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linearchaos ,
@linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

That's a little clickbaitey they're just moving the rest of pay into wallet.

Reddfugee42 ,

Thank you.

Drewelite ,

And killing services like sending and receiving payments from friends and family. This is so frustrating, because I remember they made me switch FROM wallet to Google pay and now they're going back. Google, I'm all for not tying yourself to all your previous decisions, but at some point you've got to stand your ground on SOMETHING.

Psiczar ,

Instead of Alphabet, they should’ve called the company Undertakers, because they’ve got a lot of experience dealing with dead apps and services.

user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Every company renaming their products: mv -i oldname newname
Google renaming their products: cp oldname newname ; sleep 5 ; rm -f oldname

emptiestplace ,

With Google it's usually just rm name

kent_eh ,

Or "mv name dev/null"

ThatFembyWho ,

Introducing Google Pay-I.

Revolutionary AI learns from your habits and personality to make payments on your behalf! It will buy things you didn't even know you needed!

0xD ,

That's really clever, you finally got me to dislodge this turd. Thank you!

lucullus ,

That is an important part of the plot in the german book Qualityland. Really hilarious

RobotToaster ,
@RobotToaster@mander.xyz avatar

I would probably try an AI version of the XKCD packages script


scottmeme ,

Didn't they already force everyone onto wallet?

At least I had to already stop using Pay like 6 months ago

n2burns , (edited )

From the article:

Google Wallet, a pioneer in the NFC payments space...eventually got combined with Android Pay and rebranded to Google Pay, only to become Google Wallet again for most users, even though Google Pay stuck around in the US, India, and Singapore.

EDIT: And I assume you don't live in the US, India, or Singapore.

korny ,

I'm in the US as well, and I had a gesture shortcut for Google Pay on my phone. For a while, whenever I opened it the app would strongly suggest I switch over to Google Wallet. I thought Pay was phased out a while ago as well, TIL.

scottmeme ,

I'm in the US and was forced off a good while back.

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Does this company have some kind of multiple personality disorder

Threeme2189 ,

Some of its personalities do while others don't.
It's... complicated.

csm10495 ,
@csm10495@sh.itjust.works avatar

Next week, they'll announce "Google Money"

hansl ,

“YouTube Money”. Get it right.

ahal ,

Google Play Pay

billwashere ,

Google Bank

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Google River (both banks)

billwashere ,

Google Marketing Dept: You’re hired!!!!

This is actually very witty…

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks, I spent about an hour thinking of a good enough joke for this.

BeatTakeshi ,
@BeatTakeshi@lemmy.world avatar

I would love a Google purse 👛

LifeInMultipleChoice ,

Google Wallet came out a while ago apparently, they are just condescending Google Pay into Google Wallet. Not sure what the differences are.

hightrix ,

Just Google things. (tm)

FenrirIII ,
@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar

Kind of glad I never bothered to figure it out

kent_eh ,


I never really trusted it to continue existing.

billwashere ,

Especially not with Google. They have a habit of killing things.

veeesix ,
@veeesix@lemmy.ca avatar

Introducing: Google Pay Meet

RecallMadness ,

Google-Wave your Google-Pay-Meet device over the Google-Reader and we’ll Google-Optimize your purchase so you can get back to Google-Hangouting with your friends faster than you can say “watch Google Play Movies & TV on Android Auto for phone screens”

partial_accumen ,

watch Google Play Movies & TV on Android Auto

Android Auto, not to be confused with Android Automotive

"Overview of Android Automotive vs Android Auto Android Auto is connecting smartphones with the infotainment system via an app installed on the infotainment system, whereas Android Automotive OS is an operating system that's installed on the vehicle itself, acting as the key enabler for software-defined vehicles." source

RecallMadness ,

“Android auto for phone screens” is another product they killed: https://www.androidpolice.com/google-kills-android-auto-for-phone-screens/

Plopp ,


BeatTakeshi ,
@BeatTakeshi@lemmy.world avatar

This name is reserved for their upcoming hooker service

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

FFS I literally use this all the fuckin time

God fuckin damnit Google

What's next, are you going to kill Gmail‽

sugartits ,

Did you not hear?


Krudler ,

Don't be a dumbass spreading blatant hoaxes thinking you're funny.

sugartits ,
Adanisi ,
@Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

Come on, it is funny.

brb ,

Where is the joke?

j4k3 ,
@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

You're still using gmail

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

NGL you had me for a moment

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

This would give me a straight up heart attack and I'm already trying to get off Gmail.

