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2024 is going to be the beginning of the end of us all

No I’m not catastrophising.

The world is slowly lurching towards a fully fascist led America, India, Hungary, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Argentina.

Instead people are either ignorant or blaming “wokeism”* for their problems.

I have no clue what to do and this is literally a car crash in slow motion.

I’m despondent because I’m going to be crushed under the boot when the time comes and my morals get in the way of my survival instinct.

Humans are repeating the mistakes of the past. It’s just so anxiety inducing.

*Woke is a useless term promulgated by fascists to dog whistle the things they really want to hate - feminism, socialism, LGBTQIA+, immigration, brown/black people, equality and diversity.

TengoDosVacas ,

Even better is watching liberals ignore it and ban everyone who tells them to arm up to defend themselves. This is seen as "advocating violence" because they think that fascists will be nice to them if they are nice to fascists.

butt_mountain_69420 ,

Yeah, well, the dichotomy exists because of the inability of the average human to appreciate nuance. No surprise it's become a fucking shitshow.

Clent ,

It's interesting watching idiots like you thinking fascists will respect you for owning guns.

It's far more likely they'll murder you and your entire family in your own home for being perceived as a threat to their fascism.

It's the ones who won't fight back that survive.

VampyreOfNazareth ,

A bully apologist.

Clent ,

Where did I apologize?

My knowledge and ability to apply logic to a future scenario seems to have confused you as approving future scenario.

Based on this new knowledge, I can predict there is a 50/50 chance the fascists will successfully recruit you as a useful fool.

Morons are easy to brainwash.

VampyreOfNazareth ,

With that air of superiority, I think you will be the authoritarian.

Clent ,

Moving that prediction up to 80/20 in favor. Best you order yourself a pair of jackboots.

VampyreOfNazareth ,

Nah. It's plainly obvious.

TengoDosVacas ,

Looks like we found one of the first targets

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

It worries me too and I've been thinking a lot about margaritas, I've been sober for four years so its troubling thoughts of alcohol are creeping back in. I don't know what else to say. Need a hug?

Dagwood222 ,

Are you going to the meetings?

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

What fucking meetings? For my alcoholism or for my depression about the future?

...If there's any for the latter can I get a hookup?

FinalRemix ,

I think this is the meeting.

Zink ,

Hi everybody, my name is Zink @programming.dev and I am a democracyholic.

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Hi Zink

Dagwood222 ,


On line AA meetings. 24/7. The only requirement to go to AA is a desire to stay stopped. If you think your depression is going to make you drink, come talk about it.

Sonicdemon86 ,

AA is a Christian support group, if you don't believe in their God they won't help you.

Kirth ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Fish ,

    Yes it literally is. Or at the very least you have to "submit yourself to a higher power"

    LemmyHead ,

    That's one of the steps yeah. And it's recommended to follow all steps but nobody is forcing you. You can just go as you want and try to follow the other ones as much as possible. Also a higher power could mean different things if you're creative enough.

    Fish ,

    You're not wrong. I've been sober for a long time and no longer go to support groups. If AA helped you then that's fantastic. I just think that there should be an alternative that's not based on religion.

    LemmyHead ,

    Totally agree with that, but I've not found a decent one. So I'm glad that these ones are available because the NA one I'm joining is very supportive

    Kirth ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • lars ,

    As you understood it

    Literally “as we understood Him” which is even worse. It’s gaslighting to pretend that “as we understood Him” isn’t just religious but also Abrahamic.

    Dagwood222 ,

    If you look at the site I provided, you'll see that they have plenty of atheist/agnostic meetings [labelled 'secular.']

    They also have a lot of LGBTQ+ meetings, as well as men only and women only options.

    AA suggests people try to find a Higher Power of their own understanding.

    lars ,

    These are religious meetings for addicts and alcoholics. The atheist and agnostic meetings are well-meaning but they talk about gods even more than at the non-secular meetings.

    I am however delighted it works for you.

    Fish ,

    SMART Recovery is a non-Christian substance abuse support group. Though it can be difficult to find an in-person meeting because AA is so prevalent.


    LemmyHead ,

    I'm in NA meetings on discord. There's also a big God involved but just try to look besides that. They're open ans very welcome to anyone that wants to stop

    sharkfucker420 ,
    @sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml avatar

    Need a hug?

    Wish I could give one

    Harbinger01173430 ,

    How is Argentina fascist? The president is just trying to exterminate inflation

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Among other things, the "anarcho-capitalist" is privatizing state companies, okay, that tracks, but it's also something the Nazis did, and banning abortion and giving security forces more power.

    Wait a minute, banning abortion and giving cops more power?

