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Socsa ,

I'd have bought a few shares but they wanted my real info. The whole thing just felt like a scam to collect PPI.

ChonkyOwlbear ,

I got the email. No way in hell I'm throwing my money into that hole. I left with the API changes and haven't looked back. Part of what made Reddit successful is it was user-centered. Chasing profit has only made Reddit worse. Going public will accelerate that exponentially. I give it 6 months tops before they start deleting subs, particularly porn ones, because advertisers complain.

tigerjerusalem ,

"You're all landed gentry! But hey, send some money to me by buying a little stock okay?"

Yeah spez, kindly go fuck yourself.

blarth ,

Of course they did. It’s why I’m here. They’ve entirely enshittened Reddit. Good riddance, and enjoy watching Reddit burn from a distance on your mountain of cash, spez. Fuck you.

skozzii ,

It wouldn't very smart to buy shares on a stock I plan to short the hell out of.

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Of course they would. They have first hand experience with how reddit has been mismanaged by spez into oblivion.

captainastronaut ,
@captainastronaut@seattlelunarsociety.org avatar

I deleted every comment and post I had made and then deleted my account when they locked out Apollo. But it sounds like I missed out on getting the secret email and making the investment of a lifetime! /s 

Th3D3k0y ,

I didn't realize I should have deleted my posts before my account. So they get to keep my stupid one-line asinine comments I made

hollunder , (edited )


Edit: Thanks for the downvotes kind stranger!

gabbagabbahey ,


hollunder ,

I'm really looking forward to the reddit trained AI that answers like this: This

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Don't worry, they got to keep them anyways. There is zero reason to believe that comments and posts that were "deleted" by their creator actually vanished from reddits database and didn't just have a little "show public" set to "false" instead.

tmyakal ,

That's why the move is to edit all of your comments into jumbled nonsense and then delete them.

Buddahriffic ,

There is zero reason to believe the edit function replaces the previous post text in the database instead of just updating the posts pointer to the new text. Or maybe it would be more optimized to save the old text somewhere new. Editing posts might piss off mods, but I wouldn't be surprised if the admins don't care.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I was in the process of deleting everything, 600k karma over seven years, and my account got permabanned. I don’t think Reddit is taking too kindly to their AI info being messed with.

EdibleFriend , (edited )
@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

They can restore them if they want. A guy here was a kind of big user in some tech support sub. He didn't just delete...he used one of those account scrubbers to edit over all his comments a few times before nuking his account. Went back to look a few weeks later and all his answers were back.

They don't do this with everyone because most people aren't important to making a sub look useful and attractive but...yeah. They have everything we all ever said stored.

reverendsteveii ,

I've built data entity versioning/audit systems for web apps. Your comments can be undeleted, unedited, basically restored to any point in their lifetime by anyone with the appropriate access.

WildPalmTree ,

At least for EU residents, they are legally obliged to show what data they have on you and let you delete it. Should show well enough if they keep data for other non-EU people. At least if it turns out deleted content is still retained.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

This only goes for personal data. The content you put on reddit is public.

WildPalmTree ,

Are you sure? Not saying you are wrong, I've just never heard about that or thought about it in those ways. Either way, in this scenarios it's not really public any more, is it?

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

I am pretty sure but I wouldn't insist on being right.^^

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

If you choose to delete a comment, you're choosing to make it no longer public.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

This has been harped on before, but the last time we were allowed to view reddit's source code, I believe it was determined that deleted comments still exist and are hidden as you suggest but edited comments are overwritten with their new contents.

This is why I used Redact to overwrite all of my comments and posts with nonsense rather than delete them.

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Eh, I bought 100 shares.

I figured:

a) I have the money.
b) I don't get IPO offers that often.
c) Buy what you hate.


Once I have the shares at $34, I'll put in an order to sell at $69. Nice!

Th3D3k0y ,

My expectation is that a lot of people will at the least buy in at the start due to the amount of publicity, then sell off after the initial rush.

Buddahriffic ,

There might be an early short squeeze that could make this pay off. I predict that this one will be very unpredictable.

skozzii ,

$34 a share is just a cash grab I think, it's gonna gonna tank immediately I believe but we will see what happens!