SomethingBurger ,
@SomethingBurger@jlai.lu avatar
nevernevermore ,
@nevernevermore@kbin.social avatar

Can we just sunset google altogether

eager_eagle ,
@eager_eagle@lemmy.world avatar

don't forget alphabet, otherwise they just sunset google to launch gogol or some shit

eager_eagle ,
@eager_eagle@lemmy.world avatar

How long until they change and break half the internet

maynarkh ,

I'm just waiting for them to figure out how to inject ads into DNS.

pineapplelover ,

I think they could 🤔

partial_accumen ,

It would be trivially easy.

Request for www.taylorswift.com

Return IP to client for a dynamically created temporary web page that shows a Ticketmaster.com ad with a countdown of 10 seconds and javascript redirect to the actual taylorswift.com IP

user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

But, HTTPS certificates.
Unless they provided overrides for their ads in Chrome, but at that point why do it with DNS.

redcalcium ,

Google is way ahead of you, they are a certificate authority now, so in theory they can do this right now. Take a look at any site's https certificate and a significant portion of them are now signed by Google Trust Services LLC thanks to Cloudflare using them to generate free https certificates (in addition to letsencrypt). Note that they won't ever pull this trick though because it'll irreversibly damage their reputation.


maynarkh ,

I think they wouldn't do that, since they could do the redirect within Chrome itself. The only reason they would do this is to grab users on other browsers, but that would mean everyone else stopping to use Google DNS, which means less data to collect or sell.

partial_accumen ,

The only reason they would do this is to grab users on other browsers,

Yes that would be the purpose.

but that would mean everyone else stopping to use Google DNS, which means less data to collect or sell.

I agree, which is why I also agree with you why they haven't done it yet, but I was speaking to how they could do it, not the fallout from them doing so.

redcalcium , (edited )

It's too big to fail now. Advertisers hardcode it into their apps and iot devices to evade DNS adblockers for a while now.

Plopp ,

Joke's on them, I block Google DNS in my router, and a bunch of DoH servers (fuck I hate DoH).

redcalcium ,

DoH and DoT, originally developed to prevent ISP to tamper with DNS query to inject ads, now ironically used by advertisers to evade DNS-based blocking on their ads sdk and iot devices.

MeekerThanBeaker ,

Samsung Pay is pretty good if you have a Samsung phone.

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Unfortunately I don't have a Samsung phone

user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Fortunately, I don't have a Samsung phone.

MedicPigBabySaver ,
@MedicPigBabySaver@lemmy.world avatar

Relax dippy. Just a rebrand to Google Wallet. Try to breath for a minute before sounding brain dead.

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Literally the only feature I use on it is getting sunset.


Telodzrum ,

Use your bank. Stop giving the world’s largest advertising company more data about you.

Crashumbc ,

Aww how cute, thinking Google doesn't buy that data from the bank anyway...

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, give your data to the bank where they will spend it on drugs.

partial_accumen ,

Does your bank use Plaid?

redcalcium , (edited )

US citizens using their bank account to transfer fund to each other [impossible]

This is because sharing bank account and routing number is not safe for many US banks which may allow unauthorized party to pull money from the account. Banks in the rest of the world typically operate in "push" only so they don't have this issue.

kent_eh ,

I still use a payment system called "cash".

It may not be cool or trendy, but the system has never had a server outage or network failure.

RobotToaster ,
@RobotToaster@mander.xyz avatar

I still use a payment system called “cash”.

I can't find that app in the play store? Where can I download it?

Blankmann ,

Have you ever seen a check?

redcalcium ,

Which contains your account number and routing number, which allows the recipient's bank to "pull" funds from your bank account.

bamboo ,

Out of curiosity, what's the benefit of Google Pay for you over Venmo or Zelle?

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

At the time I started using Google Pay, existing and being from a company I had heard of. Not to mention on Android it was just there for you to use, you didn't have to download another app.

My roommate and I considered using PayPal but his PayPal account got locked and to this day a decade later, never unlocked.

I'm going to be looking into both Venmo and Zelle now though.

kent_eh ,

what's the benefit of Google Pay for you over Venmo or Zelle?

It works internationally.

Those other 2 are USA only

beastlykings ,

Those other two are so frequently used for scams that my bank has a heart attack every time I try to use them. No matter how many times I call them and tell them to unblock my card, because it was definitely me sending that money, they'll block it the very next time. I literally bought a checkbook (you have to buy those dumb things now?!) so I could more easily give people money... In 2023...

Google pay worked for me reasonably well for small transactions between friends and family. That's literally what I use it for 90% of the time. I'm super annoyed that they don't have a replacement for it.

Google strikes again, killing something I love.

nnjethro ,

Isn't google wallet basically the same thing?

Lemonparty ,

Yes, and it works better. They said over a year ago that wallet would replace GPay, and remind you that it will stop working basically anytime you open it. I'm all for shitting on Google but being upset over this is dumb.

maryjayjay ,

Why don't they upgrade the original product rather than create a new one? Answer: fucking laziness

Jakeroxs ,

Ironically enough, they actually are going back to the old product, it WAS Google wallet prior to gpay

MimicJar ,

I have 8 bucks in Google Kajigger, is it moving to the new thing? Do I have to sort out how to move it around? I'm think I had it all hooked up to a bank at one point. Maybe it was a friend that sent me money?

