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@nifty@lemmy.world cover
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar



smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

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nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

For now, cars need more than computer vision to navigate because right now adding cameras by themselves doesn’t help a car spatially orient itself in its environment. What might help? I think the consensus is that the cameras need to get a 360 deg view of the surroundings and the car needs a method for making sense of these inputs without that understanding being the focus of attention.

It seems Teslas do add sensors in appropriate locations to be able to do that, but there’s some disconnect in reconciling the information: https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1452/tesla-guide-number-of-cameras-their-locations-uses-and-how-to-view. A multi-modal sensing system would bypass reliance on getting everything right via CV.

Think of you focusing on an object in the distance and moving toward it: while you’re using your eyes to look at it, you’re subconsciously computing relative distance and speed as you approach it. it’s your subconscious memory of your 3D spatial orientation that helps you make corrections and adjustments to your speed and approach. Outside of better hardware that can reconcile these different inputs, relying on different sensor inputs would make the most robust approach for autonomous vehicles.

Humans essentially keep track of their body in 3D space and time without thinking about it, and actually most multicellular organisms have learned to do this in some manner.

nifty , (edited )
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Some people do argue for a post-work, scarcity-free utopia. However, I don’t see how that’s ever a possibility even in an endless universe unless we solve mortality and answer every possible question there is about the nature of existence and reality. There will always be “work”.

I think work reformists look at exploitative conditions both at home and in developing nations, and rightfully want better. There’s no reason why millions of people cannot be lifted out of poverty via direct intervention. Training and educating those people for whatever self determined purpose makes the most sense. Currently people’s lives are wasted on perma survival mode, and it’s a waste of human intellectual potential and intellectual capital.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar


There, magic done. Now you’ll be fine

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

All religions basically utilize this model

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

First, I am sorry for the hardship you went thru and I am so glad you experienced kindness during that time.

Please note that my perspective and criticism of religion is not solely based on the Abrahamic faiths. If you recall there’s a genocide and conflict based on religion in Myanmar as well, and per my understanding there are a lot of militant Buddhists who are anti-Muslim. India, the birth place of Buddhism, is known for entrenched discrimination based on class and religion.

I acknowledge that there are lots of religious people who do good. The church in my area has been excellent at helping both feed and find permanent housing for local homeless people. However, religion as an institution is untrustworthy, misguided and authoritarian.

Regarding someone’s reply on spirituality: I am not a proponent of that either because I am not sure what to make of it. It all comes across as too silly to me (I’ve seen people try to heal with crystals powered by the moon, and if such things had healing power we’d know by now), but that’s just my opinion 🤷‍♀️

I am not judging individuals, what people do in their private lives is their business. They shouldn’t bring religion or spirituality into policy making for other groups of people who have other beliefs.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Reminds me of this, maybe there should be a community of small hand sized animals >.<


nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

The term “divine spark of creativity” is meaningless if it’s used to describe something created by a non-human entity. Why? Let me explain, but note that I am not biased against machine learning systems or whatever we’re calling “AI”.

From what I can remember from my studies, the act of creation (in topics as broad as art, engineering, policy making) is inherently biased towards some kind of exploration and examination of how groups of humans can function together. Humans started creating to facilitate and ensure their propagation by communicating and sharing ideas in different ways. Ultimately, if we look at how things came to be in human history (of society, culture, religion, science etc) the goal of this organization around how we think and do things is to ensure our own development as a species.

Specifically, regarding a piece of “art”, whatever it may be: I disagree with anyone who says that “just because it makes me feel it’s art”. Your drug-induced hallucinations can also make you feel, but they’re not art because they’re not an experience that anyone else but you can accommodate.

Similarly, I think that if a creator cannot understand or communicate with some sense of the human condition, their act of creation is devoid of meaning for human intellectual development, and is simply an exercise in mimicry of human creation—it gets the job done, but it’s not moving anything forward for the human collective. For any number of cynical reasons we may “hate” people, but humans are really the only living organism that we know of which is capable of reasoning about the nature of reality and existence. It doesn’t mean anything to “AI” that you or I or anything exists. Or that itself exists. So what’s the point of its creation?

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Butt also why is he naked? Interdimensional space travel, but no slacks?

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

I think you’re right! His head is gray and the dude lifts him up by the suit

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Your comment is insightful and presents a different pov, I don’t think it should be downvoted simply because its point is against the grain of the comic

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Just gonna make babby cry more 😭

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

To keep it from sharting in the face?

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Would unionizing solve the horrors of this job?

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

This is so irresponsible, kids have access to tablets and search and might learn wrong things.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Limitation of creativity, wealth making can happen without trampling on others

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

There are many options, but the “easiest” one which comes to mind is to cap CEO pay at some value, like 2 mil say, and increase wages for lowest earners to a living wage. This is effectively moving the same money around, so shouldn’t really result in inflation, but I am not an economist.

