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With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.


Permissive licenses (commonly referred to as "cuck licenses") like the MIT license allow others to modify your software and release it under an unfree license. Copyleft licenses (like the Gnu General Public License) mandate that all derivative works remain free.

Andrew Tanenbaum developed MINIX, a modular operating system kernel. Intel went ahead and used it to build Management Engine, arguably one of the most widespread and invasive pieces of malware in the world, without even as much as telling him. There's nothing Tanenbaum could do, since the MIT license allows this.

Erik Andersen is one of the developers of Busybox, a minimal implementation of that's suited for embedded systems. Many companies tried to steal his code and distribute it with their unfree products, but since it's protected under the GPL, Busybox developers were able to sue them and gain some money in the process.

Interestingly enough, Tanenbaum doesn't seem to mind what intel did. But there are some examples out there of people regretting releasing their work under a permissive license.

calcopiritus ,

If I choose MIT it's because I don't care if people "steal" the code. This meme is stupid and condescending, if he didn't mind that Intel used it's code it's because he didn't mind, that why he chose MIT. Why is Intel beating him in the meme? It makes no sense. You are proyecting your thoughts onto him as if that's how he felt, but then you show that he didn't feel the same way you do. Why?

When I see a GPL license I don't see freedom. I only see forced openness, which makes me immediately avoid that library, since I can't statically link to it.

Freedom means that everyone can use your code. Yes, that means for-profit corporations. For free, without restrictions.

If I want to make a piece of software to improve people's lives and I don't care to do it for free, I'll choose MIT. If it gets "stolen" by a for-profit corporation it only makes it better, because now my software has reached more people, thus (theoretically) improving their lives.

Chakravanti ,

When I see a GPL license I don't see freedom.

Blind tyrannical instructions that no one knows who the CPU itself answers to and follows because it doesn't matter who paid for the hardware when no one knows what the instructions were given to because they were closed source software.

I only see forced openness,

It's not forced. Use any other lie you'd like. It's the ability to read and know what the instruction given are. I needn't have to be able to read when I can trust the masses who can and I'll take that over ONE jackass we know better than to trust.

which makes me immediately avoid that library

Bye. Don't give a flying fuck about you or your software. YOU are that jackass we stopped.

since I can't statically link to it.

Starts generating tears with the happiest smile on face you've ever seen.

Midnight1938 ,

Its like saying people enjoying a moment collectively in a park means forcing people to give up their smart phones to force communication

Chakravanti ,

Yeah, GPL is forcing anyone to do anything because the the code is...oh wait...that's not possible because it's open source...and hence...FREEDOM.

calcopiritus ,

You seem angry at me because I don't license my code as GPL. Is that what freedom means now? Freedom means everyone has to use the license I want or I'll bully them!

It's the code I wrote, let me license it however the fuck I want if I'm not using your code.

Midnight1938 ,

You can eat wild berries too, noones stopping you, just people saying there are better options

Chakravanti ,

How the fuck is the shitty mod here a removed for the enemy? I hope he dies soon. He prolly doesn't realize that his best bet right now but whatever. I don't really care about them

Midnight1938 ,

Uh, wrong post?

Chakravanti ,

You seem angry

Well it's a good thing you can read emotions from text. Shows that your a true sycophant to tyranny.

Is that what freedom means now?

No. Cuz no one gives a flying fuck about you, wannabe.


Nice try kid.

It's the code I wrote, let me license it however the fuck I want if I'm not using your code.

Apologies. I can't even insult you about this cuz I can't stop laughing AT you.

calcopiritus ,

.ml and antagonizing everyone for not having the exact same opinions. Name a better duo.

bonnetbee ,

If I want to make a piece of software to improve people's lives

If that is your intention, GPL would make more sense, as every improvement and development would be forced to be made available to those people, thus helping them further.

I doubt that your code helps anyone who needs/deserves to be helped, after beeing processed by big corpo.

You could think about your definition of freedom. For me: My freedom ends, where it restricts others people freedom - I shouldn't be free to rob people and call it restriction if someone forbids this.

calcopiritus ,

GPL means big corporations just won't use it. If they have to make their software open source, they will just search for an alternative or make their own.

witx ,

Great, I'll be a bit absolute and say that if a corporation doesn't want to use my GPL code I see it as a good thing, corporations tend to be soulless leeches.

lemmyvore ,

Freedom means that everyone can use your code. Yes, that means for-profit corporations. For free, without restrictions. If I want to make a piece of software to improve people's lives and I don't care to do it for free, I'll choose MIT.

Why not put the code in public domain then? Why MIT?

