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cybersandwich ,

It's literally the Biden admin. They've made it a huge priority and followed through.

People knock Biden, but he's been consistently doing this stuff across the government. It's refreshing.

cybersandwich ,

Where are these docs? No one ever links to them or says where you can find them

cybersandwich ,

I had the same experience. Ecosia and ddg just didn't give great results.

Kagi is the one that replaced Google for me. It's pretty incredible.

Yes it's paid. Yes it's worth it. No, not everyone is emotionally ready to pay for search.

cybersandwich ,

Alt-f4 is a hotkey built-in to the latest windows patch that disables all non-microsoft trackers.

cybersandwich ,

It's pretty common across most orgs really. Google just seems to have perfected it. Which might actually mean they'll kill it soon!

cybersandwich ,

Lemmy is gonna lemmy.

There isn't any evidence that they used her voice for the "Sky" voice model. Actually, there is evidence that they paid a voice actress to model that specific actress's voice.

That actress sounds similar to Scarlett, but it isn't Scarlett's voice. Is that illegal? No. Is it grounds for a suit? maybe. Will Scarlett win? Maybe.

Let's put it another way. If you wanted to record an audio book, but you wanted the voice actor to have certain qualities that you think would help your book sell. You think Scarlett has all of those qualities, so you ask her if she would record it for you. She declines.

Well shit, that sucks. But wait! She's not the only person with those vocal qualities. I am sure you can find someone else with very similar qualities. So you hire another voice actress that has all of those--which coincidentally and very understandable sounds a lot like Scarlett. But it isn't Scarlett.

Everyone wants to say "big corp bad!" here, but if they truly didn't use Scarlett's voice and didn't do any sort of manipulation to make it sound more like Scarlett, then why CANT they do it. I get that Scarlett is upset, but she's basically mad that someone sounds like her--and decided to work for OpenAI.

If I wanted James Earl Jones to read my eulogy, but he isn't available or is unwilling. Why couldn't I get someone to sound like him to read it? Why should he be able to sue me for using a voice actor that sounds similar to him?

Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?

I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and...

cybersandwich ,

Yea, a lot of companies and even govt agencies have policies against recording meetings except for special circumstances. Edit: to clarify they have policies against employees initiating recordings (let alone automatically recording anything by default)

Once you have it, it's a record. Now you have to keep it and treat it like one.

cybersandwich ,

Or raped someone.
.how the fuck is this more prison time than much more serious crimes.

Presumably they can claw back some of the money too

cybersandwich ,

No way. I just switched to a Mac at work And I love the lack of integration with OneDrive, 365, etc. office on Mac is better because it hasn't been made worse yet like the windows versions.

cybersandwich ,

I use vimwiki and wrote a bash script that pulls all of the Todo items from across my wiki and puts them in a single file with TODO and IN PROGRESS sections.

I have a keybind that pulls up the list and runs the script to refresh it.

It's not linked to any calendar though. I keep my to-do list and calendar separate.

I use Gmail and have that calendar for my personal stuff. At work I am forced to use outlook.

cybersandwich ,


Paying for search aligns incentives better than free search.

It's also the best results from a search engine I've had in a decade.

cybersandwich ,

This feels like a troll account for some reason. Stirring the pot pretty disingenuously across the board.

The railroad workers got what they wanted because the admin followed up. So he averted a rail strike and got them their concessions.

The east Palestine disaster isn't this admins fault. It's anl negligent rail companies fault combined with deregulation from previous Congresses and the previous administration. Not to mention both previous Congress and admin sat on an infrastructure spending packages that could have addressed antiquated rail infrastructure. Ironically, Biden managed to pass the biggest infrastructure package in American history (with a divided Congress). With clean energy and resiliency built it. And if I recall correctly FEMA and Co are still monitoring and supporting the clean up.

Your fossil fuel is thing is BS because of course its growing--we've done nothing, our CONGRESS has done nothing to curtail it. The previous admin opened the flood gates on regulations as well. Don't lay that at the feet of this admin. That's absolute horse shit. The aforementioned infrastructure bill included the most investment in green energy ever.

And the anti trans shit is Bidens fault how? He signed the respect marriage act, he reversed the ban for trans service members, and strengthen some of the protections against discrimination re housing and healthcare.

You want lord emperor Biden to go send mobs after statehouses and local governments?? That's not how Any of this works and you know it.

cybersandwich ,

That's why my windows partition is still in regular use. I play apex legends. It used to play flawlessly on pop is but over a year ago at this point it started screwing up.

I'd usually be able to get it working after a while, but when I have 30-45 minutes or maybe an hour at most to game, I don't want to spend all of it "fixing". I'd rather restart into windows and be playing in a minute.

cybersandwich ,

"rocinante" for my proxmox host.

"awkward, past his prime, and engaged in a task beyond his capacities." From don Quixote's wiki page.

It seemed fitting considering it is a server built from old PC parts..engaged in tasks beyond its abilities.

