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MossyFeathers ,

You know, I couldn't really figure out what this comic was commenting on until now. It's rich people. The lions are rich people "educating" the masses on why they should be thankful that the lions exist.

MossyFeathers ,

Yeah, I don't know why it took so long to click.

MossyFeathers ,

Always makes me upset that audiophile snakeoil is always so expensive. I like the idea of having odd little trinkets to plop around my stuff, but $75 is way too much for a tiny goofy volcano, no matter how well it's made.

MossyFeathers ,

Not gonna lie, raytracing is cooler on older games than it is newer ones. Newer games use a lot of smoke and mirrors to simulate raytracing, which means raytracing isn't as obvious of an upgrade, or can even be a downgrade depending on the scene. Older games, however, don't have as much smoke and mirrors so raytracing can offer more of an improvement.

Also, stylized games with raytracing are 10/10. Idk why, but applying rtx to highly stylized games always looks way cooler than on games with realistic graphics.

MossyFeathers ,

I love playing with new technologies. I wish graphics card prices stayed down because rt is too heavy nowadays for my first gen RT card. I play newer games with rt off and most setting turned down because of it.

I wish they stayed down because VR has the potential to bring back crossfire/SLI. Nvidia's gameworks already has support for using two GPUs to render different eyes and supposedly, when properly implemented, it results in a nearly 2x increase in fps. However, GPUs are way too expensive right now for people to buy two of them, so afaik there aren't any VR games that support splitting rendering between two GPUs.

VR games could be a hell of a lot cooler if having 2 GPUs was widely affordable and developers developed for them, but instead it's being held back by single-gpu performance.

MossyFeathers ,

My mental state using reddit vs lemmy.

Listen, I like lemmy, but it is turbo-doomer compared to Reddit. I think one of the biggest differences is that the smaller reddit communities that I'd use to escape the doomer shit like /r/furry_irl or /r/polandball just don't really exist here.

MossyFeathers ,

Yeah, but then I'd have to be a moderator and I just don't really have the energy or dedication for that. Especially if I wanted to run a polandball community on par with reddit's. They had some hardcore rules.

MossyFeathers ,

There were rumors that Nintendo was looking into system-wide denuvo for the Switch, and that they may be looking to implement that into their newest console. If so, it may not be possible to emulate or even homebrew the next Nintendo console.

MossyFeathers ,

My understanding is that it depends on how well it's implemented. Sometimes games get cracked quickly, sometimes they don't get cracked at all. Considering this is Nintendo, I'd be willing to bet they're going all-in and will make it extremely hard to crack.

MossyFeathers ,

I highly doubt airplane mode actually does anything anymore. At the very least, do you really believe companies like Google would willingly give up collecting data just because you're in an airplane?

MossyFeathers ,

It's a very dangerous strategy, but you're kinda right. My understanding is that armed protests tend to ironically be the most peaceful because cops tend to be too scared to challenge you. However, that only works if the cops think they're outnumbered, so you have to have a lot of people openly carrying and hope the cops don't decide to escalate past basic riot gear.

Edit: you also have to be prepared to pull the trigger. Like, seriously. If you're open-carrying during a protest, you'd better be prepared to kill a cop or two in the event they decide to challenge you. If you don't, then they'll know the guns are just for show and will be quicker to challenge you in the future.

MossyFeathers ,

I've seen clips of him IRL and I'm convinced that he's the exact same person IRL as he is on stream. In some ways it makes him more wholesome because it means he's as nice IRL as he is on stream, in other ways it makes me worried because it means there's a crackhead psycho on the loose and no one is stopping him.

Edit: his community is just as insane as he is, if not moreso. I miss the Jerma subreddit.

MossyFeathers ,

It's too bad that, unlike the weird, quirky electronics 20-30 years ago, these will be totally unusable in several years. The retro computer enthusiasts 20yrs from now will have nothing to make YouTube videos about.

MossyFeathers , (edited )

Starting a cult and working people to death so that I have infinite money without having to do anything.

Edit: before you ask, no, it's not Rimworld or Cult of the Lamb

Edit 2: I wonder if anyone can guess the game

Edit 3 since it's been about 12hrs and no one guessed, it's The Sims.

MossyFeathers ,

Nope, but that looks like fun. I'll give you a hint: I'm playing the game in a way the devs didn't intend for it to be played.

MossyFeathers ,

Nope, it's the Sims.

