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Seleni ,

Then you’d just have the police knocking whenever you used an aftermarket part. They’ll just force everyone to agree to them enforcing those contracts when they buy the product. After all, the EULA is given to everyone, has terrible shit in it, but people sign it anyways because if you don’t, you don’t get to use the product.

Seleni ,

The issue there is ‘middle of nowhere’. I remember in an episode of Top Gear they bought a house in Detroit for like $5000. But that was because it was in one of the worst parts of Detroit, which has virtually no jobs, no industry, and high crime rates.

Houses are cheap where there’s nowhere to work nearby. Land is cheap if you want a 5-8 hour drive to the nearest store. So if you want to buy a house, you need a remote job. And you won’t even get that probably in the middle of nowhere unless you have Starlink.

Seleni ,

Source? From what I’ve heard, recent studies are showing the opposite.

Seleni ,

‘Tell him we will pray for him.’

‘He needs your prayers.’

‘Is he, then, an unhappy man?’

Poirot said, ‘So unhappy that he has forgotten what happiness means. So unhappy that he does not know he is unhappy.’

The nun said softly, ‘Ah, a rich man…’

Poirot said nothing—for he knew there was nothing to say…

Seleni ,

According to the CDC, 1 in 3 women in the US have been victims of sexual harassment or assault. And honestly, given how underreported those sorts of stats are, it’s probably higher.

Another hypothetical question was posed to women a while ago: if all the men on the planet got whisked away (not killed, just sent to an awesome men-only vacation planet or something) for 48 hours, what would you do?

The answers were overwhelmingly things like ‘go for a walk at night’, ‘take a jog with my earbuds in’, ‘go to the gym’…

Seleni ,

Hey, at least you’re listening and giving it serious thought. That’s better than some people.

Seleni ,

It works for good congressmen. I know Oregon’s congressmen have cited those letters and calls as reasons for their actions on policies.

Seleni ,

Some people need a very structured, simple, well-defined worldview in order to function. Sort of like a computer has to follow a set program or it bluescreens.

‘This person coming towards me is a man. I can tell by his bowler hat and dapper suit. Therefore the correct action is to say ‘good morning sir, nice weather today’.’ And ‘This person coming towards me is a woman. I can tell by her dress and long hair and makeup. She is married based on the ring I see. Therefore the correct action is to say ‘good morning, ma’am, nice weather today’.’

And so on.

A person not presenting clearly as either gender, or isn’t the gender they’re expecting, means the ‘script’ no longer works. They no longer feel sure of what to do, and that lack of control of the situation makes them panicked.

Really, a lot of this, and conservatism in general, comes down to simple structure and control, so these people feel they always know what to do and where they stand.

Because our society is a social contract, and to act wrongly means you get ostracized from society. In ancient times that was practically a death sentence, and I don’t think these folks have ever gotten over that. They fear becoming the ‘outsiders’, left to the wolves and lions.

Seleni ,

Oh noooo it’s old no-one should like stuff that’s old only new things are cool

You know, one day the stuff you like will be old too.

Also, Star Trek been around a long time, yeah, but it’s still going with new content.

Seleni ,

A person reveals his character by nothing so clearly as the joke he resents.

~Georg C. Lichtenberg

(Who also liked his women on the younger side, come to think of it, although at least he waited until she was 16 to marry her. Wonder if he would have found this unfunny too.)

Seleni ,

1 in 2 women will experience some form of sexual harassment during their lifetime. This ranges from verbal harassment, like in the comic, to stalking, doxxing, assault, rape, and in rare cases even murder.

1 in 4 women will experience sexual assault—that is, rape or attempted rape—during their lifetime.

Keep in mind these are reported statistics. Also keep in mind that the more serious issues usually are perpetrated by someone the woman knows.

Something else to mention: 1 in 26 men reported sexual assault. While women do make up the overwhelming number of cases, men can be victims too. The main difference is women are far more likely to be physically abused or killed.

Seleni ,

Or how about poor people should be given a living wage?

Seleni ,

I beg your pardon?

Every job needs a living wage. Anything else is wage slavery. Seriously, what are you, a 1910 coal mine overseer?

A living wage for all benefits both people and the economy; that’s been proven over and over again. All people are worthy of being able to support themselves and a family, for heaven’s sake.

Seleni ,

And again, that’s just wage slavery done up in a different bow.

Payment for a job is you not wanting to do it or being unable to do it, so you hire someone to do it. If they do the job, they can’t do something else, so you pay them enough to make it worth their time. You support them so they can help you. If you can’t pay them enough to support them, then do the damn job yourself.

Seriously, why are you so against people getting a living wage? It used to be even grocery checkstand workers could afford a decent place. Back then our economy was better too.

We’ve done it before, and it worked. Other countries today do it and it works - see the wages for McDonald’s workers in Denmark as an example.

The only thing taking away living wages does is force people into wage slavery to line the pockets of the rich to a ridiculous degree. It’s not sustainable and it benefits no-one but a few people who don’t need that money anyways.

Seleni ,

Right, which is, as the other person said, why you fire them if they don’t do a good job. You don’t keep a mistake-maker and pay them less, you hire someone who can do the job and pay them well.

