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  • Passerby6497 ,

    And now parents can see that twitch is the platform with pedos that chooses to do nothing about it other than hide it from the public. Muuuuuch better look to go full Catholic church than just fess up and take care of the problem.

    Haven't these chucklefucks ever heard that the cover-up is worse than the crime?

    Passerby6497 ,

    You're assuming they didn't consider it, vs having considered it and thought that its more important to protect property than peoples' lives. Again, to no one's surprise.

    Passerby6497 ,

    And Twitter is absolutely the future of social media!

    See, we can all post statements that are clearly detached from reality and entirely incorrect.

    Passerby6497 ,

    And how often do you end up paying more on real money due to the delay in transactions or awful gas fees for your transaction?

    Crypto being a common currency is about as likely as Gary Johnson winning the presidential election. The average person is going to take up crypto as much as they use Tor. Both have their uses, but neither one will ever be mainstream.

    Passerby6497 ,

    You may not see it as money, where I do, since I can buy the things I need to survive with it.

    Can you go to a random store and buy food or goods? Can you send it to your landlord for rent? No, only a small sunset of orgs take it, because everyone else understands that shit like transaction delays and inconsistent gas fees means it's impossible to effectively run a business on monopoly money that doesn't have a set worth.

    You can consider it to have monetary value, and I do insofar as you're playing with an unregulated security that should be taxed, but it's not money in that you can buy an arbitrary good for sale. You're playing with monopoly bills that someone will agree to pretend is real money, but most businesses will laugh you out of the building and tell you to come back with real money. Because crypto is just a financial asset that people give monetary worth, but it isn't money.

    Passerby6497 ,

    It is a bearer asset

    Meaning your money can be stolen and it's gone forever unless you convince them to return it

    that nobody can take away from you without force

    Unless your wallet's password is cracked, then you're fucked and have no recourse. There have been so many issues with wallets generated with a bad algorithm that allows people to break your phrase easily and leave you without anything. And that's not even getting into hot wallet issues where you get rug pulled and they steal all your money or you decide to give your money to someone like SBF and the whole exchange does down.

    There are so many examples that disprove this statement that it's honestly hilarious.

    and no government can inflate away and leave you poor.

    No, instead you can get left poor by some scam you fell for and have even less recourse to get your money back than if it was the government.

    Passerby6497 ,

    As long as you have your config files and whatever data from the app (both should be mapped from the container to the host), just copy it to the new system and start your container.

    I have all my config files on my nas, but too many of my apps run off dbs so I need to figure out a way to backup the local database folder so I can have the actual data on my nas as well as just the configs.

    Passerby6497 ,

    It's always nice to see the exact moment someone realizes they're in an argument that they can't win. And it's no surprise it's due to making a claim you have no way of backing up (because it's factually incorrect).

    Passerby6497 ,

    I’m criticizing the delivery, not the message.The majority of people that heard that protest were those who travelled from around the world to see Stonehenge. Their plans were ruined, and they don’t care any more about climate change than they did that morning. Some may even resent the protesters.

    "You know, I don't disagree that the coloreds should have more rights, but did they really need to sit at the lunch counter all day? I couldn't sit at the counter and it made my lunch take so much longer. Really inconvenient to everyone trying to get some food.

    I just wished they'd go about it differently. They're liable to make people even less accepting of them if they keep pulling stunts like that."

    I hope you know that's what you sound like. Like, read the first paragraph of MLK Jr's Letter from Birmingham Jail and you'll see your argument in the "white moderate":

    I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

    Drones trespassing in my property

    Idk if anyone had a similar problem before, but I live in EU by the countryside, at first there were only a few but now it happens more and more often to see drones passing over my house, I am sure they are civilian drones because law enforcement has no reason to use them since the area is quiet (and honestly I doubt they would...

    Passerby6497 ,

    That only works so many times before the authorities can see through the ruse unfortunately.

    Passerby6497 ,

    These companies don't care about combating bots.

