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@obinice@lemmy.world cover
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar



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obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Get out there and vote on July 4th!


obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Why not just open the door with the key like every car ever

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

That's just one country of many, I don't think that guy winning leadership of that country would affect how Google manages my information.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar


I've looked around but can't find anything. Source?

Surely with it being a Japanese anime, the milk containers wouldn't have English text on them but rather be in Japanese - which might make it harder for me to Google to find an article discussing it, as it's probably not written up in English.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing about how viable it will be to bring to market, if ever, just discussing R&D without much content.

Potentially always good to see these sorts of improvements :-) Is just not that impactful until they can make it useful. If it's 50 years away from being producible at scale? Eh. If it's only 6 months away and can drop in to existing pipelines? Hell yeah!

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

How does this answer the question?

I'm a little tired of this platform constantly shouting 24/7 about how we should all use Linux all the time, everything else is terrible, etc. Yes Linux is great, I use it a lot, I love it.

I don't need it constantly shoved down my throat this way though. I especially don't need it's users to act all high and mighty and shame me for daring to still use Windows.

I know the pros and cons of using both and I use both for various different tasks. When somebody asks a question about Windows, just telling them to switch their entire operating system to Linux without knowing anything about their situation or why they use the OS they use isn't answering the question, it's not even trying to answer the question.

It's just saying "you're stupid for using Windows at all for any reason, and I refuse to engage with your actual question or try to help you at all, I'm just here to tell you you're wrong, your personal life choices are bad and you should do what I do instead".

I appreciate how great Linux is, but let's not try to convert everybody to your way of life at every opportunity. Let people live their own lives and make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not, and if they ask a question, seek to answer it without shoehorning your own agenda in. That's all I ask <3

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Steal. Might steal. If you're going to write an article as a journalist, have some guts and write the truth.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Huh? What if you're installing windows on a machine with no internet connection? Which is an entirely normal legitimate thing to do. It's not a requirement after all.

I have a number of machines that use a local account, they don't need a Microsoft account and will never be linked to one, it's unnecessary.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The upcoming July 4th Election in a nutshell 🤣

obinice , (edited )
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

It looks like this was asked in a GIMP forum, [...] It’s super rude to ask that in that forum.

Why? Just because you're using a forum for a piece of software, presumably because you want to receive or offer help on using the software for the most part, doesn't mean you're obsessed with it and hate all other alternatives that exist.

It's software, not a religion. These people need some perspective.

Imagine being in a community where being asked about alternatives is considered extremely rude. What a weird group of cult-like obsessives that would be. Creepy o.O

Also regarding why one would ask GIMP users about alternatives, theoretically these would be the best people to ask for GIMP alternatives. They presumably know the software well, and have probably tried alternatives (because they're not obsessive weirdos that worship a single brand image their whole lives), and can give good answers on what alternatives exist and how they compare to GIMP in its current feature set.

They may even actively use multiple softwares on a regular basis. There's no law against using GIMP and one or two similar pieces of software that perhaps have slightly different features or are better at one thing vs another.

It's not rude to put a reasonable question about a piece of software and how it exists in the ecosystem to a group that knows a lot about that software. It isn't a sacred holy cult object of worship. It's just a program.

Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline (www.techdirt.com)

Is Google signaling the end of the open web? That’s some of the concern raised by its new embrace of AI. While most of the fears about AI may be overblown, this one could be legit. But it doesn’t mean that we need to accept it....

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Not what you or the Supreme Court thinks.

Phew, good thing the courts in the USA - (a country with sadly laughable protections for people's rights compared to other large developed regions like the EU) - are the only courts in the world, and what they do is the only thing that matters.

Thanks for telling us all what we think, by the way. Where would we be without an American telling us all what we think?

We're so lucky.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

That's pretty much the definition of the job of parent. To control everything around the child and how they interact with things.

It's not any more difficult than it ever was. For one thing, don't give kids a smartphone until they're at least 13, they have no need for one before then.

Similarly, up to that age, they should be taught how to use a computer and the internet, but only in a closely monitored, safe manner.

After 13 or there abouts, they are given more freedom and more responsibility to go along with it, and hopefully have been raised well enough to respect that.