    That's not something anarcho-capitalism supports!

    It's almost like, like every other ancap who gets power, he's just a lying fascist!


    Harbinger01173430 ,

    Sounds like: latin america bad

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    I can see how a liar would pretend to believe that.

    NaoPb ,

    I think it sucks when you are forced to save the environment but the rich don't have to change their lifestyle at all. They should be the first to have to change since they affect the environment a lot more.

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    They also have the means to install eco technology.

    bouh ,

    Guillotine is a solution. What aazes me is that they're living like it should be the only solution.

    TCB13 , (edited )
    @TCB13@lemmy.world avatar

    This is the result of the bullshit policies the left and far-left enacted for so long that made things go worse instead of better. Nobody would vote far-right if the left was delivering good results.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Neoliberals are right wingers.

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    They got in bed with corporations. I'm in a union, it's the best way to get a safer, better paid lifestyle. Local people talking local action. Centralisation is dog shit authoritarian.

    TCB13 ,
    @TCB13@lemmy.world avatar

    I'm not against anything you've just said.

    Dagwood222 ,

    I've been saying this since 2015.

    TengoDosVacas ,


    Dagwood222 ,

    I remember talking to a friend a few days after Trump declared. She told me that she didn't want to have to think about Donald trump, ever.

    Mr_Blott , (edited )

    Get your news from - Associated Press. Reuters. BBC News at a push. Nobody else.

    You'll find that, apart from a few major terrorist organisations like the IDF and the American armed forces, actually everything's pretty ok

    Edit - downvoted by people who don't realise that no matter how fucked up certain things are, our lives are a million times easier than they used to be. Yes, our world is a bit fucked up, but at least your biggest problem is some religious weirdos not accepting your sexualities fucksake. You've got fucking food and the shelter to endure the climate changes that your ancestors endured with sticks and furs 😂

    Oh, just realised that the downvoting might be because I said the American army are terrorists. But I can't think of a better noun for global destabilising criminals lol

    HandBreadedTools ,

    If only that were true. I can't speak for the world as a whole, but things are pretty bad in the US. As a whole, LGBTQ+, especially trans folks, are at the highest risk of being victimized in the last 50 years. Just a few months ago, about 15 miles away from where I live, a trans kid was lured by right wing extremists and murdered. They used Grindr to catfish him in a planned, coordinated action. They are on trial for it right now.

    I used that example to iterate how problems do exist in our personal communities. Anecdotes are not proof of larger societal trends, but the societal trends show it is a societal problem, too.

    Yes, the number in the article I linked is not large by itself, but it is important to remember they are nearly all people who were fully out and were not afraid to tell people it. Most trans people are either somewhat or entirely closeted for safety.

    UnderwaterSwift ,

    You think trans people today are more victimized than in the 70's+? Lol.

    You're delusional touch grass and talk to older people for some perspective. Lol go watch MILK or something

    HandBreadedTools ,

    In the 70's US, most people were entirely unaware of the subject. Violence against trans people absolutely occurred, and it was absolutely horrific, but the problems mostly stemmed from true ignorance. It was not like today where over 500 anti-trans bills were introduced this year to systematically harm, erase, and even hunt people for not identifying with what they were assigned at birth. With multiple organizations like the HRC declaring a state of emergency for trans people, yes, things today are undoubtedly more hostile than they have been in the past.

    Talk to older people

    How about you do that? I do quite frequently, in fact. From the events I've created or attended to celebrate trans identities, older trans people have exclusively expressed to me their fears for the growing hatred, and how it is unlike anything they have seen before. There are far more people that are accepting today than ever, yes, but there are also far more people who have so much extreme bigotry that they commit violence against trans people.

    UnderwaterSwift ,


    illectrility ,
    @illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Counter point: No it fucking isn't. Humanity is genuinely shitting the bed on multiple important issues. OP's worries are valid. If you think that the current situation is okay, then you're part of the problem. If it's not fascism, we still have climate change fucking us six ways to Sunday

    AA5B ,

    From the perspective of age, we’re always careening one direction to another one potential catastrophe to another. It’s never pretty in the short term, in the small details. However from the larger perspective, the direction of society approximates a middle of the road direction.

    For your own sanity, step back from the immediate details and see where we’re heading from a more safe distance

    Custoslibera OP ,

    How old do you think I am?

    I’m ancient by Lemmy standards.

    Age has made me more aware that most adults have no idea what they are doing but think they actually do by virtue that they’ve survived to their 40’s and beyond. This makes them incredibly dangerous.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    A bunch of you doomer ass clowns need to go read some Stoicism.

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    Nihilists have no future yet love commenting on it daily.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    I expected a stronger comeback. If you think resilient and focused people have no future, you are a very misguided person.

