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FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I don't know anything about this Pizzacake person, but I don't think this specific comic is any worse than the average newspaper gag strip, except they wouldn't tackle a subject like this. It didn't make me laugh, but I also wouldn't call it awful. I'd definitely read this over literally any Dilbert strip ever.

ILikeBoobies ,

Dilbert is just proletariat office life

ColdWater ,
@ColdWater@lemmy.ca avatar

Uhhh what is going on in the comments? Who is Pizzacakecomic? And why almost everyone here hate them?

Maven OP ,
@Maven@lemmy.world avatar

Pizzacake is a popular comic artist over on Reddit. She gained popularity mostly because she is extremely active in the comments of all of her posts. She is constantly chatting and attempting to make friends.

As for why she is disliked, there's a few reasons.

The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn't actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.

Another is that she won't stop talking about how people who don't like her are sexist. She's made multiple comics about how her critics don't read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.

Her jokes also tend to be the easiest possible punchline for every joke. this has a kinda weird double effect because it means that her comics are extremely applicable to most people because they are generic enough that you can fit most of them into most situations. On the flip side, if you don't like one the comics... You probably won't like any of them... They're all similar enough to be mostly indistinguishable other than the topic itself. along that same train of thought, if you like one... You'll probably like them all.

As for my own opinion, I don't really care one way or the other. She's fine. I've heard accusations of her paying for likes on Reddit for promoting her own comics and so on but honestly I haven't seen any proof myself so I can't confirm or deny any of those.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn’t actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.

Sexism is so rampant on Reddit that saying "I'm a woman" and getting bombarded by creeps and freaks is trivial. Less a commentary on her, specifically, and more on the degenerate nature of the community.

She’s made multiple comics about how her critics don’t read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.

She's producing liberal political comics, and she's a woman, so the chuds will be out in full force screaming at her.

At a certain point, though, its just...


She’s fine.

She's very clearly low effort. The art is flat, the comedy is mid, the political edginess is ten years out of date.

I wonder if Netflix will be signing her any time soon.

Jivebunny ,
@Jivebunny@lemmy.world avatar

Now this is cake.

Maven OP ,
@Maven@lemmy.world avatar

The art being flat as a way of saying it's low effort is an argument I genuinely don't understand. Comics are all low effort art wise... That's part of the whole thing.

Comics historically have been the lowest quality you can get away with since they have to be put out every day for the newspaper. I know XKCD does more than 1 thing but the art style is literally stick figures and they're one of the most popular web comics.

You may not like the art but I would call it a mediocre art style more than a low effort one.

Everything else I fully agree with. She gets the (unfortunately) normal amount of hate a woman gets online for being a woman. Which is why I made sure to do italics for it when I said lot. She tends to get significantly more support than hate in pretty much everything she does either way.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Comics are all low effort art wise…

I strongly disagree. Plenty of comics have some very high quality and detailed art. Other comics really evolve over time, from the more basic sketches to these fully realized complex images, as the artists themselves improve. Still others are sloppy-but-ambitious, with these poorly conceived but legitimately daring efforts at capturing visuals.

I know XKCD does more than 1 thing but the art style is literally stick figures and they’re one of the most popular web comics.

XKCD is a great example of raw ambition in art. They routinely do shit with flash or with clever perspective tricks or panel gags that leverage a relatively simple style into something more. Case in point:

Perspective, emotion, action, comedy, a very well-established cast of characters from simplistic visuals. All from stick-figures. There was some real thought put into this.

Maven OP ,
@Maven@lemmy.world avatar

Oh I'm definitely not saying anything negative about XKCD. I LOVE those comics. My point is simply that even stick figures can make good comics.

It's fine if you don't like the art as art tends to be subjective. I just don't think her art is any lower than any other average web/newspaper comic.

systemglitch , (edited )

She loves antagonizing those who don't like her comics and often doubles down for extra Reddit upvotes.

