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Taylor Swift is living every woman’s AI porn nightmare — Deepfake nudes of the pop star are appearing all over social media. We all saw this coming.

Taylor Swift is living every woman’s AI porn nightmare — Deepfake nudes of the pop star are appearing all over social media. We all saw this coming.::Deepfake nudes of the pop star are appearing all over social media. We all saw this coming.

partner0709 ,

Gcan we get some links?

Neil ,
@Neil@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm not saying she shouldn't have complained about this. She has every right to, but complaining about it definitely made the problem a lot worse.

jamyang ,

Streisand Effect or something.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Except she's the most famous woman in the country, a well-established sex symbol, and already the subject of enumerable erotic fantasies and fictions.

Its the same problem as "The Fappening" from forever ago. The fact that this exists is its own fuel and whether she chooses to acknowledge it or not is a moot point. Someone is going to talk about it and the news will spread.

Wytch ,
@Wytch@lemmy.zip avatar

This is something negative that can impact her not something negative she did that she'd like us to forget.

She oughta make a stink and put a spotlight on it if it's gonna hurt her image.

LeroyJenkins ,

she drew so much attention to it though that there are more news stories than actual images at this point. if you look for the images, you're gonna have to go through pages and pages of news articles about it at this point. not sure if it was intentional, but kinda worked...

dlok ,

This is probably a good thing even if real nudes leaked nobody would know if it's real

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

This a problem that doesn't just affect her though. Not discussing the problem means it doesn't get worse for her, but does continue to happen to other people.

Discussing it means it gets worse for her but there could be potentially be solutions found. Solutions that would help her and other people affected.

Worst case scenario is no solution is found, but the people making AI porn make more Taylor Swift AI porn which results in less resources being devoted towards making AI porn of other people. This makes things worse for Swift but better for other people.

TLDR; Taylor Swift is a saint and is operating a level that us petty sinners can't comprehend.

Kushia ,
@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Some of them are really good too, in a realistic sense. You can tell they are AI though.

werefreeatlast ,

I'm only here for the articles... anyone has the articles to "read" the real deal?

Evotech ,

At this point just bing it

Classy ,

Is this a Playboy joke

LeroyJenkins ,

no, jokes are another section. he's talking about the fine Playboy editorial pieces.

Classy ,

I know, I figured he was referencing that. The old "I only buy playboy for the articles"

Socsa ,

This shit is gross in general but she absolutely markets herself as a sex icon. I guarantee you she's not that upset about more free publicity.

books ,


grayman ,

Read up on her. She 100% portrays a product and sells that product. She knows what she's doing.

books ,


grayman ,

She's literally said that in interviews. She's super smart. She knows her persona is a product. That's not a jab. Every famous person that has a personal brand does this. Her brand just happens to be called the same as her name.

books ,

No I get that, but her personal or brand is not her getting fucked. Just because she is attractive and makes money playing music and shit doesn't mean that her brand is sex appeal

grayman ,

I didn't say anything about porn. But if you think she doesn't understand and leverage sex appeal... I just don't know what to tell you.

books ,

It sort of sounds like your argument is 'she was asking for it" which I don't necessarily agree with.

grayman ,

Huh... Ok. That's not what I meant.

Treczoks ,

She does have the money to sue every poster to kingdom come.

Zip2 ,

I’ll wait for Taylor’s version.

SlurpDaddySlushy ,

I wasn't expecting a joke this good. Thank you for that.

EatATaco ,

God what a garbage article:

On X—which used to be called Twitter before it was bought by billionaire edgelord Elon Musk

I mean, really? The guy makes my skin crawl, but what a hypocritically edgy comment to put into an article.

And then zero comment from Taylor Swift in it at all. She is basically just speaking for her. Not only that, but she anoints herself spokesperson for all women...while also pretty conspicuously ignoring that men can be victims of this too.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending non consensual ai porn in the least, and I assume the author and I are mostly in agreement about the need for something to be done about it.

But it's trashy politically charged and biased articles like this that make people take sides on things like this. Imo, the author is contributing to the problems of society she probably wants to fix.

jivandabeast , (edited )

hypocritically edgy comment to put into an article.

Its vice, their whole brand is edgy. Calling Elon an edgelord is very on brand for them.

pretty conspicuously ignoring that men can be victims of this too.

