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@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works cover
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar



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themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not only is this kind of attack notoriously unstable, finding out what images have been glazed is a fantastic indicator for finding high-quality art that is the stuff you want to train on.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I was considering voting for the pirate party, but they polled at less than 5% in France and it was not a useful vote, which was evidently needed.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

And I was right to; pirate party got less than 1% of votes, also due to the fact they couldn't afford to have their voting paper in most places.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

France. The parties have to pay the government if they want their ballot already present at the election place. As a citizen, you may also bring any ballot you want (within some very reasonable rules), so the smaller parties instruct you to print your own to save on costs.

HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware (www.tomshardware.com)

On May 26, a user on HP's support forums reported that a forced, automatic BIOS update had bricked their HP ProBook 455 G7 into an unusable state. Subsequently, other users have joined the thread to sound off about experiencing the same issue....

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

To expand: said M.2 SSD contains all of your data, and can be plugged into another computer to recover it, put it on a USB drive or upload it to an online drive. A local PC repair shop is going to be unable to make the PC work again at present, but they can help you with extracting the SDD and your data for less than $100.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Jordan bardella s'est chié dessus dans l'amphi N a Tolbiac (la merde a coulé sur ses chaussures)

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

How so? A Samsung or pixel with default settings would also behave that way, possibly even more securely because it wouldn't show the thieves your number.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

The lack of last-last gen hardware on the used market suggests this isn't true. Even if it were available, the buyers will run it and the overall energy consumption will still increase. It's not like old hardware disappears after it's replaced with newer models.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's fed to an ai. Supposedly so you can ask it "what's this product and where can I buy it fast" instead of using your fingers like a normal person.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

At least hopefully companies will stop selling laptops with 8Gb of soldered ram.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

From their site:

Fedora with user-friendly fixes added.

It seems the fixes are mostly related to better onboarding and avoiding the terminal for basic stuff, like adding yum repos. If you're already familiar with Linux it shouldn't offer you much beyond the nice-to-have kernel patches and better Nvidia compatibility.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because if you throw enough money at them, they'll trip over themselves trying to fix your production critical issue in 4 hours or less, and that's valuable to business because they get to go "it's not our fault the site was down and we lost $2 million, it's our vendor's support team that was inadequate"

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I remember that one, it was for the admin of tupac.cc.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is literally straight out of a Russian badger video

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I will not be downloading wario_hard_on.mp4.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is exactly the reason. The newer CA certs for let's encrypt were never loaded in the 3Ds because Nintendo dropped support before they were generated.

If I'm not mistaken there is a homebrew tool to load them. I lied, I can't find anything related to this.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because the main criticism of this class of products is "why in the fuck would I need a device for this? my phone already has a data plan, a microphone, and a camera. Make it an app" and the response is some vague "oh well it's so advanced (it's not.) it couldn't possibly run on a phone".

The vision is that once TPUs become affordable enough to run these models on-device, you would need a device that has such a TPU and you would go to them. But this is completely overlooking the fact that all snapdragons and the like would also have the same TPUs integrated, and also we're not there yet, so for as long as you need to send the query to openAI's API, why is this not an app?

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

On one hand I agree that most people probably won't change. On the other, the difference between an OS and websites is that windows has very little exclusivity left. If you want to read Facebook content, you go on Facebook. If you want to watch fallout, you go on prime. If you want to watch long-form content (relative to TikTok), you go to youtube.

If you want a good OS, you're not forced by Microsoft to exclusively use windows. There are some pockets (like Xbox game pass games) but overall the average user could realistically switch to debian, Ubuntu or mint and not actually materially change what they do and watch on their computer, whereas if you decided to stop using Netflix, yes the experience of watching would be better but you wouldn't actually be experiencing the same content.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Honestly? Even the supreme brick was less expensive.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

...why not? Pop isn't exactly a reaction like metal, punk or hyperpop, it's just... The default genre of music she could have made?

What unhealthy part of any upbringing would compel someone to make pop?

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I update my packages every day on debian. I have yet to have something break. The only issue I ever had was steam got uninstalled when dist-upgrading from debian 11 to 12. Promptly reinstalled, of course all my games were still on disk.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think enjoy particular music without being an asshat about all other music.

I can name you a few of my favorite artists (digitalism, Savant, bossfight, Metric) but just because I like their music and electro in general doesn't mean I physically can't listen to other genres.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I honestly can't believe the author would go so far as to suggest using pi-hole when mv3 becomes forced (ubo will likely continue to work, but Google will be able to collect filter stats, so still best to avoid). Not only is a pi-hole a project, that only works when you're at home (or you're learning more about networking, and it will likely never work right on mobile data), that costs money to set up, DNS blockers are what Google wants you to use, because they serve their ads through the same domains as their content, and if pi-hole ever becomes popular everyone else will too.

The obvious alternative that is much better in all aspects, respects your privacy, and and is literally free, works everywhere and is not vulnerable to same-domain hosting: firefox. Literally just use firefox. Install ubo, even on mobile, and you're done. Any qualms you might have about switching to firefox are either false (firefox is now faster than chrome in lighthouse tests) or Google brainwashing you into thinking your workflows are completely static when you could easily adapt to not having the exact extension you so desperately "need" to work. You don't need it, because you worked fine before the extension, and honestly I'd be surprised if you can't find a ff extension that does the same semantic thing for you.

