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bjoern_tantau , to Memes in Uncanny Valley
@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

It's called "corpse". Often riddled with diseases.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

maybe hairless chimps too. Those things are crazy

drolex ,

They will rip your dick out, Jamie send that video of jacked hairless chimps

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Your dick, your face... they'll pretty much, as we say in my corner of the world, "Fuck your shit up"

Ragnarok314159 ,

Now, imagine the violence early human bought upon early chimps to become the dominant species but also make them shy away from us.

alcoholicorn ,

There's a difference between a few humans throwing some rocks at something's head and poking it with a sharp stick and what chimps do.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I think you missed the proverbial point. We likely slaughtered the chimps and put their heads on pikes. Chimps have nothing on the violence humans are capable of inflicting.

alcoholicorn ,

In scale? Yes. In brutality? Go look up chimp attacks.

feedum_sneedson ,


alcoholicorn ,

Yeah the context is that many indigenous people depended on the buffalo for food.

It was basically the same as when Israel pours concrete down wells and burns olive groves that took centuries to get that productive. They knew for every buffalo they killed, an indian would starve.

That image is similar to the rooms full of luggage in Auschwitz in what it represents.

ours ,

Chimps kicked our weak asses off the trees. They should regret how that turned out for them.

School_Lunch ,

I remember a documentary about a famous northwest passage expedition that was never seen again. One of the inuit people they talked to during an investigation claimed they found a boat, and in the captain's quarters they found a body in the bed with a big smile on its face. That would be absolutely terrifying, but apparently that's what naturally happens to corpses when their lips and gums receed.

Kosta554 ,
@Kosta554@feddit.nl avatar

Damn, now i want to know!



Caboose12000 ,

You've just ruined my night. I screamed. My phone was like an inch from my face and I was all tucked into bed. That triggered something primaly unsettling for me. Thank you


You're welcome.

Caboose12000 ,

I trusted you


You were the best Blue.

Shard ,

Franklin's last expedition

FrostyCaveman ,

At least he died happy

Classy ,

"Oh for just one time, I would take the Northwest Passage..."

Grandwolf319 ,

Damn, got to listen to it now…

DevCat ,
@DevCat@lemmy.world avatar

It also covers those who are not biologically fit to be mates. Various conditions can appear as physical traits.

Amanuet ,

You're right though, as soon as someone dies, there's something not right at all about how they look. They don't look asleep, they look uncanny valley.

Dippy ,
@Dippy@beehaw.org avatar

Or perhaps whatever animal killed your friend is still nearby. Maybe it's still hungry, or maybe it feels it's territory is still underappreciated.

Baizey ,

Its territory is underappreciated?

Dippy ,
@Dippy@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, some asshole walks through your territory, doesn't seem like it's being appreciated that the territory is yours

intensely_human ,

There might be a monster with hurt fee fees in the bushes

ilikecats , to Memes in We've all just got to do our part!

That's a standard problem with ecology. I can't use a plastic straw which has negligible impact but fishing industry can dump 640,000 tonnes of plastic every year and that's fine. Let's just ignore that.

You go on holiday once a year with the efficient normal flight - bad guy. Ritch person uses private jet for no good reason - that's normal. Let's ignore those emissions and create special rules for the airlines so they don't have to worry about it too much.

Private jets pollution doubled during one year and it's probably the worst way to travel for the environment but I hope you have spent your life savings for a slightly better car to compensate that. We can't inconvenience ritch people, right?

Sanctus ,
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

It is this way because the rich people control everything. They won't lift a finger to change if they think they can scam 10,000,000 people into lives of utter inconvencience and guilt to "offset" their own pollution. Hint; every one of us could live in caves and recycle our everything with stillsuits and the rich's portion would just expand to fill the voids we left. This isn't a game with a high score. The hands of the many must join as one to cross the river of life.

nondescripthandle , (edited )

The hands of the many must join as one to cross the river

Nature, nurture, heaven and home

Sanctus ,
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

Sum of all, and by them, driven

Wogi ,

I have a plan. Bear with me here. Requires only a cursory understanding of basic construction and late 18th century French revolutionary methods.

Agrivar ,

I'm a woodworker by trade! Would my skills be of any use in this endeavor?

MrVilliam ,

A woodworker who actively dislikes the hypocritical and predatory exploitation of lower class people and who is willing to do his part to save us? Are you Jesus?

nonfuinoncuro ,
elfahor ,

The French Revolution was mostly a bourgeois revolution tho.

MNByChoice ,

I get confused.
bourgeois = middle class
proletariat = working class

What is the name for the rich?

bort ,

bourgeois = middle class

iirc bourgeois is non-aristocratic upper class. But i guess it depends heavily on the context

MNByChoice , (edited )

You could be right.


The bourgeoisie are a class of business owners and merchants which emerged in the Late Middle Ages, originally as a "middle class" between peasantry and aristocracy.

It is possible that the meaning of "middle class" has changed. So Musk is middle class, but the lawyer or pizza shop owner are not.

Edit: shit, I should have read farther. Bourgeois is used in multiple ideologies.


The two classes are the proletariat, who make up the majority of the population within society and must sell their labor power to survive, and the bourgeoisie, a small minority that derives profit from employing the working class through private ownership of the means of production.

Wogi ,

There's only two classes. Working and wealthy.

If you can't afford to live without working, them you're working class. If you could quit your job and maintain a decent lifestyle, you're not working class anymore.

Croquette ,

Why not have fun a make a YouTube video of a Rube Goldberg machine that ends with a recreation of Itchy and Scratchy scene.

MNByChoice ,

I didn't think the wood part is the problem. The big metal bit is a real head scratcher.

xenoclast ,

I believe the trickier part is physically getting our hands on them

SlopppyEngineer , (edited )

It's why all carbon should be a currency distributed to all people like an UBI. Let's say sustainable amount of CO2 emissions is 8 billion ton and there are 8 billion people, so everybody gets 1 ton per year. You want to pull oil it if the ground, pay in CO2 coin and ask the buyer to pay in turn. Rich guy wants to fly a private jet, they pay the oil producer. Not enough coin, buy with dollars from someone poor that drives a bike and has excess CO2 coins.

It seems fair to me. Everybody is equal, it keeps the market intact while keeping capitalism within sustainable emissions and distributes some wealth.

Of course no rich guy or oil producer is going to accept that, at least not until some people figuratively start building the wooden platform and sharpen the blade to a razor edge.