DreamlandLividity ,

Two reasons:

  1. public domain is not very well legally recognized, so code licensed under MIT is easier to use internationally than code in public domain.
  2. MIT includes disclaimer of liability, which as an author you want just to be safe.
lemmyvore ,

See that's the thing, all licenses want to draw up some boundaries. As far as I'm concerned MIT and GPL are just interested in different ones.

Licenses aren't "restrictive", they're permissive. Without a license you can't do anything with the content, a license gives you some rights instead of none.

kilgore_trout ,
@kilgore_trout@feddit.it avatar

Intel Management Engine improve no one's life.

It is very sad how you don't see that "forced openness" is good for everyone.

calcopiritus ,

Yes, end products licensed as GPL are good. I use many of them. Libraries, however, are just avoided by companies and they just develop their own.

I prefer my libraries MIT licensed because then there's a chance that people out there use it to develop products. If I make a GPL library then only products that were already GPL would use it. And there are way more proprietary products than GPL.

ShortFuse , (edited )

I don't care if people make money to use my code. I just want my name attached to it somehow, even if you make it closed sourced which is MIT and OpenBSD. I hope you do use my code and even if you heavily reference it to make something new, carry that forward so more can learn and benefit.

I also don't understand "better for the end user" arguments either. I have a library that people want to be included in another project, but that project is GPL. They won't merge my code unless I change my code to be GPL. So everyone who wants them merged is out of luck. I can't merge their code either with mine. What is supposed to happen is I freely give up my name to the code and restrict it to only being GPL and for GPL projects. Essentially, assimilate and join with the Borg. No, thanks.

And while that's from my experience, I've also seen good projects get traction, have excitement over it, and fall off the earth because they end up making it GPL. Everyone interested in adopting it, personal or business, just disappear. Then something with less restrictions comes along and gets adopted.

End-users move to what's better for them, and if you have a library that is only for GPL, you can end up limiting your options with a wasteful purity test. If you want it to be free you'd give freely with no restrictions. And if you think, "You can contact me to discuss licensing" that doesn't happen. It's still a restriction and almost nobody actually bothers.

veniasilente ,

They won’t merge my code unless I change my code to be GPL.

If you are the author of the code you want to merge, you can double-license it you know. Hand them a GPL license, they'll be able to use your copy under the same terms, while you and everyone else use your current license.

ShortFuse ,

GPL has no requirements for author attribution which is contrary to the entire point of an MIT license.

That's why I described it as joining the Borg. You release individualism and freely give it to the collective. That's cool, and I get the ethos behind all that, but I don't want to add any of those constraints to my code. I just don't want credit for my work or the others to get lost. I don't think it's a hard ask.

Regardless, we ended up ultimately being a full replacement for the other project.

GreyEyedGhost ,

There is nothing stopping a GPL project using MIT-licensed code except for lack of desire to do the work. They are one-way compatible.

toaster ,
@toaster@slrpnk.net avatar

I've actually noticed more GPL-licensed projects give attribution to not only the original author but all contributors.

Whereas I can't tell you how many times I've worked on proprietary software where the company didn't give attribution for MIT-licensed code. Unlike GPL'd code, the author has no way of knowing that they weren't attributed since the code is proprietary.

I believe GPL does have an attribution requirement btw:

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or

b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it;

ShortFuse ,

There is no section 15 or 16 in GPLv3, but I did find section 7 saying:

Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or

But that's an optional thing that you must add onto the GPLv3 license. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future.

That would explain why what I've read mentioned it's not guaranteed in GPLv3 (when comparing to MIT). I'll have to figure out what that notice would look like.

AHemlocksLie ,

When I see a GPL license I don't see freedom. I only see forced openness, which makes me immediately avoid that library, since I can't statically link to it.

One of the arguments in favor of GPL and other "forced openness" licenses is that users should have the right to understand what their own device is doing. You paid for your computer. You own it. You should dictate how it operates. You should at least have the option of understanding what is being done with your machine and modifying it to fit your needs. Closed source software may provide utility, but it doesn't really further collective knowledge since you're explicitly refusing to publicly release the code, and it provides obscurity for developers to hide undesirable functionality like data collection or more directly malicious activity.

I'm not personally sure how I feel about that argument myself, but I can at least readily acknowledge it as a valid one whether I agree with the decision to force openness or not.

calcopiritus ,

Yes, of course GPL is good for some things. But it being called the pinnacle of freedom is just wrong. It claims that it's freedom for the users, but that's not true.

In the case of libraries, the users of the libraries are not the end users of the program. The users of the library are the developers. GPL is NOT freedom for developers.