Sure, but women are disproportionately affected by this. You're making the "all lives matter" argument of AI porn

make people take sides on things like this

People should be taking sides on this.

Just seems like you wanna get mad for no reason? I read the article, and it doesn't come across nearly as bad as you would lead anyone to believe. This article is about deepfake pornography as a whole, and how is can (and more importantly HAS) affected women, including minors. Sure it would have been nice to have a comment from Taylor, but i really don't think it was necessary.

EatATaco ,

Its vice, their whole brand is edgy. Calling Elon an edgelord is very on brand for them.

I've come across this source before and don't recall being so turned off by the tone. If this is on brand for them, then my criticism is not limited to the author.

Sure, but women are disproportionately affected by this. You’re making the “all lives matter” argument of AI porn

You have a point, but I disagree. Black lives matter is effectively saying that black lives currently don't matter (mainly when it comes to policing). All lives matter is being dismissive of that claim because no one really believes that white lives don't matter to police. Pointing to the fact that there are male victims too is not dismissive of the fact that women are the primary victims of this. It's almost the opposite and ignoring males is being dismissive of victims.

People should be taking sides on this.

Sorry, wasn't clear on that point. What I was saying here is this will make people take sides based on their politics rather than on the merits of whether it's wrong in and of itself.

i really don’t think it was necessary.

Neither was her speaking for swift, nor all of women kind, nor only making it about women, nor calling musk an edge lord. You seem to be making the same argument as me.

Psythik ,

On the contrary, I find it more ridiculous when news media pretends like nothing is wrong over at Twitter HQ. I wish more journalists would call Musk out like this every time they're forced to mention Twitter.

EatATaco ,

Can you really see nothing other than "pretending nothing is wrong" and "calling musk an edge lord?"

I see the media calling out the faults regularly regularly without needing to act like ..well, an edge lord.

Psythik ,

Professionalism was thrown out the window the moment orange man became president. The Republicans play dirty, so everyone else has to as well, or else they'll walk all over us. Taking the high ground is a dead concept.

EatATaco ,

I strongly disagree, but this is completely unrelated to what I said.

Psythik ,

I have ADHD so I forgot what we were talking about even before I started commenting.

hedgehog ,

On X—which used to be called Twitter before it was bought by billionaire edgelord Elon Musk

I mean, really? The guy makes my skin crawl, but what a hypocritically edgy comment to put into an article.

How is that comment hypocritical?

aesthelete , (edited )

Had big "people calling people edgelords are the real edgelords" type vibes to it, which I'll file in the circular file right next to its cousin "people calling people racists are the real racists".

Edit: A couple of posts down the dude almost says that quote verbatim.

Maggoty ,

It's vice.

Powerpoint ,

I disagree. To pretend nothing is wrong is worse. The author was accurate in their description here.

EatATaco ,

This is the second poster here who can't seem to understand that there is a whole world of things between "pretending nothing is wrong" and acting like a child by calling people "edge lord."

Last time I checked, on my front page, there was an article from the NY times about how x is spreading misinformation and musk seems to be part of it. yet they managed to point out this problem without using the term edge lord. Is this shocking to you?

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Bet that whoever is doing it is either a hardcore neckbeard simp, or a butthurt conservative. They’re similar, but not the same.

nyan ,

Fake celebrity porn has existed since before photography, in the form of drawings and impersonators. At this point, if you're even somewhat young and good-looking (and sometimes even if you're not), the fake porn should be expected as part of the price you pay for fame. It isn't as though the sort of person who gets off on this cares whether the pictures are real or not—they just need them to be close enough that they can fool themselves.

Is it right? No, but it's the way the world is, because humans suck.

BreakDecks ,

Honestly, the way I look at it is that the real offense is publishing.

While still creepy, it would be hard to condemn someone for making fakes for personal consumption. Making an AI fake is the high-tech equivalent of gluing a cutout of your crush's face onto a playboy centerfold. It's hard to want to prohibit people from pretending.

But posting those fakes online is the high-tech, scaled-up version of xeroxing the playboy centerfold with your crush's face on it, and taping up copies all over town for everyone to see.

Obviously, there's a clear line people should not cross, but it's clear that without laws to deter it, AI fakes are just going to circulate freely.

EatATaco ,

AI fake is the high-tech equivalent of gluing a cutout of your crush’s face onto a playboy centerfold.