Sanctus ,
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

The environment does not take markets into account and it never will. This consumption will never be sustainable. Our entire ecosystem did not evolve with capitalism or industrial needs in mind. There will be a point where we cannot extract anymore resources without every system collapsing. You can't tie all your resources up into consumer products and military industrial complexes without major drawbacks to everything else. And we will always need more in this current system, and there is never a point where more is enough. You'll never hear "okay, everyone has a smartphone, shut the factory down."

lolrightythen ,

It's fun stuff, right?? I've never been able to conceive why the ultra wealthy would want to let the peasants eventually die off.

Perhaps there are currently more peasants than they require? Was Ritchie Rich just waiting until AI drones became advanced enough to serve them properly?

My limited experience with wealthy folk (prob not even the top 15%) is that they like to feel superior by comparison. Some may be intelligent. Most are educated well even if they lack any aptitude.

My best guess is that they lack wisdom or any semblance of awareness that an aristocracy is stagnant. The things that live on our planet have had to struggle and adapt to survive. At some (small and meek) level, they fuel the forces that would oppose them.

It's not actually fun stuff. I was joshing. I doubt we get to create the United Federation of Planets in the future. I would be ecstatic if that statement was proven wrong.

Patches ,

How to make Carbon Taxes even more worthless.

Make it so the poorest homeless Junkie can make $5 to sell his "Carbon". Drive the price of Carbon down to nothing because rich people can always make you more desperate.

How about we don't involve the system that is actively destroying the planet - into the system meant to save it.

psivchaz ,

It's not entirely unlike my plan: No more externalities. That's the big problem with the environment and with a bunch of other things. Economists call it an "externality" when the things you're doing have side effects that you don't have to account for, such as pollution.

The thing is, we let industry and capital get away with it for a long time. And there's no doubt that fixing it would also impact people. If the cost of properly disposing of a tire was built into the price of the tire, it would be passed along to customers. But it's the only way to rehabilitate ANY system that uses currency.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

every one of us could live in caves and recycle our everything with stillsuits

I wish this was an option

lolrightythen ,

pre edit: this is just a pointless rant. Your time is precious. Consider skipping it

Please don't take my statement as arguing against your point (I like where you are coming from).

I don't even need sources, I rarely believe metrics in the first place because it is so difficult to conceive and even harder to conduct studies at this scale. This isn't even a possibility in my mind, but:

If everyone that wasn't in the global top 10% of wealth went full Fremen, would the problem truly continue to exist? I doubt it because much of the much industry owned by our increasingly indulgent hoarders wouldn't be necessary. There wouldn't be regular folks to make or buy the product. We'd be hiding under the sand in a cave while drinking our own pee.

I'm not knocking it - I haven't tried it. All at once, anyways.

The gluttonous upper crust would still be jetting to the poles and burning tires for light, but I feel like that would be a much smaller burden on our planet's ability to support life as we've known it than industry on a massive global scale.

I don't know what my point is exactly. I don't think I believe we'll find a workable solution without a cataclysm. Let's go with: selfish assholes are gonna earn their title every time. Regular folks shouldn't be told that their combined efforts won't put a dent in the problem. The ultra rich process nature into poison in order to gain more wealth and power over their peasants. Weakening public education and access to healthcare helps them sell their low quality, single use poisonous trinkets. Having a bunch of money isn't useful if there aren't a lot of folks that have little or even less money. Power, money, knowledge - resource - however you want to frame it.

But then the rich could just overpopulate and use their least favorite offspring as peasants...

Ugh. I should just delete this comment as I don't know what my central statement is. I am certainly not disagreeing. Maybe its that we shouldnt accept futility even though our efforts may truly be futile. To encourage integrity and contentment among our masses. It's very possible for the inhabitants to overcome our downward trend - but if we end up failing, there is still no reason we should accept defeat and be the poor, uneducated, meager servants they see us as.

Fuck the powers that don't respect every life equally. Even if resistance isn't effective, I'd rather suffer than accept a darker future. (I won't have kids. Easy for me to say)

Ugh. Sorry if anyone reads this. I just needed to vent I guess. Thanks for being interested and making the post and conversation. Be well all

brandocorp ,

I appreciated your rant. I don't really know what I'm talking about, so take this all with a grain of salt.

What you're sort of describing sounds like a boycott of our capitalist system. In theory, if we all could be self-sustainable and didn't need to participate in the current system just to survive, then I think it would collapse. How could it not? The billionaires are billionaires because we give up our time and labor for currency which we then reinvest in a system which transfers most of that currency to a select few at the top. If we all stopped participating where would the billionaires get their billions, and what would they even spend it on, if not our labor or products produced by our labor?

I can only speak for where I live but this kind of organizational boycott of the system isn't really likely to happen anytime soon. It's too difficult to organize that number of people into non-participation especially when there are not really any alternatives. It's not even easy to get people to give up listening to a certain artist's music if they've done a terrible thing. People are living shitty or difficult lives and need their creature comforts just to mentally get by. I don't blame them. There would have to be a viable, functioning alternative already in place which could absorb the needs of a massive number of people. It would take cooperation and compassion, and I guess I just don't see that in the cards.

Even if we did, how long would it last until the power hungry manipulated their way into building another version of the same system?

Sanctus ,
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

What do you have to offer but the water of your bodies? You're right. If everyone walked away. If you couldn't sell people a t-shirt with a cat's asshole and a stupid slogan on it, there wouldn't be an industry because there'd be no customers. But thats the issue, where we came from fucking sucked. Children died as often as they lived in every community. But what difference does it make? Its hard to tell. My kids sleep peacefully while Palestinian and Yemeni children are viciously murdered by world powers. So I agree with you. Fuck this. Leave your cities. Have an affair with the Earth and praise Shai-hulud. Would I rather cut my teeth experiencing the reality of life, or extend that percieved comfort to give 4000 people control over billions? Its a hard question. We don't truly know the hardships we would experience. I mean Fremen call their homes a seitch, a meeting place in a time of danger, they are accustomed to war and being hunted. I don't want that for my kids and everyone else that still breathes with compassion for others. Though, the current option seems to be surrending to the disgusting forces at the helm, to which my heart says it'd rather die, and it is in a way.

Anyway, clothes shouldn't be mass produced, lets learn how to make them again. Theres plenty of industries we could get by without if we were allowed to live as a community of people instead of strangers in nearby boxes. I thought I'd answer your rant with a rant of my own because I love our advancements but I hate the intentional suffering of our world. Suffering does not bring merit, suffering is not necessary for growth. All this suffering apologia makes me sick. We are better than this. Mankind is betfer than this. And more people can feel it on the inside now than ever before, we just don't know what to do, or what happens after.

Kecessa ,

Private jets is a very small part of airplane pollution and four people travelling in a Chevy Suburban with a big V8 actually use less fuel per km per passenger than the big passenger airplanes use per km per passenger. That's not even taking non CO2 pollution into consideration.