From my casual observations, she seems like a messed up person who could use a lot of self care. But to be fair, I don't think anyone taking nude photos on only fans is in a good mental state.

yuriy ,

Onlyfans is a great side hustle, don’t hate on sex work. I think being a professional youtuber is a stupid way to make money, but I’m not going to imply that everyone who does it is mentally ill.

feedum_sneedson ,

I think hate is strong word, but personally I don't think it's great. Commodification of the flesh is always a bit upsetting, whatever the context.

yuriy ,

I think it can be rather empowering when you’re the one in charge of your own commodification. Sex work really can be a sticky wicket, people being taken advantage of and whatnot. Onlyfans is probably the easiest way for someone to sell their own image without being directly taken advantage of, and whether it suits your tastes or not I think that’s really positive.

Full disclosure, I’m pretty heavily biased for this site specifically. I helped a past SO run an onlyfans and we split the income, it was really wild being a young couple who could afford things. As a side hustle it’s amazing supplemental income, as long as you’re not the jealous/narcissist type.

feedum_sneedson ,

Yeah, that's fine, I just personally disagree with you. No big deal.

yuriy ,

hell yeah man, thank you for the discourse!

ILikeBoobies ,

Famous Redditor for being a girl, every comic will be on the front page of Reddit despite never being exceptional

Also makes a ton of comics about how any criticism around her comics is made because she’s a woman in a man’s world

I’d rather their comics not make their way here but I’ll just ignore them

Floshie ,

What's dark autumn anyway

drislands ,

I think it means the natural colors of your body (skin, hair, eyes) are best complemented by "dark autumn" colors, so dark reds/oranges.

Vespair ,

I guess I'm fine with pizzacake's awful zero-punchline comics being here on Lemmy, I just hope her stupid cult doesn't follow and this community doesn't turn into some pizzacake safe fan space where you literally aren't allowed to say anything that isn't directly kissing her ass, like /r/comics.

CurlyMoustache ,
@CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar


Vincent ,

It would get boring if we get comments like this (i.e. that say nothing about the particular comic posted) underneath every comic though :/

Vespair ,

I'm talking about the creator, relevant, and specifically referring to this particular comic (as well as their others) as awful and without a punchline, so that doesn't feel like nothing about the topic to me.

Negativity is a valid opinion and negativity isn't the same as incivility (and thus shouldn't be prohibited)

magnusrufus ,

There is a punching in this comic.

Vespair ,

There really isn't. The "punchline" here is predicated on the idea that the reader will assume the character will react with transphobia, as if transphobia is the default reaction, but if you don't assume that reaction either because that's not your worldview or you're familiar enough with the creator to understand the context of their work, then there is nothing left to serve as a punchline. I won't say "virtue signaling" because that's a stupid phrase and frankly there is legitimately some value to the signaling of virtue in the first place anyway (especially when said signal is one of welcoming to a disenfranchised community like our trans brothers and sisters), but the only "joke" here is pandering. It's "hey you expected me to be awful but I'm actually incredible!!," and that's not a punchline.

edit: typos

magnusrufus ,

It is really a punchline. Also it isn't predicated on the reader's reaction being transphobia. The reader could simply be aware that transphobia exists and is a common reaction to the familiar situation she depicted. You don't need to self insert as literally one of the characters in the comics you read. She isn't saying that you are transphobe or that she is incredible. She is making a comment about how parents and society's reaction to a trope situation is changing.

Vespair ,

I didn't say the reader, I said the character. She isn't making any "comment" about anything here; acknowledging a situation exists is not inherently making commentary on it nor injecting humor into it. This is at best pandering, at worst pandering with an appetizer of rage-baiting.

Do I hate this? No. Is it evil? No. Do I hate pizzacake? No. Do I even object to this awful non-punchline comic being posted here? No. The only thing I object to is the bullshit special treatment and kid gloves certain creators on the other site received for no worthwhile reasons, and am preemptively sounding the alarm that we should be wary that such behavior does not seep over here too.

Point being, if you enjoy this comic, punchline or not, that is okay. I'm not really interested in further spending time arguing the merits or non-merits of the work of somebody I'm not interested in with you, so if you still wish to argue that there is some deep commentary or punchline to be found here, I hope we simply land on agreeing to disagree on the topic.

magnusrufus ,

That doesn't ring true. It is clearly a punch line, easily identified by both of us. You just don't like it. You find it weak and bland like you do most of her work.

Vespair ,

I find it doesn't meet my standards for a punchline, if that's what you're trying to say, yes.

magnusrufus ,

It doesn't meet your standard for a funny punchline. It is clearly a punchline though. It's a weird mischaracterization to say that this comic is without a punchline.

