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alyth ,


WallEx ,

I dont really know photo editing, could someone explain?

RestrictedAccount ,

It takes a while to figure out how selections in Gimp work.

It whenever you select you have created a mask and when you combine it with layers it can get very confusing.

If you accidentally select a small bit you cannot edit anything else. I think that is what OP is referring to.

There is a tool that shows you what you have selected that can help.

IMO Gimp isn’t very well documented so you can get stuck for a while before you understand what is going on.

Wxnzxn ,
@Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml avatar

Oooh, wait, that isn't how it works in other programs? I really like that behaviour in GIMP to be perfectly honest, have used it in editing stuff deliberately.

laurelraven ,

Same... I think Photoshop would probably feel difficult to me to get my head around at this point since Gimp's workflow is the one I've known and used for over a decade and a half now

nossaquesapao , (edited )

It's a common scenario in software. We think some things like ui designs and workflows are "natural", but they're quire arbitrary, and people just got used to them. Then people who are used to it will feel lost with any different workflow, and people who first learned the different ones may feel at home.

A nice example is the windows ui, that a lot of people who grew up with it feel like the most straightforward way to use a computer, but people who grew up with smartphones usually struggle with it and find something like the gnome ui more straightforward.

WallEx ,


setsneedtofeed ,
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

It is annoying not to have a button on the UI, but once you learn the hotkey this becomes a non-issue unless I'm missing something? I suppose this is an issue, but for a piece of free software like this it sort of feels like making a mountain out of a molehill.

RestrictedAccount ,

You are correct. My comment did not correctly convey my attitude that I appreciate Gimp even though it has taken me quite a while to figure it out.

setsneedtofeed ,
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

That's what I thought you meant, I was just trying to confirm, as I sometimes feel a step behind in tech conversions.

Azzu ,
@Azzu@lemm.ee avatar

I have no idea how selection works anywhere else, since I only ever used gimp.

For me, I don't understand this meme, selection seems to work very intuitively, it seems to do what I expect it to do.

Anamana ,

work very intuitively

I only ever used gimp

Routhinator ,
@Routhinator@startrek.website avatar

Lol, all these GIMP haters who don't seem to understand the goal was being on par with Photoshop when it was a desktop application. It works exactly like Photoshop always did. And I agree, selection makes sense. There were many apps that worked the same.. Paint Shop Pro as well.

I guess the kids have all grown up with some other tools and would rather call things they don't understand stupid than try to grasp where the tool came from.

I'm not sure how Krita is different but then again I haven't used it. I installed it, saw it looked like a fork of GIMP, and stuck with what I knew. Which is probably what anyone who hates GIMP should do.

cygnus ,
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

It works exactly like Photoshop always did.

Unequivocally false (source: been a PS user since version 7)

Routhinator ,
@Routhinator@startrek.website avatar

I haven't used Photoshop since version 4 so we can't really compare notes here. I dropped Windows during the Blaster Worm attack in the early 2000s

cygnus ,
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

I was using Mac OS 9 at the time! But PS 7's workflow was already pretty similar to what it is today, and far more intuitive than GIMP which I tried for the first time in 2006-ish.

Routhinator ,
@Routhinator@startrek.website avatar

Interesting. I remember trying a copy of newer Photoshop a few years and being genuinely confused by how layers worked as they've always been part of my flow.

The old versions of photoshop and paint shop pro were heavily layer based and selections were automatically a mask of the current layer as in GIMP so GIMP was easy for me to transfer too at the time.

I also find that intuitive is a relative term. Relative based on your own experience.

terminally_offline ,

Relative to what? You admitted you only ever tried GIMP fucking lmao.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Photoshop 4

terminally_offline ,
uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

"I haven't used Photoshop since version 4"

Routhinator ,
@Routhinator@startrek.website avatar

I talked about using older versions of Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. Not sure where you grokked any admission that I've only used GIMP.

terminally_offline ,
uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

So, which part says he never used Photoshop?

laurelraven ,

I mean, even if that was what they said, that would make it and things that function like it more intuitive to them, wouldn't it? And someone who's used to a different workflow would find it unintuitive.

So yeah... Intuitive is relative

terminally_offline ,

"Even if" 🤢

That is what they said. "Early 2000s".


laurelraven ,

I can screenshot too


Note where you said "only ever tried Gimp", when they said they have, in fact, used Photoshop. Additionally, nowhere in that did they say they've not used anything else since then even, just not Photoshop.

But you think you've made some credible point here, and likely won't back down no matter how wrong you are, so go ahead and respond telling me some twisted logic about why you're right and I'm wrong and I can ignore it so you can walk away thinking you've won some useless internet points.

Perfide ,

Wrong user

terminally_offline ,
uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Ok, you are just spamming same screenshot.

Perfide ,

You said they admitted to NEVER using anything but GIMP. Your gotcha screenshot screenshot you're spamming literally proves otherwise. It was the user at the top of this comment chain that never used anything but GIMP, not the one you've been replying to.

cygnus ,
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

I also find that intuitive is a relative term. Relative based on your own experience.