People in general rely on airplanes way too much, may it be for personal travel or to get shit shipped to them ASAP, it's not just a rich people issue.

phdepressed ,

That's part of why we need viable rail travel in the US.

genie ,

What are we going to do, build high speed rail!? A technology so advanced that China alone has enough track in active operation to traverse the US over 13 times as of three years ago? I dunno, seems like a gamble

phdepressed ,

I want to laugh but it hurts.

Zehzin ,
@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

Screw that oldass great wall, this is the best thing that flows in a complex system throughout China (behind the Yangtse River).

ilikecats ,

AI disagrees but yeah. We need more trains

Private planes emit significantly more CO2 than passenger planes per passenger. Here's why:

  • Fewer passengers: Private jets are designed to carry a small number of people, often just a handful. Passenger planes, on the other hand, can carry hundreds of passengers. This means the emissions from a private jet are spread out among far fewer people.
  • More frequent takeoffs and landings: Private jets often take off and land from smaller airports, which can mean shorter flights. Takeoff and landing are the most fuel-intensive parts of a flight, so these short trips contribute disproportionately to a private jet's CO2 emissions.

Studies estimate that private jets emit 5 to 14 times more CO2 per passenger compared to commercial airlines [Transport & Environment].

Kecessa ,

Private planes emit significantly more CO2 than passenger planes per passenger.

Read my message again, I never said they don't. They still represent an insignificant proportion of air traffic emissions.

Imgonnatrythis ,

But there are so many more poors. If we all do our very best we can come close to breaking even with the damage done by the rich and mega corporations and help alleviate them of any guilt they might otherwise experience.

Evotech ,

Yeah let's not do anything because something else is worse.

In just the U.S. alone, one estimate suggests 500 million straws are used every single day. One study published earlier this year estimated as many as 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute the world's beaches. In the U.K., at least 4.4 billion straws are estimated to be thrown away annually.

Wogi ,

Imagine all of those straws in a single pile. 3000 tons of straws.

Now imagine a pile 200 times larger. That's what the fishing industry is doing.

We're moving sand piles while they're building pyramids.

starman2112 ,
@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

The fishing industry is a fucking eldritch abomination. It puts everything else to shame. Fun fact, we kill roughly a hundred billion land animals for food every year across the world. But if you want an estimate on how many animals we kill total, you can just ignore that entirely because the answer is around 1 to 3 trillion fish, depending on how you estimate it.

Azteh ,

That means an average U.S. citizen uses 1,46 straws a day. What the fuck are you guys doing? Compare that to the U.K. where it's 0,18 by your own numbers.

Ragnarok314159 ,

We use them as single shot spit ball launchers. It’s common to settle disputes lining up like a napoleonic army and blasting at each other. We need gun violence, but don’t always want someone to die.

Asafum ,

I'm going to guess fast food is a large portion of that here in the US. Idk how other countries serve fast food, but here every "meal" comes with a drink, and that drink not only has a plastic straw but also a plastic lid the straw goes into.

starman2112 ,
@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

After opening the plastic container with my pancakes in it, I open three individually plastic wrapped teaspoons of butter and one plastic tub of high fructose corn syrup to pour onto them. I begin eating with my plastic knife and fork, before getting thirsty and reaching for my plastic cup with a plastic lid. I throw the plastic straw that they gave me away, and pull out my trusty stainless steel straw. I am saving the environment one breakfast at a time.

Asafum ,
ilikecats , (edited )

Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing. You're wasting time and money and not solving any problem in the process.

You also have a nice distraction while the actual source of the problem is getting worse.

UK has banned plastic straws in 2020 and guess what. Nothing has changed. We're still drowning in plastic. UK doesn't dump plastic waste in the ocean so the straws you see on the beaches aren't from here anyway. Never were. No problem was solved

nyahlathotep , to 196 in Voluntary Mandatory rule
@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

this has to be satire

Hideakikarate ,

One would hope that a message THAT tone deaf wouldn't have even made it to the keyboard before realizing what a catastrophically bad idea it was.

littletranspunk ,

This is basically how Golden Corral works their staff

ares35 , (edited )
@ares35@kbin.social avatar

there's a lot of stupid, ignorant assholes running small businesses all over the place that think they own their employees and can boss them 24/7. this could totally be a legit posting somewhere.

if you want me answering my phone 24/7, you're paying me 24/7--and providing the phone you want me to answer.

sibannac ,

I've seen shit like this working in an understaffed restaurant. It was understaffed because the management decided to drug test and most of the staff was let go. Then whined the entire time about people unable to cover shifts and pulled shit like this. I promptly left after coming back from being sick.

i_dont_want_to ,

Drug testing at a restaurant?! lmaooooo

porous_grey_matter ,

Yes, of course there are plenty of workplaces this bad, but they still wouldn't write "voluntary mandatory"

Ragnarok314159 ,

After meeting many a middle manager, I can say with absolute certainty that they would write something like this.

DragonTypeWyvern ,


Pretzilla , (edited ) to 196 in Artificial Refugium rule

Bats eat their weight in mosquitoes every night, unlike your typical hoa board member

cerement ,
@cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

but they do suck blood

germanatlas ,
@germanatlas@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

And can carry rabies

Viking_Hippie ,

Yes, but enough about the HOA!

rowrowrowyourboat ,

Only the vampire bats. And they only live in Central and South America. Although bats do carry diseases.

cerement ,
@cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

(talking about the HOA)

Sonotsugipaa ,
@Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This isn't funny, think of all the poor HOA board members that get eaten by bats every night

wreckedcarzz ,
@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Stop, stop. I can only get so erect.

Holzkohlen ,

What if the bats bite humans, create vampires and you have hot single vampire mommies in your area?

Vivendi ,
@Vivendi@lemmy.zip avatar

sadly they only get you rabies, instead of giving you Lady Domitrescu

TheCoolerMia ,
@TheCoolerMia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That's just because u don't ✨ B E L I E V E ✨ :3

jaybone ,

This is how we get empty toilet paper aisles.

CluckN , to solarpunk memes in What if public libraries...

“What if we took a place known for being quiet and made it loud?”

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks ,

Ok, then let's make a new space called a loudbrary.

jettrscga ,

You're implying "li" means quiet and I have no choice but to believe this madness because I can't be bothered to look it up.

Zachariah ,
@Zachariah@lemmy.world avatar

I’m sure the Loudbrarian could help you with that.

homesweethomeMrL ,


milicent_bystandr ,


Agent641 ,

megaphone crackles to life

JackGreenEarth ,
@JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee avatar

It comes from the Latin libre, meaning free.

homesweethomeMrL ,

until now

sadbehr ,
@sadbehr@lemmy.nz avatar

This is incorrect.

