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bstix , (edited )

The advantage is folding.

When folded at the middle it becomes the next size.

So if you have an A4 paper but don't have the proper C4 envelope, you can fold the paper in half and put it in a C5 envelope. This is standard.

Let's then imagine that you don't have a C5 envelope either, but only have the remaining Christmas card envelopes, which are C6. So you just fold your paper one more time at the middle and it'll fit again.

Also, the area of A0 is 1 square meter. You probably don't nornally have an A0 paper around, but that doesn't matter, because you can take 8 pieces of A3 or 16 pieces of A4 papers, tape them together and it'll be A0.

Now it isn't actually a square meter. It's the same area, but it's not square. No, the length and width makes the golden fucking ratio. This might be irrelevant for a legal document, but it's pretty neat if you want to make a nice drawing.

Paper come in reams. Reams come in boxes. Boxes come on pallets.
The paper boxes fit perfectly on a pallet in both length and width, so the layers of boxes can be placed either way in an interlocked pattern. This is mostly a box design thing though. American paper also fit on American pallets, but without the connection through the sizes, you cannot make a pallet with mixed sizes and expect it to fit.

Forgot to add: the real beauty isn't the paper size. It's simply having a standard. Cans and bottles and lots of stuff follow similar metric standards. It's possible to mix everything and still make it fit snuggly on a euro pallet.

bstix ,

This might be pedantic, but the use of the word "need" pisses me off more than the unrealistic requirement. It's so needy.

bstix ,

That's not exactly the take I was expecting, but alright.

The person who posted it is apparently addicted to abusing other peoples labour. Now, as a labour dealer, I can't provide them with one guy with 10 years experience. That's too high of a dose.

However, if they're willing, I can probably find 10 guys with 1 year experience, but the price is going to be 10 times the going rate, because that's how much it'll cost me to hire and manage those 10 people off fiver.

Am I cutting the shit? Go find another dealer then. It's not my "need". That's a "your problem".

bstix ,

It's more than yes/no to fascism.

In a democratic political party you can influence the politics democratically. In a fascist party: Not possible.

The country does not need to hit rock bottom before it can improve. It can be changed democratically from within if you allow it to by voting for anything but the party that will take away that possibility.

bstix ,

How do you think a political party comes up with ideas in the first place?

bstix ,

Just write the salary already. Does it include pension?

bstix ,

To be fair, he didn't. It was his army that did it and I'm pretty sure they too had trouble getting motivated on Monday mornings.

bstix ,

Do this lot of people vote?

bstix ,

I wish it was possible to vote strongly enough for gerrymandering to be irrelevant.

Another 51% win for Biden will certainly trigger another violent inssurection attempt and another 4 years of inaction.

The best outcome would be a landslide victory if only to show the republican voters that their ideas are not supported by the general public.

bstix ,

Just listen to the word. Busy with what?

bstix ,

Optometrists are behind this. When you turn mid fourties they'll politely but sternly ask you to consider spectacles with progressive correction. It will make the world just as curvy as they want you to see it.

bstix ,

Multiplication of x times 6:

x * 6 = 1/2 x * 10 + x

This can sometimes be a shortcut for numbers that are easier to divide by 2 than to multiply by 6.

Take half as tens and add the number.

6 * 6 = 30 + 6 = 36

8 * 6 = 40 + 8 = 48

150 * 6 = 750 + 150 = 900

320 = 1600 + 320 = 1920


Sleep well.

bstix ,

Exactly. Multiples of 5 are easy enough in my opinion, but the principle can be used for all kinds of stuff when trying to calculate quickly.

For instance 9x =10x-x is usually faster than 9x (at least for my brain).

I once talked to an old guy who called it "little math", because it fits in your head instead of having to use paper and pencil at the desk. It must have been taught differently before I was born. I work with numbers, and I've often encountered these old geezers who can eyeball a number close enough to make a decision before I can boot my pc and put everything through Excel.

bstix ,

Looks like a turning point.

Renault, VW and Hyundai have also increased their EV sales considerably in 2024 so far, while Tesla is moving down the lists.

So it's not just Chinese cars taking over due to artificial low pricing. I think consumers are getting more comfortable with EVs in general. Tesla no longer have the advantage of being "first" or long range or being perceived as exclusive luxury or whatever drove them to the top in the first place.
Their design also looks pretty dated by now in my opinion.

bstix ,

It's based on an increased company value. I suppose he will gladly pay it back when the company loses value too. Right?

bstix ,

The challenge is to not do whatever the optimal algorithm says. If they simply did what an algorithm says, it would be very easy for competitors to predict.

bstix ,

Then I wonder how many people have access to rope and why hanging doesn't dominate the statistic.

bstix ,

A gun doesn't magically kill. It simply makes a hole in the place that is shot. The person might die from having a hole in the body.

It's messy, it hurts and it takes a while to die from.

There's a reason why death sentences aren't done using guns.

bstix ,

Ok, I'd say: Education and democratic involvement.

You sleep in the bed that you make.
People don't shit where they sleep.

When people make the laws, people won't break the laws.

bstix ,

Hand Made also isn't something I want from food anyway.

Please use the utensils.

bstix ,

I let them be.

Spiders are cool in the way that you always have the same mass of spiders in your house.

You either have a lot of small ones or a few big ones. You can disrupt the balance of sizes by killing the big ones or by vacuuming the small ones, but at the end of the week the mass stays the same.

I'd be more worried if I didn't have spiders in my home. That only happens in environments that are also unsuitable for humans.

bstix ,

if the workers are taken care of.