    Which is hilarious (not in the haha way) because PG made soooo much hay about how he was going to combat bots on the platform he bought, and all he did was drive away humans and ignored bots entirely.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Pedo Guy

    Following Unsworth's lawsuit, Musk filed a declaration that "pedo guy" is a common insult in South Africa used to insult demeanor and appearances. In court on Tuesday, Musk elaborated by saying, "It's quite common in the English speaking world. Calling someone a 'pedo guy' means creepy. If you did a search or asked someone what it means it would be a creepy."

    Passerby6497 ,

    The money going to crypto guys has less negative impact and might even help some 3rd world north Koreans actually afford food. Any money going to the GOP only brings pain and suffering.

    Passerby6497 ,

    And the only way to check the order would be to listen to each order and confirm the order is correct - so totally duplicating the AI's job.

    Lol, they do this already with humans, and have done so for more than a decade. Back when I worked in the MCD kitchen, wed always have someone with the drive thru headset on to hear what's coming and to make sure the back drive drone wasn't a complete moron (like the kid [hired before me] who in all seriousness asked me if there was bacon on a BLT, then completely missed the sarcasm in a drawn out "Noooooooo" and proceeded to tell the customer 🙄)

    Passerby6497 ,

    Oh good, then I'm safe. My phone doesn't connect to my car's Bluetooth unless is configure it every drive.

    Passerby6497 ,

    So if I throw my phone on the passenger seat whenever I'm not using my GPS, I must never be driving!

    Passerby6497 ,

    It's illegal to put my phone on the passenger seat??? Please, show me what law is be violated, because that sounds utterly ridiculous.

    But the point I'm making is that you can't make an assumption on who is driving based on where the phone physically is. I could be a passenger or my phone could be on the passenger seat or just sitting in the center console while I drive. I could be a passenger and my driving friend is using my phone for GPS on the dash.

    There are way too many confounding variables to begin making guesses on driver based on phone sensor readings.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Right, but the headline doesn't include that to bait you into clicking the article to get that information. Just like every other click bait article about android app issues.

    Passerby6497 ,

    so now youre changing your requirements after your first statement is shown to be flawed?

    L. O. L.

    First of all, my story can't change, since that's my first comment in this thread. Second, reading comprehension is your friend in situations like this. From what you quoted:

    I usually respect ars technical for writing great stories.

    This time, however, they could’ve included the name of the app so it wasn’t clickbaity

    Those are two independent clauses, referring to content and headline separately. That would be clear if you consider the definition of click bait:

    Clickbait typically refers to the practice of writing sensationalized or misleading headlines in order to attract clicks on a piece of content. It often relies on exaggerating claims or leaving out key information in order to encourage traffic.

    Their wording a bit confusing if you're not reading closely, but their original point still stands. The content is generally good, but the headline is clickbaity.

    The headline rarely conveys what you are suggesting.

    Just because click bait is common doesn't mean it isn't click bait.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Lol, ok kid. I'm not going to argue with you all day because you misinterpreted someone else's confusingly worded statement.

    I don't have time to deal with that kind of fragile ego.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Holy shit I feel seen by this comment. I run Linux on multiple hosts and VMs, but using Linux on the desktop for more than a month always tends to devolve into me getting pissed off at having to basically do work like troubleshooting at home.

    I fix computers(servers) all goddamned day, I want to enjoy my free time, not have to perform a regular investigation into why shots not working when all I want is to work on my scripts....

    Passerby6497 ,

    "shell: startup" or "shell: common startup" in an explorer window take you to the startup folder for your user or all users. Drop a shortcut in there and you're done. Been that way for decades.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Waiting for the day we see the advisement to put the Tesla into carwash mode during heavy rainfalls.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Because tech journalism is trash on the best days, and these android malapps articles only ever amount to blogspam to make you nervous. I don't think I've seen more than a handful of these articles that actually warns you about the actual apps instead of just talking about the problem without relevant specifics.