I completely agree that programs having a GPL license is positive. You can even use them with complete freedom in commercial settings!

merc ,

The one freedom the GPL removes is the freedom to be a leech. If you're linking to GPL code, you are agreeing to follow the same rules as everybody else who has contributed to that code. Nobody gets a pass

AHemlocksLie ,

In the case of libraries, the users of the libraries are not the end users of the program. The users of the library are the developers.

Except the end user does inevitably become the user of the library when they use the software the developer made with it. They run that library's code on their machine.

It claims that it's freedom for the users, but that's not true.

In light of the above, this is incorrect. By using GPL, you preserve the end user's freedom to understand, control, and modify the operation of their hardware. In no way does the end user suffer or lose any freedoms.

calcopiritus ,

I know that the end user is the focus of GPL. But me, when choosing a library, as a user, I tend to avoid using GPL ones, because they restrict my freedom. In consequence, my end users (of which there are aproximately 0 anyway) don't get GPL code either way.

ZILtoid1991 ,

Forced openness is good for certain things, but not so good on others. That's the reason why I licensed my game engine under BSL (whith some components of course under MIT, ZLib, and Apache), within the game development community things like that more accepted. It does have branding material, which anyone can use unless they were either behaved really badly, or being used for non-engine related material. Certain engine assets are under yet another license (public domain).

AHemlocksLie ,

As you've phrased it, this seems to me to be a question of how to balance the rights of the developer versus those of the end user. The developer wants to monopolize commercial usage while the end user wants full control and authority on their machine.

Some would argue that the developer's goals are unethical, but I think it's an unfortunate consequence of a societal system that would see them starve on the streets if they didn't earn with their work. In an ideal world, end users would prevail unquestionably, but so long as developers must operate under capitalism where ownership is critical, concessions will have to be made.

tshlye ,

Implying you can't profit with open code.

calcopiritus ,

You can, but for most software companies that would mean changing the business model.

If a company has to change its business model just to use a library, they just won't use that library.

nialv7 ,

If it gets “stolen” by a for-profit corporation it only makes it better, because now my software has reached more people, thus (theoretically) improving their lives.

well that's a very idealistic, and capitalistic way of looking at this (i.e. for-profit corporation is making a profit only because it's making people's lives better). which just isn't the case in real life.

realistically, when you release something in a permissive license, you are more likely to improve someone's bottom line, than to improve people's lives in general.

calcopiritus ,

Well, it did improve someone's live, didn't it? I'm not claiming my library that has 3 stars on GitHub is gonna revolutionize all of humanity. But it's a little improvement. That contributes to having a more complete software ecosystem.

That code is now available to everyone that wants it. If they need it, it's there to use. Better than every company having to reimplements for the thousandth time the same closed software.

Which brings me to another point I didn't mention before. If a company uses an open source library, even if they are not required to publish their improvements to the library, they might do anyway because it is easier than maintaining their own fork and migrating every upstream change.

s_s ,

If it gets "stolen" by a for-profit corporation it only makes it better, because now my software has reached more people, thus (theoretically) improving their lives.

Or it could be "stolen" by Raytheon, and helping ruin lives better.

And I'm not poopoo'ing, what you're saying, I just want you to consider all consequences, because it kinda seems like you haven't.

calcopiritus ,

How does GPL prevent Raytheon from using their software?

Open source is open source.

If I don't want my software being used to make weapons I just won't make weapon-related software. If they wanna use my 3D graphics library to display their missiles, cool, idgaf, that's like putting ethical burden on a restaurant that serves food to soldiers because a military base was built nearby. The restaurant was there before the military base opened, and it's not like they're gonna use their food to kill people.

namingthingsiseasy , (edited )

If I want to make a piece of software to improve people’s lives and I don’t care to do it for free, I’ll choose MIT. If it gets “stolen” by a for-profit corporation it only makes it better, because now my software has reached more people, thus (theoretically) improving their lives.

I'm not completely sure about this.

Suppose you write a library that a company like Facebook finds useful. Suppose that they incorporate it into their website. I'm sure I can skip the portion of this post where I extol the harms that Facebook has wrought on society. Do you think your software has improved people's lives by enabling Facebook to do those sorts of things? They would not have been able to do them if you had used AGPL instead.

And I don't want to make it seem like we should never do anything because someone might use the product of our work in a sinister way (because that would quickly devolve into nihilism). If 99 people use it for good and 1 for evil, that's still a heavy net positive. But at the same time, I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge that the 1 person using it for evil still would make me feel bad.