At first I read that as "cousin's face" and I was like "bru, that's oddly specific." Lol

Grimy ,

Yup, it's all the more frustrating when you take into account that social media sites do have the capability to know if an image is NSFW, and if it matches the face of a celebrity. Knowing Taylors fan base, they are probably quickly reported.

It's mainly twitter as well, and it's clear they are letting this go on to drum up controversy.

ook_the_librarian ,
@ook_the_librarian@lemmy.world avatar

Humans are horrible, but a main-stream social media platform should not be a celebration of it. People need to demand change and then leave if ignored. I seem to hear people demanding change. The next step has more impetus.

ExLisper , (edited )

Yeah, I'm sure next time she's looking for a job her potential employer will google her name and when he find this fake porn will not hire her. She will forever be haunted by this and her career and personal life will suffer. You know, every woman's nightmare.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

You clearly don’t get it, and might be beyond understanding any explanation.

ExLisper ,

Same to you my friend, same to you.

Tangent5280 ,

I think @ExLisper is saying Taylor swift is not living other women's porn nightmare - other women need to worry about career impacts and the effect on their capability to earn money and support their families, which taylor, being the industry powerhouse and billionaire she is, need not be really concerned by.

The same way every other issue affects different classes of society differently.

ExLisper ,

Exactly. She also doesn't have to worry that the guy she's dating saw it and will dump her or that her co-workers saw it and are spreading rumours at work. She has to worry about her multimillion dollar brand which is something other women don't really have issues with. It's terrible for her but to claim that she somehow represents other woman in this is ridiculous.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Aaaah. So she’s not a victim then. Glad you could clear that up.


stephen01king ,

Good job with your reading comprehension. Give yourself a pat in the back, please.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

The victim’s financial status doesn’t make it less harmful because the victim can afford led to take a hit.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Yes, yes it does.

It doesn't make it right to target rich people, and it doesn't diminish the harm she feels from the act, but it does mean she doesn't suffer as much as others would be suffering as a whole when you consider all other indirect impacts.

Coreidan ,

Ya yuge nightmare being a billionaire must be. Poor rich person

GilgameshCatBeard ,

So you’re saying that the more wealth a person has, the more they deserve crimes against them? Come one know kid. Do you really want to think this way?

MJKee9 ,

That's not their point and you know it. Get your bad faith debating tactics out of here.

She isn't living "every woman's nightmare" because a woman without the wealth and influence Taylor has might actually suffer significant consequences. For Taylor, it's just a weird Tuesday. For an average small town lady, it might mean loss of a job, loss of mate, estrangement from family and friends... That's a nightmare.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

So she’s less a victim because she’s wealthy? My god you people can justify anything, can’t you?

Tangent5280 ,

That is exactly it. She will suffer less compared to someone else this might have happened to, an dif you define victimhood on a spectrum, she's less victim than Housewife Community leader preschool teacher Margaret from Montana.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Gross dude. Very gross. Blocking you now as someone who thinks the wealthy can’t be victimized can’t possibly have anything of value to contribute.

Do better.

stephen01king ,

The guy said less victimized and you conclude he meant cannot be victimized. Can you be any more stupid?

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Since you have nothing worthwhile to say, I’m going to go ahead and block your annoying ass.

stephen01king ,

Lol, can't even bother to address such a simple point, so pathetic.

MJKee9 ,

You just keep shifting your argument to create some sort of sympathy. I guess. No one says a rich person isn't a victim. The point is is being a victim as a wealthy and influential woman like Taylor is a lot different than being a victim in a working class context. If you disagree with that, then you're either being intellectually dishonest or living in a dream world.

Even the law agrees. It's a lot harder as a celebrity to win a defamation lawsuit than it is being a normal person. You typically have to show actual malice. Frankly, that's the legal standard that would probably apply to any lawsuit involving the deep fakes anyway.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

The wealth of the victim doesn’t change the crime.

MJKee9 ,

It's not a crime.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

So, creating nude AI deepfakes isn’t a crime? Then there’s no victims at all. What’s everyone talking about then?

MJKee9 ,

It can't be a crime unless there is a criminal statute that applies. See if you can find one thst applies.

GilgameshCatBeard ,

So there’s no victims. Rich or poor. Why is this a problem?

