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Lucidlethargy ,
@Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works avatar

These threads are exhausting. You can easily turn this off. I didn't even have to look up how, I right clicked the task bar weeks ago and just disabled it. I didn't notice it move because it had been off this whole time.

But sure... The ONLY solution is to ditch Windows.

lightnsfw ,

They replaced one button I never used with another button I'll never use. Oh no.

SkyeStarfall ,

Sure, but how many "easily changed things" do you need for the camel's back to break?

I feel like I constantly hear of tiny little things that get worse in windows. Sure, maybe each individually is not a big deal, but it all is just forever added on, constantly creating a slightly worse user experience.

In the end, windows is not follow a very user-friendly/user-centric design.

blind3rdeye ,

That's basically what it was for me. For many years I've had a folder saved on my computer called "registry tweaks", in which I've maintained a growing list of notes about all the settings and registry edits and other cruft I have to change to make Window less-shit. (Most of it is about the registry, but not all.)

That list of tweaks just kept getting longer; but there was also a growing set of things that were bad and unfixable; (various nags, and surveillance / telemetry etc.) . No one thing was intolerable, but as a whole - it just isn't worth it any more. It's easier to learn to use an entirely new OS than to continue to wrestle with the enshitification of Windows.

ferralcat ,

Are you insinuating Linux (or osx for that matter) is well known for shipping well loved defaults?

MarcRnt ,

I've already switched to Linux partially. My PC now dual boots to Manjaro and Windows. I won't switch completely, but it's great to have such an awesome alternative right there one click of a button away. And the funny thing is that I'm not even the only one amongst my friends to do that. We are now three already and we even game on Linux too.

Sp00kyB00k ,

Noot Noot

thorbot ,

I have Linux dual booted on my gaming PC and it struggles with a lot of games on my 3080 TI with intel i10. Just doesn’t work reliably so I still have to use windows sometimes. It sucks.

MarcRnt ,

Yeah gaming on Linux can be frustrating at times. Some games work perfectly out of the box, some don't even start or lag a lot. Especially on Nvidia graphics things get complicated. I'm an AMD user and everything is mostly working fine, but a friend of mine uses Nvidia and he struggles more with driver issues and missing Wayland support.

thorbot ,

Yeah, its almost to the point where I just fire up Windows when I want to game because it always works. Everyone on here is like "linux is KING" but it still isn't for gaming.

blind3rdeye ,

I set up Linux dual-boot as well, around half a year ago now. But I made (Mint) Linux the default boot option; so that when I turn on my computer, I get 3 seconds to interrupt it and choose Windows - otherwise it just starts Linux. And just like that, I've never used Windows again. There just hasn't been any need or desire.

If someone is setting up dual-boot with the hope of maybe switching to Linux, I'd say it's import to make the Linux boot option the default. Otherwise they'll still just be booting Windows most of the time out of habit, and never make the switch.

MarcRnt ,

If all I did was just office tasks and browsing the web, I'd completely switch to Linux as well. But as a gamer, things start to become complicated very soon. Some games run perfectly fine, some don't run at all. It's hit or miss. That's why I keep Windows around and boot it almost daily. But the situation of gaming on linux is improving currently, so I'm hoping for a bright future...

blind3rdeye ,

So then set up dual boot, with default going to Linux, and if you ever find that a game you want to play won't work for whatever reason just boot into Windows to play it. No big deal.

Geek_King ,

I noticed this bullshit a few days ago on my Win 11 desktop! I found if you go check the settings of the start bar, you can hide the copilot icon in the lower right, and then there's a check box to enable the lower right hand corner to work as show desktop again. The functionality can be restore to exactly as it was, but what the hell were they thinking.

Enshitification, plain and simple.

histic ,

I don't wanna defend Microsoft here cause yk fuck them but I'ma guess most people didn't even know the show desktop was there tbh or if they did use it but then again I've never understood why it was there I never use it

Vejezdigna ,

Hide desktop is useful if you have many non-minimized windows and you don't want to minimize each one. I can vouch for that button 😎.