Fedizen ,

AI tools have turned them all into MIT licenses

lemmyvore ,

AI scrapers don't obey any license. They strip copyright information from all the code they take.

ZILtoid1991 ,

Worse, public domain license, except you need to modify them a lot.

Since they're being trained on GPL (and possibly leaked proprietary) codes, I have banned them from my codebases. I also banned AI art from asset usage on similar + ethical grounds.

ILikeBoobies ,

I support MIT because I believe that’s how all software should be

Everyone builds upon each other

s_s ,

I mean, essentially, the GPL just obligates someone borrowing from you to keep doing things "how it should be".

ILikeBoobies , (edited )

Yeah but I don’t really care if someone takes it to sell, it creates an endpoint branch but someone else will create a growing branch

One assumes even an endpoint will pass things upstream

TheImpressiveX ,
@TheImpressiveX@lemmy.ml avatar

The MIT license guarantees freedom for developers. The GPL guarantees freedom for end users.

Adanisi ,
@Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

This is the best way I've heard it said.

SeattleRain ,

Nah, it's called the cuck license for a reason.

bruhduh ,
@bruhduh@lemmy.world avatar


Irelephant ,
@Irelephant@lemm.ee avatar
TheOubliette ,

The MIT license guarantees that businesses will use it because it's free and they don't have to think about releasing code or hiding their copyright infringement. The developers I've seen using that license, or at least those who put some thought into it, did do because they want companies to use it and therefore boost their credibility through use and bug reports, etc. They knowingly did free work for a bunch of companies as a way to build their CV, basically. Like your very own self-imposed unpaid internship.

The GPL license is also good for developers, as they know they can work on a substantial project and have some protections against others creating closed derived works off of it. It's just a bit more difficult to get enterprise buy-in, which is not a bad thing for many projects.

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Not all of us write code simply for monetary gain and some of us have philosophical differences on what you can and should own as far as the public commons goes. And not all of us view closed derivatives as a ontologically bad.

TheOubliette ,

Software licenses don't change ownership. That requires transfer of copyright, like with contributor agreements.

Though I am aware that a small set of people seek less copyleft licenses because they think they're better. They are usually wrong in their thinking, but they do exist.

I'm not sure what you are referring to about ontologically bad. Has someone said this?

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I'm not sure what you are referring to about ontologically bad. Has someone said this?

I'm going by the vibe of the comments of people here who are generally anti-MIT. That the very nature of allowing someone to use your code in a closed-source project without attribution is bad. Phrasing it as "hiding their copyright infringement", for example, implies that it is copyright infringement per se regardless of the license or the spirit in which it was released.

TheOubliette ,

Oh no I mean that there are companies that just don't care about licensing and plod ahead hoping it's never an issue. Like having devs build a "prototype" that they know uses AGPL code and saying, "we will swap this out later" and then 6 months later the "prototype" is in production.

Personally, I make a lot of my personal projects' code closed because I specifically don't want it to be useable by others. Not for jerky reasons, but strategic ones. IMO common licenses don't achieve what a lot of people hope they do.

grue ,

And not all of us view closed derivatives as a ontologically bad.

Please explain how allowing a third-party to limit computer users' ability to control and modify their own property is anything other than ontologically bad?

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

If I release something free of restrictions to the world as a gift, that is my prerogative. And a third party's actions don't affect my ability to do whatever I want with the original code, nor the users of their product's ability to do what they want with my code. And the idea of "property" here is pretty abstract. What is it you own when you purchase software? Certainly not everything. Probably not nothing. But there is a wide swath in between in which reasonable people can disagree.

If you are an intellectual property abolitionist, I doubt there is much I can say to change your mind.

grue ,

I'm not convinced something being your "perogative" and it being "ontologically bad" are mutually exclusive, so I don't see how that's a rebuttal.

I want to know why you think it isn't bad, not why you think you're allowed to do it.

wagesj45 ,
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Because I don't know why it is closed source. Is it a personal project? A private project? A sensitive project? I don't see a moral imperative for any of those to be free and open to all users.

v_krishna ,
@v_krishna@lemmy.ml avatar

All my own OSS stuff I always release MIT licensed because I want to be able to use the libraries in my closed source job.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

Be really careful with this.

Depending on how you contribute to your OSS code, commits you make on company time are considered property of the company. You could, unknowingly, be forcing your code to be closed source if your company ever decides to make a claim for it.