MJKee9 ,

Your response doesn't logically respond to my comment. It attempts to reframe the argument by setting up a "strawman," and shows that you fail to understand (or choosing to ignore because it doesn't support your new reframed argument) the difference between civil and criminal law in the United States.

sayitghoul ,

She can dry her tears with her millions

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Butthurt jealousy is always cringy. Funny. But still cringy.

Mango ,

Nightmare? Doesn't it simply give them the chance to just say any naked pic of them is fake now?

TwilightVulpine ,

Oh I'm sure that must be a very nice thing to talk out with your mother or significant other.

"Don't worry they are plastering naked pictures of me everywhere, it's all fake"

Mango ,

Have you met my mom? She would 100% love the fact that people are trying to see her naked.

TwilightVulpine ,

Good for her, but a lot of mothers are less enthusiastic of seeing their children like that

Mango ,

So don't look. Just know that it's more likely to be fake.

TwilightVulpine ,

Social media is not known for keeping things contained.

Mango ,

It's also not known for making you have to use it.

TwilightVulpine ,

Today? I wouldn't say that so confidently (on Lemmy even). People working in media and marketing do have to use it. Even if they aren't in it, it doesn't mean they are immune to such a thing happening, or that people they know won't stumble on it.

Mango ,

This people wouldn't have personal contacts there. It's besides the point.

TwilightVulpine ,

It's incredibly common for people not on social media to have friends and family member who are on social media.

Mango ,

If they're looking at my deepfake nudes, oh well. If they're looking at my real nudes, I'm calling them deepfake anyhow. Oh well.

TwilightVulpine ,

What you call them might not change how others treat you for it.

Mango ,

Well fuck those others. Should we make a law banning bananas because I'm gonna punch you when I see them?

TwilightVulpine ,

Most people wouldn't punch you because of a banana but most people would judge you for appearing in porn. However much you might say "fuck them", the one most likely to get fucked, ironically enough, is you. There are people who get fired over it. It's bad enough to be treated in such way if you choose to engage in it, it's even worse if you didn't even actually do it.

I guess the situation is more like someone dangling a banana between you and the guy who's likely to punch you.

Mango ,

Yeah well if you fire me for my porn, I'm gonna make deepfakes of you. "Most people" are gonna learn.

TwilightVulpine ,

You might also just end up getting sued by your former boss on top of getting fired.

You gotta be pretty invested in it to think the solution to deepfake porn is more deepfake porn and that everybody is going to just accept it.

Mango ,

Deepfake porn isn't the problem. Assholes attacking each other is the problem. Do you think you can contain the technology instead? Lol. You can't. So instead, we have to figure out what to do about it.

My former boss will have to prove it was me.

TwilightVulpine ,

Deepfake porn IS an attack. It is itself a form of harassment, if you are doing it with images of people who didn't consent to it.

Technology is not immune to laws either. We aren't in the 90s wild west anymore, it has been made more than clear that laws apply to the internet too. Even new laws, if needed.

This is not even something unique to the computers. The advent of cameras led to new laws, and so will AI.

My former boss will have to prove it was me.

Sure sounds like someone doing completely innocent things. Just wholesome tech enthusiast behavior.

Mango ,

My deepfake porn can't hurt anyone, but an employer having decision power to cut off people's stability can. You've decided your dignity matters more than me eating. You can go die in a fire now.

TwilightVulpine ,

So you choose that the way to make them pay is to inflict deepfake porn upon them? Sounds like you can see how that can hurt just fine.

Meanwhile, what about someone who got deepfake porn without even get involved in the situation and got fired for it? They could very well say that the AI guy decided getting their rocks off mattered more than their dignity or eating.

Mango ,

No, making the deepfake porn of them is the obvious way to prove that it's possible and likely that I didn't actually appear in porn myself. Idk how you think it's just some kind of attack rather than a way to cast a shadow of doubt. Probably you're just stupid.

TwilightVulpine ,

Why would it even matter to "prove deepfake is possible"? It's not any less humilliating for the person, and it's not any less of a PR issue for any business. Hoaxes can cause about as much harm as real compromising information, if they are spread far enough.

Every single insult you add I'm more convinced you just don't care about people beyond your ability to whack off for whoever you feel like.

Mango ,

You just can't wrap your head around the concept can you? You think people's imaginations are damaging rather than the fact of the choices you dignity people make. The harm is done by you people. If you fire someone over shit that's made up, that's a you issue. If you can't believe that it's made up despite the same being done with your own likeness conflicting with your memory, then you're just stupid. If you're business fails because you're chasing people away, that's your fault. What random shit the other 8 billion people are communicating to each other on the Internet can only hurt you if you decide to do the damage yourself.