The rest of my servers (VMs moslty) are named for what they actually do/which vlan they are on (eg vm15) and aren't fun or excitin names. But at least I know if I am on that VM it has access to that vlan(or that it's segregated from my other networks).

cybersandwich ,

This is such horseshit. The drama of the Linux community never ceases to amaze me.

cybersandwich ,

Counter point: I just got a new MacBook at work. It's an all windows enterprise. There are like 10 of us that got macs. The setup for them is kludgy because all of the tooling is for windows.

That said, Microsoft office and one drive is so much better to use because the "integration" isn't there...and it works like I want it to work.

It's hilarious to me that they've made their offering worse with all of their efforts to integrate 365 and onedrive into everything.

I think if apple just did a little towards the enterprise they'd take chunks of market share. Like having a macpro with a pic/cac card reader would be a good start.

cybersandwich ,

The m series Mac s with unified memory and ML cores are insanely powerful and much more flexible because your 32gb of system memory is now GPU vram etc

cybersandwich ,

Apex started acting up on pop a year and half ago which drove me back to my windows partition (that I hadn't seen in almost 18 months).

I don't know if my issue is: pop, proton, steam, apex, my hardware(bad ram?), flatpaks, the deb, or something else. In my opinion it's one of the toughest part about Linux gaming--when something goes wrong you arent going to find a ton of help since there is so much fragmentation.

But anyway, I echo your sentiment. Windows is still a necessary evil for a lot of us if you are big into PC gaming.

cybersandwich ,

If by people you mean botnets, then yes.

cybersandwich ,

I was about to pay for it when they doubled the cost. No joke I told my wife I was going to start paying since we watch it all the time. The next week they doubled the cost. It irritated me. Not because I couldn't afford it but because they added no value with the increase. Nothing changed.

cybersandwich ,

I think he was trying to say apps get access to "root features" through an abstraction layer/API calls that is controlled.

They don't/wouldn't have carte blanche root access to the underlying system. It's kinda like a docker container or VM or flatpaks/snap packages on Linux. They are sandboxed from everything else and have to be given explicit premission to do certain things(anything that would need root privileges/hardware access).

cybersandwich ,

My first thought was "thank God! Maybe I won't have to scroll past their AI results to get to actual search results".

Kagi needs better android integration. I hate searching ony phone now because I can't use kagi easily.

cybersandwich ,

this probably wasn't supposed to be funny but holy shit lol

cybersandwich ,

Turn it into a utility. Having an Internet connection is arguably more important than a phone line ever was and is up there with electricity.

It's a utility. Treat it like one.

cybersandwich ,

It doesn't really integrate that well, but it's included with most enterprise licenses so what company is going to pay for another option when they get it for "free".

cybersandwich ,

I wonder how you'd enforce that though. Sure, for companies that just discontinue a line of products you could force them to open up their code. But what about companies that go under and just fold? Unless someone takes the time to open it up as the company goes under, there is no forcing function that I could think of?

Maybe an escrow of sorts but that seems like a hackers wet dream for proprietary software.

How should I do backups?

I have a server running Debian with 24 TB of storage. I would ideally like to back up all of it, though much of it is torrents, so only the ones with low seeders really need backed up. I know about the 321 rule but it sounds like it would be expensive. What do you do for backups? Also if anyone uses tape drives for backups I am...

cybersandwich ,

I don't have nearly that much worth backing up(5TB--and realistically only 2TB is probably critical), but I have a Synology Nas(12TB raid 1) and truenas (zfs striped/mirrored) that I back my stuff to (and they back up to each other).

Then I have a raspberry pi with a USB drive (8tb) at my parents house 4 hours away, that my Synology backs up to (over tailscale).

Oh, and I have a USB HDD(8tb) that I plug in and backup my Synology Nas to and throw in my fireproof safe. But thats a manual backup I do once every quarter or 6 months if I remember. That's a very very last resort backup.

My offsite is at my parents.

And no, I have not tested it because I don't know how I'm actually supposed to do that.

cybersandwich ,

I think unRAID does that. But I never looked into it much tbh.

cybersandwich ,

I heard a security researcher say something like that a couple decades ago I think. The solution isn't to "safeguard SSN's", it's to make them pointless to have. Make it so you can't do anything with them.

Like you point out: this one breach alone could be 1/4 of the us population.

cybersandwich ,

So it sounds like Vultr isn't doing anything nefarious at all.

Someone apparently actually read the terms and services for the first time a few days ago and misunderstood them since they were saying it was in reference to the Vuktr website not your servers.

And either way, they removed the offended lang to clear it up.

This seems like a knee jerk mob reaction more than anything.

There is no evidence that they've done anything with anyone's data.

cybersandwich ,

Bloat = making your system usable

  • annoying people who whine about bloat
cybersandwich ,

You realize you don't have to backup the actual "bloated" programs. Just maybe their configs and any files those programs generate that you'd like to keep, right?

cybersandwich ,

I actually wonder if we could ever agree on a definition?


Bloat: any unnecessary, superfluous software, software package, or feature that is unused or unnecessarily inefficient, and/or uses system resources to an unessasary or unreasonable degree.