That's a very good point. As a counterpoint though, pretty much every other app (Affinity Photo, Photopea, even Krita to a certain extent) emulates the PS workflow, which makes GIMP feel even more odd. Its paradigm was probably OK in the early 00s but the world has moved on.

Routhinator ,
@Routhinator@startrek.website avatar

Yeah that's fair. I'd have to figure out how people are getting on without layers, probably take myself back to basics and pretend I know nothing and see how the 'learn from scratch' track teaches these skills today.

OTOH, I also getting to the old dog point, not because I can't learn new tricks, but because I have so many responsibilities I have little time to do so, which is another reason ideological camps like this form. Which frankly is the wrong reason for them to exist.

I should go figure out how the new apps work, but when I do need to do graphics (since its not my main bread and butter but usually an additional skill I need to help develop something) I habitually pull out the familiar to save time.

cygnus ,
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

Totally understandable in your case. I'd like to see GIMP merge the PhotoGIMP project and make further modifications to bring the app more in line with current best practices. They could make the "classic" vs "modern" UI toggle-able on first launch. Its underlying functionality is not bad, but it's just so far outside of what people are used to today. It's like like asking a random 20-year-old to use dialup and Netscape Navigator.

laurelraven ,

The problem with that, though, is if they changed the workflow to be like Photoshop, it would leave those of us who know how to use Gimp but not Photoshop high and dry

Gimp is intuitive to me at this point because I have some idea of how it looks at raster image manipulation from using it off and on for years. I have no clue how to do things in Photoshop that I can do easily in Gimp. It may be the better user experience, I don't know.

If they ever do that, I really hope they leave the option for it to work like classic Gimp in there, because people like me don't actually do image editing that much overall and relearning would be painful for much longer than someone who can deep immerse themselves until they get it. I'd hate to do it but I think I'd have to stick with an old version if that happened without any way to keep doing things the same way

MonkeMischief ,

if they changed the workflow to be like Photoshop, it would leave those of us who know how to use Gimp but not Photoshop high and dry

That's a VERY good point. I think a good example would be how Blender has evolved in the last decade or so.

It started out very "in-house" and unconventional, but it had very specific UX principles in mind rather than just aping "ThE iNdUsTrY". Coming from learning 3D MAX to OG pre-3.5 Blender was really difficult. Right-click select?!

But like Blender, I feel like GIMP could benefit from having easily adjustable settings that could line up with what a particular user finds intuitive. Certain layer behavior seems to be the big one here. The settings are there, they're just awkwardly small buttons or buried in menus.

(Adding the universal transform tool was a VERY nice jump in the right direction.)

Blender's UI / UX overhaul caused a bit of screeching, but overall was instrumental in balancing accessibility with familiarity to existing users. It made those options very accessible and modular.

For instance, I always use left-click-select, but I use the "Blender way" for everything else. If someone's coming from Maya? There's the "industry standard keymap" for them.

Sorry for the ramble. LOL

cygnus ,
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

They could make the “classic” vs “modern” UI toggle-able on first launch.

From the post you replied to:

They could make the “classic” vs “modern” UI toggle-able on first launch.

PoliticalAgitator ,

To add to this, it's not like other apps have just blindly copied Photoshop. Affinity Photo has shape tools that are far less convoluted than Photoshop but they still feel instantly familiar.

Even when they couldn't stick to common patterns (such as the eyedropper tool) they still manage to communicate how the feature works just by designing intelligently, no Googling required.

But every time I've used gimp, common tasks feels like a collection of workarounds for missing features. Someone elsewhere in this thread asked how to place an ellipse and got told that wasn't something commonly needed but to make a selection and fill it using the paint bucket tool (and a modifier key).

That solution is jankier than MS Paint, which at least offers you an actual tool and a short period where you can make non-destructive modifications to the stroke, fill, size and position.

But since you've technically got the circle you asked for, it's treated as "people who don't like GIMP are just haters" rather than "people don't want to use bad tools for their job"

FiniteBanjo ,

I've used other stuff almost daily and I still don't understand this meme.

NoiseColor ,

Gimp sucks. That's why people on Linux rather use krita to edit photos and it wasn't even built to do that.

Gimp is a horrible mistake that should literally be killed off and it should be put into a failure museum to serve as a warning and a reminder how Foss can take a wrong turn and many free development hours are spent towards building the wrong things and continue to disappoint any user that tries it.

theonyltruemupf ,

I like GIMP :)

NoiseColor ,

Yeah... I know. Me too, in a weird and twisted masochistic way.
Still, I'd like it a lot more if ux improved.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

No idea what you're on about. GIMP works fine, it's just not a drop-in replacement for Photoshop. People need to use layers more.

Anamana ,

Gimp works fine.. but it's not intuitive and the UI/UX is horrible.

captain_aggravated ,
@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

And it is intentionally horrible. It is how the developers want it.

Lack of a user friendly art suite is a major barrier to Linux adoption.

EarthShipTechIntern ,

Change it, make it better. Market your version.

Or join conversations with developers so that it becomes better.