MossyFeathers ,

Nah, the /r/polandball subreddit was extremely strict on how comics were made, and I saw stuff like this all the time. People just get freakishly good with a mouse and MS Paint.

MossyFeathers ,

Dunno about vtubers, but if you wanna watch twitch streamers suplexing each other then check out Vargskelethor's vinewrestle streams.

MossyFeathers ,

This is kinda my take on it. However, the way I see it is that the AI isn't intelligent enough yet to truly create something original. As such, right now AI is closer to being a tool than a being. Because of that, it somewhat bothers me that I'm being used to teach a tool. If I thought that companies like OpenAI were truly trying to create beings and not tools, then I'd feel differently.

It's kinda nuanced, but a being can voluntarily determine whether or not something is copyright infringing, understand why that might be an issue, and then decide whether or not to continue writing based on that. A tool can't really do that. You can try and add filters to a tool to avoid writing copy written text, but that will have flaws and holes in it. A being who understands what it's writing and what makes it plagiarism vs reference vs homage/inspiration/whatever is less likely to have those issues.

MossyFeathers ,

Don't forget to laugh like a little goblin when they look at you.

MossyFeathers ,

Sorry op, but after 20 years you should have known better. I feel like I'm victim blaming here, but it's kinda like someone intentionally jumping into a tiger cage and getting bitten or eaten. Should they have been able to get into the cage? No, but it's hard to feel sympathy when they should have known better.

You put yourself and a security guard in danger, and it could have been a lot worse. It's a lot cheaper to heal some lost product than a bullet hole.

MossyFeathers ,

Because there are screens in the way? The choice was to either not have the viewer's eyes be visible, or use a screen to display eyes (not even real eyes, you can supposedly have cat eyes for an example). Considering the device is meant to be AR (augmented reality) and not VR, it kinda makes sense to show the user's eyes since they're still "connected" to the outside world. Otherwise you'd have a bunch of blank visors walking around and then people can't tell if you're looking at them or your furry waifu.

MossyFeathers ,

That's pretty cool, the rocket I mean, not the fact the museum unironically thought the guy had a functioning nuke. I'm glad they let him keep it.

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  • MossyFeathers ,

    A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B I'd say. Part of it I'm sure is ironic, but at the same time, the US as a country is fracturing and falling apart. Minorities should be arming themselves because when shit hits the fan, they're gonna wish they were armed. That's not to say that I think anyone wants it that way, but that's the truth of it. Also sadly, trans people in the US are at high risk for violence. If you're trans in the US, you should probably have a CCW of some form, whether it's mace, a knife or a gun. Not that a Mossberg would fit in a purse, but having a shotgun for home defense isn't that bad of an idea.

    There's also something kinda cute about traditional cowboy dad getting his trans daughter a gun to defend herself with. It's somehow wholesome despite the presence of a gun and accompanying implications.

    MossyFeathers ,

    I'm kinda like you, but I believe it should be tiered. Kinda like how someone with a normal driver's license can't (or at least, isn't supposed to) drive a big rig. If you want a belt-fed machine gun then you gotta get the license that lets you own a belt-fed machine gun, but the requirements are gonna be a lot heavier than the license that lets you own a typical break-action double-barrel shotgun.

    I also think there need to be legal requirements for storage, a legal definition for what constitutes a gun box/safe (because many containers advertised for "gun storage" are extremely flimsy), and automatic charges against the gun owner in the event their firearm is used in a crime. It's your job to make sure your kid doesn't get your gun and shoot a school. If it happens, your ass is on the line and you'd better have a really good excuse, like your kid knocked you out, tied you up, got a blowtorch and cut through your safe.

    Why not just restrict magazines and call it a day? Because my thought is that proper gun control can allow the enthusiasts still have fun with their brownings, AKs and tommyguns while still ensuring the weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. I'm certain it's possible to walk that line, I've heard Finland already has a similar system in place, where you have to be a registered collector or museum to own anything other than a basic hunting rifle (which, iirc, requires a license to begin with), yet it seems like Finland doesn't have anywhere near the same problems as the US.

    MossyFeathers ,

    This album makes me happy: Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons

    But also my big bushel of protobeans


    There are about 15 of them and they're always happy to see you! Except the shork bean, who is always happy to chew on you.

    Scientists Use WiFi to See Through People's Walls (www.popularmechanics.com)

    “We developed a deep neural network that maps the phase and amplitude of WiFi signals to UV coordinates within 24 human regions. The results of the study reveal that our model can estimate the dense pose of multiple subjects, with comparable performance to image-based approaches, by utilizing WiFi signals as the only input.”