Vespair ,

My friend, I do not agree with you.

magnusrufus ,

Or with the definition of a punchline.

Vincent ,

I didn't say anything about negativity or prohibitions; all I'm saying is that apparently you feel that this comment would be appropriate underneath every comic by this author, which would certainly not make for an interesting comments section.

Vespair ,

Nor would a cacophony of praise, but at least one of the two presented options would be authentic

Vincent ,

True, but I wasn't calling for a blind cacophony of identical praise either.

TheOctonaut ,

They're already deleting comments and organising "boosts". Genuinely bizarre.

Squirrel ,
@Squirrel@thelemmy.club avatar

They do that on Reddit? I definitely remember seeing criticism of her unfunny comics practically every time.

Pratai ,

Yep. I got banned from r/comics for saying she’s not funny.

vegantomato ,
@vegantomato@lemmy.world avatar

What is that, size 41?

Skates ,

"you're a dark autumn" is the edgiest I've ever heard someone talk to anyone else, unless they were literally discussing with an actual season. What the fuck?

platypus_plumba ,

I think she's talking about the color of the dress... (?)

Nelots ,
@Nelots@lemm.ee avatar

"Dark Autumn" is just one of 12 color palettes designed to look good with certain eye/hair/skin colors. Seasonal Color Analysis is like a whole thing. It's not supposed to be edgy.

feedum_sneedson ,


JCreazy ,

I blocked pizzacake on Reddit because the comics are terrible and now I have to look at them here.

force ,

I feel like if you're on a comic strip community you should expect to see various comic strips even from artists you don't like, no? Just block the community or filter the word from titles

JCreazy ,

It displays it on all and I don't mind seeing comics just not this creator because of how toxic she is.

force ,

I don't know anything about this artist, could you tell what toxic stuff she's done?

JCreazy ,

She is well known on Reddit for her and her fans to call people sexist just because they don't like her comics.

knightry ,

[citation needed]

JCreazy ,



Here is just a couple of examples. I don't like going to Reddit anymore so if you want more citations, you can search Reddit yourself.

All these don't specifically show her calling anyone sexist, you can see her overall demeanor.

wahming ,

Ok, that IS obnoxious


I honestly don't see the problem with these

alienanimals ,

Pizzacake is also known for buying upvotes to promote her unfunny comics. This one in particular is wholesome, but most of them are garbage.

wintermutehal ,

I got instantly permabanned from r/comics just for saying it felt fishy how quick they gained upvotes. Which it was

PutangInaMo ,

She does porn too, don't hate her too bad lol

RedStrider ,
@RedStrider@lemmy.world avatar

no but i want to be madddd

how dare you enjoy and spread this thing that i dont follow >:((((((

entire day. ruined. i downvoted your comment to let you know how much i dont care.

threeduck ,

Man I hate "bad take roleplay" comments.

"How dare you [insert opposing reasonable take]".

They're so low effort and Reddit.

wintermutehal ,

I always wanted a nice snappy title for this kind of weird trash, bad take roleplay is pretty good

0ops ,

No you don't, chill out

JackbyDev ,

now I have to

Just hide the post and move on

Soulg ,

If you're taking the time to whine about it in the comments then you clearly don't care that much

I see posts I don't like all the time so I just scroll past them like a normal person

rwhitisissle ,

"Person who frequents reddit clone surprised to see reddit content. More at 11."

davidagain ,

Mum is right about the colour, but we need more long dresses in the world, we really do.

Cold_Brew_Enema ,

Great these terrible comics have made their way here, too

wintermutehal ,

I would pay at least a bit to never have to see these again. I’m not even some crazy hater, I just find them super low effort and the loyalty they have to be very very strange.

poppy ,
@poppy@lemm.ee avatar

Same. I’ll admit a few overall have made me nose laugh but most are just “yep, that’s a joke/statement I see online 20 times a week put to picture”. It’s not that I inherently dislike them, but they’re not my cup of tea and I preferred when I could just not see them.

wintermutehal ,

I wouldn’t be near as weirded out if they didn’t get the attention they do! They seem to have rabid fans and of…this? I just don’t get it. Hell, maybe I‘m the crazy one. At this point, I’m willing to entertain this thought

nsfwthrowaway411 ,

I totally agree with you, but I am also a crazy person.

wintermutehal ,

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

GilgameshCatBeard ,

Most of her fans are 12 year old kids.