Nilz ,

Or if you're a psychopath with a desktop full of icons and files. Shudders

TwoCubed ,

Yeah, I hink its super useful too. But i usually use win+d.

TwilightVulpine ,

To be fair it's not like there's an icon showing what it does. Maybe it should have? I haven't had issues with overcrowded task bars since Windows XP.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I've known it was there but never used it.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I genuinely do not get the hype of integrating LLMs fucking everywhere. There are places it makes sense, like word processors and email clients. Then there are places it doesn't make sense, like as an aside in my desktop environment. No one's going to use it. It's Cortana all over again.

mods_are_assholes ,

It's nothing but trend chasing, just like when microdick turned their server UIs into tablet UIs because they were seething at apple for the ipad.

WaxedWookie ,

The whole tablet UI switching had huge potential - particularly for 2-in-ones and to a lesser extent, mobile devices, but Microsoft absolutely butchered it in its infancy with atrocious execution, and by having the hubris to hobble their primary use-case (desktop) for the sake of pushing their half-baked nonsense into the mobile market. Users didn't do themselves any favours by not understanding that you could just hit start then type the first couple of letters of what you want to launch (what kind of website double-clicking weirdo clicks through the whole start menu without pinned links or search anyway?).

To me, it all reeks of designers/PMs/devs putting forward a super-promising concept, which was ruined by a bunch of overpaid MBA dipshits that thought they knew better.

dejected_warp_core ,

(what kind of website double-clicking weirdo clicks through the whole start menu without pinned links or search anyway?).

So-called "muscle memory" runs deep with seasoned users. With Windows, if they started with Win95 there's a lot of that to push back against.

Also, a lot of people who use computers daily are doing so by rote, sometimes to the point of sheer minimalism. Not everyone has turned thousands of hours at a keyboard into a deeper understanding of the system they use.

ferralcat ,

I get putting it here but it should probably just be in the normal search. Search is shit on every os in general. LLM could theoretically help it find actually relevant stuff (and filter out the kink it usually surfaces).

NoFun4You ,

Except I used Cortana all the time on my windows phone before they trashed that idea

HowManyNimons ,

Not enshitification, cause they're not jacking up the price to put Show Desktop back. Just bad UI.

EatATaco ,

I didn't even realize that there was a button there before. I always just hit Win-D.

And this is why I should switch to linux? I guess any chance a linux user is going to use to tell you they use linux is good enough.

Alborlin ,

Linux dudebros think everybody can use terminal and everybody understand commands like rm-rf is a joke basically they think Linux is superior in every which way and millions people are just dumb that they dont use linux .

20hzservers ,

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Enter. Very complex and confusing I know.

SqueakyBeaver ,
@SqueakyBeaver@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

it's honestly not hard once you've installed the distro

But just use whatever works best for you IMO

Barack_Embalmer ,

That's pretty disingenuous - it's one of the many reasons that comprise a pattern of behavior whereby Microsoft makes Windows worse at each iteration. More bloat, more spying, more locked-down for user "security". And for what? The dubious benefit of being "compatible" with other shitheel software providers like Adobe who use their monopoly power to stranglehold the corporate and professional media sectors? Toeachizown but IDK how anyone can use Windows by choice. The small amount I have to use it at work is torture enough.

EatATaco ,

it’s one of the many reasons that comprise a pattern of behavior whereby Microsoft makes Windows worse at each iteration.

It's a complete no-op for me. I also suspect, although I have nothing to back this up, that they chose this because it's a relatively unused feature.

tranxuanthang ,

Wait until they replace the second option of the Desktop right click menu to something AI.

PeterPoopshit ,

They already replaced the default start menu with a bullshittier one.

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Penguin lovers, assemble.

Zip2 ,

You can get arrested for that. And banned from the zoo.

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Oh no.

fossilesque ,
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

Oh yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I genuinely haven't seen the Lenny face in forever

SwingingTheLamp ,

Now you tell me.

teoman ,

Penguin lovers, unite!