I prefer to keep things bifurcated. I never reuse my own library and if I do, I rewrite it whole cloth.

folkrav ,

“Company time” doesn’t mean much to me, as a remote salaried worker with relatively flexible schedules. Not touching anything but work code from my company machine should be enough, as far as I could understand. Not a lawyer, though.

stinerman ,
@stinerman@midwest.social avatar

It will come down to the laws in your country and how much money you plan to spend on lawyers if your employer wants to force the issue.

grue ,

If you're the copyright holder, nothing stops you from releasing your work under more than once license. It is not necessary to use permissive licensing; you are perfectly free to release your stuff to the general public with a copyleft license while also granting your company a separate license even with proprietary terms if you want.

__dev ,

Only until you have any other contributor, as you're then no longer the sole copyright holder. If you still want to work like that you'll need a CLA.

grue ,

Sure, but I was taking "all my own OSS stuff" at face value.

CapeWearingAeroplane , (edited )

You're not seeing the whole picture: I'm paid by the government to do research, and in doing that research my group develops several libraries that can benefit not only other research groups, but also industry. We license these libraries under MIT, because otherwise industry would be far more hesitant to integrate our libraries with their proprietary production code.

I'm also an idealist of sorts. The way I see it, I'm developing publicly funded code that can be used by anyone, no strings attached, to boost productivity and make the world a better place. The fact that this gives us publicity and incentivises the industry to collaborate with us is just a plus. Calling it a self-imposed unpaid internship, when I'm literally hired full time to develop this and just happen to have the freedom to be able to give it out for free, is missing the mark.

Also, we develop these libraries primarily for our own in-house use, and see the adoption of the libraries by others as a great way to uncover flaws and improve robustness. Others creating closed-source derivatives does not harm us or anyone else in any way as far as I can see.

TheOubliette ,

If the government is the US (federal), I think you are technically supposed to release your code in the public domain by default. Some people work around this but it's the default.

But anyways, the example you've given is basically that you're paid with government funds to do work to assist industry. This is fairly similar to the people that do the work for free for industry, only this time it's basically taxpayersl money subsidizing industry. I've seen this many times. There is a whole science/engineering/standards + contractor complex that is basically one big grift, though the individual people writing the code are usually just doing their best.

I'm also an idealist of sorts. The way I see it, I'm developing publicly funded code that can be used by anyone, no strings attached, to boost productivity and make the world a better place. The fact that this gives us publicity and incentivises the industry to collaborate with us is just a plus.

Perhaps it makes the world a better place, perhaps it doesn't. This part of the industry focuses a lot on identifying a "social good" that they are improving, but the actual impact can be quite different. One person's climate project is another's strategic military site selector. One person's great new standard for transportation is another's path to monopoly power and the draining of public funds that could have gone to infrastructure. This is the typical way it works. I'm sure there can be exceptions, though.

Anyways, I would recommend taking a skeptical eye to any position that sells you on its positive social impact. That is often a red flag for some kind of NGO industrial complex gig.

Calling it a self-imposed unpaid internship, when I'm literally hired full time to develop this and just happen to have the freedom to be able to give it out for free, is missing the mark.

Well you're paid so of course it wouldn't be that.

Also, we develop these libraries primarily for our own in-house use, and see the adoption of the libraries by others as a great way to uncover flaws and improve robustness. Others creating closed-source derivatives does not harm us or anyone else in any way as far as I can see.

Sometimes the industries will open bug reports for their free lunches, yes. A common story in community projects is that they realize they're doing a lot of support work for companies that aren't paying them. When they start to get burned out, they put out calls for funding so they can dedicate more time to the project. Sometimes this kind of works but usually the story goes the other way. They don't get enough money and continue to burn out. You are paid so it's a bit different, but it's not those companies paying you, eh?

You aren't harmed by closed source derivatives because that seems to be the point of your work. Providing government subsidy to private companies that enclose the derivative product and make money for their executives and shareholders off of it.

CapeWearingAeroplane ,

You are almost on point here, but seem to be missing the primary point of my work. I work as a researcher at a university, doing more-or-less fundamental research on topics that are relevant to industry.

As I wrote: We develop our libraries for in-house use, and release the to the public because we know that they are valuable to the industry. If what I do is to be considered "industry subsidies", then all of higher education is industry subsidies. (You could make the argument that spending taxpayer money to educate skilled workers is effectively subsidising industry).

We respond to issues that are related either to bugs that we need to fix for our own use, or features that we ourselves want. We don't spend time implementing features others want unless they give us funding for some project that we need to implement it for.

In short: I don't work for industry, I work in research and education, and the libraries my group develops happen to be of interest to the industry. Most of my co-workers do not publish their code anywhere, because they aren't interested in spending the time required to turn hacky academic code into a usable library. I do, because I've noticed how much time it saves me and my team in the long run to have production-quality libraries that we can build on.