You are the development team as much as you want to be. It's not Adobe.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Sometimes "intuitive UI/UX" leads to long "where is the fucking menu" confusion. Shitvendor of my phone shipped it with some garbage crApple-like launcher, where I couldn't remove app from home screen without removing entire app. This lasted untill I installed Trebuchet.

Anamana ,

While I understand your frustration, intuitive UI/UX is 'real' and not just a marketing gag. But you have to invest the money and the time to do proper user research.

TheFonz ,

You don't get it.

If you're not spending hours trying to figure out how to do the most basic shit then it's not for you, pal. Ever heard the expression pressure turns coal into diamonds?

That's right.

That's because we're not bitch ass pussies. Last night I spent five hours trying to merge some layers, and you know what? Worth it! I read the docu, had a back and forth with the developers and after they threatened to kill my family I got it. I'm now a proud member of the Gimp Club Tm (choker and gag ball not included).

Ya gotta give to get some, Shirley. Now move over, I need to block out the rest of the day so I can figure out how to export a PNG.

Anamana ,


TrickDacy ,

That's fucking stupid. What are you even doing in this community? It seems like you're completely against the idea of investing time. Gonna guess you are a fan of Windows

TheFonz ,

This comment was exactly for people like you. Criticism of Gimp and you went straight to:

You must like windows, huh? I bet you take that Steve Ballmer Bill Gates double d all day

Ya boiiiiii I'll take the Ballmer Dick any day over having to endure opening that abhorrent nightmare of an interface from hell

Why don't you invest time

Why don't you invest in deez

TrickDacy ,

Couldn't understand you with the MS shaft in your gullet

alyth ,

so I can figure out how to export a PNG.

  1. File > Export As
  2. Under 'Select File Type' choose png, or name the file anything ending in .png
  3. Click Export. Leave the settings as-is or tweak them if you know what you're doing
  4. Confirm

I spent five hours trying to merge some layers

  1. Right Click the Layer
  2. In the context menu, click Merge Down

Your examples suck. Got any real examples?

TheFonz ,

Issa joke pal. No need to cry crocodile tears about it. No, pal, I don't like windows. Why even bring that up? I just don't like the attitude you guys have whenever someone dares criticize your precious Gimp. No I haven't used it in ten years because it was a nightmare to figure out the most basic functions

alyth ,

I thought jokes were supposed to be funny? What's the joke here? GIMP is bad? Who finds that funny?

TheFonz ,

If all you got from this is gimp bad then I can't help you brother.

lurch ,

lol this person can't merge layers in gimp. there's at least 3 obvious ways to do it, e.g. right clicking on a layer.

TheFonz ,

It's called being hyperbolic. I know you guys only understand literal readings of things.

lurch ,

it's called mockery. try to keep up

TheFonz ,

You just gave instructions on how to merge layers. Which part is the mockery exactly

LinyosT ,

Got to love it when people think they’re making a statement when they’re really just exposing themselves.

Merging layers? There’s a button on the layer window that does just that. You can also right click -> merge.

Exporting PNGs? File -> Export -> File Type at bottom of the window -> PNG

Not that hard unless you’re somehow incredibly inept.

TheFonz ,

Woosh. I love how this comment went over 99% of you people. You're so predictable.

Do you really think I couldn't figure out how to export a goddamn PNG?

LinyosT ,

Most people that complain about GIMP don’t actually know that.

ricdeh ,
@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

How stupid must you be that merging layers takes you hours? It is a single button press. Exporting PNGs is a matter of under 10 seconds. It is clearly labelled in the dropdown menu.

TheFonz ,


NoiseColor ,


Gimp is for Chads only I guess. :D

I'm soft with my UX requirements and time constraints.

TheFonz ,

If you're not clicking through 20 menus to do one thing then I can't help you brother you're just a pleb

NoiseColor ,

I want to be offended, but people that have seen me criticise Gimp have called me so many worse things, that with "pleb" I don't feel anything anymore.

Try at least mentioning that I'm an Adobe abused demented slave or something of sorts.

TheFonz ,

I had some dirty stuff in the barrel that involved Shantanu Narayen but I don't want to get banned yet.

NoiseColor ,

😯 Don't go there.

ByteWelder ,
@ByteWelder@lemmy.ml avatar

Have an upvote. I’d pay double what Affinity is currently asking to have their products on Linux. Gimp is the opposite of intuitive.

tsugu OP ,
@tsugu@slrpnk.net avatar

I've used GIMP to create all of my memes. It's just fine, even if the UI can be unintuitive.

It lacks features compared to Photoshop, which is a reference to the fact that 2 developers maintain the core features of it.

technocrit ,

The fact that gimp is run by two people is indicative of the massive grift of Adobe.

NoiseColor ,

Memes ok. Still, there is better stuff out there for memes.

alyth ,

I'm so sorry that you feel the $0.00 you've spent on GIMP's development were not well spent

lucid ,

Just because something’s free doesn’t make it immune to criticism.