Suggesting to continue using chrome but with a worse adblocker is nonsense and the author has drank the kool-aid.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

You are literally the type of person I was talking about. Please reevaluate your position.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

It seems there aren't remind me bots yet (please correct me if I'm wrong) so let's do this the old fashioned way

If someone reads this comment and it is 9 hours old, please reply to it so I get notified :)

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Imagine thinking that loving cis men 🤮 is ok


For legal reasons to this is a joke, not all men are bad :)

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don't think they make them anymore but unsurprisingly most are still functionnal.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

If the security was so bad that removing part pairing would crash this, then it wasn't secure to begin with. Same argument as apple pairing the fingerprint sensor, the emsensor is only doing the reading, not the authentication.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Again, if you're so deep in the car that this matters, this is not the part that's going to stop you, unless the car is so poorly built that the keyless entry module is readily available without taking apart the entire car. This is a non-problem.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I know that it isn't just one module. What is the handshake achieving exactly? Because it's not additional security from an attacker trying to replace the keyless entry module with a hacked one, and if it is doing that then this is a terrible security design and the actual solution is not to get to keep using this 'security' threat model.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

To be entirely fair, most bears are usually of the flesh-eating kind.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

...why does it have to be a predatory horror thriller? The comic has not even steered in the neighborhood of this

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

No, but they should understand the risks.

It's allowed to go parachuting, but when you go parachuting we teach you that it is dangerous and that sometimes people die or get hurt. It's not necessarily their fault that they got hurt, but at the end of the day the result is the same. If the risks aren't acceptable to you then of you know of them, you can decide to not take the risks and not go parachuting.

In an ideal world, nobody would get hurt, your chute would work every time, and you would always land perfectly. But in the real world, people do get hurt and while we can and do strive to make safer and safer parachutes, getting on that plane still means that there are risks.

This doesn't mean that the people getting hurt are to blame for going parachuting. It's a fun activity that is usually safe, but if you don't want to get hurt then don't do the activity that puts you in danger.

This also doesn't mean that if someone were to push you off the plane, that person didn't have your blood on their hands. In the case of nudes leaking there is always a perpetrator who ought to be held accountable, it doesn't just "happen". But the internet is a big plane with insane people, and getting on such a plane is a risk you take, and if it were a real plane we would similarly say "do not fly on this plane unless you're absolutely certain you have everything on lock, because it is extremely dangerous"

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ok yeah it's kind of funny but if you think about it for a second that ipad is perfectly functional. If apple doesn't want to support it because it doesn't make them money, then why can't the community? Why does apple get to decide what is e-trash and what isn't?

The laptop I bought second hand in 2014 is still very much functionnal, and in fact it still runs. I'll concede that it doesn't run well, as it was already unpowered back then, but it runs some flavors of Linux oriented towards low-power devices, because people made them to do specifically this. If I had bought a second had ipad instead, it would be in a landfill by now. It didn't even take any special actions on toshiba's part to make it behave like this, they just made a laptop that was up to the standards of every other laptop at the time. What I'm getting at is that this isn't a new idea, we know how to take care of our devices for longer already, were it not for the apples and googles telling us what we can't and can do on the device we own.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

My thoughts exactly. It would be unreasonable to expect full support 14 years after it came out, and it would be unreasonable to expect modern apps to work flawlessly. But it's not unreasonable to say that all the specs mentionned by the commenter can just be considered to all be 0 if the device cant run anything - not because it is physically incapable of it, but because we can't even try.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fun fact! It gets reported to /var/spool/mail/root ! If your mail spooler is properly configured (and your SMTP relay is also configured to send mail addressed to root to an actual user account) then you will get these alerts by email.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

A nice fun fact: if you consider how fast electricity travels in silicium, it turns out that for a clock that pulses in the tens of billions of times per second (which is what gigahertz are), it is physically impossible for each pulse to get all the way across a 2cm die before the next pulse starts. This is exacerbated by the fact that a processor has many meandering paths throughout and is not a straight line.

So at any given moment, there are several clock cycles traveling throughout a modern processor at the same time, and the designers have to just "come up" with a solution that makes that work, nevermind the fact that almost all the digital logic design tools are not built to account for this, so instead they end up having to use analog (as in audio chips, not as in pen-and-paper design) design tools.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Before esim, a lot of sim swap attacks were done by bribing a rank-and-file support guy from the carrier to issue you a new sim. Nothing new here.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

No it couldn't. The breakthrough is on galactic algorithms, who sacrifice speed on small amounts on numbers to gain speed on extremely large (doesn't fit in the solar system anymore) amounts of numbers.

On top of that, the algorithm assumes infinite precision, and it actually really breaks down if you don't have infinite precision, and our computers don't have it.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

It requires an LTE capable gateway and a data plan. As for the rest you can simply write your routing tables so that if the main gateway doesn't work, use the secondary gateway with lower prio.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Tesla os is just a Linux distro based on arch I think?

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Right? Nod doubt that output can be similar to training data, and I would believe that some of it is plagiarism, but plagiarism detectors are infamous among uni students for being completely unreliable and flagging pronouns, dates and citations. Until someone can go "here's an example of actual plagiarism" (which is obvious when pointed out), these claims make no sense.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I hate on Linus not because he doesn't like linux, but because he is a bad boss who overworks his employees and has allegations against him.

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