Guajojo ,

They do suck and a lot of people agree, but oh no don't ever try to go against the popular opinion... Geez

TheBat ,
@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

How dare you trashtalk pizzamommy😡

Stamets ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • thegiddystitcher ,
    @thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee avatar

    Curse seasonal colour analysis and all of its surprising accuracy! I don't want to be a bright spring, I want to be goth!

    You live your best life in that blue dress kid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    frickineh ,

    Maybe you can be a navy blue goth? It could work!

    thegiddystitcher ,
    @thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee avatar

    Pretty much my strategy so far

    cerement ,
    @cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

    are you a white-and-gold goth or a blue-and-black goth …

    JackbyDev ,

    Pastel goth

    smuuthbrane ,
    @smuuthbrane@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Man, I wish Pizzacake would join Lemmy.

    Xyre ,

    Seriously. Her and Hollering Elk were some mainstays on the old place.

    Neato ,
    @Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

    Yep. I'm a patron of Elk and it's always disheartening to see them ask everyone to boost it on reddit. I understand it's their best platform, but it'd be nice for other platforms to also be utilized. I mostly just don't see Pizzacake anymore unless I open instagram.

    can ,

    Did you send a patreon message asking about it? Might mean more coming from a dedicated fan.

    smuuthbrane ,
    @smuuthbrane@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Oh man, Hollering Elk, that's another I sorely miss. She's fucking epic.

    TheOctonaut ,

    Why? That's her comic right there? What does that achieve other than bringing her 'other' business here?

    smuuthbrane ,
    @smuuthbrane@sh.itjust.works avatar

    She didn't post it. This is the first Pizzacake comic I've seen on here since I joined. Were she here I'd follow her and get everything.

    Maven OP ,
    @Maven@lemmy.world avatar

    In general having more original creators here posting their own work consistently is a good thing if we want to grow the platform.

    Showing that it can be good to post here for creators will make more creators want to post here leading to an overall improvement in this community.

    TheOctonaut ,


    Maven OP ,
    @Maven@lemmy.world avatar

    One of the big problems people have with Lemmy atm is the lack of content. Convincing people that posting here is a good thing will pretty much entirely remove that. Plus comic makers very much have an interest in keeping the content QUALITY high as well so it won't just be more posts... It'll be more high quality posts.

    TheOctonaut ,

    This is a link aggregation website. It doesn't matter who posts the content. You're thinking of OnlyFans.

    Which in this case is appropriate.

    Maven OP ,
    @Maven@lemmy.world avatar

    That's not responding to literally anything I said.

    You're right. It doesn't matter who.

    However, people who make and want to share content... Tend to make and share content...

    Something that's good for a link aggregation site...

    TheOctonaut ,

    It really isn't. Self promotion is pretty terrible for a link aggregation site. You used to be limited in the ratio of what you could post between yours and other content. Then The Other Site decided it was social media. Now you want here to be social media too. No thanks 👍

    SqueakyBeaver ,
    @SqueakyBeaver@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    It's got social (comments)
    And it's got media (some posts)

    Therefore it is.... idk I don't feel like finishing the thought tbh

    TheOctonaut ,

    No, it isn't. Because, crucially, you're not supposed to care who the other people are. By your definition if 'social media', my Geocities guest book was social media.

    Maven OP ,
    @Maven@lemmy.world avatar

    Nobody cares WHO posts the thing. The important part is that people post.

    Link aggregation sites need links to aggregate and those links need to be posted by SOMEONE.

    People who make the things being linked tend to be more likely to post the thing in the link.

    I have no idea how this is controversial. Why is posting your own memes/comics worse than posting someone else's content?

    If it doesn't matter who posts it then there's literally no difference here except that more content is posted to Lemmy when the comic authors themselves are on the platform.

    TheOctonaut ,

    I have no idea how this is controversial. Why is posting your own memes/comics worse than posting someone else's content?