Denvil ,

Is it really criticism if you just say "is bad I hate it"

Cypher ,

The UI is atrocious, the shortcuts are mind blowingly shite and every fucking tutorial on it assumes knowledge.

There’s a reason Gimp has near zero market share. Pirated Photoshop versions have a higher market share and for good reason.

Oh and where the fuck is the draw circle tool? OH no you just use an ellipse and STFU and make a circle tool on a button you nerds.

kaffiene ,

And yet thousands of people have used it constructively for years. They must ask be, like, super humans I guess

Cypher ,

And if it was a better product millions would be using it.

Chee_Koala ,

And if it was an even better product, billions would be using it. Mathematical!

kaffiene ,

That wasn't criticism, that was a rant

NoiseColor ,

I have the best wishes for all the developers and what they make after gimp experiment ends.

TrickDacy ,

Gimp needs fixing. It's definitely not beyond it. But sure go simp for Microsoft some more (yes I remember you from other threads)

FartsWithAnAccent ,
@FartsWithAnAccent@fedia.io avatar

skill issue

NoiseColor ,

That most users rather use a painting program to edit photos?

Sorry but there has to be something there...

FartsWithAnAccent ,
@FartsWithAnAccent@fedia.io avatar

Sorry, I've run out of shits to give

nossaquesapao ,

Most users? You can't just make statistical claims without actual data. It's fine to dislike something, but you don't have to force your opinions on others. Gimp has its flaws and lack features a lot of professionals need, but a lot of people happily use it daily for their tasks. I agree that we need more open source software in this field, but that doesn't mean gimp can't coexist.

NoiseColor ,

Why beat a dead horse? :)

ricdeh ,
@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

Absolute you problem. GIMP is some of the best and most powerful FOSS ever made, and better than most proprietary applications. But this is probably just bait anyway.

NoiseColor ,

Not a problem at all for me. What I said is true. The proof is that people rather use krita.

kaffiene ,

I use Krita a lot and I like it. I also use Gimp. Many people do. That fact that you don't like it is not an argument against it

NoiseColor ,

I want to like it, but it's so hard. It's easier to like almost everything else.

kaffiene ,

That's fair - Krita is a more approachable piece of software in many ways

art ,
@art@lemmy.world avatar

I literally use GIMP every day at my job. It's a very powerful application that makes my life easier.

NoiseColor ,

My condolences.

bananabenana ,

Taking the time to learn gimp is worthwhile. Its really powerful once you know how to use it IMO

spujb ,

counterpoint, learn nondestructive editing and you can use any image tool you want that supports it. IMO this is a far nore useful skill than investing time into one app that can’t even do nondestructive🥲

kaffiene ,
spujb ,

Yo! TIL, cool

amazing_stories ,

Holy cow, it's finally here. Not only that, I really like the way it looks in the layers panel. I thought they would just copy Krita filter layers, but this implementation seems smarter.

kaffiene ,

Yeah the wheels of change turn slowly for the GIMP =) I'm still a fan, thou

LANIK2000 ,

I'm confused. Just tried the selection tool in GIMP and Krita on my PC and sketchbook on my tablet. Works the same way as far as I can tell. Just select, draw in there, copy/paste, ctrl-shift-a to unselect. Moving is more convenient in Krita and Sketchbook, true, but like that can't be it right? I'm at a loss.

iz_ok ,

Wouldn't Inkscape be a more similar tool to Krita?

These programs are tools you have to learn to use. A hammer is pretty simple to use but it'll take some time before you've curving a marble statue.

LANIK2000 ,

Inkscape is a vector art program, it is fundamentally different to any raster art program. Like just download it and try to make just about anything with it, if you never used a vector art program, you'll be absolutely lost. If you know GIMP, Krita or Photoshop you at least have a basic understanding of the others.

iz_ok ,

I've played around with all four programs. I guess it just comes down to what you're using the tool for. I can't draw so I have no business in Krita. I've made logos in Inkscape and have used GIMP and Photoshop for different things. I'll start most projects GIMP and move to a more specialized tool of I need it.

renzev ,

That's because you know that "select none" is the correct tool to use in gimp most of the time. For lots of new users, "select all" seems like the more obvious option as opposed to "select none". The reasoning is something like "I want to be able to edit the entire picture, so I should select all". It doesn't help that "select all" has the simpler keyboard shortcut of the two. So they press "select all", then use a transformation tool like Scale or Rotate, and instead of simply transforming the layer like they would expect, it funnels them into the lovecraftian abomination of confusing UI design that is Floating Selection.

LANIK2000 , (edited )

GIMP's layer system is definitely unique, sadly it hasn't much in common with the selection tool. In that sense, yes, it is unintuitive when migrating from other apps. I'd argue it's not that complicated, as gimp even highlights the buttons you should be pressing like a mobile game, but it is a complete non sequitur so back on topic...

If you use "select all" in any program to cancel selections, I don't know what to tell you. Like ok, GIMP is the jankiest of em all if you do that, no contest, but the rest doesn't behave correctly either if your expectation is that it'll work just like it did before you did any selecting. The flashing selection line around the whole page should be a pretty strong indicator of something being different.