And how is it ‘meaningless’? You just defined it: a wage allowing someone to live in the place they’re located. So yes, it changes from place to place. That’s not ‘meaningless’, it’s ‘regional’. And you should still pay someone a living wage.

I don’t understand why you’re so opposed to it. Why do you want people suffering and in poverty for providing services? If you work, you should be able to eat and live, full stop. Even if it’s only in the cheaper parts of your town.

Seleni ,

For the love of…

I guess I need to use simple words and shorter sentences with you.

If you hire a person, you pay them a living wage.

If they’re not doing their job right, train them better.

If they still don’t work out, fire them.

There. Is. No. Reason. Not. To. Pay. Workers. A. Living. Wage.


And you still haven’t answered my question. Why are you so enamored of exploiting workers?

Seleni ,

Still didn’t answer my question.

Seleni ,

It has everything to do with it as you are very insistent on underpaying people for some reason. You have yet to state that reason.

To answer your question I would need more information. Exactly what do you mean by ‘not valuable enough to earn a living wage’?

Seleni ,

Define ‘not valuable enough’ and I’ll answer you.

Seleni ,

And how do they do that?

Seleni ,

No. Give me concrete examples, please.

Seleni ,

Again the vagueness. ‘Can’t work very well’. Define that. Are we talking someone who’s not mentally apt enough to do NASA rocket science but still can ring up groceries just fine? Are we talking someone wheelchair-bound so they can’t stock shelves? What level are we talking here? Because those people could still do jobs and earn a living wage.

Seleni ,

No, you’re just being purposely vague for some reason. And you really want to pay people substandard wages for some reason.

But if you legit can’t come up with any concrete examples and have to fall back on things like eating food, then fine, we can end the discussion.

Seleni ,

336,199,359 people, more or less. And that is both male and female. If we’re talking numbers of women murdered, how about you use the number of women in the USA, not the numbers of both women and men?

And while we’re at it, how about you include the number of women who are doxxed, beaten, and raped too? It isn’t just murder. 1 in 4 women in the US have dealt with harassment from a man, often times serious harassment. That it doesn’t always end in murder doesn’t make it less of a problem.

Seleni ,

Can’t you also get this color from titanium?

Seleni ,

At the moment mostly catgirls and dogboys. And one foxgirl. And whatever Sucrose is (probably also fox).

Seleni ,

Boy, I wish. Speaking as someone who knows these people, no. This is exactly what they want to do.

Seleni ,

Be careful you don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

Also fascinating that you seem to think the only people who can be sad about the death of one of the most influential mangaka are those who posted about him constantly. I’m curious; how often does one need to post about him? Daily? Weekly? Or is just one post a month sufficient?

Remember when Spez said it was "It's time we grow up and behave like an adult company"? Apparently, that means paying himself $193 million and single-handedly tanking Reddit's profitability right b... (www.npr.org)

Remember when Spez said it was "It's time we grow up and behave like an adult company"? Apparently, that means paying himself $193 million and single-handedly tanking Reddit's profitability right b...::undefined

Seleni ,

Remember the whole thing with GameStop? Wall Street knows, but they definitely don’t care, as long as they can make a fast buck and get out.

Seleni ,

But odds are it won’t be the military. At least, not at first. It will most likely start with all those right-wing punisher-worshipping nutters who want an excuse to shoot ‘the liburlz’, with local cops either helping out or staying out of the way, and the government conveniently ignoring everything. Or at least, that’s how it’s tended to go in the past.

(See kristallnacht, Tulsa race massacre, Wilmington massacre, Rosewood massacre, Ocoee massacre…)

And those local assholes can be repelled with guns.

Seleni ,

Hear, hear.

This is why I loved the Nero Wolfe tv show so much; they taught valuable lessons (like don’t let a cop in without a warrant and be wary of the FBI) and the cops were much more realistic, even if still more or less good guys.

Seleni ,

Because greedy, selfish assholes are very, very good at abusing and ruining a society for their own benefit. Keeping them out of the way and from making trouble is the only way the kind of society OP posted about would have any chance to survive long-term.

We really need to find a way to do that. Maybe entice them away with a kingship on Mars, or something?

Seleni ,

The camera is equipped with special filters and sensors that simulate the vision of various species of animals, including birds, insects and sea creatures.

It allows us to reproduce the unique features of animal vision, such as the ability to see ultraviolet or polarized light.

The article says it can do it with 92% accuracy, which seems pretty good TBH.

Seleni ,

You’d be surprised. Also, often the company name very prominently displayed on the return address is anything but subtle.

Seleni ,

Freefall is still going strong, 3 panels a week. Since like 1998 or something. Never loses the humor either, unlike some comics that ditch humor once they develop dramatic plot.

Seleni ,

My dad worked for AAA. Once he got a call because a lady’s car errored out and thought she didn’t have her seatbelt buckled mid-drive, so it shut the engine off. On the freeway.

Even without a subscription, failsafes should always fail safe.

Seleni ,

Ball pythons are derp noodles, not nope ropes.

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