Get over yourself.

TwilightVulpine ,

Shit that's made up based on someone else affects the person who's it based on. This is a basic concept that you are sure to have seen if you have a minimum of real world experience. It's not even like you could pass deepfake as parody, when the point is making it seem real. Not everyone will be able to know it's not real, and it will still be humilliating regardless. Pretending it's so easy to be unaffected by lies and harassment is hollow grandstanding. I can only assume nothing of the sort ever happened to you for you to act so nonchalant about it.

This isn't even about me, but you can't get yourself to think of anyone else, can you?

Mango ,

What's the mechanism of the deepfake affecting you? Oh right, garbage people with influence over you that they shouldn't have.

Get over yourself and cut the umbilical cord.

Mongostein ,

Can I see your mom naked?

Mango ,

Shoot your shot. Why should I give a shit?

Mongostein ,

Nice, send me her OF

Mango ,

I doubt she has one. Also I haven't talked to her in years and I'm not about to start now.

Drewelite ,

Well if they think that's your fault they're pretty shitty

TwilightVulpine ,

Yeah, but it's still humilliating for everyone involved, nevermind the additional harassment that might bring.

Frankly, folks saying "everyone will just start assuming all porn is fake and nobody will mind it anymore" are just deluding themselves. I dunno if they want it to turn out like this so they won't have to worry about the ethics of the matter, but that's not how people behave.

Socsa ,

Is your mother like under the impression that you are a virgin or something? My mother knows where my kids came from.

TwilightVulpine ,

My mother wouldn't be thrilled to see it happening. Would yours?

Socsa ,

Shed likely have a good laugh, because she is not a prude. If she was, I'd care less about what she thinks.

Siegfried ,

An Argentine candidate got filmed while being allegedly stoned, so "someone" released an even worst video that was clearly fabricated by an AI to disprove the first one. It kind of worked

whoisearth ,
@whoisearth@lemmy.ca avatar

I think more politicians should get stoned. Like drugs stoned.

Mango ,

How does video indicate someone is stoned?

agitatedpotato ,

In my mind I'm imagining its a video of him making a cream cheese sandwich between two strawberries pop tarts because thats how I always knew my buddy was stoned.

Mango ,

Bro I'm don't and I want that.

faultyproboscus ,

I'm don't

You sure you're not?

Mango ,
Siegfried ,

Usually when you see rock flying towards someone...

Kidding. I dont know if stoned was the right word, but he looked like* being under the influence of some substance. Then people started saying it was coke.

Strange movements, the jaw moving periodically and in a akward position, looking very atentive with the eyes wide open.. I dont have experience with anything of this and im not saying that he was under the influence of something, but those are the things that made the public opinion decide that he was doing coke.

*according to the opinión of the populace

Edit: we call it the Maradona stance

Mango ,

Fair enough. It'd be worse if he was sober and acting that way.

ramjambamalam ,

See also: Ford, Rob

ComradeKhoumrag ,
@ComradeKhoumrag@infosec.pub avatar

The only sensible course of action is to deep fake nudes of all our old grody ass relatives until everyone feels desensitized towards being naked

Dariusmiles2123 ,

At least now, if pictures are real, you can say it’s AI generated.

Still, to be honest, I’ve never understood how some people can let one night stands film them naked.

If it’s a longtime girlfriend or boyfriend and they betray you, it’s different, but people aren’t acting in a clever way when it comes to sex.

interdimensionalmeme ,

There's nothing wrong with recording your naked body and it being seen online by willing persons.

The people who would disrespect you for it, they're the problem.

Dariusmiles2123 ,

That’s not what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about not being careful who you’re giving these images if you don’t want them to spread online. And, of course, the person sharing it on the web is the guilty person, not the naked victim.

TwilightVulpine ,

Well, this very situation shows one can be as careful as they could and they might still have porn of themselves spread everywhere.

Dariusmiles2123 ,

Yeah it’s true.

But at least it’s not your real intimacy this time.

Still I understand how traumatic it can be, especially for young people.

stown ,
@stown@sedd.it avatar

Well, you don't have that many brain cells in the areas people are doing that thinking.

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