    You can see exactly why in this very comment chain, people talking about organising followers to boost things etc

    The point of a link aggregator is not to act as veiled marketing for social media accounts or cosplays. Posting your own shit is 9 times out of 10 just promotional crap. Like this. Lemmy doesn't need content that exists primarily to drive traffic elsewhere, or shit content for the sake of shit content.

    magnusrufus ,

    It could certainly do without your shit contributions.

    Vespair ,

    Quality over quantity, imo.

    Maven OP ,
    @Maven@lemmy.world avatar

    Comic artists have a big interest in creating consistent quality content... Because it's like their whole job...

    While not everyone has the same tastes, so some comics (like this one for example) aren't something everyone wants to see, it's better for the creator to be here posting it so the individual user can just block her and never see them again. With the creator posting them they all come from the same source vs with random people posting where you have to stamp out each individual one.

    Xyre ,

    She also tends to pretty active in the comments.

    TheOctonaut ,

    Yeah that's a good thing with some artists I suppose.

    Vespair ,

    If by that you mean absolutely flip her shit over the most mild and milquetoast of criticism, then yeah sure

    Stamets ,
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah. There's a reason that I have never posted her comics and never will. Beyond the fact that her comics have never once made me laugh (I do not understand how this comic is supposed to be funny), she would get really antagonistic towards people and throw entire fits. That's not the type of behavior I am a huge fan of and certainly not the behavior I want to see on lemmy.

    Let her stay on reddit.

    Pratai ,

    Yeah. She accuses anyone that doesn’t like her comics of being sexists. As if it’s impossible to just not like her shit because it’s boring and cringy.

    Fudoshin ,
    @Fudoshin@feddit.uk avatar

    I can't find any evidence of arsey-ness in her comments on Reddit. Are you shit-stirring?

    Stamets , (edited )
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    No. I am not. You simply need to look harder, or really just look at all. If you're claiming that you cannot find any evidence then you simply didn't look. Merely googling her name and the word controversy brings up more than enough examples.

    cashews_best_nut ,
    @cashews_best_nut@lemmy.world avatar


    See this was the missing jigsaw piece. I was scrolling through her comments - I didn't realise it was a big controversy.

    For anyone else: https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/12rv1y9/just_unsubbed_from_rpizzacakecomics_i_genuinely/

    schmidtster ,

    Yes, yes they are, it’s funny since they do the exact same things here on Lemmy they claim they don’t want.

    And they moderate with that childish attitude too… this place is going to shit fast.

    Stamets ,
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    I don't accuse people of being sexist when they don't like my posts. So, no. I'm not "doing the same thing on Lemmy".

    You, however, were banned for repeatedly harassing multiple moderators, were banned by admins for repeatedly abusing the report function, banned by /c/Technology for being repeatedly harassing and posting inflammatory comments. Bro, the modlog is visible to everyone. You were banned for childish and inappropriate behavior. It isn't moderating with a childish attitude to hold you accountable to yours.

    Grow up and accept responsibility for your own behavior first. Then you can stand on a soapbox and project about whether or not someone else should be held accountable for theirs.

    schmidtster ,

    I was banned by a thin skin mod who couldn’t accept that they were wrong and banned me for misinformation while they spewed their own. Which allowed them to control the dialogue after.

    This also proves my point verbatim. Thanks.

    I could also dig up some of your comments about how you’ve had a bad day and lost it on people and your mod duties… but you’ve probably deleted them and this isn’t the place for it.

    Just pointing out the hypocrisy of someone who really shouldn’t be in a mod position.

    Edit for the edit… bloody hell guy…. Apparently “report of a use button” means reporting 3 people on a dead community, the admins here are a joke as well. Had a discussion with one about you like I said I would, went well actually.

    Stamets ,
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    I was banned by a thin skin mod who couldn’t accept that they were wrong and banned me for misinformation while they spewed their own. Which allowed them to control the dialogue after.


    Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.... That's why you were banned from multiple communities and by multiple mods and admins over the course of multiple months. Because of a thin skin mod. A mod who moderates exactly one of those communities.

    Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    schmidtster , (edited )

    Thank you for proving my point.

    You banned me for a couple days for “rule breaking” or pointing out your hypocrisy for misinformation. You than permabanned me for “mod abuse” for calling you out.

    Thin skinned and childish mod behavior, multiple people called you out and you removed all comments.