Secondly, the nature of reality requires caps on expected profit margins, and shareholder expectations need to be adjusted. If people expect unmitigated growth, then they need to open up to exploring the universe (literally). Given that the universe is boundless, all our calculus based on resource limitations will need to change.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, this is awesome and now I also want to see dog sledding with something like Boston Dynamics Spot

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

I hate to give advice, but I feel bad for anyone who feels they’re an involuntary celibate. Like, being celibate or aroace is fine because you’re just being yourself. But the “involuntary” aspect of incel/femcel makes me feel bad for anyone going thru this.

So here’s what I suggest: super get into a hobby, be a nerd and specialist in it, and just enjoy yourself. Don’t do it to meet anyone, and stop comparing life to others. It’s just life, just have fun. The lack of sex shouldn’t be a defining quality to life or personality, a person is more than someone else’s love or interest.

But note one important thing! I am not saying people are boring or lacking anything, and that’s why they’re not getting love, attention, sex etc. I am saying one can use the hobby to alleviate the frustration that comes from something that one can’t control.

I think the anger and sadness people feel from a lack of love and attention should be reframed: dating, love etc. all have such a luck aspect to them, and so I don’t think anyone not getting any should feel like it’s their fault or they’re not enough. You’re just fine, the society we’ve created just makes it easier for some type of people vs. others, but it’s a work in progress and we can all be the change we want to see in the world.

Sorry for the Ted talk

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, but consider: we stays ill, y :3

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Knowledge workers need to get out of this ego-driven complex that they don’t need unions. You’re working class and chattle, believing anything else is delusional and pathetic.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Tell me you’re in NJ without telling me you’re in NJ

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Bet it’s better than New Jersey, USA

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Eepy adorable fuzz ball x 1, amount: priceless

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

I am not sure that just because someone produces sperm vs eggs delineates them as male vs female. You could produce sperm but have endocrinological phenotypes (driven by genes) affect your physiology, so it wouldn’t make sense to keep insisting that one is male then.

Also, how does this definition take into account intersex people who produce both types of eggs? They’re a man? Or woman? What subcriteria would you use to define them, and then why wouldn’t you use that same subcriteria on single-cell producers?

At a socio-political and cultural level, it seems useless to worry about how someone’s sex is defined. There’s no purpose served other than to create a class of people who can conveniently be othered and used as a means to distract from people who are truly damaging to society—the greedy and resource hoarders.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

I am saying that sex is not necessarily binary either.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

No apologies needed, I was just clarifying what I meant ^^

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

There’s no good faith discussion to be had with people who want to dominate

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Everyone wants to know where big chungus, but not how big chungus

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  • nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    I have a bent fork fetish so it’s useful to me 🤷

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    I think I like Bowie, but admittedly I am not familiar with all aspects of his life or personality


    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    Can this literally be a thing? We need more people spreading the word of no god.

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    I couldn’t read the whole thing because I lost interest around the part where he starts describing Grays and their shirts—it’s all very dull because there is a complete lack of understanding on how different cultures established and evolved mechanisms for self-expression and self-determination. People wanted such mechanisms, which is why democracies formed in the first place, and why medieval societies became a relic of the past.

    Even medieval kings needed ideals of honor, chivalry etc. to motivate others to knighthood. I think maybe this person is too convinced of his capacity to charm and believes that he’s capable of starting and leading a cult (which is what he’s describing, essentially). But if he was charming someone who’s never heard of him before would be inclined to find some kind of redeeming quality in his ideas instead of being repulsed by his lack of insight and knowledge. I mean, charming people (cult leaders, for example) have a quality where they just make you stupid by their presence. This person lacks the grace, charisma and any requisite presence for such an effect.

    Also, what the fuck he is on about w.r.t MSFT? Look at Coinbase and MSFT, a dumb child can tell you which company is more innovative and valuable. This isn’t even a joke, it’s just sad that people are enabling his narcissism and delusions by letting him believe he’s smart or has good ideas. He’s definitely someone’s useful idiot.

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    First of all, High and Late Middle Ages is when “self-expression and self-determination” really became a thing.

    There were medieval scholars in early ("Dark") middle ages who wrote about self-determination in the context of a greater community as part of the development of Christian intellectualism. I would read this part here, but the whole article is quite interesting (https://sites.nd.edu/manuscript-studies/2019/02/08/moral-self-determination-and-the-byzantine-christian-tradition/):

