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@turkalino@lemmy.yachts cover
@turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar



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  • turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Contrary to what CNN says, 4chan is not an alt-right community. In fact, most of those idiots have left since 2016.

    If you give it a chance and check out a range of boards, you will find it's fairly diverse. Like any other online community, it comes down to finding which boards suit you best

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Audiobooks from your local library 🤓

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    The government has already stepped in several times. If you’re in the mood to get mad, read up on the results of these interventions. Basically, Boeing was almost forced to deal with actual oversight, but was able to convince the government at the last minute that they could handle the oversight themselves internally (thanks to the wonderful process of lobbying of course)

    Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works (gizmodo.com)

    A judge in Washington state has blocked video evidence that’s been “AI-enhanced” from being submitted in a triple murder trial. And that’s a good thing, given the fact that too many people seem to think applying an AI filter can give them access to secret visual data.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Everyone uses the word "hallucinate" when describing visual AI because it's normie-friendly and cool sounding, but the results are a product of math. Very complex math, yes, but computers aren't taking drugs and randomly pooping out images because computers can't do anything truly random.

    You know what else uses math? Basically every image modification algorithm, including resizing. I wonder how this judge would feel about viewing a 720p video on a 4k courtroom TV because "hallucination" takes place in that case too.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Both insert pixels that didn't exist before, so where do we draw the line of how much of that is acceptable?

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Normie, layman... as you've pointed out, it's difficult to use these words without sounding condescending (which I didn't mean to be). The media using words like "hallucinate" to describe linear algebra is necessary because most people just don't know enough math to understand the fundamentals of deep learning - which is completely fine, people can't know everything and everyone has their own specialties. But any time you simplify science so that it can be digestible by the masses, you lose critical information in the process, which can sometimes be harmfully misleading.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Interesting example, because tickets issued by automated cameras aren't enforced in most places in the US. You can safely ignore those tickets and the police won't do anything about it because they know how faulty these systems are and most of the cameras are owned by private companies anyway.

    "Readable" is a subjective matter of interpretation, so again, I'm confused on how exactly you're distinguishing good & pure fictional pixels from bad & evil fictional pixels

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Sorry, it's just that I work in a field where making distinctions is based on math and/or logic, while you're making a distinction between AI- and non-AI-based image interpolation based on opinion and subjective observation

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar


    LLMs are artificial neural networks


    A network is typically called a deep neural network if it has at least 2 hidden layers

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    When you want to cite sources like me instead of making personal attacks, I’ll be here 🙂

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Ok but before you go, just want to make sure you know that this statement of yours is incorrect:

    In the strictest technical terms AI, ML and Deep Learning are district, and they have specific applications

    Actually, they are not the distinct, mutually exclusive fields you claim they are. ML is a subset of AI, and Deep Learning is a subset of ML. AI is a very broad term for programs that emulate human perception and learning. As you can see in the last intro paragraph of the AI wikipedia page (whoa, another source! aren't these cool?), some examples of AI tools are listed:

    including search and mathematical optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and methods based on statistics, operations research, and economics

    Some of these - mathematical optimization, formal logic, statistics, and artificial neural networks - comprise the field known as machine learning. If you'll remember from my earlier citation about artificial neural networks, "deep learning" is when artificial neural networks have more than one hidden layer. Thus, DL is a subset of ML is a subset of AI (wow, sources are even cooler when there's multiple of them that you can logically chain together! knowledge is fun).

    Anyways, good day :)

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    If it’s to “support game developers”, I’m guessing/hoping that means the ads will only show up in the Activities feature

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Happily playing modern games and developing shaders on my AMD GPU. 5120x1440 120 Hz issue free

    I wish people would get their shit together and realize they’ve fallen victim to marketing

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    That last picture is hilarious. How can that possibly be allowable evidence? There's nothing distinguishing it from a screencap of a legit stream

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    replacing them with individual personalized echo chambers

    Which really wouldn't be that bad if instances were more clear about how they operate. Like, on the user signup page, there should be a big ol checkbox saying "I UNDERSTAND THAT ANYTHING THATS NOT A POSITIVE POST ABOUT COMMUNISM WILL GET ME BANNED" or whatever

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Because it blocks ads out of the box. I know its new tab screen causes a lot of y’all’s buttholes to clench because it mentions cryptocurrency, but there are harder things to ignore

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Idk if I would advocate for or defend it, but I find mobile ads especially abhorrent cuz they take up more relative space on the screen and my upload speed isn’t good enough to be VPNing through my pihole anytime I’m outside the house

    iOS browsers are just skins for Safari anyways, and Brave addresses my issue out of the box, so yeah

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Vice articles are one of two things:

    1. Technologically-ignorant articles written by "tech journalists"
    2. "Drugs are good, mmkay"

    Is there really a shortage of these on the internet?

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Pre-smartphones, my parents were always yelling at my brothers and I to stop texting at the dinner table.

    Post-smartphones, it's now vice-versa and unless we remind them to put their phones on silent beforehand, their phones inevitably erupt in alarms at full volume reminding them to call Marianne back or whatever

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Give me a couple specific reasons why it’s good and why I would like it? I’ll absolutely take your recommendation

    Hit me with “It’s just so well done”? Yeah no

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    - posted from a non-Apple device (which was also made with over seas suffering)

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Probably around the time they took away pensions

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Companies don't even take risks anymore. They wait for some startup to take all the risks, acquire them, and integrate some partial abomination into their existing product

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Everyone else is gonna be like "if you don't have at least 3 backups of something blahblah" but you know, not everyone has the finances for that, so advice from a cheapskate computer nerd: when going through critical transfers/reformats/deletions like you were doing, ALWAYS try actually recovering stuff from the backup before you cross the point of no return. E.g. if the backup is a .zip, extract a few individual files from it and open them in their respective programs.