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    Nihilism is a violent mental disorder.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    Bad comeback. Reported.

    VampyreOfNazareth ,


    1984 , (edited )
    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    I don't feel this way because I don't watch the news.

    If you watch that stuff, you are doing exactly what they earn money on. You being anxious, you clicking, you worrying.

    You need to start focusing on your own life. Turn off that damn TV and stop watching news. What are you going to do next? Take a walk? Listen to music maybe? Watch a movie with friends? Eat cake?

    Take back control of your emotions. Spend a day without watching the news. Can you even do it? Or will you become too anxious and worried by not knowing what's happening?

    chiliedogg ,

    Yes. Let us eat cake.

    HandBreadedTools ,

    "it's not real if you just ignore it"

    Or even

    "They're just lying to you about it for views"

    I'm sorry to inform you, but the world is going through very rough times politically, especially the US. Many things are exaggerated, or even entirely fabricated, for views, but many things are not. Some of the worst stuff, however, is stuff that is never even covered by the news, like Project 2025 or the stuff happening in the Midwest/southeast states. Putting your head in the sand helps no one, even yourself.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    USA needs to go through rougher times, and probably even crippled to the point they ask Uganda for loans and get IMF'd by Africa. It has created rough, dark times for half the world.

    1984 ,
    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    So what difference does it make if you watch it? You gonna go vote and end it all?

    HandBreadedTools ,

    Believe it or not, you can do more stuff than just vote. However, you can do nothing about problems that you're unaware of, even if they're problems that affect you directly.

    1984 ,
    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    Like what exactly?

    I seriously don't think people have any power to change anything at all. The game is completely rigged. I understand that people want to have hope that things can get better, but I don't see any sign of that.

    I'm more like the guy who watches the titanic go down and enjoy the last year's before it sinks.

    Dagwood222 ,

    That only works if you live in a place with a reasonable leadership.

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    I blame puritan authoritarians. You know who you are.

    butt_mountain_69420 ,

    puritan authoritarians are always empowered by the stupid.

    phoenixz ,

    Just to give you a bit of a morale boost: every generation thinks they're the last ans that everything is about to go to shit. In the end that never really happens.

    Yes, a lot of right wing politicians have beek elected, also all previous ones have failed and got kicked out. For the Netherlands I predict the government will fall within a year as it typically tends to do when the leaders fuck up and this guy will likely fuck up soon enough.

    Basically, this too shall pass.

    Climate change is indeed a big cloud mainly because it will take centuries to fix even if we're going to fully dedicate ourselves to fixing it, which right now we are not. On the other end I finally hear about actual progress with fusion which, if true, may be the key to solving climate change within a century, solving it to acceptable levels within decades, if the will is there.

    Point is: things look bleak, but they always do. Back during the cold war it literally was same shit, different day. Yet, the world moved forward and things slowly improved.

    Things will be fine, you will be fine.

    lethargic_lemming ,

    Thanks, I guess part of being an adult is just being more and more indifferent to the gradual decline of the world so that the crippling dread does not consume you.

    Explains why my parents are still asking for grandkids.

    AA5B ,

    Not at all

    • with age comes the perspective of distance. Everything is in cycles but has a backlash to center and beyond. It’s not that bad
    • children are the hope for the future. They’re the reason we act to improve things. They’re the ones who will both benefit from a better world as well as help create it in ways we can’t imagine. Children today are better off in so many ways, and future children will be even more so.
    butt_mountain_69420 ,

    future children will be even more so.


    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    Well not with that attitude.

    monsieur_hackerman ,

    We should be more concerned about the attitude of the billionaires and the politicians they own.

    IndefiniteBen ,

    Your take on climate change makes me more worried. Sure, I will probably be fine, but how many innocent people around the world will die until we've done enough to see the climate improving?

    How horrible is the world going to be to inhabit if the Gulf Stream collapses? Or other major climate disruptions occur?

    I don't doubt the human race will survive, but why do we have to experience the pain before committing to fixing the problem?

    flambonkscious ,

    For your last comment, I think it's because pain is one of the only things that motivates us

    VampyreOfNazareth ,

    The wealthiest live right next to the beach.

    IndefiniteBen ,

    While I'd like to think the wealthiest would do something that would benefit everyone, they can just build walls, or move to higher ground.

    psud ,

    The poor tropics are especially screwed. Also all the cities on the coast

    And there's optimism in climate change, zeroing our carbon burn is straight forward. It wouldn't take a decade if we could agree on the sane path

    But we have pushed so much CO2 into the air, and so much heat into the sea we need to do better than zero. I'm pretty pessimistic

    superduperenigma ,

    Things often get a whole lot worse before they get better. People thought things were on the brink of turning to shit in the 1930s, and then we had a world war for 6 years. Tens of millions of people died, countless more were displaced, cities were leveled, and history was lost.