TheOubliette ,

You are almost on point here, but seem to be missing the primary point of my work. I work as a researcher at a university, doing more-or-less fundamental research on topics that are relevant to industry.

This is something I'm very familiar with.

As I wrote: We develop our libraries for in-house use, and release the to the public because we know that they are valuable to the industry. If what I do is to be considered "industry subsidies", then all of higher education is industry subsidies. (You could make the argument that spending taxpayer money to educate skilled workers is effectively subsidising industry).

This is largely the case, yes. Research universities do the basic research that industry then turns into a product and makes piles of cash from. And you are also correct that subsidizing STEM education is a subsidy for industry. It very specifically is meant to do that. It displaces industry job training and/or the companies paying to send their workers to get a degree. It also has the benefit of increasing overall supply in theur labor market, which helps drive down wages. Companies prefer having a big pool of potential workers they barely have to train.

We respond to issues that are related either to bugs that we need to fix for our own use, or features that we ourselves want. We don't spend time implementing features others want unless they give us funding for some project that we need to implement it for.

That's good!

In short: I don't work for industry, I work in research and education, and the libraries my group develops happen to be of interest to the industry. Most of my co-workers do not publish their code anywhere, because they aren't interested in spending the time required to turn hacky academic code into a usable library. I do, because I've noticed how much time it saves me and my team in the long run to have production-quality libraries that we can build on.

I think your approach is better. I also prefer to write better-quality code, which for me entails thinking more carefully about its structure and interfaces and using best practices like testing and CI.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

I want to develop plugin for former MIT-licensed software. Now I can't.

Andromxda ,
@Andromxda@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The MIT license guarantees freedom for developers proprietary software conglomerates to use FOSS code in their proprietary products. The GPL guarantees freedom for end users the entire FOSS community, both for users and developers.

mm_maybe ,

I am a consultant who sometimes writes code to do certain useful things as part of larger systems (parts of which may be commercial or GPL) but my clients always try to impose terms in their contracts with me which say that anything I develop immediately becomes theirs, which limits my ability to use it in my next project. I can to some extent circumvent this if I find a way to publish the work, or some essential part of it, under an MIT license. I'm never going to make money off of my code directly; at best it's middleware, and my competitors don't use the same stack, so I'm not giving them any real advantage... I don't see how I'm sabotaging myself in this situation; if anything the MIT license is a way of securing my freedom and it benefits my future customers as well since I don't have to rebuild from scratch every time.

Rayspekt ,

Can't you just publish the work under the GPL license? I have no idea of programming, maybe this is a dumb question.

brianorca ,

If someone is paying you to write code, they have some say in the contract about how it is licensed. You could be upfront about only doing GPL, and they could be upfront about saying no. But if you try to do it after the fact, that's a violation of the contract.

mm_maybe ,

The problem is, that would limit my own option to make a version of the software and sell it under a more limited license in the future. Whomever I sell it to then has the right to go ahead and redistribute it, competing with me. Sure, my current, highly niche code already carries that risk, but the MIT license doesn't stop me from releasing a modified version I may write that is more valuable as software, and then protecting that release with other licensing terms.

best_username_ever ,

that would limit my own option to make a version of the software and sell it under a more limited license in the future

Nope. As the author you're free to license your stuff however you want. You can use 10 different licenses for 10 clients if you want. You could write a custom version of your application and give a non-free license to a specific client if you want.

GreyEyedGhost ,

It really depends. If the contract gives ownership of the work created to the purchaser, he has no rights to it whatsoever. Moreover, trying to do a clean room implementation of your own code is almost impossible without help. A permissive license would give the purchaser unlimited use of the product, including resale while still allowing the producer unlimited use, as well. If the contract is written correctly, the producer might even retain ownership, with the right to use different licenses, while the purchaser would have few or no restrictions.

merc ,

Work for hire is a completely different situation. You have to accept the terms of whoever's paying you to do the work.

This comic is more about someone doing something as a hobby project, or writing their own software not under someone else's direction, where they have full freedom to choose their own license.

pmk , (edited )

People seem to think that those who choose permissive licences don't know what they're doing. Software can be a gift to the world with no strings attached. A company "taking" your code is never taking it away from you, you still have all the code you wrote. Some people want this. MIT is not an incomplete GPL, it has its own reasons.

For example, OpenBSD has as a project goal: "We want to make available source code that anyone can use for ANY PURPOSE, with no restrictions. We strive to make our software robust and secure, and encourage companies to use whichever pieces they want to."

