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@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de cover
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar



Full stack developer and privacy advocate. I like to keep the mentality, if you can program one language well, then you can program in any language!

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Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Wayland might be the future,
but today we're still living in the present..

I was a fan, and tried Wayland,
but it took less then 24hrs before I switched back to X.

Just too many random bugs remain in Wayland rn..


  • Grayed out screen under HDR
  • LookingGlass unable to boot in fullscreen
  • Some program icons replaced with Wayland icon when running
  • ...

Is it impossible to be private online? (yewtu.be)

In sharing this video here I'm preaching to the choir, but I do think it indirectly raised a valuable point which probably doesn't get spoken about enough in privacy communities. That is, in choosing to use even a single product or service that is more privacy-respecting than the equivalent big tech alternative, you are showing...

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Never give up,
each eye you poke out is one less they can use for data collection.

It's a slow process and they'll grow more eyes,
but the less they have on you,
the more private you'll be.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You can ditch YouTube,
without actually ditching YouTube content,
through a privacy respecting alternative frontend:

My favorite ones:

  • Desktop: Invidious + Piped
  • Android: Newpipe + Tubular

Need Help Finding Article on Car Privacy

I'm looking for an article I either read or heard about during a podcast fairly recently. It stated someone's kid on vacation visited home, used their parents car, connected their phone to the infotainment system, and since it had access to their phone's data was able to see who the kid was and increased the parents car...

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The original project was taken down by Wikipedia, but this appears to be an active fork of it:

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I mean same applies to the Chinese,
but wanting to look good in an oppressive system, does not mean you actually like to be oppressed by said system.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


It has been my main distro for years now,
and I have only enjoyed the experience.

2 points you'll likely mention which do not make it a bad distro:

  • The certificate of their website expired twice
  • If you use AUR packages,
    sometimes you need to wait with an update since they hold back official repo packages for a few weeks to ensure stability, which AUR packages might depend on.

Stop the distro hate,
it divides the Linux community...
Instead we should unify against M$/iFruit,
and let people use whatever distro they like.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

For me the experience has been:

  • Stable
  • Easy to use
  • Enjoyed all the Arch niceness in the meantime.

Which imo makes it a good distro,
idiots would not make a good distro..

Sure the people behind it made some doubtful decisions in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that using it has been a bliss.

Additionally, it's all open source,
so if they would ever turn anti-consumer,
it can be forked into another distro.

As I mentioned earlier, stop the distro hate.
I'm not throwing acquisitions against other distros, instead I let people enjoy whatever flavor of Linux they desire...

By now I helped a fair amount of Arch and other distro users through Lemmy / AUR / Issues, and I also learned a fair amount of Arch / Manjaro and other distro users.

Linux is not the enemy here,
not a single flavor..

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I went with Manjaro due to the way they do their package releases.

Arch is bleeding edge,
a double edged sword if you ask me,
all the latest versions,
and all the bugs that come along with them.

I'm looking for stability in my daily driver though.

Manjaro keeps releases a few weeks back on their stable branch.
And tests the releases first on their unstable and testing branches.
Resulting in near bleeding edge with enhanced stability on the stable branch.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Update your system frequently,
that minimizes the chance of things breaking in my experience.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Your comment is my reasoning why I use Manjaro :P

All the Arch niceness,
with fewer bugs / breakage
and easier to use.

Sure you might get an issue from outdated dependencies from AUR packages from time to time, but the chance / impact of those is usually rather small.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Dear politicians,
stop assaulting our rights,
and start fighting for our rights,
unless you'd like to be yeeted out of parliament.

With kind regards,
every aware citizen.

Tarallo - selfhostable FOSS Trello alternative (feddit.it)

Hi! For the ones of you that use Trello, I made a simple to use and host alternative in PHP. It's not a complete alternative like other projects, and I mainly made it to be able to host it on free PHP web servers while having control over data/attachments. It also support a basic importer for Trello JSON exports....

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I write PHP on the daily and don't understand the hate it gets :/

At least I can work on Linux at home while my co-workers are stuck on Windows with their C#

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Legacy software still requires maintenance.
Legacy dependencies still require to be used in new projects.
Dual booting multiple times a day is not feasible.

For those reasons none of my co-workers can fully switch to Linux.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

To limit shady proprietary software from accessing your full storage / hardware.
You can manage the sandbox access through tools like FlatSeal.

To ruin your day / user experience.

Both where introduced as a universal way to distribute packages on various distros.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

RedLib, the continuation of LibReddit,
still works:

I use it in combination with this GreaseMonkey script,
to redirect me to a random RedLib instance:

Due to instances often going down and/or stop working.

Firefox failing several privacy tests out-of-the-box, according to Brave article (lemmy.world)

I understand firefox is free software and greatly customisable. I think forks like LibreWolf are fantastic. But I believe the FOSS community needs to be more critical of mozilla. They haven't been the sharpest tool in the drawer for a while......

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

This is not a fair comparison.

Instead you should compare Chrome with FireFox.
And Brave (privacy focused Chrome fork)
with LibreWolf (privacy focused FireFox fork).

I'll stick with LibreWolf,
no way I'll drive anything Chromium based as my main browser.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Enuf with the Arch hate already..

Fedora and Debian are cool,
but Arch is too,
their Wiki is amazing and so is the AUR.

And no I don't use Arch btw,
I use Manjaro,
which has suited me fine for years now.

Genuinely the only time Arch has broken something I can't fix myself (lemmy.world)

Context: A few days ago Arch pushed out a legitimately broken update. This was because they shipped out a testing version of util-linux. They very quickly fixed this... except I use SE Linux (say what you will I wanted to dive into it) and now I'm stuck waiting for the maintainer to update the AUR package so I can fix my system....