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I think that's a better way of saying it

Buddahriffic ,

Penguin lovers, compile and link!

voodooattack ,

Penguin lovers, strip.

mods_are_assholes ,

fuck linux it is not a viable consumer solution.

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

We can make it as such.

mods_are_assholes ,

I don't think so, not with how fragmented and elitist the community is

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Isn't Android also very fragmented? Yet it's the most used mobile OS.

Apparently people have different opinions when it comes to desktop OSes I guess.

mods_are_assholes ,

People have differing opinions about meth too but that doesn't mean I'm going to try it because some snaggle toothed roofer insists on how amazing it is.

Defaced ,

Linux exists people, without copilot using your information for training data and if you game, has Valve releasing updates like crazy for proton making it easier and easier to use Linux for gaming. The only thing I use Windows for is GeForce now as the windows and Mac apps are the only way for me to play 1440p 120fps with their service.

Good beginner distros: pop_os, Ubuntu, Linux mint, Nobara or fedora, Garuda, Manjaro, solus, zorin. The possibilities are really endless. Just take your pick, make a bootable USB and try it out.

Olgratin_Magmatoe ,

has Valve releasing updates like crazy for proton making it easier and easier to use Linux for gaming.

It quite ridiculous how far it has come. I remember trying out ubuntu years ago and being incredibly disappointed with how few games were compatible. Nowadays I'm running a dual boot LMDE/Win 10. Probably 80% of my games work right out of the box, and the other 20% I can just switch over within a minute or so.

I am still a little disappointed at the lack of mod manager compatibility for some games, but it no longer feels like a deal breaker for me.

SqueakyBeaver ,
@SqueakyBeaver@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Idk which games you're referring to, but I (somehow) used steam tinker launcher to do modding on fallout new vegas

Olgratin_Magmatoe ,

The two big ones as of late for me has been rounds, valheim, and lethal company, all of which are on r2modman, but r2modman does something funky on linux that makes games crash immediately after trying to launch them. Probably solvable, but not easily enough for me to go through the trouble.

Mikina ,

If you use nvidia, make sure to choose a distro that deals with their drivers by default. I havent manage to get Nvidia drivers and ingame cutscenes to work on Fedora, but after switching to Nobara all is well now. (And switching to KDE on X11, since wayland was freezing occasionally and some apps wouldnt work)

Aside from HDR, I still havent managed to get HDR working and its starting to look like it wont really be possible. And Unity. Unity simply doesnt work both in a VM and on Linux, so I annoyongly still have to dualboot.

Other than that, ive switched around two months ago, and aside from the first pains caused by me choosing Fedora instead of Nobara, everything mostly works without issues.

Andrenikous ,

My latest attempts at using Linux on my desktop started with Nobara. It was good but some updates borked my install. I’ve been using Bazzite, an atomic OS, and it has been rock solid.

buzziebee ,

HDR support is supposedly fixed on kde and should be getting fixed in most other distros soon supposedly.

Unity worked for me on pop os after some fiddling and installing of dependencies, but it didn't fully work. There was a bunch of tools (like animation keyframes) which just didn't display correctly for me though. Checking out the source code of one the util did a check to see whether it was running on windows or Mac, then exited if it wasn't either of those. Would be good to run it via proton if possible so we get full support without the Devs needing to write tons of code to support a small percentage of users. That experience is pretty common when running Linux as your main, but the other benefits make up for it.

Andrenikous ,

2024 will be the first year I use linux exclusively on my desktop. Bazzite has been amazing.

scarilog , (edited )

Linux isn't for mainstream users yet. It wasn't when I tried switching to it several years back, it isn't now.

I tried Zorin recently, UI looked absolutely beautiful so I wanted to try and get into it on my laptop.

Only issue is, the trackpad scroll speed was too fast. I went into settings to try and slow this down. No dice, this option just want available. I tried googling, which led me to some stackexchange posts, which I tried to use to solve the issue by changing xinput or something device parameters.