Terevos ,
@Terevos@lemm.ee avatar

I don't get the whole MIT vs GPL rivalry. They both have their uses. If you want to use GPL, go for it. And if you want something like MIT that works too.

Thankfully both exist because I think we definitely need both.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I don't get people with cuckold fetishes, so here we are again.

Hobbes_Dent ,

Here we are again, in a big circle jerk over GPL. Is that like cucking for other licenses but without sex?

To use the above example, how is it cucky that a license allows something like OpenSSH to gain broad use?

Chakravanti ,

Hey, asshole. Stop insulting cuckold. I can explain even that to a practical sense that isn't literally evil.

lemmyvore ,

People seem to think that those who choose permissive licences don't know what they're doing.

Most of them don't. Lots of people say they use MIT because they want "no restrictions", or call GPL terms "restrictive". That's an instant giveaway that they don't understand what they're talking about.

Theharpyeagle ,

Indeed, I think it's just two philosophies that don't necessarily need to be at odds. Permissive licenses help speed the adoption of languages and libraries, which ultimately feeds into the slowly building momentum of the copyleft projects that use them.

Andromxda ,
@Andromxda@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The GPL also makes code available for ANY PURPOSE. It just requires people who modify the code to do the same, which is fair.

pmk ,

It's fair, but different people have different ideas about what they want, and in the end it's the authors right to decide what is fair for their code. An unconditional gift is also fair.

Aux ,

Public domain or GTFO!

pineapplelover ,

My project is MIT because the upstream project is MIT, could I slap a GPL on there? How would I do that? What would that change?

TheOubliette ,

Yes you can. You just change the license that lives with the code.

What it changes depends on the project, how it's used, who uses it, etc. It's really a social question of how people might interact with your project differently.

nossaquesapao , (edited )

You can use the gpl license in newer versions of your software, but keep in mind, in order to avoid future misunderstandings, that you can only do that because the upstream project uses the mit license. If the project used a reciprocal license like the gpl, you'd need to stick to it or use a compatible one. You can't, for example, take a upstream gpl project and use a mit license

pineapplelover ,

From what I understand, I can't replace the license, but I can add on top of it. So it will kinda have both the upstrean's mit license and my gpl license. I remember looking this up a while back and it was a little confusing.

nossaquesapao ,

You can replace in the sense of making new releases on the gpl license. The mit license only requires to keep the original copyright notice. I changed the original comment to avoid this confusion, thanks for pointing that out.

menemen ,
@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

I could imagine MIT might be interesting for Software released by public institutions, that are meant to be used by the industry in any way they want. Sometimes earning money with your product might even be impossible due to restrictions. So, not really Software released with the FOSS philosophy.

Otherwise I also never really understood why anyone would use the MIT license.

humbletightband ,

Possibly a company that discloses a tiny part of their proprietary code

menemen ,
@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, maybe under special circumstances that might also make sense.

CapeWearingAeroplane ,

I do exactly this: Write code/frameworks that are used in academic research, which is useful to industry. Once we publish an article, we publish our models open-source under the MIT license. That is because companies that want to use it can then embed our models into their proprietary software, with essentially no strings attached. This gives them an incentive to support our research in terms of collaborative projects, because they see that our research results in stuff they can use.

If we had used the GPL, our main collaborators would probably not have been interested.

menemen ,
@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

Then you are pretty much the archetype of what I thought about. :)

Chakravanti ,

Money is literally the definition and essence of all evil.

Sometimes earning money with your product might even be impossible due to restrictions.


Thanks RMS, you are the ONLY good software patent definition and thus choice available when we want REAL freedom, the ability to even choose at all (everything is a lie), and not wanting to serve the incoming thing that'll make you wish you hadn't found yourself stuck in the Matrix without know shit about da fuck is being done by who/what

Err...we don't have a word to define that which is in control. You have no way out but death. And you won't be able to make THAT choice either.

Theharpyeagle ,

I think the rub here is that most developers aren't developing/publishing their own software, but honing their skills on writing proprietary code while also putting food on the table. To that end, a permissively licensed library is better because the company will actually use it and the developer will gain experience with it that they can then use outside of the proprietary environment to contribute to FOSS projects (some of which may well use GPL). If a GPL end user product gets popular enough, it will eventually be able to use all of that gained experience to compete with the propriety alternatives, so I do think the two can work in tandem.