From Wikipedia:

The term library is based on the Latin word liber for 'book' or 'document', contained in Latin libraria 'collection of books' and librarium 'container for books'.

JackGreenEarth ,
@JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee avatar

I accept the correction.

sadbehr ,
@sadbehr@lemmy.nz avatar

I accept your acceptance of the correction.

grrgyle ,

I witness this agreement to accept the correction

Acronychal ,

Perhaps some sort of community drinkbrary, as seen in the image.

Protoknuckles ,

I mean, temporarily loud. I think that would be OK.

SchmidtGenetics ,

To be fair libraries are very active places, there are plenty of quiet spaces in most of them as well for this reason. Why can’t we accommodate everyone? We aren’t talking pumping music, just basic conversation, which already happens.

If it gets too loud, there’s always the quiet places for people that want more peace ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

We aren’t talking pumping music...

YOU may not be but I guarantee that within the first 60 minutes at least three people are going to try and do just that.

SchmidtGenetics ,

If it’s against the rules, they’ll be kicked out, like it happens already… and if they allow the music, well you are free to choose another library that fits your specific needs. Just like the ones using the louder library since it’s already for them.

bufalo1973 ,
@bufalo1973@lemmy.ml avatar

One word: headphones

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Please. People regularly ignore that social convention in public spaces like Mass Transit and Parks. Why do you think libraries would be any different?

bufalo1973 ,
@bufalo1973@lemmy.ml avatar

"Speakers not allowed. Anyone using them will be expelled and banned from entering again" (or something like that)

Catoblepas ,

Be honest, how long has it been since you’ve been in a public library?

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Since I'm a Technical Consultant for my local library I can honestly say I was in one just last week. In fact I'm logged into their system right now making some adjustments to their public access computers. I know what patrons are doing when they think no one is looking and I know exactly what would happen if Libraries were open late so people could lounge around.

Many libararies are already employing Security Staff to keep things under control during regular hours and there is no reason to think that it get any better 'after dark' so to speak.

Catoblepas ,

So you work offsite, rarely visit, and are making sweeping judgements on how patrons you don’t even see or interact with would be behaving in a hypothetical scenario?


chocosoldier ,

the part where logging in to a computer remotely is apparently as good as visiting a place in person fucking sent me. this is what being online 24/7 does to a person.

lud ,

Reviewing the actual logs which collect data over long periods is more reliable.

Btw where the fuck did they say that they never visited the place? For all we know they have worked for the library onsite for months or even years.

this is what being online 24/7 does to a person.

Yeah, I know what you mean...

chocosoldier ,

wow you seem to have taken that really personally, almost like you're a sock puppet

lud ,


I just found stupidity and it's amusing to question them.

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Btw where the fuck did they say that they never visited the place?

It doesn't say that anywhere because I'm physically in there 3-4 times a month and have been for nearly 20 years. I really wonder how long its been since the people shit talking have been in a Public Library and witnessed what's going on in them these days. Our Library, in a town of roughly 60,000 people, had to get Security back in 2018 because there were too many unruly patrons causing problems for the Staff to handle.

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

Was there again this morning and remembering this "conversation" I asked the Executive Director, Business Manager, and the Assistant Director about it.

These were the three comments they all made, although in slightly different orders:

-"How is it going to be funded? Keeping the Staff and Security here until 10PM or later would be expensive and its not in our budget."

-"A lot of people won't come out after dark so it would likely be the same people that come and sit here all day. They'd just be staying later."

-"We have enough behavior problems during the day. I can't imagine how it would get late at night."

I also asked the head Librarian about the Library as a 3rd Space for the public. She shook her heard and said "I understand the idea but it wouldn't work. The Staff isn't here to play baby sitter so people can sit around and chat."

So there ya' go; three Administrators and a Librarian.

Now I challenge YOU to go to YOUR local Library and talk to the Administrators and Librarians there. I'm interested to know what they tell you.

peto ,

I wonder if the public perception and use of libraries would be improved if they weren't these strangely silent book temples and were instead places of public learning and conversation.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

My county library has tons of spaces to be loud and engage with others, hosts a lot of events and to be honest has only a few quiet spaces.

The public perception of libraries being super quiet book temples is really outdated.

pseudo ,
@pseudo@slrpnk.net avatar

Were they even that way? I mean, from as long as I can remember there was quiet and non quiet times, quiet and non quiet spaces in librairies. I've never heard of one were it is fully silent all the time. Isn't that just the case in movies for comedic effect?

poppy ,
@poppy@lemm.ee avatar

In my VERY limited experience, school libraries tend to be quiet/silent while public ones are more communal with varied loudness spaces. But a lot of people only experience school libraries.

meat_popsicle ,

I wish. Getting scolded by an old crone for daring to use your voice in the library never leaves you. Children can be excited or loud sometimes, but libraries exist to make them seen, not heard.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

My hometown library was quiet all the time in the 80s, but it was also basically one really large room and any noise carried really well so they enforced quiet. The state college library was similar, and enforced quiet when I went in the 90s because people were studying.

Most libraries in the movies are also large, open spaces and like everything else they play up the extremes or the writer's experiences. Since movies tend to stick with stereotypes, so don't expect a library scene in a movie without someone being hushed any time soon.

Fox ,

Your library isn't? Mine has events all the time

homesweethomeMrL ,

Two words: flourescent lighting

Guess what's not depicted in the above illustration?

Tikiporch ,

Something the AI that drew it left out. Dude on the couch on the left has three feet. This is as much as the AIs vision as it is the OPs, without the prompt we'll never know.

poVoq OP ,
@poVoq@slrpnk.net avatar

Outside of normal operating hours? Why not?

ReadyUser31 ,

I've got to be honest that picture is just a pub with books.

grrgyle ,

But free and no booze, so

avogadro ,

I'd prefer free with booze ty

BedSharkPal ,

A library doesn't care about you buying shit just to be there though?

Hell if I could just bring my own food to a pub and hang out I would.

ohlaph ,

I think there is room for both. Our library has a small restaurant and hall for lounging and isn't quiet at all. But the main library is business as usual and quiet.

dejected_warp_core ,

During specific hours so everyone can plan accordingly? Yes. Absolutely we should do this.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Libraries weren't created to be quiet places. They were created to preserve and share knowledge.

MNByChoice ,

And to steal it from others. Sure, Alexandra might have given you back a copy, but not the original.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

If you have a book and I have a book we have two books

MNByChoice ,

Yes. I want to start this library.

pseudo ,
@pseudo@slrpnk.net avatar

Books help keep track of science and share it efficiently but the only knowledge we have is the one we still have when showering.