    Of course I can’t prove any of this, we only have you to say this is what happened, but of course this thin skinned and childish mod won’t.

    I’m moving on from this, not the place, but it’s atleast evidence for the admin for you.

    Stamets ,
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Of course I can’t prove any of this

    Because it didn't happen.

    Have fun. You've wasted enough of my time with your existence. Keep whining. Go for it. Do it. PLEASE. I beg of you to repeatedly lie about me across multiple communities.

    Do it.

    schmidtster ,


    Oh it happened…. Is there a way to view purged comments? Show us what they said.

    cashews_best_nut ,
    @cashews_best_nut@lemmy.world avatar

    This is quite the spicy exchange I seem to have started. Very entertaining. Please do go on! 🍿🍿🍿🍿

    If you want to oil up and wrestle each other don't let me stop you.

    cashews_best_nut ,
    @cashews_best_nut@lemmy.world avatar
    schmidtster ,

    Feel free to show those deleted comments anytime mate, but doing so would prove me right, so we all know that’s not going to happen which is why you ran off and hid.

    Thekingoflorda ,
    @Thekingoflorda@lemmy.world avatar

    Of course I can’t prove any of this, we only have you to say this is what happened, but of course this thin skinned and childish mod won’t.

    Why not? The modlog is public, so if you have any actual evidence, feel free to share.

    schmidtster ,


    Shit went down in the is thread. Other comments even have the sources I couldn’t post before being banned by the thin skinned childish mod.

    bionicjoey , (edited )

    If she joined Lemmy then I could block her account and I wouldn't have to see her comics (as I did on Reddit). As it stands I don't really want to block OPs account since they post and comment lots of different stuff. It's nice to be able to block a specific creator from their own account rather than play whack-a-mole with freebooters.

    And before people start saying I'm misogynist or something, I'm not. There are plenty of women webcomic artists I like. Extraordinary Comics and War and Peas just to name a couple. I just find pizzacake to be incredibly boring, low hanging fruit and barely even funny at all. Not trying to hurt feelings, I just don't like her stuff and prefer to block it from my feed.

    EmergMemeHologram ,

    Upvote because you're just sharing an opinion and it isn't wrong.

    I like pizza cake, there are plenty of comics I don't like, why does anyone care who you don't like when all you're asking for is better curation tools.

    bionicjoey ,

    Yeah IDGAF if people like her comics. I just want to be able to block having to see them with a single click that doesn't also block an entire user who I might not mind seeing in other contexts.

    PlantJam ,

    You could use an app that has a keyword filter like Boost. I use it to reduce the number of posts I see about certain topics or politicians. It isn't perfect, like if OP used the punchline as the title as so many like to do.

    JackbyDev ,

    and it isn't wrong

    You consider this freebooting?

    EmergMemeHologram ,

    I don't understand the question

    JackbyDev ,

    Sorry, they said it was freebooting. OP kept the original watermarks in and didn't add any of their own. It felt fine. It doesn't feel like freebooting.

    thisbenzingring ,

    And before people start saying I’m misogynist or something, I’m not.

    I doesn't work that way bro. You clearly know something about yourself but you're trying to get one step ahead of it.

    People that aren't misogynistic don't have to defend against it beforehand.

    bionicjoey ,

    I'm pre-empting because I know both she and fans of hers have concocted this meme that anyone who doesn't like her comics is sexist.

    thisbenzingring ,

    Like I said, it doesn't work that way. You are being extremely misogynistic if you have to declare that you're not before anyone even makes a reply.

    thisbenzingring ,

    I'm not racist but

    Buddahriffic ,

    Why are you randomly bringing up not being a racist? Only a racist would say that!

    -your logic

    bionicjoey ,

    I bet you would have assumed I am a misogynist if I hadn't mentioned it at all in my initial comment above. Something about this comic artist specifically just brings out the most rabid mental gymnastics in people. As I said, I know that she encourages this behaviour too. Before I blocked her on Reddit I remember seeing a few of her comics where the "joke" was literally just "haha look at how dumb and sexist my haters are"

    thisbenzingring ,

    I wouldn't have thought twice if you didn't make that point. IDGAF if you're a fan of the comic artist or style. I'm not a huge fan of this comic but it's cute and her ability to create as much as she does makes me respect her. I am a fan of the newspaper style comic strip format, she does it very well.