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

Apache and GPL should replace MIT

nossaquesapao ,

What are the advantages of apache over mit?

noahimesaka1873 ,
@noahimesaka1873@lemmy.funami.tech avatar

Patent licensing. Apache explicitly grants the use of patented technology in the code. MIT doesn't do that so you can be sued for patent violation.

nossaquesapao ,

Thats really interesting, I didn't know that concept existed in foss licenses.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

It exists outside foss licenses in countries, where math can be patented.

nossaquesapao ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    natural substances can be patented.

    Oh, right. In USSA you can patent spider silk and apple tree. Complete absurd.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar
    baatliwala ,

    Permissive licenses have their place, a reason Godot engine for games has become appealing is MIT.

    ReveredOxygen ,
    @ReveredOxygen@sh.itjust.works avatar

    It doesn't need to be MIT, just LGPL

    baatliwala ,

    I believe that still compels you to reveal your source code if you modify Godot itself and release games with that, don't quote me on that though. There's a chance studios want to create a custom implementation for in-house use.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    I believe that still compels you to reveal your source code if you modify Godot itself and release games with that, don't quote me on that though.

    Well, they modified game engine itself. Makes sense.

    There's a chance studios want to create a custom implementation for in-house use.

    If game studios wanted to create custom implementation, they can do it instead of changing existing one.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    Free software licenses have their place, a reason Blender has become appealing is GPL.

    baatliwala ,

    Wut, you create animation not software using Blender

    alsaaas ,
    @alsaaas@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I've taken up saying "temporarily free/libre" and "permanently free/libre" instead of the permissive/copyleft, since imo "permissive" has a suggestive positive connotation. Especially to ppl who do not know much about the free software movement

    nossaquesapao ,

    Temporarily free gives the idea that the code will stop being free at some point and may cause misunderstandings. It would be better to use nonreciprocal.

    alsaaas ,
    @alsaaas@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    It will stop being free the second a corporation gets it's hands on it, makes improvements and put's those under a proprietary license

    cqst ,
    @cqst@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Yes, but the originally free/libre licensed source code is still out there.

    makes improvements and put’s those under a proprietary license

    You could also make improvements and release them under a GPL license.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    Temporarily free gives the idea that the code will stop being free at some point

    Because it absolutely can and most of the times does.

    nossaquesapao ,

    The original code never stops being free, but the code incorporated into a new project will be, so it's a misleading term to people unfamiliar with open source licensing, that may think the license somehow expires. Even the fsf doesn't use such terminology. They use reciprocal and nonreciprocal, because it translates the idea that gpl-like licenses create a relationship of reciprocity, and bsd-like ones create a relationship of non reciprocity.

    GravitySpoiled , (edited )

    I published some packages under MIT a couple of years ago. It is difficult to understand at first, I was happy with the license because anyone could use it like they want.

    Today, I understand that I want to use GPL. With GPL everyone can use the code like they want and I can use their code like I want.

    takeda ,

    For writing an application GPL is fine if you don't want anyone to profit from your work and if they make changes, contribute back.

    Things are a little bit more complex if you are writing a library or code that is meant to be included in another application.

    If you use GPL you might get rejected even by other open source applications, as GPL might be understandable as it will change license off the application or be outright incompatible.

    This was the case with cursor library after author changed license everyone stopped using it: https://github.com/GijsTimmers/cursor/commit/885156333ac9ca335a587b1dd08964074313f026

    The most ironic thing is that he created package from stack overflow answer:


    The original author never said they are releasing copyright or are making it public domain.

    ReveredOxygen ,
    @ReveredOxygen@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Isn't this why LGPL exists?

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    It is

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    if you don't want anyone to profit from your work

    Technically you can. There are two popular models: Lua model and RedHat model. In first you are paid to develop requeated features, in second for support.

    corsicanguppy ,

    Intel went ahead and used it to build Management Engine, arguably one of the most widespread and invasive pieces of malware in the world, without even as much as telling him.

    Is that arguable because it's complete bunk? You may as well say the same about IPMI.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    IPMI isn't required to boot regular desktop

    db2 ,

    Permissive licenses (commonly referred to as "cuck licenses")

    That's where I stopped reading. 👎

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    I mean, it’s funny for a couple of reasons

    sleen ,

    I guess they take things seriously even in a linuxmemes community

    anyhow2503 ,

    The joke in the OP stops at the beginning of the joke explanation. If you just share your honest opinion like that in a shitposting community, you can't expect everyone to "play along" with your "joke".

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    Memes are srs bidness.

    criss_cross ,

    Yeah I don't think I've ever heard that term before in my life and I've been doing this for a while.

    And I don't think I ever wanna hear it again.

    db2 ,

    It's a term Trump cultists use.

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