MNByChoice ,

I like to picture water proof books.

pseudo ,
@pseudo@slrpnk.net avatar

Hey! My first Book was one of those bath book for Babys...

trebuchet ,

The place you're talking about isn't even open during the hours being discussed. Which is the entire point of this post.

Who cares who is being loud are they disturbing the non-existent regular patrons?

VinnyDaCat ,

It's not about turning it into a place for discussion really. Part of it's just being around other people. I'm willing to bet that there are studies out there that suggest that even being around other people in settings like this is healthy and has some benefits.

AVincentInSpace , (edited ) to Memes in was this not allowed before?

Welcome to 2013, Apple fans! Maybe in 5 more years you'll get homescreen widgets customizable layouts (change number of apps per row etc). In 10 you might get custom launchers!

CaptainEffort ,
@CaptainEffort@sh.itjust.works avatar

I remember having this feature on my jailbroken iPhone in like 2009. Wild that it took this long.

abfarid ,
@abfarid@startrek.website avatar

I'm not sure about iPhones, but iPads have had homescreen widgets for a whole year, maybe even two!

gray ,
@gray@pawb.social avatar

iOS already has widgets?

ursakhiin ,

This interaction is so indicative of the reality of device fandom.

The Android user isn't storing information about the iPhone in their brain.

The iPhone user is responding like everybody knows everything about iPhone features and it was dumb of the android user to not know this thing.

TheRealKuni ,

Welcome to 2013, Apple fans! Maybe in 5 more years you'll get home screen widgets.

We actually do have home screen widgets, as of like 2020. They got it sometime before I had my iPhone. And an app drawer!

As a former Android user, my iPhone home screen looks wildly different from people who’ve had iPhones for many years. I have very few icons on my home screen, I have widgets taking up most of the top of the screen to push the icons I do have down near my fingers (because Springboard is still stupid as of iOS 17, as this gif is pointing out), I have more widgets to the left (“Today View,” Apple calls this, it’s basically just a scrolling widget section), and then the app drawer equivalent to the right (which Apple calls “App Library”). It’s clean and beautiful and reminiscent of my lovely Nova launcher setup I had on my beloved OnePlus 7T Pro (may it rest in peace).

Whereas most longtime iPhone users just have page after page after page of apps and folders. Every app they own is on there somewhere. Which is ridiculous since on iOS you can just swipe down, type the first few letters of the app, and there it is.

TrickDacy ,

Always about 7 years behind android. Smh

RealFknNito ,
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

"Pay more for less!" - Tim Apple

thorbot ,

Thanks trump

TheRealKuni ,

I know, right? It also took them years to improve their notifications to work like Android’s (still aren’t quite as good). And I STILL can’t do what this gif is showing because iOS 18 isn’t out.

4am ,

We had them before that but they were different and not a lot of stuff made use of them

dojan , (edited )
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

They were kind of shit, and confined to that left-most view. The new widget system they added a couple of years ago is really nice, and the addition of making them interactive with the last update was solid too.

As someone that uses both iPhone and Android, the way it is right now Apple's widgets feel better. I can't quite put my finger on why exactly that is, but like with pretty much everything (stock) Android, it just feels a little bit janky. It works just fine, and I really like the adaptive theme thing that my Pixel 6 has going on, but it feels a bit off.

I toyed around with the phones side by side, and I think honestly it's mostly just that Apple must be spending a fuckton of hours just working on getting animations to flow smoothly. That's the main difference I notice between my Pixel 6 and my 15 Pro Max. They both have 120hz screens, but the latter doesn't have any sort of flickering, weird clipping, animations that drop/bug out, etc. while the Pixel does.

I recorded two screencaps, doing roughly the same things, so I could see it side by side. This is from my iPhone, and this is my Pixel 6. I enabled the "record touch gesures" thingy on Android, an option I've no idea where/if it exists on iOS.

What's interesting is, I learned that it actually does pick up my gesure when I try to open the app switcher, it just either ignores it, or I'm not precise enough. I've never had this issue on my iPhones, but I have it almost every time I use my Pixel. It then pulls up this weird unlabelled app with a bunch of squigglies in it - I genuinely don't know what that is, and it took me aback because I was expecting the app switcher. Then there's a bunch of random flickering. One app is "censored" and it shows my wallpaper instead, which is a bit odd but that's fine. When dismissing the drawer, it remains briefly above the homescreen before just vanishing out of existence.

On iOS all the animations are smooth, nothing pops, flickers, or jerks. Even the padding in the widget drawer is eased in and out of existence.

Does it matter? That's subjective. Both are solid phones, and for the price I paid for the 15 Pro Max it fucking better be. With Android you have a lot more freedom, of course. It's not really something I value in my daily driver as my iPhone does all I want from it with zero hassle.

danc4498 ,

Before the app library existed you just had to have all the apps on a page and could not hide them. I ended up having like 20 page of apps. I eventually cleaned things up and have a page with apps I use, another page of widgets I use, and that's it. But it took me years before I thought to do that.

TheRealKuni ,

Oh I know, it was madness. I briefly had a used iPhone 3GS and then was pure Android until 2022 when I got an iPhone. By the time I came back it was customizable enough that I could make it look like Android, but that’s work for someone who lived with the terrible setup it originally had. I don’t blame existing iPhone users, it’s just something I’ve noticed.

QuaternionsRock ,

It’s funny, I’ve had an Android, a Nokia Windows Phone, and an iPhone, and Windows Phone was the only OS in which I didn’t open every single app through search. The utter lack of an app ecosystem definitely played a part, but I honestly don’t think either of the other two handle home screens/“app drawers” very well. Every modern social media platform/messenger/etc. is built around vertical continuous scrolling because it’s easier. Why is horizontal, paginated scrolling the default for home screens?

danc4498 ,

That's a good point. Now that you mention it, I would much rather my Home Screen scroll down and I can add as many apps and widgets as I want.

The current iPhone page feels a bit claustrophobic now. Thanks.

FartsWithAnAccent ,

2013? Pretty sure you could do this on Android waaaay before that.

Naz ,

My first Android was an HTC Hero, which was released in ~ October of 2009.

One of the first things I did was swap the location of the Maps and Store icons to make it easier to reach on the edge of the phone.

I recall people complaining that same year that the iPhone 1 couldn't copy or paste text.


thorbot ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Lucidlethargy ,
    @Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Bro, you can't be for real, can you? Apple fans have been shitting on Android non-stop since it was created.

    AVincentInSpace ,

    Oh, so "Glad you guys are finally getting features we had over a decade ago" is "full hatred", but "I'm sorry, did you just send me a green text? didn't know you were broke" is fine?

    chiliedogg ,

    Shit - my first Android phone had widgets, customizable homescreen (not just icons - but the entire layout an launcher), and anything else custom you wanted back in 2009.