I tried for maybe 15 mins to do this without success. This kinda stuff is why Linux is not ready for the masses yet. I shouldn't have to touch the command line for something like this. On windows I could have changed this without googling anything or touching the cli.

I know this is just one thing, but it's representative of my other experiences with Linux in general. Things seem to have improved since several years ago (needed terminal to even get touchscreen working in Firefox), bit it's just not there yet.

I really do want to switch to Linux, but I don't want my computer os to be a hobby project that I have to sink time into to keep functional, I need it to be a tool that lets me get work done with minimal roadblocks.

Defaced ,

I've never in my entire time of using a modern Linux distro have ever had to change scrolling speeds with a terminal...that's just utter bullshit.

HerbalGamer ,
@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

Just because you haven't had a particular problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist or can't happen.

qazwsxedcrfvtgb1111 ,

Well I listened to all the people hyping up Linux and tried pop os, literally nothing works right, it’s unusable lol. First time I tried to install it it straight up failed, worked on the second try. My hdr monitor isn’t supported apparently and looked dim no matter what I did. Had to fiddle with the display settings for a while to get scaling to work right so I could read text on the higher resolution monitor and fonts looked like ass anyways on the 1080p one. The messenger I use didn’t get a network connection until it crashed and restarted without OpenGL (what?). And the system scaling didn’t work in steam anyways so all the text was like 8px. After all that fun I can’t imagine how bad windows would need to get for me to switch to this garbage

Defaced , (edited )

Yeah you're full of shit, sorry but I've never heard of any of these issues happening. The only thing I can think of is you used the wrong ISO that wasn't for Nvidia or something. Also, you want HDR then use KDE, so you want something like KDE Neon or Kubuntu. As for fonts looking like shit, again, it's all down to your drivers would be my guess, meaning you're the one who downloaded the wrong ISO for pop_os. I'm running an all AMD build, maybe you should look into that I guess if you literally can't click install on the hardware drivers applet in any modern Linux distro.

LainTrain ,

I have an alternative: just use Windows 7. No problem. No ad. No Linux Terminal scary. All program works. Do the needful, switch now.

sphfaar ,
@sphfaar@lemmy.world avatar

Not all programs work, And in Linux you can forget the terminal with the stores that use flathub, much easier and safer than the shitty exe/MSI installers.

LainTrain ,

Who would want an app store on their desktop? Are you 12 and only ever used a smartphone?

atocci ,
@atocci@kbin.social avatar

Why not? They're convenient and don't require the use of a terminal

LainTrain ,

Naw that's okay for like a telephone where you just want like a calculator or some shit but on a desktop you go to Google and just find the program website and download it

sphfaar ,
@sphfaar@lemmy.world avatar

I fucking don't, I use yay or whatever, I'm talking about you, if you really don't want to see the terminal there is the app store that uses flathub in any pre-configured DE for linux

LainTrain ,

Glad you found something that works for you!

I'm old school haha I just download programs from the internet myself, they either come as zips or exes and they install directly on my computer without any issues. No terminus, app stores, etc. and no problems!

Aatube ,
@Aatube@kbin.social avatar

All program works.

Remind me when EOL was

LainTrain ,

Doesn't have to be ever.

Aatube ,
@Aatube@kbin.social avatar

It does. Most softwares don't update for it now and security patches are stopped.

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo ,
@The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo@lemmy.world avatar

Enjoy your security vulnerabilities.

LainTrain ,

Common Sense™️ 2023 Edition is free

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo ,
@The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo@lemmy.world avatar

Common sense won't protect you against vulnerabilities like remote code executions. And keep in mind that we still use our common sense even if we use up to date softwares.

Breve ,

Everyone: Don't say anything sensitive or personal to an AI because it could end up in training data!

Microsoft: We're making it easier to feed everything you do on your computer to an AI from notepad to your desktop!


ohlaph ,


USSEthernet ,


Even reads and formats/highlights code

drengbarazi ,
@drengbarazi@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, it doesn't matter what you use when the operating system already comes with a built-in keylogger enabled by default.