Honestly, many GUI program, doesn't even have to be a raster art program; vector art like illustrator, 3D modeling like maya, some music programs, our custom spreadsheet stuff at work, even many file explorers, as far as I remember they all have the ctrl-shift-a shortcut and all would behave quite differently if you used ctrl-a excepting the same result. I'm genuinely at a loss where you'd get the idea to use ctrl-a to cancel a selection. Like I understand the intuition you proposed, but at what point do you just forget everything else you ever did on your computer?

moosetwin ,
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

guys don't try to resize the canvas by eye in paint.NET

even ms paint is better in this regard

moosetwin ,
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

lemmy is stupid and made that a URL, do not click it

cupcakezealot ,
@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

lemmy is stupid and made that a URL, do not click it

this is like when aerith told me not to look up at the sky in rebirth

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Not on jerboa. Also it shouldn't be URL. URL should be schema://[[user@]host[:port]]/path?query

moosetwin ,
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I agree that it shouldn't be a URL, but on the (desktop) website it is one.

aliteral ,

These people who hate GIMP didn't really practice with it all that much. I use for my day job, editing photos and making content for marketplaces. It works very well.
The workflow may be different to PS, yes, but that does not make GIMP bad.
Also, for those who hate the UI, two things. First, why don't you help the dev team? And second, we'll have GTK3 support soon (finally).

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar


Ascend910 ,

Please teach to how draw good circles and eclipse
And how to resize sollection by corner

renzev , (edited )

good circles and eclipse

I assume "eclipse" is a typo of ellipse? Anyway, just use the ellipse select tool (keybind: e) to make a selection in the shape that you want, then fill it in with the bucket tool (b). Hold shift while using the bucket tool to fill in the entire selection, ignoring anything that's drawn inside it. If you want to draw a ring rather than a completely filled circle, use the "border" command from the "select" dropdown menu to replace the ellipse/circle selection with its border.

how to resize selection by corner

I'm curious, what is your usecase for this? I've never had to do it myself. But if I had to, here's how I would do it: first, convert the seleciton to a path. Make sure the path is visible from the "Paths" dialog (you have to explicitly show the paths dialog using the "window > dockable dialogs" option. From then on, you can use any of the usual transform tools (perspective, resize, roate, etc) on the path. You just have to select the path icon under "Transform: " in the "tool properties" dialog to make sure you're transforming the path, not a pixel layer. Once you've transformed the path to your liking, you can turn it back to a selection, fill it with color, or stroke it with a brush by right-clicking on it in the "layers" dialog.

Also, bonus tip: never use the dropdown menus, it's a huge waste of time. Just press / to pull up for the command palette and search for the tool you need.

EDIT: I love lovingly ranting about gimp, I can do it four hours on end. I'm not some sort of gimp guru, but I know a thing or two. If anyone has any more questions, feel free to reply to this comment and I'll do my best to give advice.

pineapplelover ,

You learn this by messing around or did you follow some guide?

renzev ,

Combination of both I guess? Like for the second one I found out that you can convert between selections and paths a long time ago just by stumbling upon the menu entry for it, but I had to look up how to apply transformations to paths

sem ,

Not op, but if I'm trying to rectangle select something, I sometimes get it close on the first try but not exactly right, so instead of trying to redraw the selection or use additive/subtractive selections, it is more intuitive to me to try and resize the selection box.

I had to use PS for school recently and it's nice that it supports this use case, although I did have to search for a guide to learn how to do it.

kspatlas ,

Use the select tool to create an ellipse selection and go to Edit->Fill with foreground colour

TheHowTM ,
@TheHowTM@lemmy.world avatar

I know it's a consequence of open source development, but I just absolutely despise the file picker. Everything else is dreamy.

aliteral ,

Why? Genuinely curious about what is wrong with it.

renzev ,

Maybe they dislike the filepicker because it doesn't support icon view, only list view (just like the standard gtk filepicker)? I remember a while back lots of people were getting their panties in a twist over it, it was a huge meme in the gnome hater community.

AProfessional ,

GIMP could fix that today if they just used the filepicker portal. Otherwise once they get to GTK4.

renzev ,

Honestly filepickers are kinda cringe, no matter what display mode it uses. I just have a shortcut that basically does find ~ | dmenu | xargs dragon-drop (well, the script itself is a little more complicated, but that's the gist of it) so I can just search for files and drop them into the filepicker directly. Hopefully once everything switches to xdg-portal, someone can make a "filepicker" implementation that just does something like that directly.

renzev ,

Everything else is dreamy.

Gimp spolied me. Now every time I'm forced to use a GUI app with lots of dropdown menu items, I get irrationally angry that I can't just hit / to search through them like I can in gimp lol.

barsoap ,

Blender changed it to just start typing one or two minor versions ago. There's certainly stuff I have no idea how to find in the menus because F3 is way more convenient than remembering things (just be aware that you still need to be in the right mode for stuff to show up).

at_an_angle ,

I tried. I really tried to like GIMP. The main reason I don't like it is because it's trying so hard to be a professional picture editor and the UI.