What do you guys think? Because then we can still argue about bloat and what reasonable is! And that's what it's all about. Arguing for the sake of it!

cybersandwich ,

Is it unmaintained completely or just feature complete and not getting recent updates?

I've seen people say "this tool isn't being maintained because there aren't recent check ins" and those two things are very different.

cybersandwich ,

Neovim, the one true vim, why hast thou forsaken me.

cybersandwich ,

People have an expectation problem.

University's are about education not job training. If you need to understand the difference think sex education vs sex training.

Computer science, law school, and other degree fields aren't (directly) about getting a job. It's about giving you an education, context, and teaching you how to think and research.

It's been distorted over the years, specifically by the last two generations whose parents basically said "you have to go to college to get a job".

There is value to computer science education. That foundation is important to making better developers and better software.

cybersandwich ,

Lol wtf is the point of linkedin specifically if you don't join with your real info?

You just browsing people's profiles? Friend requesting your other aliases?

Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software (www.pcgamer.com)

Wow it finally happened. So glad I switched to steam running on linux mint last week. I refused to install helldivers because it wanted to install some no holds barred god level permissions anti-cheat software. Windows 11 was the last straw for me. Good times.....

cybersandwich ,

Is there any actual evidence that this was done via an EAC exploit?

These could be two spear phished players with hacked PCs. (2 of the best and biggest audiences making them ideal targets). People have also mentioned r5 potentially being a culprit.

If this was eac related or even a bigger client side hack (RCE), you'd think it'd be more wide spread.

I wish the reporting on this was better all around. At this point I've seen no actual evidence of anything supporting RCE or that it was EAC to blame.

cybersandwich ,

I like this point of view. I struggle with it myself. It's the reason I didn't watch this video when he released it. I didn't want to write him off. He's made a few comments here or there over the years that has let me glean some info where he just seems like he'd be a tackleberry mall ninja type (works loss prevention/aka mall cop).

But maybe he isn't, and regardless, I watched his videos for the FOSS content and he really doesnt get political(usually ..this video was out of left field). I try to separate the "art from the artist" so to speak.

That said, I wish "artists" didn't make that so difficult.

cybersandwich ,

I did hear a solid counter point recently.

All American social media is banned in China. Effectively, if we don't do something like this, the Chinese social media becomes the biggest (because they restrict ours but we wouldn't restrict theirs).

Mafia shit or international power politics shit.

The danger here is they could do this to Facebook or Instagram in other countries (eg India)and use this as a precedent. I'm not sure India wants to pick that fight with the US, but this is all a weird game that's being played.

But yes, on the surface, and the immediate impact, this seems like such a fucking dumb tone deaf thing that our legislature pushed through without most Americans wanting this.

cybersandwich ,

Isn't Texas getting more and more purple? I think Biden only Lots by 5 percentage points. Lots of tech people, California emigrants, and "east coast" educated types moved to the cities there (like Austin).

Granted Texas is huge so the cities play less of a role in the overall state picture.

It might not be a swing state yet, by I don't know that it's as entrenched red as it used to be.

I honestly think that a lot of the bullshit about abortion is an attempt to force those blue voters out of their state because they are scared they are losing their grip.

Firefox saw an increase in users (~50% in Germany and ~30% in France) following Apple’s default browser changes in the EU, as did Brave. (www.theverge.com)

Firefox spokesperson Christopher Hilton tells The Verge that the browser has seen a more than 50 percent jump in users in Germany and a nearly 30 percent increase in France....

cybersandwich ,

I thought Firefox said that they were going to have to write two different browsers so they weren't going to.

cybersandwich ,

Yes, because it's a house/dwelling. Hotels that have suites aren't allowed to have cameras in the kitchenette area or hallway of the suite. That'd be absurd. It's still "inside" an area where you should expect privacy.

Just like it's absurd that it's taken this long for a policy like this.

I wonder how they'll enforce it.

cybersandwich ,

I forgot you can Airbnb a room in someone's house. That's weird AF to me. Cameras in "non-room" areas, in that case, seem less privacy invasive. But that whole set up is weird.

cybersandwich ,

Breaking things is the best way to learn. Accidentally deleting your container data is one of the best ways to learn how to not do that AND learn about proper backups.

Breaking things and then trying to restore from a backup that...doesn't work. Is a great way to learn about testing backups and/or properly configuring them.

The corrolary to this is: just do stuff. Analysis paralysis is real. You can look up a dozen "right ways" to do things and end up never starting.

My advice: just start. If you end up backing yourself into a corner where you can't scale or easily migrate to another solution, oh well. You either learn that lesson or figure out a way to migrate. Learning all along the way.

Each failure or screw up is worth a hundred "best practice / how to articles".

cybersandwich ,

Yep, that's exactly what you need. It's a right of docker passage to not have a volume set up and lose all of your settings/data.

What you are talking about is volumes. You can probably Google a dozen examples but I highly recommend trying chatgpt for questions like that.

It's pretty good about telling you what you need to do or how to fix a issue with your compose file.

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