    15 years late to the game in an industry that's effectively 17 years old...

    ImplyingImplications , to 196 in Gourmet Rule

    I like how these are always new hip trends.

    Gen Z is super into living with lots of roommates!
    Gen Z absolutely loves not having children!
    Gen Z new craze is having sleep for dinner!

    Track_Shovel OP ,

    It happened to us millennials, and now it's happening to you. Fucking boomer clickbait

    carotte ,
    @carotte@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I wonder what’s next

    Working Four Jobs: Learn All About Gen Alpha’s Favorite Concept!

    Why Gen Alpha is Obsessed With Eating Their Roommates’ Remains

    New Study Finds that Gen Alpha’s Favorite Emotion is 'Unfathomable Despair'!

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Why aren't you buying diamonds?

    NegativeInf ,

    Fuck diamonds! I want a man that gives me a fucking GAGG Lumogarnet damn it!

    KingThrillgore ,
    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    I spent all my money on candles

    affiliate ,

    no diamond funko pop yet

    melpomenesclevage ,

    🎙️🪗Burn it all

    kibiz0r ,

    Cuz these economists look at wealth in aggregate, but look at behavior by market segment.

    Asset prices have been skyrocketing. That only really helps people who have assets, but it still brings up the average enough to make the economy look it's doing great overall even despite the consumer price inflation.

    So if you see that young adults are moving back in with their parents while living in an economy that is, in aggregate, "the strongest it's ever been"... you can only explain it as a matter of preference.

    magnetosphere , to 196 in Reasonable response rule
    @magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

    Note to anyone playing at home: if you send any trash, make sure it doesn’t include anything with personally identifying information on it.

    j4k3 ,
    @j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

    Or carefully select the identifying information sent.

    wreckedcarzz ,
    @wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

    Like the names of your asshole neighbors

    big brain time

    mle86 ,

    Wouldn't the "no postage required" business reply label link to the original mailing anyway, i.e. clould that not be linked to your address?

    whatwhatwhatwhat ,

    Unlikely, as long as you cut off any non-postage-related barcodes. But normally the label just has barcoded address information and the “business reply mail” postage permit number.

    Here’s an example, address removed.

    Business reply mail example

    Th3D3k0y ,

    I like to just mail the letter they sent me back to them in the envelope they sent, usually with a stick so it doesn't bend and costs more due to hand sort

    BigDanishGuy ,

    Why? It seems like the most effective way of unsubscribing to junk mail.

    Besides, "if you believe in something, you sign your name to it" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GujKyNduy0c&t=69

    You don't have to be an ass to the wage slave opening the return mail, but you can still send them a message. Print out joblistings for the return address area and return them. Maybe add a few Bible quotes. But make sure you are remembered by getting a stack of sassy stickers from temu and putting a few in there as a little gift.

    JovialMicrobial , to 196 in Artificial Refugium rule

    My parents attic was a bat haven. Every once in awhile one would get into the house. I'd just put thick leather garden gloves on and GENTLY pluck them off the curtains. Then carry them outside, hold them above my head and let them go.

    Bats can't take flight from the ground(putting them on the ground is a death sentence), so you have to give them some height so they can glide away. Just thought I'd share this in case anyone gets a bat trapped in their house.

    ShellMonkey ,
    @ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

    Interesting note on not putting on the ground, guessing they don't need a lot of runway to take off though. The ones I've caught I would bring out in whatever I caught them in and just open it. Even the one that had a part of the wing skin missing (my cat caught it first) seemed to take off without issue from a standing height.

    JovialMicrobial ,

    Maybe it depends on the species of bat? I only know about the ones local to me and what I was taught from a wildlife rehab hotline on how to handle bats that get in the house.

    Super interesting though! Animals are fascinating

    ShellMonkey ,
    @ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

    I'm guessing it's just a short drop to take off thing, very quick critters. Mostly these little ones.


    Swedneck ,
    @Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    death sentence seems a bit excessive, surely they can climb? Yeah putting them on the ground probably makes it much more likely they'll get nabbed by a predator before they get up a tree, but it feels like saying "putting a human in a tree is a death sentence"

    JovialMicrobial ,

    I'm simply repeating what I was told by professionals, so I'm not sure what you want from me.

    Make sure the bat takes flight...some people might not know that and just put it on the ground and go back inside thinking it's fine.

    Holding it up high ensures it does that, no need for it to find something to climb. Being trapped in a house is stressful on the little guys so why not give them the best chance?

    Just trying to provide helpful info to folks.

    Have a nice day!

    barsquid ,

    Also unless you know for certain they haven't touched you, get rabies shots. Actually just get rabies shots anyway.

    JovialMicrobial ,

    Yes, make sure they don't get on you.

    If the bat isn't afraid of people call animal control because it is sick with rabies or something and shut it in the room it's in. Usually they are very timid and will try to get away from you though.

    I should've added that rabies is very rare in bats where I am so that's probably why I was given the advice I was.

    melisdrawing ,

    Thank you, I had no idea.

    @KLISHDFSDF@lemmy.ml avatar

    Looks like at least one type can take flight from the ground, although with some difficulty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIl_bYFMr8o

    ceasarlegsvin , to Memes in YARRR

    Pirating a ubisoft game is pretty obviously morally wrong.

    Not because of the piracy, but because then you're wasting your time playing a ubisoft game.

    Noodle07 ,

    Lol hard agree

    RandomLegend ,
    @RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    My SSD complains about feeling disgusting and dirty after i installed a Ubisoft game to it last time.

    It won't happen again, it needs some time to recover from that.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    And also because you make ubisoft game more popular

    cerement , to solarpunk memes in What if public libraries...
    @cerement@slrpnk.net avatar

    and we’ve circled back to the missing third place – libraries as community centers, family friendly pubs and bars, coffee shops that don’t require buying half the menu to just hang out, walkable (and bikable) cities where people can go for an evening stroll without being afraid of being run over …

    Rolder ,

    I’ve got a nice local coffee place where I buy a single drink then sit and read for ~45 minutes. Very nice would recommend

    BastingChemina ,

    I used to ho to a cafe that has a small book exchange library in the back. You could just go there, pick a book and read it with your coffee then bring the book home if you wish before bringing it back once your are done with it.

    Rolder ,

    Man I wish I had something like that here. Closest I can get is the coffee shop attached to the big brand bookstore.

    BedSharkPal ,

    I want this so bad. Why can't the car loving suburbanites who visit Europe and love it just get on board?

    Cars are not freedom, if anything they take it away while making life miserable for everyone.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    Cars aren't good and I'd like to have less of them... but they're not responsible for all that ails us.

    Noodle07 ,

    Like the park?