Why can't I deselect things? Why does something need to be selected at all times? Let me just click a button and remove the selection outline and deselect things.

No. I won't help the dev team because I can't code to save my ass. I turn wrenchs and fix things for a living.

I use other, simpler pic editors. Why should I learn to fly a Boeing 747 when a Cessna 172 will get me where I need to go? I'm making a shit post once every three months, not professional art.

qaz ,

You can deselect all with CTRL + SHIFT + A and deselect a specific part by changing the selection mode from replace or additive to subtract.

irreticent ,
@irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

Do you know of any good video tutorials? There are so many I don't know where to start. I tried one and it seemed too fast paced and not that helpful.

festnt ,

imagine locking deselection behind a keybind nobody will know about

kspatlas ,

It's literally at the top of the select menu

UnityDevice ,

Everyone just confirming aliteral's point.

festnt ,

interesting, i guess i just never checked.

i always just left clicked outside of the selection box to deselect

umbraroze ,

When I was learning about GIMP key shortcuts I was like "Ctrl+A selects everything, Ctrl+Shift+A deselects everything. Makes sense."

And then I went to most of the other apps. "Ctrl+D? Well it's one less keypress, but... WHY?"

To be fair, I get it now, I've used plenty of image editors and I remember the keybinds wherever I am. Just that I sometimes find it annoying that The Other Software hasn't adopted logical keybindings.

(I find it particularly annoying that a lot of image editors try to be fancy and sophisticated and Photoshop-compatible and think it's at all appropriate to use Ctrl+NumpadPlus and Ctrl+NumpadMinus for zooming. Just use what GIMP uses! NumpadPlus and NumpadMinus. It's not hard! What are you using the plain plus and minus for, anyway? Absolutely nothing! I just checked, I need to use Ctrl in Affinity Photo. Plain plus and minus are useless. I see you. ...oh I can just rebind these. Done.)

GTG3000 ,

I just change certain keybinds to be GIMP-like whenever I switch drawing programs.

N is the pencil, CTRL-SHIFT-A is deselect. There's something else, but I can't remember right now.

puchaczyk ,

I'm just glad they added non destructive editing in the latest version. I've tried to rotate/resize something in gimp before and it was a chore to keep quality acceptable.

aliteral ,

That is great indeed. And it's nearing 3.0!

BlessedDog ,
@BlessedDog@lemmy.world avatar

Had to learn Gimp in 4th or 6th grade, not sire which one it was, pretty comfortable with it, though I admit, it can be frustrating sometimes.

PoliticalAgitator ,

GIMP is bad. If the problem was simply that it was "different to PS" then other apps like Krita and Affinity Photo would have the same reputation.

If a user goes looking for a tool or feature and it's not in the first place they look, that's a problem of "didn't really practice that much". If experienced people need to look up how to do basic operations and their reaction is "that's fucking stupid", then the software is bad.

To then say "well why don't you help the Dev team then" is insane. I'm not spending hundreds of hours digging GIMP out of bad design decisions when I could just use better software and I haven't seen any evidence that my PR would even be accepted.

Nobody needs excuses and apologism, they need Blender for image editing and GIMP just isn't that.

NikkiDimes ,

I mean, I've been using GIMP as my primary photo editor for...over a decade. When I use other programs, nothing is where I expect it to be and I think "well, that's fucking stupid"

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

So you open any other image editor, click the rectangle select button, draw a rectangle, then select a move button beside the rectangle select tool, then it moves the rectangle you just selected and you think "That's fucking stupid, it should've moved the entire image, not the rectangle I just selected!"


Norodix ,

Yes, really. If my move tool is set to layer move, dont change it just because I used the select tool for something completely unrelated. That is the typical dumbed down big colorful button approach that I hate in modern corporate software.

Liz ,

I feel like my tools should work together instead of having their parameters set individually. If I select something, it's because I want to do stuff with it. Imagine hitting play on a video and then also having to hit play on the audio.

0xD ,

Look, that you're used to the garbage UI doesn't change that it's garbage and in dire need of a fundamental revamp. If almost everyone here (and everywhere else) says that it sucks or is intransparent, then YOU may be the odd one out here ;)

Imagine hating usable software you don't need a PhD for. It's kinda pathetic to make this your point of pride.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Have you thought about applying for a job at Adobe and fixing it?

redthings ,

Getting a job at Adobe is not helping GIMP

PoliticalAgitator ,

No, but "fix it yourself" is apparently a completely acceptable response if someone criticizes GIMP.

Anyway, I don't care how bad the tools you use are, but it's time to stop acting shocked when industry professionals have no interest in GIMP and don't take anyone who advocates it as a Photoshop alternative seriously.


Nobody is acting shocked. Least the people who learned to use GIMP.

The problem is people like you who are outraged, when asking for a free Photoshop alternative, that the next best thing is not to their likening.

And yes "consider fixing it yourself" is absolutely a valid response for GIMP issues because GIMP is made by volunteers For Photoshop it a bullshit response because it's made by a billion dollar company which charges you for the development and use.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Nobody is acting shocked. Least the people who learned to use GIMP.