    I admire your optimism, but I can't ignore that the world and even my country specifically look more and more like a powder keg with every passing day. I'm terrified that we can't get to "fine" again without first suffering through an extremely dangerous period of time, and there's no guarantee that any of us will be "fine" during that time.

    psud ,

    We haven't had a world war since WW2. We haven't got two likely sides now. China owns too much of the West, Russia is no longer credible

    Custoslibera OP ,

    No things wont be fine. At least for me and many others anyway.

    I’m sorry you can’t see that yet.

    There is an underclass of angry, often white, men who are frustrated at their life and instead of directing their rage at the capitalist system, which is responsible for the position they are in, they’ve been told immigrants, socialism, feminism, LGBTQIA+ and brown people are the problem.

    They are now organising to make their fictional narrative reality and I will be crushed when this happens along with millions of others, like you, who thought this could never happen again.

    The tragedy is that those same men who think they’ll be empowered by fascists will be swept aside the moment they are no longer useful. They are victims to an extent too, just that they will have enacted violence and terror while being wrong.

    Freesoftwareenjoyer ,

    I will be crushed when this happens along with millions of others, like you, who thought this could never happen again.

    Be careful of the slippery slope fallacy.

    Custoslibera OP ,

    If they ever secure power my fate is basically sealed. I’ve accepted that.

    It’s not slippery slope to be clear eyed about reality.

    Freesoftwareenjoyer ,

    That's not certain and them getting absolute power also isn't.

    So to me it sounds a bit like the arguments that they like to use. Like:

    if we accept immigrants, they will slowly replace us and destroy the country

    Technically maybe that could happen, but there are many other things that could also happen and that you are failing to consider.

    Custoslibera OP ,

    If Modi, Trump, La Pen, Orban aren’t elected/reelected perhaps I’d change my view but I don’t have good reasons for thinking those things won’t happen.

    If you believe that if those people are elected and it won’t lead to more fascism then I’m not sure what to say.

    Jeknilah ,

    If they ever secure power my fate is basically sealed. I’ve accepted that.
    It’s not slippery slope to be clear eyed about reality.

    Well, I'm not sure which out-group you're a part of to conclude this. I don't think things are that bleak. For most of the out-groups being targeted, a coalition exists in the urban areas where they'll at least be tolerated. A bastion of progressives or people with common identities to rally around. It's hard to imagine places like NYC, LA, etc. otherwise.

    But this is why I hate politics. Everyone who organizes, screws around with power. I don't believe there's any "side" that will stand with me in a time of need, or any group to rally around. The only people who will stand for my interests is myself and the few people I can persuade. If you're this alone, the only thing you can really do is try not draw attention. Don't even bother voting.

    psud ,

    The most likely way I can see the fall of America is through a breakup of the federation. If you're in a bad state it could be bad

    _dev_null ,
    @_dev_null@lemmy.zxcvn.xyz avatar

    every generation thinks they’re the last ans that everything is about to go to shit. In the end that never really happens

    About 3.76% of the worlds population died due to WWII, or about 300MM people if scaled to today. For those people, the end really did happen.

    With NATO being threatened by a malicious US presidential candidate, along with Putin getting express approval to go ape by the same, I'm actually quite worried WWIII is more possible than ever in my adult life (I was only a child during the cold war).

    psud ,

    Nuclear war is no closer now than it was during the cold war. Everything then was on a hair trigger. Now it'll just take a psychopath in charge, and no one willing to ignore the order in the command structure

    griD ,


    Hey, at least we are fighting them this time! But sure, if system-wide changes are not coming, more people will fall into the hands of the fascists.

    FlashMobOfOne ,
    @FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

    There's nothing you can do, at least outside of your local community. It's still possible to be a decent human being and help people with your own two hands.

    At this point the only thing that would have stopped this would have been Joe Biden radically shifting to the left and laser-focusing on lifting the poor and middle class, to the extent that their new quality of life would make it unthinkable to vote Trump.

    Instead, the opposite is true. Biden's spent the bulk of his time making arms deals and funding other countries' wars, and homelessness jumped 12% in 2023. Hell, in a year half of the US will have literally criminalized abortion in all cases, because Idaho got away with it already.

    Fascism isn't some looming specter. It's here.

    Random_German_Name ,

    I am trying to transform my community into a stronghold of democracy, that is ready to defend itself. Works relatively fine so far.

    Titou ,

    history is repeating itself

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