Jerkingass ,

Windows Key+D

Press it again to restore all apps to foreground.

masterspace ,

If I wanted to memorize a bunch of random shortcuts and gestures to do basic tasks I'd use MacOS.

RagingHungryPanda ,

I just got a Mac for work. The hotkeys are definitely worse

funkless_eck ,

im meant to use a Macbook for work. I don't. I sign into it whenever they complain I haven't signed into it and go straight back to using my old computer I formatted for work. it doesn't even support two screens!

masterspace ,

Mx series MacBooks are a non starter for work since they only support a single external monitor like it's 2002.

Even the Mx Pro series MacBooks don't support Multi Stream Transport, so are limited to only outputting two displays.

I miss Windows.

smolyeet ,

After using both (windows personal , Mac work) , I personally find the hot keys more intuitive in some areas and worse in others. Command being the requirement for a lot of shortcuts makes it easier , but stuff like show desktop or lock were annoying until more recent versions.

masterspace ,

My point was that MacOS requires you to remember a bunch of shortcuts for basic things that Windows handles naturally. Like want to know what Windows you have open? On Windows you can tell that fromd the taskbar, on MacOS you have to remember a shortcut.

smolyeet ,

That’s fair. The dots under the application in the dock let you know what is open. I find expose easier to use because you can see them all at once like you can do on windows. I only look at the dock to see what’s open on windows, and I alway group them which is probably why the Mac setup works for me

IndoorParking ,

Bro you just need 6 for 99% of the cases

  • Alt F4
  • Ctrl C / V
  • Win D
  • Ctrl alt Del
  • Alt tab
ziixe ,
@ziixe@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And maybe Ctrl Z/Y (depends on layout with this one) to Undo and Redo


Blank ,

The Win+X menu is the bomb.

Blank ,

Also see Win+E and ctrl+w

funkless_eck ,

Win+V / Win+Shift+V / Ctrl+Shift+V for text manipulation

Win+[1–9] to launch apps or alt+space (might require powertools)

win+ctrl+d win+ctrl+[⬅️/➡️] for VDs

masterspace ,

And until a day ago, I only had to remember 5

redfox ,
@redfox@infosec.pub avatar

You only listed 5 ;)

IndoorParking ,

I put ctrl C and ctrl V on the same line but I counted them as 2 ;)

Dozzi92 ,
@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I wish I never had to use a mouse. Only serves to slow things down. Obviously, gaming, necessary, but anything productive, taking your hands off the keyboard is a waste.

I am not a programmer, either. Using Excel and Word are secondary functions in my job, basically administrative, making invoices, record keeping, but they function so much better with your hands on keyboard. Alt menus for the office suite are time savers. And the stupid expensive bullshit proprietary software I use for my work is basically built to use hotkeys.

sploosh ,

What's the shortcut to remove the data-harvesting, power-sucking leech that is Copilot?

Natanael ,

The power button

intensely_human ,

Hold on, just gotta do a quick update first. Just one sec

cousinofjah ,
@cousinofjah@twit.social avatar

The longcut is installing Linux

finalarbiter ,

Tron does a decent job of scrubbing it

vikingtons ,
@vikingtons@lemmy.world avatar

can this be hidden via registry or group policy?

AnyOldName3 ,
@AnyOldName3@lemmy.world avatar

I think it's currently in A/B testing as it's not like this on either of my Windows machines that installed updates this week. I don't think they let you disable the things you're in A/B testing for.

Either that, or it's not GDPR compliant, and they're not rolling it out to the UK or EU.

woodenskewer , (edited )
@woodenskewer@lemmy.world avatar

I was able to disable autopilot with a registry change but I don't remember where I found the link. It wasn't easy to find at the time when I looked. That being said if you reply asking for the link I'll try and find it but otherwise, yes.

Edit to add that I'm specifically talking about hiding or disabling autopilot bloatware, not just the icon.

Aatube ,
@Aatube@kbin.social avatar

You can hide it via normal settings.