So the people who learn GIMP are fully aware why it gets zero industry use? Thanks, that was my point.

The problem is people like you who are outraged, when asking for a free Photoshop alternative, that the next best thing is not to their likening.

I'm not outraged in the slightest, nor am I asking for a free Photoshop alternative. But I've seen people claiming GIMP is a viable alternative to Photoshop for 20 years and for anything past the most basic use cases, it isn't. You may as well be telling people to use Nano instead of Visual Studio and when they complain about the experience, tell them to code the features themselves.

GIMP has had literally decades of development and even with Photoshop in the worst state it's ever been in, it isn't competitive. There are clearly systemic issues with the project and I'm certain this "head in the sand" mentality is at least partly to blame.


It is the next best completely free alternative. Whether people like it or not.

GIMP has had literally decades of development and even with Photoshop in the worst state it's ever been in, it isn't competitive.

How is that an argument? How do you get the idea that GIMP is basically required to be competitive, just because it's old? Completely disregarding the fact it's made by volunteers vs a billion dollar company. And also completely disregarding the fact that Photoshop is even older than GIMP. By your own logic, just going by age, how can they be competitive when they are half a decade younger than PS?

Rewriting the whole thing would sure help. But not with the "I'm not going to help, fuck off" community.

PoliticalAgitator ,

It is the next best completely free alternative.

And if that was how people actually presented it, I wouldn't be objecting. Instead, people pretend it's as good as Photoshop and anyone who disagrees is blamed for not programming it themselves and attacked for suggesting that commercial tools are far better.

How is that an argument? How do you get the idea that GIMP is basically required to be competitive, just because it's old?

Looks like you're more interested in defending Linux software than actually seeing my point.

So why isn't it competitive? It's not because it's new and hasn't had time to mature. It's not because developers haven't put time into it (despite the ridiculous "fix it yourself" bullshit that people keep pushing). It's not because the problem it aimed to solve has been solved.

It's because the people involved with GIMP have the usual Linux community resentment about what "good software" actually is. It's fuck ugly, but they don't think that should matter, so it doesn't get addressed. It doesn't follow patterns that similar software follows, because they're used to it, so everyone else should be too.

It's the same pervasive "good software is good code and nothing else" mentality the plagues the OSS community.

But who cares? Use your shit software. Defend it to your dying breath. It's not going to fix systemic problems with the project nor fool anyone who actually tries it.


So why isn't it competitive?

Because it's made by volunteers, in their free time, who either don't have the time or skill or goal to make it competitive. But I wrote that a couple of times already and you continue to ignore it. So much for 'not seeing my point'.

It doesn't follow patterns that similar software follows, because they're used to it, so everyone else should be too.

If someone is not able or willing to learn their way around something new, that's literally their problem. Why would it need to be similar? If you want Photoshop, well then use Photoshop.
Sometimes doing something different might also end up being the better idea. Won't know until you tried.

And yes, good software is good code. That's just a fact. Because otherwise you inevitably end up stuck and need to refractor the whole thing, instead of adding new features. And then angry people start complaining how you're not competitive, and oh my.

Have a nice day.

PoliticalAgitator , (edited )

Because it's made by volunteers, in their free time, who either don't have the time or skill or goal to make it competitive

Didn't stop Blender. Didn't stop Firefox. Didn't stop Linux itself.

If someone is not able or willing to learn their way around something new, that's literally their problem

I've already covered in this comment chain. Krita and Affinity Photo do things differently and nobody complains because they can see actual value in the change. Being "different" isn't the source of GIMPs reputation, being shit is.

Why would it need to be similar? If you want Photoshop, well then use Photoshop.

I moved to Affinity Photo over a year ago, despite it being different. I don't even keep a token pirated version of Photoshop around for compatibility anymore.

Sometimes doing something different might also end up being the better idea. Won't know until you tried.

I tried multiple times and it simply isn't. That's been their most common feedback for 20 years but people like you still refuse to acknowledge that people might have a point.

And yes, good software is good code. That's just a fact.

Yet somehow, no matter how good the code might be, ugly software with shit UX just never seems to gain widespread popularity. Don't worry, I'm sure it's not because "good software" is holistic, it's because the entire world is wrong about GIMP except for you.

umbraroze ,

I've been using GIMP since the very dawn, I use plenty of other image editors for variety of reasons (Affinity Photo, DxO PhotoLab, ArtRage, Clip Studio), and I have no problems with the UIs in any of them.

Yet every time I use Adobe software I'm like "why is it doing this? Why is it designed this way? Who thought that was a good idea? This is stupid."

jose1324 ,

'help the dev team' is a lunatics response. I use Linux but fuck the users man.


It's a bit lunatic, but it's arguably the only way forward. GIMP doesn't have a multi billion dollar company behind - only volunteers.