    Hadriscus ,

    Precisely, like the park.

    metalsonic00 ,

    Parks close early too

    Noodle07 ,

    Some parks don't close at all

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    I'm not sure I've ever seen a closed park in Australia. Maybe I don't get out much though.

    PeterLossGeorgeWall ,

    How do you close a park? Are the parks fenced/gated?

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    I guess so?

    DerisionConsulting ,


    Or you put up signs and pay security/police/bylaw officers to patrol.

    BastingChemina ,

    Yes ! A thousand time yes !

    The library are the last third places publicly accessible.

    What we need is more third places where we can just meet other people, neighbors without the expectation to spend money.

    cqthca ,

    our mid-sized town put in the charter that bicycling and walking facilitation be funded. And boy-howdy did they do it! I can walk on sidewalks now instead of the busy roads. There is even a six mile asphalt walking trail now. Gotta go to the meetings, organize, and put pressure on these city council people. Most are inactive by the look of them.

    imPastaSyndrome , to Memes in I'm giving them a year until lifetime licenses start to mean nothing.

    When licenses MEAN nothing I PAY for nothing yarrrr

    CaptainSpaceman ,

    Do what you want cuz a pirate is free

    InputZero ,

    You are a pirate!
    Yar har fiddle dee dee!
    Being a pirate is alright with me!

    AtariDump ,

    Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!

    finickydesert ,
    @finickydesert@lemmy.ml avatar

    yo ho ho a pirate life for me!

    brbposting ,

    Is there a way to pirate a service like Canva besides pirating someone’s credit card first?

    imPastaSyndrome ,

    I don't funny know what canva is so... I don't know

    brbposting ,

    An easy WYSIWYG content creator for making flyers & posters. Question stands for any cloud-hosted, paywalled service.

    Far as I know, you can’t pirate Google Maps or OpenAI services (API key required), for other examples. Or YouTube Premium or Spotify (albeit you can adblock the free versions).

    As more programs move to the cloud, I’m imagining piracy getting much more difficult if not essentially impossible.

    alcoholicorn , to Comic Strips in Pls pls pls....

    Oh what's this? Allegations by... 35 women?

    God dammit.

    Neato ,
    @Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

    Yeah. I find that a lot in very disparate genres, too. I pretty much have to look up anyone I like more than a little now.

    runswithjedi ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • chemical_cutthroat ,
    @chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, that one sucks. I really liked what he was doing, but... you know... those crazy South Africans.

    Amputret ,
    @Amputret@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Oh, thought you meant those other crazy South Africans.

    chemical_cutthroat ,
    @chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar
    tacofox ,

    I knew exactly who you were linking to before I clicked, mans like the new Rick roll fr.

    zarkanian ,
    @zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    He met the enemy, and it was...him?

    reev ,

    NOOOOOO! God damnit, every time. Why!?

    FinishingDutch ,
    @FinishingDutch@lemmy.world avatar

    It really comes down to ‘that’s the default setting for most of humanity.’

    Here on Lemmy, we like to think we’re all very tolerant, enlightened, liberal minded people. But the outside world really isn’t quite as open minded. And there’s way more backwards troglodytes out there than we like to think.

    tacofox ,

    Troglodytes you say? Hmm… sounds like a case for TROGDOOOOOOORRRR!!!!


    Amputret ,
    @Amputret@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I mean, he started out on YouTube with the name “Fa**otron”, that got my alarm bells ringing from the outset.

    GregorGizeh ,

    To be fair, a Fagott is the German/European name for this instrument:


    Though I'd say it is pretty obvious why they named themselves that, and its probably not because they can play that thing.

    Amputret ,
    @Amputret@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I didn’t know that! Also looking up his old handle from another source does indeed confirm that his old handle used just one g.

    Still fucking sus though. Especially as he’s a remix artist.

    maynarkh ,

    Very important to note there is one "g" in fagott. The number of "t"s can vary by language, but it's always one "g".

    PaupersSerenade ,
    @PaupersSerenade@sh.itjust.works avatar

    …oh no. I’ve listened to him for ages. And due to a shitty shuffle I ended up with high listening hours. I remember his first handle and just told myself it was regarding the slang for cigarette. I’ll be going down this rabbit hole, thanks for the heads up
    …oh no

    Frozengyro ,

    When I found out about the guy from Crystal Castles 10 years after the fact... Yea major bummer. Sucks he's a POS and the things he's done, and the cherry on top is now I can't enjoy their music again.

    GBU_28 ,

    Never meet your heros

    Amputret ,
    @Amputret@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Fuck, I remember the news with Alice Glass’ allegations back when they came out, but I wasn’t aware there were others, and they were underage.

    SpruceBringsteen ,

    Alice is still making music, no reason not to support her as far as I know.

    Devi ,

    Bonus points for his fans shouting about how he wasn't convicted so "He was totally cleared of all that, they're just jealous psychos!"

    Because everyone knows sexual assault is notoriously well dealt with.

    asteriskeverything ,

    Speaking from general life experience, a lot of those fans are potential victims of the same treatment themselves minors/women

    So if you have a child or friend that speaks like that, it is a red flag to pay closer attention to the people they build relationships with and their behavior. I'm not talking about protecting kids from drugs and sex, I mean protect them predators and abuse.

    Devi ,

    True. I have a lot of friends who dated abusers AFTER they abused someone else, and parrotted the "his ex was a psycho and made it all up" line.

    Sometimes the ex is a psycho, but like 99% of the time they aren't.

    Kusimulkku ,

    I mean, if none of the 35 allegations actually go anywhere, I'm not going to assume they actually did something either. Seems sus on all accounts.

    Promethiel ,
    @Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

    Fool me one, shame on you, fool me 35 times shame on... that's really the stance you want to take? Seems sus alright, but trust and verify is for cold war movies.

    Kusimulkku ,

    If none of the accusations go anywhere then yeah that's a bit sus on the case of the accusers. I get that those things are hard to prosecute but 35 cases and nothing to show for it? Sus.

    Devi ,

    If 35 different people say they were sexually assaulted by someone then the chances that all of them are untrue is miniscule.

    Kusimulkku ,

    And somehow none of them having nothing to show for it in court, hmm. I feel like that's less likely, considering how easy it is to accuse (especially anonymously). I guess it all depends on the what sort of accusations they are and how detailed, if the facts seem plausible etc. If it's 35 very credible accusations from people speaking out in their own name, uh oh, that sounds pretty bad. If it's 35 pretty vague seeming accusations on Twitter from anonymous accounts, ehh I'll definitely wait for something more concrete. And after all in court you'd only need one of them to succeed for all of them to seem credible, but with none of them succeeding, I'm starting to doubt the accusations.

    kralk ,

    Not metal, but Ghost Mice really shocked me. The guy was like "yeah I did that shit, sorry" and was just never seen again.