From there, limitations and guide rails will remain in place, be it a traditional curfew in the evening, or a limitation of "screen time", and if course of what the children interact with online.

Greater autonomy is earned through positive actions and mutual respect, too. Over time as they approach adulthood you will be able to loosen restrictions and worry less, as the strong person you've helped raise will be able to make their own decisions with greater confidence and more positive outcomes.

Mistakes will be made on all sides along the way, there will be joy, sorrow, anger, love, parenting is a learning experience for all parties, but in the end, if all goes well, you'll have a well adjusted young adult who isn't addicted to their mobile phone or any of the apps contained within, who understands the dangers of such things, and how easily addictions and a warping of reality within the mind can set in.

Eventually you have to let go, let them be adults and make their own decisions, but by then they'll have this deep understanding of the dangers they face, and that's the best defence they can have.

It still might not be enough, but all you can do as a parent is try to prepare them, from then on they have to make their own mistakes, you know?

Anyway yeah, that's how I think about it :-)

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

There's very few products which everyone can objectively say are designed for killing.

Agreed, it's very rare, guns are absolutely one of those things though. They're the perfect evolution of the personal handheld killing tool. You just point it at the thing you want dead, push the button, and you've got a good chance of deadding it immediately with your first try.

Guns don't have a secondary use, like how a knife can whittle a tree branch into a nice spoon, or cut some thread, or skin an animal. Guns cause massive damage to whatever they are pointed at, and sometimes to the things around that thing too, if you're particularly unlucky.

They're the solution to a problem when you need the solution to be "escalate this situation to 1000% and start killing stuff".

Gun manufacturers who say they're made for defence and not killing must be delusional or confused about what their products do, or just lying to their potential customers for.... who even knows what reason.

They are made to defend yourself by killing the person you need to be defended from. Pure and simple. They are truly as cut and dry a tool for killing things as there is.

Nobody is out there shooting people defensively with some non-lethal mode built in to their high speed projectile metal lumps that tear through the human body, causing parts of it to explode and massive trauma to the surrounding tissues and organs.

Do guns exist that fire beanbags, or tranquilliser darts, or such? Absolutely, but none of us here are talking about those types of more specialist guns. We're talking about your standard gun, the kind they sell to lots of civilians in countries like the USA.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

T his is a good reminder that if you work in ANY industry, no amount of good work, overtime, creativity, awards, or anything of the sort, can save you from the chopping block. Capitalism will ruin everything you love.


obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

mmm, it'll be a cold day in hell before I call them Meta, it's a very transparent attempt to psychologically reset our opinion of them, as if we're all stupid.

It's insulting how thick they think we are.

They're Facebook. Call yourselves "We didn't do evil stuff we're good guys honest" I still won't believe you ...

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Woah now, what are you, some kinda red socialist commie? 🇺🇲😠🛻

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

You're saying someone that calls themselves bomber guy is cool?

I mean hey a name is just a name, it's just uh, not a good first impression 😐

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The law requires YouTubers to identify sponsored segments.

In which countries, though? That's a key point that seems missed from a lot of responses discussing "the law".

Laws vary quite significantly from nation to nation, and without that key context, there's not much that can be garnered.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The full quote if you don't want to read the article.

Or can't afford to.

I ain't giving some random news website more money than I pay monthly for my Internet connection just to read some article about Spotify, they can go screw xD

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

For sure, but why would a mental therapy potion cause you to hallucinate your inner child? I'm lost ><

I wish I had an inner child. I do like saying boobies, I guess....

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Can I? The article only mentions American regulations and laws regarding flamethrowers (and even admits that those laws may restrict the sale or use of these weapons platforms).

Makes no mention of European laws. Somehow I'm doubtful that weapons heavily controlled by geneva protocols, mounted to drones, are legal for civilian use here. I'm surprised they're even okay over there!

(Outside of specialist equipment for trained and qualified civilian personnel, I'm sure someone somewhere still uses them as a defoliant for example, as unwise as that seems given all the wildfires these days...)

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

It's kinda creepy that I was coming here to say this and yet it's already the only comment 😂

I mean, I know the "I came here to say this" thing is common, it's just I really didn't think anyone else's mind would immediately go there and only there xD

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

...in the USA. Doesn't affect us over the pond, but very important for USA users to take note.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Oof, they don't have net neutrality over there eh?