    The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates (www.theguardian.com)

    Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

    Passerby6497 ,

    Yeah, cuz consumers really like getting useless ai results mixed in with their searches and shit. I don't know how I lived before having clippy 2.0 added to fucking everything, including my desktop.

    It's entirely relevant to blame producers for creating and shoving this shit down our throats.

    Passerby6497 ,

    That's all well and good until you have someone in your household with circulatory issues and can't warm themselves up effectively. Sucks having to be warm all the time so they're not cold and in pain.

    Passerby6497 ,

    This must be that virtue signaling that I keep hearing the right whine about.

    Passerby6497 ,


    This word is like Atlas, holding up the world's shittiest argument that anyone with 3 working braincells can see through.

    Passerby6497 ,

    AGI is a pipedream

    Passerby6497 ,

    Do you toast your buns or eat them raw? I've not noticed the issue nearly as much when I pan toast my buns.

    Passerby6497 ,

    At least then the project plan would get updated and tasks opened on time.....

    Passerby6497 ,

    technically you could pay cash on delivery, at least for physical goods.

    Is COD even a thing anymore? I'd be surprised if there's a real market for that, if for no other reason than a delivery person taking and carrying cash like that is a major target.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Pretty sure that's supposed to be a very short dress. Like, neglige level short.

    Passerby6497 ,

    At this point, you should be able to ask, if you missed something important in the last few years. Is there any open conversation waiting for a reply somewhere?

    Not sure if you've ever used Copilot (I have it at work) and it offers the ability to summarize conversations and tell you what you've missed. I've used that a lot for high chatter conversations when I don't feel like catching up or I've been out. Pretty nice.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Some people crave or have to have some kind of flavor with their liquids or they don't want it. I have known multiple people who thought water tasted gross, which is somewhat legit because I had to get used to the different water taste when I went to school on the opposite side of town, but they just thought any kind of water was gross. They'd always have a soda or coffee or something.

    My issue isn't flavor necessarily, its carbonation. But plain/unsweetened soda water is gross and soda streams aren't worth it to make my own infused water.

    Passerby6497 ,

    having dinner with a fizzy drink is just wrong.

    Its not mandatory, but I'll have you know this is incorrect.

    Passerby6497 ,

    MediaMonkey is the GOAT for ease of use and library management. Been using them for years since like 3.x, maybe 2.x.

    Passerby6497 ,

    I had an apartment that switched payment processor that jacked up my credit card fee well above my cash back (prob cuz people like me ended up saving like 10/mo), so I just switched to bank issued checks that they send for me.

    Using the checkbook I got 20 years ago is just a massive pain in the ass.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Pedo Guy Musk let us know it's just a South African phrase that's common.

    Passerby6497 ,

    And they absolutely fucked years and years of security training by fucking with url previews and truncating the front of the url.

    What the actual fuck were they thinking?

    Passerby6497 ,

    I probably wouldn't have either of my CISO didn't have to deal with it (and bitched at me to try to find a fix) because new outlook is just the shit mail app with a fresh coat of paint.

    They'll have to take old outlook out of my cold dead hands.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Meanwhile in VS Code: hey, I see this Unicode symbol that's confused for this expected symbol, would you like to replace it?

    Passerby6497 ,

    You're just running in docker, so you'd want to make sure you map a local folder into your container (at a different location than they are already!), then get into the container and copy your files to the host's mapped folder. Once that's complete, update your docker to point your local folder to the proper config location and it should keep everything local after you upgrade.

    Edit: In my compose, I have this line


    so you could map it to :/backup on your first boot, copy /config to /backup, then update your compose to map it to /config and you're good to go!

    Passerby6497 ,

    Glad to hear it. I'll be honest, I wasn't aware of that command, I've just always done it the hard way and logged into the console of the container. I have this line in my .bashrc on all my docker hosts:

    alias docker-console='docker exec -it "${PWD##*/}" bash'

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