Yes that's basically the problem. Consumption always has a base level. People need to eat even if they can't afford to. There's no base level income to ensure that it is possible.

The problem with uncurbed capitalism is that it doesn't solve this issue. Eventually people won't be able to afford the products and the only solution for capalism is to cut costs further, spiraling endlessly.

This is also why government subsidies to companies do not work. The money ought to be given to the consumers instead.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • bstix ,

    It's amazing that it has existed for so long and investors still don't understand why the users go there in the first place.

    bstix ,

    It wasn't the same as a handyman.
    The title "useful man" was for a servant who'd never actually serve the master.

    Today it'd be a "runner" or some kind of "assistant to the assistant"

    bstix ,

    It's probably lower, right, but I'd generally be careful of using inflation as guidance on what wages ought to be.

    If wages are tied to inflation through an agreement it can be more difficult to get actual raises based on increased performance or skill, because "you already got a raise!" (pointing at the percentages).

    However an inflation based raise is not really a raise. It's just keeping the money at the same value as it was before.

    The right to negotiate is more important than getting a inflation adjusted wage.

    bstix ,

    Unfortunately arguments also don't work very well. People only change their mind when their mind changes. They basically have to figure it out themselves. No amount of external arguments can ever do that.

    The way to encourage people to change their minds is simply to question them until they start thinking about the topic, and then give them access to information.

    bstix ,

    I'd probably start much simpler. "Why do you think the earth is flat?"

    bstix ,

    It's not necessarily as simple as actual mutual hatred. That only explains a fraction of his votes.

    His voters want to believe that if something is okay for the president, then it's okay for them, even if it's not.

    All his voters have "bone spurs" of some kind, so they want to enable people with "bone spurs", and vote for Mr.Bone Spurs, even if trump would gladly fire someone for having "bone spurs".

    They hate everyone else and he hates everyone else, so they feel represented, even if he hates them. What good has he ever done for the demographic that voted for him and paid his bills? Absolutely nothing.
    It's one big ass grift.

    That also turns it into a sunken cost fallacy for a lot of them. They lie to themselves, because they're too vain and afraid to face their mistake. The extremism plays into this as well. Once you cross a point of what is normal morality, it gets considerably harder to walk back from there.

    If Trump really hates immigrants, then why does he keep hiring them at Mar-a-Lago? The answer is simple: money. He has absolutely no interest in cutting off the supply of cheap workers. The extremely expensive wall construction also didn't work in any meaningful way.

    The only thing he did successfully was to rile up a lot of angry people just to collect their money.

    bstix ,

    New parents needlessly take both pride and worry in when their child manages to walk. The short answer is : if you child can't walk at age 18, they may never move out.

    bstix ,

    That's what the lyrics are about anyway.

    bstix ,

    A friend of mine has that one. I was a little surprised to see that the telescope ladder is the exact same as the cheapest one in a discount hardware store. I wonder how much it costs at Audi..

    bstix ,

    Maybe he was killed because an acorn dropped on some chariot. You never know.

    bstix ,

    I remember reading about how investigations into the translations of the Bible support the gay Jesus. (Disclaimer I'm not gay, so I have no affiliated interest in promoting gayness, I just find it historically interesting).

    "Washing feet" was a actually a mistranslation of some kind of general "servicing" that had several meanings, including cock sucking or accepting being bottom. Jesus "washed a lot of feet", but one thing is certain: It didn't mean literally washing feet. That part was definitely made up according to the people who looked into it.

    Anyway, it's been thousands of years and learning of how cultures and acceptance of certain things can change rapidly, I wouldn't be surprised.

    Keep in mind that Romans were also at war with the Greek shortly before the alleged time of Jesus. We know that the ancient Greeks practiced gay sex not just casually, but even expectedly.
    The Romans did not. The empire had an expansion strategy that looked a lot like the Nazis Third Reich: Expansion by breeding.

    Personally I find it likely that historical Jesus was killed for a whole lot of other reasons than for claiming to be the king of Jews or for betrayal of the state, and he sure as fuck did not die "for our sins".

    bstix ,

    It's still a fair question, because talent is quite often limited by the tools.

    bstix ,

    Einstein didn't use a pencil. He used a fountain pen. I know that because someone asked him.

    Albert Einstein used both a Pelikan 100 N and a Waterman Taper-cap Fountain Pen which he used to develop the Theory of Relativity. The Waterman pen is on display at the Boerhaave Museum in Leiden.

    bstix ,

    In the case of Michelangelo it is a relevant question though.

    At the time it was seemingly impossible to create these kinds of statues using conventional sculpturing techniques. If you try to chisel these shapes in large blocks off marble it would absolutely break in unintended places from chiseling.

    Had he used a special tool, then that would have been the simple explanation.

    He didn't use special tools though, so having him confirm that he did indeed use a regular round chisel (and a rasp) is crucial to understanding how it was done.

    The confirmation is the key information to even start thinking of the follow-up question "how the hell did you do that then?"

    Answering "bro, it's my talent" is of very little use to anyone.

    From studying his unfinished works historians have been able to figure it out. He used knowledge of counter weight. By leaving large parts of the marble block untouched until the end he managed to balance the marble so that it would not break unintentionally.

    A curious fact is that he always kept his unfinished works secret or covered. Nobody was allowed to see it before he was done. He intended to keep his technique secret.

    bstix ,

    His face tells me everything I need to know.

    bstix ,

    They've been trying to make people sign up this for a while. Their drivers are pretty much malware that attempts to trick the user to sign up.

    I doubt that it is a successful model for HP. They don't offer anything other than a stupid way to pay. Who the hell wants that.

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