Expecting the developers to have the capacity and skill to emulate the features and looks of Photoshop (and quickly, please) - in their free time - is even more lunatic.

jose1324 ,

I'm not expecting anything. But if your response to genuine criticism is "fix it urself in the code lol" then fuck off



FangedWyvern42 ,
@FangedWyvern42@lemmy.world avatar

help the dev team

And we wonder why people don’t like using Linux or FOSS software.

nickwitha_k ,

That's their prerogative. FLOSS is a communal effort of equals. Users are not customers; not entitled to anything as it's donated freely. If you want to be bannied and not contribute, there's proprietary software out there but they'll exact a price (currently more than just financial).

dejected_warp_core ,

I think what burns people the most is that after Photoshop 5 or so, GIMP stopped keeping up with all the improvements in the later Photoshop versions. People making the jump from 2024 Photoshop to 1996 Photoshop UI/UX are gonna have a bad time.

Edit: as a software developer I can say that I've never seen a user more frustrated, sometimes even irrationally so, when they are forced to re-learn muscle memory to perform a familiar task. I've also seen people practically riot at the mere suggestion that this will happen. If you wish to curry favor with your userbase, never ever, remove keyboard accelerators, move toolbars around, break workflow, etc.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Doesn't Ctrl + A deselect?

renzev ,

yeah, that's the point of the joke. You'd think that the "default state" should be "select all" -- I want to edit the entire layer, so I should select all of it. But no, "select all" has a bunch of weird obscure behaviour, "select none" is what you want most of the time, even though it gets the shortcut with more keys.

bitfucker ,

Wait... what does select all and select none do?

renzev ,

Selections are ways to restrict yourself from editing parts of the image. For example, if your select a rectangle, you will only be able to draw on that rectangle, nowhere else. "Select all" and "select none" both allow you to draw on the entire layer. The difference is how some tools such as as Scale, Rotate, Perspective Transform, etc. work.

So, for example, if you Select None, and then use the scale tool to make the layer twice as big, it will scale the pixels contained in the layer, and grow the layer boundaries to accommodate the new pixels. This is what you want most of the time.

If, on the other hand, you Select All, and then use the scale tool, it will cut out all of the pixels into a new Floating Selection, leaving the original layer empty and with the same size. This is a very confusing behavior. Actually, pretty much anything that involves Floating Selection is confusing.

sirico ,
@sirico@feddit.uk avatar

Crtl shift a it's so obvious right... Right?!

ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling ,
@ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


Dave ,
@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I never knew about it until now and I've used GIMP often enough, but if I was going to assign a keyboard shortcut, that makes sense. Ctrl +A select all. Ctrl + Shift + A select none.

Shift is the oppositer (reverser?). Tab goes to next field, Shift + Tab goes in reverse order. Ctrl + T open new tab in browser, Ctrl + Shift + T reopen last closed tab - OK that's not exactly opposite but close enough.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Customizable keyboard binding is a major and widely overlooked aspect of accessibility
For example checkout this thread on mozilla forums about keybinding customization in firefox



This along with modifiable context menus and the ability to share control schemes would greatly improve most software for multiple tasks.

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Key bindings and a good GUI aren't mutually exclusive.

Key bindings are great for people that use the app a lot and want to be more efficient at the tasks they do most often in it. But most people aren't going to be learning keyboard shortcuts the first time they use an app. And if someone uses an app a few times and find it frustrating to use, they never use it enough to want to learn keyboard shortcuts to improve their efficiency with the app.

festnt ,

i always just left clicked far away from the selection

technocrit ,

Yes, people are handicapped and entrapped by using Adobe products.

gamermanh ,
@gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

My man GIMP is the only software I've ever seen that doesn't use CTRL+D for deselect

rtxn , (edited )

Blender uses Alt+A.

It consistently uses Alt as a modifier to execute inverse operations. I to insert a keyframe, Alt+I to delete it. Ctrl+F to set a text filter/search, Alt+F to clear it. Ctrl+P to set parent, Alt+P to clear it. H to hide selected objects, Shift+H to hide unselected objects, Alt+H to unhide all. {G,R,S} to move/rotate/scale, Alt+{G,R,S} to reset transformations. It's not exactly industry standard, but internally consistent that makes learning it easy.

Ctrl+D to deselect is stupid.

gamermanh ,
@gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ctrl+D to deselect is stupid.


dekuuSkrb ,
@dekuuSkrb@pawb.social avatar


PlexSheep ,


Dave ,
@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar


festnt ,

you guys dont just get the selection tool and click outside of the selection?

mexicancartel ,

Bash? quits

kaffiene ,

You don't use much software, huh?

rovingnothing29 ,
@rovingnothing29@lemmy.world avatar

I know, its so hard to press F1 and change the keys to be whatever you want; even copying adobe's keybindings. It takes a whole 15 minutes of setup, the horror.

MonkeMischief ,

In an alternate timeline Fireworks MX went open source and people might use one or the other but everyone's happy. Lol

shyguyblue ,

I had to fight my old company to purchase Fireworks since it had the absolute best jpeg compression engine. I still miss the "export selection" tool...

Shardikprime ,
butsbutts ,

try photogimp

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