like "extrovert" is wrong, ESPECIALLY when it's standard usage.

You probably think that AAVE is just "bastardized English" or that Scottish people speak wrong English.

force , (edited )

I actually read Old English without much effort, as well as the languages it originated from, particularly Old Norse, French, and Germanic.

Christ man you're such a liar lmao. GERMANIC ISN'T A LANGUAGE. And certainly not a WRITTEN one. And English didn't "originate" from French. Old English is unintelligible to Modern English speakers because it's a completely different language, you are straight up lying through your teeth when you say you can read it fine, much less understand it. 85% of vocabulary in Old English isn't even present in Modern English. Even more so with Old Norse lmao. French is very clearly unintelligible with English as well. French is literally my second language, so I can very easily tell you that. Why do you feel the need to blatantly lie about being able to understand other languages, including ficticious ones?

Degradation of language: misuse of language due to lack of education, erudition, or inclination. I can forgive some misinterpretation and adaptation, but that's my issue. "Extro" does not make sense, unless someone got it wrong that one time and then spread it around until everyone was saying it wrong. That pisses me off, not to mention it makes me question Phyllis's judgment on Jung's corpus of work as a whole, she clearly didn't read much of it.

That entire take is just silly. "Language degratation" is a lie sold to you by shitty middle school English Language Arts teachers.

"All living languages are continually undergoing change. Some commentators use derogatory labels such as "corruption" to suggest that language change constitutes a degradation in the quality of a language, especially when the change originates from human error or is a prescriptively discouraged usage. Modern linguistics rejects this concept, since from a scientific point of view such innovations cannot be judged in terms of good or bad. John Lyons notes that "any standard of evaluation applied to language-change must be based upon a recognition of the various functions a language 'is called upon' to fulfil in the society which uses it"."

Again, your stance is seen as completely stupid in the realm of actual linguistics science.

There is a difference between a language evolving in response to changes in the environment or the human condition, and a language degrading into "barbar" because nobody bothered to learn how to speak, and thereby write, correctly. I believe that there are no 1:1 transmutations of words in such a manner which wouldn't remove some amount of information, and the degradation of information is kind of a massive deal to humanity right now.

There isn't a difference. How do you think sound change and many other forms of language change occur without this ""degradation""? Do you think that the transitions between languages just happen because God willed it and everyone just accepted it? No, people back then complained about language change in the same exact way that you are now. You are speaking a "bastardized" form of language by your own logic. Every word you speak is completely different from the "educated" proscribed speak of before. Almost none of the words you're saying are being used in their ""original"" sense.

Let me ask, what does "begging the question" mean to you?

According to your anti-scientific logic, it should mean to approach a question and start begging to it.

I want to ask you again, do you think AAVE, Scottish English, and all other large dialect groups of English are incorrect? Do you think you're better at linguistics than a majority of professional linguists?

force ,

It's so funny seeing you flounder after being called out for your blatant lying lmao. "That's why I wrote it in quotes"? What???

And it's funny how you just looked up a random Old Norse text online and copied the first paragraph of the second chapter to try to pretend that you can back up your lies. And now your comeback is "b... but go back to high school! k-kid!". Pathetic, you need to improve your bullshitting.

force ,

Maybe if you record your device on, say, chatgpt and make it generate random old english & old norse, and then attempt to translate them in real time, I'd believe you. But anyone can just pronounce a pretty consistent phonemic orthography ;)

force , (edited )

Lmao you don't know what you're talking about. I've had a significant amount of formal education in linguistics, considering I was specializing in computational linguistics. I've spent many years of my life specifically on linguistics, even before I started my degree which is linguistics focused, and said college education has significantly added onto it.

Every modern, accredited linguistics professor would laugh at your claims. The things you say sound like jokes to anyone with actual knowledge on dialectology and historical linguistics. Even a layman linguist would think you're insane. Unfortunately your beliefs are also the same that a large portion of the poorly educated populace has, so even though it's a stupid belief it's still common for those not educated in linguistics.

You're just throwing out ad hominem attacks because you have been clearly caught lying out of your ass about knowing multiple things (You can easily "read Germanic"? You think Old English/Norse and French writing is mutually intelligible with English writing to any significant degree? What???). You literally just Googled a random Old Norse manuscript and copy pasted one of the first paragraphs to try to come up with something to back up your claims.

You look silly. There is no more purpose in arguing with you since you clearly refuse to learn from your nonsense drivel being clearly torn apart. You can't even follow up on your "promises". Lol

These are definitely good reads for people like you, just to show you what people who have actual linguistics & culture knowledge think of the likes of you:



force , (edited )

Going through your recent comment history, you're pathetic. Everyone is calling you out for being batshit insane lmao. I know "responsibilities" and "a job" are both foreign concepts to you, and I'm sure you think everyone can spend their time on Lemmy 24/7 just like you, but jesus christ... I consider myself an avid poster but you somehow have over 3x the comments as me. So yes, I didn't have the time to watch the video you allegedly made (and I emphasize the allegedly).

There is literally nothing to suggest that you are any sort of expert or even trustworthy person when it comes to language, let alone whether "extravert" is "incorrect". Based on your comments about it, the evidence all points in the opposite – you're an expert of nothing except saying you're totally "knowledgable". Why do you think you're better at language than the people who make dictionaries for christ's sake?! Or the large amount of researchers who use the term "extrovert" in a formal setting, most of whom are experts in either 2nd language acquisition, linguistics/psycholinguistics, or psychology? How do you presume that they're the incorrect ones for using what you deem to be the "wrong" spelling (out of two equally valid spellings), when you can't even compare to their level of expertise? Rather than actually making these papers on psychology and linguistics, you're LARPing as a high school English teacher online and saying stupid shit about language. I want to ask you what qualifications you have, if any at all? Do you even have any college education on linguistics? Can you even do so little as to read and write basic IPA transcriptions?

Why are you deleting half of the comments you've recently posted, after people respond to them with sources and actual arguments? There have been multiple in this thread. You're obviously not very confident in them, they make you look absolutely embarassing. You do realize that on most front-ends, it doesn't delete the entire thread below the deleted comment anymore, right? And the stupid responses are still available in the peoples' inboxes.

What's more likely, that almost every professional on language is wrong, or that you're wrong? Are all the most credible dictionaries wrong?




The term prescriptivism refers to the ideology and practices in which the correct and incorrect uses of a language or specific linguistic items are laid down by explicit rules that are externally imposed on the users of that language. This ideology and its practices are now usually ascribed to nonlinguists or nonacademic linguists, whereas modern academic linguists, following Saussurean tenets, restrict themselves to the study and description of the structure of language and its natural use.

- Robert Straaijer, PhD in English Language & Literature, on Oxford Bibliographies

Answer it. Do you think a majority of linguistics professors and people with linguistics PhDs are wrong, and you're somehow right?

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