    Office 365 asking for permissions to change browser settings (lemmy.world)

    I have to use certain Microsoft apps for work, so I strictly only use the web versions as I am on Linux. However, just seen this setting pop up in Word while working on a document. I wonder what in specific they would change, considering i am on Firefox. Does anyone know anything about this? Is there an actual good reason for me...

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    I believe this allows cross-domain cookie sharing for the current site, meaning office.com can use your cookies from microsoft.com for authentication/preferences/etc.

    I know I'm going against the "fuck Microsoft" train of this community, but this is pretty innocuous

    How to constructively protest against AI voice transcription at work?

    As a medical doctor I extensively use digital voice recorders to document my work. My secretary does the transcription. As a cost saving measure the process is soon intended to be replaced by AI-powered transcription, trained on each doctor's voice. As I understand it the model created is not being stored locally and I have no...

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    It would be worth finding out more about how exactly the training process works, namely whether or not the AI company stores the training audio clips after training has been completed. If not, then I would say you don't have anything to worry about, because the model itself can't be used to clone your voice to any useful extent. Deep neural networks aren't reversible like that. Even if they were, it's not just trained on you, it's trained on hundreds of thousands of people then fine-tuned to you.

    If they do store the clips though, then maybe show them this article about GitHub to prove to them that there is precedence for private companies using people's data to train AI without their explicit consent.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Author is a doofus, but there is one context in which I sorta agree with this sentiment.

    It drives me up the wall when, according to my browser, a page is done loading, so I go to click on something and bam, a subscription/cookie/whatever popup appears and steals my click in the millisecond between when I decided to click and when my finger reacted.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    What about the millions of American cars that have pissing Calvin bumper stickers

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar


    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    He’ll never find out how an RBMK reactor core explodes ☹️

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    I used to work in medical imaging and weirdly pedantic people would say this all the time about digital photography. They say that even just the act of Debayering makes it artificial

    Music Piracy Is Back, Baby (gizmodo.com)

    "Muso, a research firm that studies piracy, concluded that the high prices of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are pushing people back towards illegal downloads. Spotify raised its prices by one dollar last year to $10.99 a month, the same price as Apple Music. Instead of coughing up $132 a year, more consumers...

    Chinese hackers are determined to 'wreak havoc' on US critical infrastructure, FBI director warns (apnews.com)

    Chinese hackers are determined to 'wreak havoc' on US critical infrastructure, FBI director warns::FBI Director Chris Wray has told House lawmakers that Chinese government hackers are busily targeting critical infrastructure inside the United States, including water treatment plants, the electrical grid and transportation...

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    I don’t think it needs to be a complex issue at all. Cyber is just an extension of intelligence.

    “Everybody hacks everybody” , yes, and also everybody spies on everybody. Merely spying is not an act of war.

    Intelligence agencies backing coups in foreign countries? Yeah, now that’s an act of war.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Ah, so it's just corporate Tor. Mega gross.

    Alaska Airlines CEO: We found “many” loose bolts on our Max 9 planes following near-disaster — “My demand on Boeing is what are they going to do to improve their quality programs in-house.” (www.nbcnews.com)

    Alaska Airlines CEO: We found “many” loose bolts on our Max 9 planes following near-disaster — “My demand on Boeing is what are they going to do to improve their quality programs in-house.”::The CEO of Alaska Airlines said new inspections of the carrier's Boeing 737 Max 9 planes revealed that “many” of the aircraft...

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Yeah, I hate to be morbidly pessimistic, but this is an American private company we're talking about: I don't think anything will be done until people die

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Yep and it would probably be handled as a class action suit, so each grieving family gets $7.25

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Netflix is doing great

    uses picture from the worst major studio movie of 2023

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    You're definitely right, it's just hilariously short-sighted. Continue to make unwatchable crap and the subscribers will bleed away, guaranteed

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    You don't have to like it, but just FYI, the market doesn't care about your feelings. Professional wrestling is a worldwide phenomenon, especially in Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East.

    The UFC merged with the WWE this year, and UFC fighters routinely show up to WWE events. Real professional fighters don't seem to care that it's scripted

    Waymo Plans Massive Robotaxi Service Area, But Not Massive Enough (www.forbes.com)

    "Waymo has filed a request to the California Public Utilities Commission to expand robotaxi service in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles region. In the SFBA, it grows from just San Francisco to the whole peninsula, all the way to Sunnyvale but not including Marin, the East Bay and Santa Clara/Cupertino/San Jose. The LA...

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    "Massive" maybe meaning population or impact, about 1/3 of CA's population is in that region

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Only gonna make things more difficult for good actors while doing absolutely nothing to bad actors

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    It would be as practical for good actors to simply state an image is generated in its caption, citation, or some other preexisting method. Good actors will retransmit this information, while bad actors will omit it, just like they’d remove the watermark. At least this way, no special software is required for the average person to check if an image is generated.

    Bing Image Creator already implements watermarks but it is trivially easy for me to download an image I generated, remove the watermark, and proceed with my ruining of democracy /s

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Quick, everybody say AI could do their job so that the corporate airheads invest a bunch of money in AI, get sad when it doesn't deliver, and then become super pessimistic about AI

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Kids: press switch to front-facing camera button anyways

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  • turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    Idk, doesn't quite seem appropriate for a federated reddit clone. I think you're better off on a chan board

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    How the year of the Linux gaming PC coming?

    You're right, it's been absolutely devastating not being able to play games on my computer. I'll go cry over my video game consoles.

    turkalino ,
    @turkalino@lemmy.yachts avatar

    You’re right, it’s been absolutely devastating not being able to play a 14-year old game that I have no interest in playing on my computer. I’ll go cry over my video game consoles.

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