Gonna be bollocks for them until they can get that brought in. There's an election coming up there right? Maybe they can vote for the party that pledges to bring in net neutrality laws, it's about time they had them considering it's 2024.

I wish them the best of luck <3

"Permission is Hereby Granted" -- MIT License text becomes viral “sad girl” piano ballad generated by AI (arstechnica.com)

On Wednesday, prompt engineer Riley Goodside tweeted an AI-generated song created with the prompt "sad girl with piano performs the text of the MIT License," and it began to circulate widely in the AI community online.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Damn that track is fire, I'm saving it to my music library 😂

Wish it was the whole thing!

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Hell yeah! My favourite space probes, those two.

I know Voy1 will lose power soon anyway, but until then keep fighting right to the end!

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Any qualms you might have about switching to firefox are either false (firefox is now faster than chrome in lighthouse tests) or Google brainwashing you into thinking your workflows are completely static when you could easily adapt to not having the exact extension you so desperately "need" to work

Honestly, why are people so uppity, angry even, about other people's browser choices around here? Heaven forbid someone dare use something other than Firefox. We must be brainwashed!

The most important aspect of a browser for me currently, besides of course all the stuff both browsers do great already (I love Firefox and would love to swap back to it, I used it for years before Chrome came out), is integrating my Google account at the application level.

I want all my Google integrations to carry across, and all my search history, maps history, location history and so on to be seamless and detailed across all my devices, and there's just no other browser that does that right now.

I wish I could do that in Firefox. Does it mean Google gets to look at what websites I go on? Sure. But their knowing that I browse amateur radio forums and GitHub doesn't bother me - it probably helps refine my search results, even. Handy!

Google is evil and capitalist and they don't have my best interests at heart, but I use android, I'm in their ecosystem and I mostly like it, I like all the Google apps, I like how they work and how much easier it makes my life vs not using them, or using lots of random disparate apps made by many different people that don't have a shared design ethos, or the same level of quality across the board, and now my data is spread across many places instead of just one, etc.

Sure, I could get an off grid Tomtom GPS for example, but Google maps works so much better, is so much more accurate and less fiddly and time consuming, and does so much more.

I do love firefox though, it rocks. I just wish people would dial back the soapboxing about how everyone should be using it and if you're not then you're making some sort of grave awful stupid mistake because you're a brainwashed idiot.... it's getting tiring :-(

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I use Flowx, it's customisability and access to so many excellent weather predictive models please me greatly.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

That looks pretty useless unless you live in whatever country there based in though, which certainly isn't the UK.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

This is an April Fools, right?

No way a fancy top end smartphone in 2024 doesn't have this extremely basic feature from over a decade ago that everything has....

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I disagree. I bought a smart light bulb a few years ago and it has been a fantastic investment!

Uses way less power than a normal incandescent bulb, lasts waaayyyyyy longer, has lots of different colours and white colour temperatures, has schedules that it runs through every day based on sunrise and sunset... I never have to turn it on or off or adjust it!

It's fantastic, I bloody love it. LIFX.

One of the best investments I've made this decade, absolutely.

Oh and don't forget LIFX bulbs don't require any hubs, and there's a python library available to do local LAN API stuff, no need to speak to a remote server if that's not your jam.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Don't rely on this and then not take action to make it happen, though.

Remember, nothing lasts forever. There will come a day when you will have your last good day, your last happy moment, your last good sleep, your last nice breakfast.

Do what you can to fight to keep that day as far away as you can for as long as you can.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I can be good at a trade, but if I'm working for a shit company with shit pay and shit treatment, they're not going to get my best work.

You get out what you put in, that's something employers don't realise.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. You'd have to be an idiot to work for that guy for free at this point, unfortunately.

If only there were an alternative platform to Reddit that we could use instead.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

They have ipads in schools now?

I wonder what they're even used for, hm...

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

What if it's not a larger vehicle, but transitioning from a petrol burning vehicle to an electric vehicle?

We don't want to give people reasons to hold on to old combustion vehicles any longer than they have to, but the roads of course need to be made safe for passengers and pedestrians and wildlife, I agree.