    People get rapid about her because they like her and her product.

    You bringing up misogyny says everything about YOU.

    You don't want people to go there? Don't start the process.

    JCreazy ,

    The process was started when a pizzacake comic was posted. Pizzacake and their fans are notorious for calling someone sexist or misogynistic just because they don't like her comics. You have just proven that point.

    thisbenzingring ,

    Thank for filling me in on why but you are wrong. I didn't know about that history but it doesn't matter.

    If you have to start a defense with "I'm not (something) but", you are indeed showing behavior of (something).

    JCreazy ,

    I get what you're saying but I don't agree in this context. Especially when it's what pizza cake is known for. If you don't say you're not something, then you'll be called something anyway. That's probably what the commenter was saying. With that being said, just because someone says I'm not sexist doesn't automatically make them sexist believe it or not. If you don't not know the person and you've never seen how they interact with people and you're going off of one sentence, that's not very reasonable, don't you think? There's a difference between saying I'm not sexist but I don't like women and I'm not sexist but I don't like her comics. In the eyes of pizza cake fans, it's the same thing.

    Pratai ,

    It does work that way. Grow up. You don’t make the rules everyone else follows.

    Pratai ,

    It absolutely does work that way… “bro.”

    The person you’re responding to clearly knows their audience here. And you kids LOVE grabbing your pitchforks and shouting “[PLACEHOLDER]ist!” So they were clearly getting ahead of the problem before it became one.

    But here’s you anyway.

    speck ,

    In this case, they are pre-empting the type of attack the pizzacake creator is known for

    systemglitch ,

    When a person it criticising her, I can see why they would feel compelled to . Her defenders can be very aggressive.

    thisbenzingring ,

    Her detractors seem to be as active.

    systemglitch ,

    True, she is very polarizing it seems.

    Pratai ,

    Wow. I’m pleasantly surprised there is someone else here who shares a similar opinion in those comics. There just incredibly cringy. It’s hard to put a fine point on it, but you nailed it.

    Low hanging fruit.

    Not everything needs to be complicated, but this is lowest common denominator or obvious pandering for likes. It’s borderline embarrassing.

    bionicjoey ,

    Yes exactly. And to be fair I actually kinda like her art style. It's just that her jokes are so incredibly bland. It's been a while since I saw them regularly, by my recollection is that they're all either "DAE have unhealthy habits?" or "lol wardrobe malfunction amiright?"

    Pratai ,

    Absolutely. Fantastic art. Wet well done. But she needs a writer. BADLY.

    JCreazy ,

    Calling any of the comics jokes is a bit of a stretch.

    JCreazy ,

    I'm right there with you. Actually winced when I saw the name pizzacake just now. Pure garbage.

    Stamets ,
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Same. There isn't a single pizzacake comic in my folders and never will be. They're just not good. Every single one is painfully low hanging fruit. Like this "joke" would be used in a half second throwaway gag on a sitcom. It's not strong enough for a comic. But that's like... Every comic Pizzacake makes. That or half of her comics are just her complaining about something.

    Fucking pass.

    Maven OP ,
    @Maven@lemmy.world avatar

    As the OP, I appreciate not being blocked. I'm definitely not trying to freeboot or anything. My main goal with my entire account is to just boost the engagement on Lemmy in general and pizzacake is a creator a lot of people enjoy despite the comics being fine (generally the easiest option with every punchline).

    More people using Lemmy consistently means we're more likely to grow as a platform which will in turn improve other areas and so on and so forth. Especially with this being an open source project, more users means more people willing/able to help on the codebase itself so the entire platform improves as a result.

    Ultimately I agree with you that her joining herself would be better because you can just block her and be done with it. Her popularity would also probably bring engagement and yada yada as previously said.

    Realistically I'll probably just not post her comics in the future since I hadn't heard about the annoying critic bashing stuff she did and I don't care enough about her work to try and hold on past annoying stuff.

    RedStrider ,
    @RedStrider@lemmy.world avatar

    I def wish more artists(like Pizzacake) would join. I check r/comics often on Libreddit and its nice to see them interact and a good way to find new underrated creators.

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