    The most well-known literary source providing an exposition of obedience is The Ladder of Divine Ascent, authored by John of Sinai (c.579–659 AD).[3] In the fourth chapter or “step,” John addresses the practice, defining it thusly: “Obedience is absolute renunciation of our own life, clearly expressed in our bodily actions…Obedience is the tomb of the will and the resurrection of humility.”[4] His endorsement of the renunciation of “will” may sound odd to many readers, especially given the Christian emphasis upon moral self-governance. **Nevertheless, John is not denying the concept of free will as such, nor is he suggesting that the volitional faculty must atrophy into non-existence. **Scholarly evidence suggests that the term John uses here for “will,” thelēma or thelēsis, comes to be associated with the volitional faculty in a philosophical sense in the writings of Maximus the Confessor, whose engagement with the Christological controversies of the seventh century provided the impetus for the standardization of the expression.[5] Thus, when John speaks of “will” and its denial, he is arguably referring to what Maximus the Confessor and his theological progeny would call gnomē, which in the idiom of the time refers to a private or particular disposition of will, or even to a personal opinion.[6] John’s monk is not so much denying his own intrinsic freedom of will as he is seeking the co-governance and insight of those who are more advanced in virtue, and, through them, struggling to direct his volitional disposition such that it harmonizes with the other members of the community.

    The idea being that one should self-determine, but also then be humble enough to know one's limitations and understand how to harmonize your will with that of the community. The preceding paragraph really brings this idea home:

    Maximus discloses a similar approach to moral self-determination by establishing his ethical teaching on “love” or agapē, which figures prominently in his philosophical and dogmatic treatises as well as his ascetic writings.[7] Agapē is no mere private sentiment but constitutes the impetus and ground for moral practice as a whole, thereby suggesting that moral judgment and orientation presuppose an awareness of one’s community and the persistent presence of a real, tangible “other.” In this way, Maximus retools an older Aristotelian paradigm, exchanging justice for love as the central and all-defining virtue.[8] Insofar as agapē is the chief virtue, narcissistic self-love, or filautia, is its inverse and the progenitor of all vice. As he demonstrates in one of his earliest works, The Ascetic Life, ascetic discipline should not be considered a private enterprise intended primarily for the sake of internal moral perfection.[9] Rather, its purpose is the effacement of filautia and the diachronic restoration of temporal and eternal relationships with the creator and one’s fellow creatures. To quote the Confessor directly: “He who is unable to separate himself from the passionate yearning for material things shall neither love God nor his neighbor authentically.”[10]

    I am not a proponent of using religious influence to guide one's morality or decision making, but I am just using the above paragraphs to discuss your first point.

    Second, oldest democracies formed before those ended by any criterion.

    You're right that the history of democracy and democratic societies predates Medieval history, but historical examples of Western governing systems in which middle classes could participate are more well-known in the middle ages

    The first parliamentary bodies involving representatives of the urban middle class were summoned in 12th century Spain. In 1187, the Leonese King Alfonso IX summoned representatives of the nobility, the church, and representatives of the 50 most important cities, to a council in San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria. There was another meeting with representatives of the cities in Carrión de los Condes, Palencia, the next year, which institutionalized the Curiae.[23] There had been other meetings previously, such as the Concilium of 1135, but they were exceptional and not leading to a regular attendance of town representatives. According to the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, this is the earliest documented manifestation of the European parliamentary system with some temporal continuity.[2][24]

    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_parliamentarism#Early_parliaments_in_the_Middle_Ages

    Essentially, people sought a centralization of power so they'd have an easier time dealing with the governing bodies--"one king and his court" vs. many nobles. Here's a nice summary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_system

    Third, a typical modern centralist democracy making citizens equal is hostile to self-expression and self-determination, for the same reason any centralist state is.

    By definition, there is no self-determination under the rule of a cult leader or authoritarian as you're subject to define yourself by their will. The democratic tradition, in its various flavors, tends to lend some leeway in enabling anyone to exert their opinion and shape the way the community thinks. In fact, this tech dude wouldn't be able to spout off his nonsense without a democracy of some sort, which is why we're unfortunately exposed to his gibberish and now having this discussion.

    Fourth, medieval societies became a relic of the past because they couldn’t scale as easily as modern ones in terms of state bureaucracy, and thus manpower and firepower.

    Because the rise of parliamentarism (a type of democracy) helped form more efficient governing bodies.

    [...] what they called honor and chivalry were pretty specific things, and not “everything good, kind, holy and manly merged”.

    I know :) The point I was making, however, is that people seek some greater purpose or meaning to align their will with that of others.

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s nothing wrong with this picture except that this food is not in my mouth

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    Just go ribbit ribbit, what’s hard about that

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    Last night I read this as “don’t live in tranny”, so I had a confusing few hours about the cultural shift at c/196

    nifty , (edited )
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    Yes please fit into a nice cultural box so you’re easy to profile, entice and hunt

    Edit to say you don’t need an age to be an activist. Does hacktivism have an age? Idk I guess younger folks are more likely to do it right now. Maybe hacktivism just needs a democratizing platform. Like enable grandma to ddos

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    Eh, their ruling class creates divisions to distract them from their constant exploitation.

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    Fair point

    nifty ,
    @nifty@lemmy.world avatar

    This implies they can’t skate together after she becomes his queen

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