Seems like just another opportunity to take a bunch of money from the poors while promising them riches.

anarchyrabbit ,

Rather take your money to the casino kids. I think the reddit IPO will crash and burn. Not only because spez is a total fucking tool destroying the platform. But the reddit model will be tough to be a booming profitable business. All they really have is add revenue and users will start seeing through the smoke and mirrors no matter how hard they try to disguise them as normal posts. We have already seen this type of manoeuvre is not easy with Twitter.

JackFrostNCola ,

Yes ads revenue itself but also Data. Lots and lots of data to sell to advertisers to build profiles on what people are into and how they interact with following their hobbies and interests across subreddits.
But i agree that theres not too far to go after that.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

AI training data too. Years' worth of conversations in natural language.

KingThrillgore ,
@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Because LLMs are already hallucinating enough as it, but now they can do it with more racism and zoooomg is that a squirrel ‽

Fedizen ,

I can't wait for an AI that responds to my prompts with "and my axe"

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar


samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar


Kedly ,

I can’t wait for an AI that responds to my prompts with “and my axe”

jkrtn ,

Why would I need redditor data when I could just download top 40s song lyrics and a book of puns?

HootinNHollerin ,

They’re gonna link your account to your identity and then your data will be worth a lot more in a sale. Fuck that shit

Tramort ,

Time to use the Redact app, folks!

ILikeBoobies ,
tsonfeir ,
@tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

All it takes is people going elsewhere and they are worth nothing. Reddit isn’t like Twitter, where it’s all about you. I came here, have the same conversations, and haven’t even noticed I’m not on Reddit any longer.

doingthestuff ,

I used to be pretty big into Reddit. I haven't been back in almost a year except a couple of google search results. I do notice a difference though. There is less diversity in expressed thoughts here. I don't miss the doomscrolling though, I can run out of new content here and I like that.

Gointhefridge ,

Also because there is less content its more meaningful. There's a lot of fluff and garbage on Reddit just so people can get karma.

AndyMFK ,

Totally in the same boat. Less diversity and less content, but I don't mind that. I like that I can can run out of content and it's a nice reminder I've probably been on my phone too much and should do something else with my time. Using Lemmy feels healthier than using Reddit.

ColeSloth ,

I used a great apk on reddit before reddit fucked it over with the api call fiasco. That's when I moved to lemmy and found an apk called Thunder that is extremely similar. So right now the only real difference for me is the much lower user base, so there's less "niche" subs/instances. Of course, that will also go away so long as people keep migrating over.

MasterHound ,

That's it, it's just the userbase size. I still unfortunately have to type 'Reddit' after any question I throw at a search engine but that is on the useless search engines and not indicative of Reddit being a great platform.

yokonzo ,

I have, I've noticed. I've noticed that I'm no longer screaming out in a sea of people and being ignored or ridiculed. We're in a smaller pond here and the waters are much clearer

hugetechnerd ,

I first used Reddit over ten years ago. It was SO much better before the Digg implosion, and Lemmy reminds me of Reddit pre-digg days. Quality over quantity.

SeaJ ,

Not sure I would call myself a power user. While I did have a few posts over 50k, I was not exactly creating a ton of content. Still got an email though and decided against investing.

protist ,

My few posts were almost exclusively in my local sub and plant identification, I never had a post crack 1000. Almost all my karma came from comments. Since I also got the offer, I'm guessing the bar was set very low

kautau ,

Yep, same, think I had 65k karma, mostly from comments, got an email, also balked

FartsWithAnAccent ,

I probably had at least a few million across all my accounts but still balked

Caligvla ,
@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Huh, I thought everyone received the email. Never made a single post on Reddit, only ever commented and still got the thing.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I think everyone got it out eventually, but I know they rolled it out in stages based on total karma. The more karma you had, the earlier you got the IPO email. And they didn't distinguish between post and comment karma. I had almost no post karma, but 402k comment karma (mostly from account age), so I got emailed pretty early.

systemglitch ,

I never got anything. But I use disposable emails to verify any accounts I made.