MalachaiConstant ,

I had it gone within two minutes if seeing it appear. Found this thread on it:


The top pinned answer has a single line reg command that I used. I assume there are still pieces of it that will just always be around, but at least it's out of my mind for now.

The GPO method should work similarly, and it's what I'm going to try as soon as I see it start showing up on my work domain. I say when, not if, because these things have a way of getting around our deployment schedules. I just know one day will get a dm from a user asking if its a virus and I'll end up finding out a third of the office already loves it.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

They added it to my task bar in front of my pinned apps, I right clicked and went into the task bar settings to remove it.

(Basically the same way you remove the search icon and things like that)

randomaside ,

I'm trying to move to Linux! I game on a custom built chimera OS computer using an AMD GPU. I've been using a MacBook Pro as a life raft. I still need windows for work.

I've considered once 24H2 Windows 11 release comes out that I would try to customize that image and keep it like an LTSC but I heard about some read only registry components that are going to make that very difficult. I'll just kick around on Win 10 LTSC for anything that I can't get rid of until it's no longer useful.

Xeroxchasechase ,

The solution that worked for me was dual booting, and using the windows boot only for work.
In time I've figured out how to transfer most of my work to be on Linux.

nexussapphire ,

Yeah, it's tough switching over but worth it IMO. It cuts twice as deep when you build a custom PC, buy a legitimate copy of windows full price just for stuff like this to happen. I even paid twice because I built my mother a pc.

Surprisingly she asked me to switch her over to Linux after seeing me play games on it. She would always call me up Everytime Microsoft popped up a full screen and trying to sell office 365 and getting her to agree to new privacy settings.

Almost everything she does is online, email, personal accounting in a spreadsheet, using the printer, and some gaming. The hardest part for her was relearning the small stuff like scanning documents and learning which one was her email app. It runs the sims 4 and an ancient game called wizards101 just fine.

The funny thing is I warned her it's not a smooth transition verified multiple times before switching and encouraged her try it on her laptop for about a week or so before switching her main computer. She went through with it though and started to really love it once she figured out the main stuff.

Xeroxchasechase ,

Your mom is a Linux gamer?! 🤯

nexussapphire ,

Lol yeah, she likes her Nintendo Switch more but she plays a couple games on PC. At first she was more comfortable with keyboard and mouse but Animal Crossing changed that real quick.

She's playing Breath of the Wild RN and she has learned a lot about that style of game. She used to get frustrated with little things and a little disoriented, she only really asks for help on the occasional puzzle or boss fight now.

Xeroxchasechase ,

That's so awesome man! What are you doing here on lemmy, go play with your mom!

FooBarrington ,

Have you considered using Windows in a VM? I currently don't have any reason to use Windows, but if I had to again, that would be my first approach.

onelikeandidie ,

I am running manjaro with a AMD 7900XT GPU, i needed to do a lot of work to get my windows vm to display correctly and it does not perform well in terms of graphics inside the VM. Personally I keep a dual boot with Win11 debloated to run games that require kernel level anticheat. With that said, if you wanna know if it's a good idea to switch, protondb.com gives you what to expect from your games on Linux!

randomaside ,

I have tried (story option below):

Currently virtualization for the desktop, even though that is in fact the future, there are many issues at the moment. For instance, graphics are holding me back.

Wendell on level 1 techs has plenty of these videos and there is one specifically where he goes in depth on spinning up a windows virtual machine and essentially using a GitHub project to make registry hacks to turn that windows VM into a fake RDS app server then using those apps via the RDP protocol.

I really like this solution but it is still less than desirable when attempting to save files, pass through devices to apps other than keyboard and mouse, run corporate ssl VPN Clients (they often enforce desktop sessions non-rdp via policy).

I follow these threads closely: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/vfio-passthrough-in-2023-call-to-arms/199671

I sometimes think maybe moving to an Intel processor with onboard video for my displays and then using the Nvidia driver patch like this https://github.com/DualCoder/vgpu_unlock or this https://github.com/ProTechEx/vgpu-proxmox to drive local 3D apps and pass GPUs into VMs is potentially something that can be used to get this going (without the need for a second discreet GPU).