I think I used it to pay for Dunkin Donuts, but both apps list Dunkin Donuts, can I just use the money there?

That's why this is all so annoying, I have to figure out this whole process, old and new, just for 8 bucks.

Lemonparty ,

That's all well and good and fair, but this isn't new news is more my point. Google told everyone, every device, that they were switching to wallet and phasing out GPay over a year ago, in fact I'm almost positive it was when Android 13 released (we are on 14 now). Like the annoyance should've passed by now, you know?

beastlykings ,

But isn't wallet only for tap to pay? I use Google pay to send and receive money between my friends and family literally all the time.
Reading the email Google sent me, they only talk about tap to pay still working on wallet.

Lemonparty ,

Idk I've never used it for anything other than tap to pay, and that was also true for gpay. I personally would recommend you use something that doesn't farm your data for transferring money anyway. Zelle is what most people prefer these days, usually goes straight through your bank, no separate app, not invasive, more secure.

Venmo and cash app are trash (especially Venmo) but they are alternatives that work for sending money and have been around way longer than GPay. I still use Venmo for a few things for my parents and father in law.

GPay had tons of bloat to it which I didn't like. I don't want Google tracking my spending and tailoring "offers" for me, and I definitely don't want them sending me notifications about it. I'm not delusional, I know they're still tracking it and still sending it to advertisers but at least wallet isn't shoving my face in it.

Nobilmantis ,
@Nobilmantis@feddit.it avatar

Do we seriously need an article for an app changing its name tho?

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

They're killing some key features of the app

bradboimler ,
@bradboimler@kbin.social avatar

Peer to peer payments are going away

Nobilmantis ,
@Nobilmantis@feddit.it avatar

Oh I didnt know you had that in the US, my bad

Bangs42 , (edited )
@Bangs42@lemmy.world avatar

The fun part is you still can't transfer out less than $1. I had 81¢. So I tried to transfer in 19¢ so I could transfer a whole $1 out.

Nope, can't transfer in less than $10.

I was able to transfer in $10 so I can get my $10.81 out. But fuck, Google, if you're the one shutting shit down, how about you let me transfer my money out regardless of how much/little there is?

Davel23 ,

Might wanna check your math there....

Bangs42 ,
@Bangs42@lemmy.world avatar

Oof. Big dumb. Thanks!

Squizzy ,

You have money on Google? Where I am it just a payment service linked to your card.

Bangs42 ,
@Bangs42@lemmy.world avatar

I think at some point someone paid me and I just never cashed it out. I think it was the default payment method for Google Play, so app subscriptions and whatnot just got charged against it until there was almost nothing left.

tubbadu ,

Why only in the US? (I didn't read the article)

Donjuanme ,

It's only the US,, India, and a couple other countries that are still using it.

redcalcium ,

First, there was google wallet, then came android pay, then google wallet and android pay got merged into google pay, then google pay was split into google wallet and google pay, then google pay shut down in us.

To be continued...

surewhynotlem ,

Next: Google Android Wallet Pay

cloudless ,
@cloudless@feddit.uk avatar

Google Wallet with Gemini.

Gemini will suggest where you should spend your money next, based on AI analysing your spending patterns.

By the way Gemini is going to automatically pay the optimum amount of tip based on Google partnership.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Optimal tips in US is now 35-45%, minimum for not getting kicked in the groin is 20%, plan accordingly.

Plopp ,

Suggest? Nah fam, it will decide what you want and make the purchases for you based on your overall profile, browsing patterns, bank account analysis and integration with smart devices in your home such as the fridge.

doctortofu ,
@doctortofu@reddthat.com avatar

Will it come with its own proprietary chat?

moody ,

... And now it's dead too.

bandwidthcrisis ,

Are you sure that you're not thinking of Duo/meet/Hangout?

PotatoKat ,

Don't put hangout in the same breath as duo and meet. It was way better than those "two"

bandwidthcrisis ,

So true. I should have said "Allo", but I'd forgotten it existed.

I have Google Fi and it was fantastic to have that work using Hangouts. I could turn any device into a spare phone. The "replacement" website feature is disappointing.

Carighan ,
@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

It's almost as if, and bear with me here this is a truly wild concept, letting every manager run their own little show and paying them based on how many new products they introduce isn't actually healthy.

FatTony ,
@FatTony@lemmy.world avatar

More like: To be confused...

billwashere ,

This sounds like someone trying to describe the women’s legs of that video of OpenAI’s Sora … Tokyo Walk.


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