    MossyFeathers ,

    Also VR nerds. Current tracking is either based on the headset, so you can't move your arms unless the headset can see them, or your arms have to be seen by lighthouses, or you rely purely on gyroscope and accelerometers for tracking, which tend to drift. So either you have blind spots, have to deal with occlusion, or will slowly drift and have to recalibrate periodically. Wifi-based tracking seems like a neat idea tbh.

    Edit: considering wifi is just photons that aren't wiggling fast enough for us to see, I'd be surprised if the government doesn't already have this technology behind closed doors.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Imagine telling an airline pilot to just reboot the whole plane if something goes wrong.

    MossyFeathers ,

    I mean, you can change people's minds on the internet, they just have to be willing to change; and that part can't be controlled by you.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Honestly, it's much easier to come up with a reasonable conspiracy theory around 9/11 than most people think. There's proof that the FBI and DHS knew that the attacks were being planned (iirc they were warned multiple times by Mossad), so it isn't that much of a stretch to believe that the US intentionally ignored the warnings with the knowledge that such an attack would justify another war in the Middle East.

    Ignoring the warnings would be a win-win. You get to go to war for oil if they're real, and if they're fake, then nothing happens and life goes on like it always has.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Yeah, I might have misremembered that part, I do remember reading that the US had received multiple warnings about it.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Yeah! What was wrong with the one on the left? They're both quite handsome.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Why are there so many medals behind him? Does he just have medals on hand to give out on a moment's notice?

    MossyFeathers ,

    Yeah, they look cute but just looking at them makes my feet uncomfortable. They're probably only comfortable if you walk on tip toes, but human feet aren't designed for that.

    MossyFeathers ,

    I find it bizarre that it's 2023 and not only is chess still gender-segregated but they're doubling down on it. It makes sense for physical sports, but chess? Really?

    Y'all just scared the girls are gonna wipe the board with you.

    MossyFeathers ,

    When it comes to extant tribes, many of them have web pages with info about them. The depth of information varies from tribe to tribe, I think typically encapsulating whatever the tribe feels comfortable sharing publicly. However when it comes to extinct tribes, much of what you'll find will probably be spotty and questionable, as what is known is likely the result of archeology and accounts from nearby tribes.

    It's really frustrating how difficult it is to learn about the native cultures as someone on the outside. It gets glossed over in school and what you hear in pop culture is often heavily skewed or butchered to put on a good show for the audience. Then, because of how much of it gets butchered, chopped and screwed, the people who actually know the real stories become understandably protective and reluctant to share them. It'd be nice if there was a central, wikipedia-like site run by the tribes where you could learn about their stories and traditions.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Yeah, but it's possible the chances of it occuring are increased with micro plastics. Kinda like how exposure to some chemicals used in plastics seems to increase the likelihood of a child having ADHD. It's not the sole reason, nor are trans people new, but micro plastics might make trans people more common.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Honestly, fuck diamonds in general. Normalize jewelry with unnatural laboratory gems. The old gems are boring, bring on the synthetic glowy gems.

    Edit: damn, you can get chunks of reject sapphire made for F35 fighter jet windows on their new store. They've got some pieces over 1kg.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Note, this is $5-$24. Apple could have donated a whopping $5.

    MossyFeathers ,

    I never thought I'd say that I think aliens are more plausible than illegal miners with jetpacks, but uh... I actually think aliens might be more plausible than miners with jetpacks. I mean, there have to be more reasonable explanations than aliens or jetpacks, right?

    "Miners with jetpacks" feels like something someone would say if they don't give a shit but are being forced into making a report. I just can't see a bunch of people who're mining gold illegally as being capable of rigging together jetpacks, nor can I see them having the money to buy one. Surely if they had the money to buy one then they could have bribed the right officials to make their illegal operations legal; and if they had the skills to make one themselves then I don't think they'd need to be illegally mining for gold.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Respectfully mention that it's kinda insensitive, kinda like, "hey man, don't you think that's kinda insensitive?" and you'll probably figure out fairly quickly which one is the answer. Additionally, if they legit don't know why it's insensitive, then you can educate them!

    Just remember that tone can be difficult to convey on the internet, and sometimes you have to exaggerate the intended tone for it to be understood. Additionally, in my experience, asking the question from the other person's perspective ("don't you think that's kinda insensitive" vs "I think that's kinda insensitive") seems to help a lot.

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