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

If working with the AUR,
you can alter the PKGBUILD and other build files on your own behalf.

To either fix what's wrong,
or to roll back to a previous version of the package.

I've did both a few times already,
however I'm on Manjaro.
Pamac, their graphical installer,
prompts me if I'd like to edit the build files before starting the build/install process, unsure how to do it in Arch, but the ArchWiki should be able to tell you.

Also, if you'd fix what's wrong,
please post your diff on the AUR package thread, that can save the maintainer some work / help with rolling an updated package out to the other users faster.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You can try rolling back to a previous version though.

By checking the log section in the AUR,
you can see all the commits (changes) done to the build files.

Clicking on a commit message shows you the diff.

Start by the last commit,
undo the changes (green lines),
re-apply the removals (red lines),
then attempt to re-build.

If that did not work out,
do the same for the commit before that until you rolled back up to the latest working version.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Figure out which politicians are behind this.
And throw them out,
since they are trying to take away your rights (to privacy).

They are looking to apply mass surveillance upon you guys wrapped into a "For the kids safety" package as usual..

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Hope my and other instances will de-federate from Threads/Meta.

We don't need that spyware giant in the fediverse..

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thank you for sharing that link.
And man happy to be on tchncs lately! :D

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You can try to convince the Discord server moderators to bridge their servers to Matrix with something like T2Bot:

That's what I did when I was running a Discord server,
worked nicely in both directions.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

In my experience,
AMD is a bliss on Linux,
while Nvidia is a headache.

Also, AMD has ROCM,
it's their equivalent of Nvidia's CUDA.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Even not the "issue" that basically every time you update something, you have to wait a long time to download proprietary nvidia drivers?

That's what annoyed me the most back in the day with the Nvidia drivers,
so many hours wasted on updating the drivers.

With AMD, this is not the case.

And haven't even talked about my issues with Optimus (Intel on-board graphics + Nvidia GPU) yet, which was a true nightmare, took me weeks of research to finally make it work correctly.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

It automatically happened,
I believe with every install of an updated Flatpak, which is rather often.

Been a while though, since lately I've been happily using AMD for quite some time.

But I do recall Nvidia driver updates slowing down my update process by a lot,
while I have none of that with AMD.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I want HP to shove it where the sun don't shine :)

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I hate that nowadays everything comes with pre-installed spyware and that they charge you for it makes it even worse..

  • Want a TV? Suck on our Android TV with Google spyware embedded
  • Want a phone? Get our Android with Google spyware, or go for an Apple with Apple spyware
  • Want a computer? We'll shove Windows spyware down your throat

Ffs I just want devices that I own to not spy on me, and I can't even buy them anymore..

Each of them require flashing a custom privacy respecting OS onto it,
and that's a real problem..

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I'm a developer, modder and privacy advocate, I know how to put a custom OS on my hardware, but I'm a minority.

However the average joe does not,
and they, the majority,
are forced into using spyware.

Often without them even knowing so,
which is a true issue

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Educate yourself fruity,
Apple does spy on you

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I do own my devices.

Companies want you to not own the devices, and rent them through a subscription model,
however I refuse to do that.

If you do that / fall for that,
then you're part of the problem making such a future a reality..

Rikj000 , (edited )
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Here are a few examples, but if you do some research like I told you to, you'll stumble upon many more:

Rikj000 , (edited )
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

What are your sources for debunking mine?
Besides you just not liking to face the truth?

Blanket surveillance is not clickbait,
it's spyware, and a problem.

But sure continue to stick your head in the sand,
that will surely help humanity beat this problem.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Lol, I'm done discussing with you fruity.

You're blatantly ignoring / laughing away evidence to protect the image of a bad, but for some reason, you're favorite spyware slinging company.

And on top of it,
now also bashing the privacy and linux communities since you can't make valid debunkments :P

Instead of bashing,
to suck up to that spying company,
perhaps you should try defending your rights to privacy for a change.

You may rant in the void now,
I won't waste time on your fanboy nonsense anymore.

Rikj000 , (edited )
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Sign-up still requires a phone number.. -.-"

Checkout Matrix/Element or Session,
there you can actually enjoy privacy by signing-up without a phone number/email:

Edit: Due to Session's company residing in Australia,
which appareantly has bad privacy laws,
i don't feel comfortable with recommending it anymore

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Wasn't aware of that, would love to hear about it if someome could shine some more light onto the matter :)

If that's the case, I have to stop using/recommending Session

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I never heard about Threema before,
quickly glanced at it's Github repo,
but I think I prefer Matrix/Element over it.

Threema seems to largely rely om GMS (Google Messaging Service),
meaning that most messages will go through Google's servers,
albeit end-to-end encrypted for now,
I would not be suprised if Google would participate in "Harvest now, Decrypt later".

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Hurt the spy-ware giant,
by using Invidious.

Free leeches their bandwidth,
without the spy-ware and ads!


Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Paying for spy-ware,
how dense do they think we are?!

Let Google rot :)

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar


But the software on it has been completely re-done to enhance it's privacy and functionality.

I'm running LineageOSforMicroG,
with Magisk/LSPosed,
to run things like AdAway/XPrivacyLua/Blocker.

Additionally I replace everything I can with FOSS from F-Droid,
and scan all apps from Aurora (Play Store) with ClassyShark3xodus, against well known trackers, to either look for better alternatives, or to block the spy-ware in them with Blocker.

Further, a premium no-log VPN, which has been vetted (servers confiscated in the past, though 0 logs retrieved), configured as always-on + block connections without.

Rikj000 ,
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I don't expect that average users will become android/privacy experts.

I don't even think of my own privacy being all that important.

However systematic privacy,
through laws that protect us all,
that's what the average joe should be made aware off and stand up for.

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