I just don't want to have to do this. So I just have a windows desktop (still).

Cocodapuf ,

Not on Windows 7, they haven't.

Never 10 for life!

SirQuackTheDuck ,

This is Windows 11 though

domin8r ,

Compared to 11, Windows 10 is quite alright

Cocodapuf ,

And to be honest, I'm only using 7 on one PC, my gaming PC is running 10.

But no, I don't see windows 11 anywhere in my future. I did try Linux for a little while and to be honest, it was a pretty terrible experience. Still, should these trends continue, it may be the only choice going forward.

MonkeMischief ,

Don't worry it's getting better, especially since all the attention Steam Deck is getting.

Sorry it didn't go well the first time.
The community is super friendly though, when you're ready to try again. :)

moon ,

Unless your computer lacks a tpm, there is no reason why you should stay on an outdated and obsolete OS over Win 11. If you're against change and want things to stay the way you're used to forever, despite running terrible security and outdated UX, then Linux is for you.

Cocodapuf , (edited )

If you're against change and want things to stay the way you're used to forever, despite running terrible security and outdated UX, then Linux is for you.

What I'm against is bullshit.

I'm against ads in my start menu. I'm against getting all of my "apps" from an OS curated store. I'm against an OS constantly phoning home about every aspect of my usage. I'm against using a Microsoft account to log in to my own computer (I'm the admin, thank you very much). And I'm against simply forcing users to update to a companies newest product whenever it's convenient for the company.

I suppose what I don't like is ceeding all control over my computer to corporate entities, it's my computer.

Honestly, if I had my way and if it could have security updates forever, I'd want to use mac os 10.6 snow leopard for eternity. Best os I've ever used, it came with a lot of extra software and utilities, the search was fast and the rest of the time it stayed out of your way. The industry has only gone downhill from there.

moon ,

When you are using closed source software, you are giving up any control or true ownership of that product. Especially with technology and something as dynamic and fast paced system as operating systems. The nature of things is that Windows, just like Android, OSX, etc, are just a service, not a package you buy and own.

People praise Linux because it's the other way around. Linux may have a lot of rough edges, but with it being foss, you own your software, you can do whatever the hell you want and break it as much as you want. As long as you are using software-as-a-service like Windows, this process is going to continue. That will never change because that's by design.

They will just push more and more anti-consumer design regardless of you liking it or not. Why would they not? If you're not switching to Linux, you're forcing yourself to stay in this cycle of corporate bullshit. There is only one way to break free and actually own and decide down to every line of code on how you want your system to run. Hell you can make your work flow identical for the next 20 years if you wanted to.

Cocodapuf ,

There is only one way to break free and actually own and decide down to every line of code on how you want your system to run. Hell you can make your work flow identical for the next 20 years if you wanted to.

Nobody has time for that... Nobody is actually auditing all the code on their system. Yeah, you could probably customize your experience to a point where you like it, but that too is wise an investment. And it's still not a "good" experience. I only lived on Linux for a short time, but it was pretty awful. For instance, I found that Linux doesn't have any equivalent to a Ctrl Alt del or force quit, so when a full screen program crashes, just restart the machine, it's unrecoverable. That's just one example, but it's that kind of lack of overall design and structure that leaves Linux a hot mess as a home pc OS.

I'm totally happy to run my router, my nas, or a web server on Linux, but I don't want to actually use it as my computer.

AFC1886VCC ,

I just use my windows PC for gaming, and it does the job without issues.

intensely_human ,

I bought space engineers a long time ago and have never played it, because I don't want to play it alone

Lucidlethargy ,
@Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works avatar

The state of the multiplayer community is really rough right now in that game. There's one guy running the two largest servers, and he's openly corrupt.

Holzkohlen ,

Please stop. This is getting me depressed and I don't even use Windows.

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