Sweeping EU rules for tech giants take effect today. Here’s what’s changing | CNN Business (www.cnn.com)

Europeans using Apple, Google and other major tech platforms woke to a new reality Thursday as a landmark law imposed tough new competition rules on the companies — changing European Union citizens’ experience with phones, apps, browsers and more....

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

changing European Union citizens’ experience with phones, apps, browsers and mor

Hmm, I'm an EU citizen but don't live in the EU, I assume I won't benefit from this?

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

How exactly does Lemmy remain in compliance with laws regarding, for example, a user's right to have all data associated with their account deleted (right to erasure, etc), or ensure that it is only kept for a time period reasonable while the user is actively using your services (data protection retention periods, etc)?

It's not a big deal for me, just strange to think Lemmy of all places would be built to be so anti user's data rights. The user is ultimately the one that decides what is done with their information/property, after all.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

And which old rich boomer is going to give me money, exactly?

My family are poor, my parents were poor, my grandparents were poor, etc etc.

It's all about what bloodlines you're in. Which class you're in. Obviously the rich ruling class are going to inherit their family money.

You Don’t Need to Use Airplane Mode on Airplanes | Airplane mode hasn't been necessary for nearly 20 years, but the myth persists. (gizmodo.com)

You Don’t Need to Use Airplane Mode on Airplanes | Airplane mode hasn't been necessary for nearly 20 years, but the myth persists.::Airplane mode hasn't been necessary for nearly 20 years, but the myth persists.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Aeroplane mode is incredibly, incredibly useful, I use it a lot and I'm almost never on an aeroplane haha.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Woah now hold on there just a second buddy ol' pal, we millennials are all about emojis! We called them smileys and emoticons sure, for forums and MSN Messenger etc, but we were all over 'em!

Then text messaging and Facebook came along and didn't support that stuff and we were sad, but now they're back!

Except standard emojis suck, they're better on stuff like Discord now where you can just upload whatever emotes you want and use them wherever, and they can animate too! Really feels like being back in the forum/MSN Messenger Plus! days 😁

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds peaceful to me, unless they're rioting, looting, attacking/murdering people? Have they even shot at anyone yet or taken hostages?

If they have to block a few roads and burn a few bits of rubber to get the attention of their (supposed, I can't comment) oppressors, that seems quite peaceful.

I know to us it seems a little extreme yes, but on the scale of what's peaceful and what isn't, I'd say a bit of minor inconvenience in road travel and some burning tyres is pretty peaceful <3

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The hell is social security? We don't have one of those.

Is this another one of those American terms they're trying to replace our terminology with? It smells of that.

Also Britain is an island, it doesn't include Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK, and if we're talking about a nation wide thing I suspect it'll include more than just Britain, but in fact the entire UK.

Sorry, I'm just tired of Americans trying to force their terminology on us after so many years of putting up with it :-(

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?


obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

As someone in the UK, I already live within a 15 minute walk of most of these.

Is it really that bad over there? If you're not within a quick walk to the shops, or the doctors, or school, tram and bus stops, opticians, dentists, etc, how do you and the kids get anything done?

Who would intentionally move somewhere like that? The first thing we do when looking at moving to a new place is see what services are within walking distance, to get an idea for how worth it living there would be.

If you've got to walk 30+ minutes just to get to the shops? That's an arse ache you don't want.

OpenAI collapses media reality with Sora AI video generator | If trusting video from anonymous sources on social media was a bad idea before, it's an even worse idea now (arstechnica.com)

OpenAI collapses media reality with Sora AI video generator | If trusting video from anonymous sources on social media was a bad idea before, it's an even worse idea now::Hello, cultural singularity—soon, every video you see online could be completely fake.

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Damn, the AI that wrote this is really good!

obinice ,
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I actually have this book! 😂

One of the recipes is Beans on Toast. It's ridiculous how simple it is.

....And naturally you have to make the toast, in a toaster, first xD

But yes in general it has well thought out recipes that correctly work to a microwave's strengths, I find most people who hate using a microwave when cooking are using it poorly - expecting it to work just like an oven or a pot on a stove. It's just a different tool is all, not the right tool for all uses, but great when used correctly.

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