BothsidesistFraud ,

Right, why would I bother with the reddit IPO? IPO pricing is all over the place. If I want it - I don't - I'll buy it day 1.

altima_neo ,
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Similar story, though I had over 100,000 karma, I never made any posts. It was all comment karma. I got invitations on both my accounts, even though ones been retired for years and the other I stopped using after the bullshit last year.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I was definitely a power user. I didn't get an email. I know why too:


samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

I find it hilarious that you didn't get one and a nobody like me did.

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

On some level, I'm a little surprised they noticed.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Same here. I'd consider it a compliment that they did.

GrymEdm , (edited )
@GrymEdm@lemmy.world avatar

Reddit doesn't function like a real business (i.e. most of the work is unpaid volunteers, users and especially mods). There's no genuine site-wide code of ethics beyond what will actually get them criminal charges. The written rules don't matter - many moderators are unpaid bullies who permaban if their feelings are hurt and ignore questionable content they agree with. That system of banning users based on opinion kills discussion of "unapproved" views and sorts people into forums where their favorite opinions (and often outright hatreds) are popular. Loathe a particular race/gender/political ideology etc? Just find a subreddit where the mods agree and you'll be fine saying some truly terrible stuff. Read the bloodthirsty posts on r/worldnews and tell me if the site-wide rules on not promoting violence or racism apply. For these reasons and more I don't think anyone should be buying into their IPO because they aren't a reliable business.

I don't know if Lemmy is different because I've been here for less than a month, but at least here it feels like you can have different opinions and the worst that happens is you eat downvotes. Plus a lot of the really unethical takes are usually checked pretty hard in my (limited) experience by the users, which doesn't happen when the only other voices are basically guaranteed to agree with you (a la most of Reddit).

The rest of this is just my Reddit survivor tale so if you don't care stop here. I got invited to the IPO on the same week I got a 3-day site-wide ban after appealing a subreddit permaban for a fairly popular comment that the US should stop funding Israel and give the money to Ukraine (on a post about how the US is having trouble finding money for Ukraine). In those words, no hate speech or racism etc. When I asked why I was banned I got a 4-word insult as the only communication back. I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, but it sure felt like I was being deliberately censored/punished for high-ish profile "dangerous" anti-Israeli opinion. May not be the case, but it was my first site-wide ban ever for a comment that broke no written rules.

My Reddit account is 13 years old and in 2023 I think I made about 100k karma, primarily with comments about history, education, and in one case a post about how awesome sperm whales are. My experience mirrors what I've read happens to others enough that Reddit has lost my participation (I've only posted 2x in the last 3 months, down from a few times daily) and my faith. I only go back to check on specialist communities (video game tips etc) and almost never participate anymore. Frankly I hope it either changes to allow for discussion or dies.

magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

I was targeted by someone pathetic whose feelings were hurt (knowing me, it was a remark about how MAGA folks are idiotic hypocrites). They dug through my post history, and reported a comment I’d made months before about how someone needed a slap in the head. They reported it, and I was banned for “promoting violence”.

It wasn’t a permaban, but as far as I was concerned, it may as well have been. My account had been active for years, and I’d never been banned before. I felt let down that the mods had been fooled by such a stupid, obvious trick. Fortunately, a few weeks later, spez pissed everyone off and a lot of people left anyway.

Plus, I have the knowledge that I annoyed some troll SO MUCH that they read through months of my comments looking for something to report. Heh heh heh.

JoeCoT ,

The fact that reddit cares is mostly used for harassment told me all I needed to know about how they're handling their community.

altima_neo ,
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

I got a similar report about "promoting violence" over a comment I made suggesting someone take a long nap. Meanwhile there were comments literally calling for violence that just get straight up ignored.

Morefan ,

You know there are sites that let you search user posts right?

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

No, but meh. If they were mad enough to do that, the point remains.

Computerchairgeneral ,

Unsurprisingly the people who have had to deal with Reddit's leadership for years don't trust them. Shocking. That said I could see a lot of Redditors still buying in, just out of fear that they might miss out on the next big "get-rich-quick" opportunity.

ripcord ,
@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

And a lot of people apparently did.

FunkPhenomenon ,

power users? i received the email and I wasnt a power user.

Steve ,

Their idea of power user is anyone above lurker

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