    Cruxifux ,

    Is this about Rammstein?

    barsoap ,

    Rammstein isn't metal it's NDH. The Genre does have metal influence but you could just as well call it Industrial Punk (in particular in regards to Rammstein). There's plenty of groove metal in there if you know what to listen for but this doesn't sound anywhere close to Pantera.

    And if Rammstein being a bunch of Punks with way too much artistic concept wasn't enough you have to literally ignore their Discography to think they're right-wing.

    Cruxifux ,

    I know rammstein isn’t metal. Lots of people consider them metal though. And I didn’t say they were right wing, but the band did get in a lot of trouble in the last few years over sexually abusing people. A lot of people. That’s why I asked.

    barsoap , (edited )

    And I didn’t say they were right wing, but the band did get in a lot of trouble in the last few years over sexually abusing people

    It was alleged that. What's true is that there were plenty of 0-row aftershow parties with plenty of drugs and sex involving Till. Which is problematic in itself but as it seems (if we take the state attorney's conclusions as gospel truth) nothing non-consentual went on. What's left is allegations by two women who, as far as I'm aware, never themselves filed criminal complaints (which would expose them to possible false accusation charges).

    What I took away from the whole thing is that Till is a creepy yet decent hedonist and it's good that he's got pushback over his behaviour, but it's also not a thing he should be crucified for. He's not 20-something any more, he should understand iffy consent mechanics when it comes to 20-something groupies better at his age.

    obinice , to Memes in was this not allowed before?
    @obinice@lemmy.world avatar

    This is an April Fools, right?

    No way a fancy top end smartphone in 2024 doesn't have this extremely basic feature from over a decade ago that everything has....

    Dragonseel ,

    You would think that. But as a person having an iPhone... No it is not. At least the part of iPhones currently not having that option.
    App-Icons on your "desktop" will always align in dense rows from top left to bottom right, with no free spaces allowed.

    It is a bit weird, and I don't really see why, since you can change the order of icons in this dense row-grid. I am glad Apple warms up to the fact that people might actually want some kind of customization on their devices and not everything "the way Apple decrees it".

    But to be really honest... I did not even notice prior to this post, and I had all Android before switching to my current iPhone. So at least for me this is a really small non-issue, and maybe a nice-to-have feature.

    lightnsfw ,

    I had an iPad for a while and it definitely bothered me. Really just about everything did. It felt like I had to fight with it to do just about anything I wanted to do.

    renzev ,

    Well, the issue is just that you're not thinking with the Apple mindset. If you're having difficulty doing something through an Apple product, it really just means you were trying to do the wrong thing in the first place. Where Apple products really excel is in their integration, both between software and hardware, and between separate devices through iCloud servihahahaha I'm just messing with you but can you imagine some fanboy actually typing out shit like this?

    AnUnusualRelic ,
    @AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

    Well, the issue is just that you’re not thinking with the Apple mindset. If you’re having difficulty doing something through an Apple product, it really just means you were trying to do the wrong thing in the first place.

    Lol. That was exactly my take as well. Which is why after a few months of battling my new Apple laptop, I went to buy a generic PC lappie, slapped KDE on it and never looked back (this was a while back).

    Honytawk ,

    It is not Apple that doesn't allow for any customization, it are the users who are wrong.

    • Principal Skinners
    cqthca ,

    This remind me when in the 1980's Cup Holders were introduced in Dodge Caravans, but most cars they expected you to buy this and clip it onto the inside window the story https://historygarage.com/essential-evolution-handy-cup-holder/
    e. 1980's

    MystikIncarnate ,

    I was going to mention this. You can move them around; but you can't move them anywhere you want. The icons will always be, as you say, in a dense grid of rows with no "blank" spaces between the icons.

    I don't know if the OP is true or satire or some kind of April fools thing, but it's still accurate.

    melpomenesclevage ,

    Its Apple. Control first, everything else third.

    Xer0 ,

    iPhone just feels so unintuitive after using Android. Their UI absolutely sucks in my opinion.

    renzev ,

    Try Mac OS next lol. "Here, hold down alt, smack your left ass cheek, and tap dance around your computer to run this unsigned executable". It really feels like they're deliberately violating the principle of discoverability to stop your from doing things that they don't like.

    nolight ,

    After 3 years of using MacOS as a main OS, I am more than convinced it was indeed the intention.

    Honytawk ,

    They already just prevent you from doing things that they don't like.

    Try installing an older app, it just gives the error that the app is too old.

    Anticorp ,

    That's ageist. We should sue them.

    Gestrid ,

    Technically, Android does that, too, but the limit on that is a few years. If I'm not mistaken, the lowest version of Android that Google will allow a user to install through the Play Store is Android 12 (released in September 2020).

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    No. The oldest API allowed is from Android 6 Marshmellow, not Android 12.

    Gestrid ,

    That's for manually installing apps, I believe. But developers on Google Play have to follow this.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    Also F-Droid and any third party app stores. Only Google Play enforces Android 12 API for new app update guidelines for developers.

    Gestrid ,

    Yes, but 99% (give or take) of Android users won't know or care how to install 3rd party apps. So most people would only care about the Google Play Store limitation.

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    The limitation is overcome the moment someone downloads and installs APK from web browser or some store. It is artificial, and for nerds that want to install apps older than those for Android 6, they can toggle that flag with ADB.

    Apple on the other hand renders phones outside of its update cycle as junk devices, even if capable.

    Anticorp ,

    You can't even cut/paste in Mac OS without using your mouse and modifier keys. Like, seriously? Also, it's 2024 and they still don't have window snapping. Like what the fuck, Tim Apple?

    renzev ,

    You can tho? You can use arrow keys to move around the text, and hold down control to move by entire words in most apps. CMD + C to copy and CMD + V to paste (CMD is what they call the super key). But yeah, they're trying to push a pointer-centric design that nobody really wants instead of putting the keyboard first.

    Anticorp ,

    That's copy/paste. There is no cut command in Mac AFAIK. There's only the move command, which requires an additional modifier when pasting. If there's a key combo for that modifier, then I would like to know what it is. The only way I know how to do it is with the context menu from right clicking and the modifier key. But still, why do they do it differently than every other operating system?

    Iamdanno ,

    Because they are smarter than you, and know what you need better than you do, duh!

    MeetInPotatoes ,

    Cut is just Command + X. You can swap in Command for most of the windows shortcuts that use control. Why didn't Apple just use the Control button for Control things? That I do not know.

    MeetInPotatoes ,

    You could also just right click though /shrug

    Gestrid ,

    I'm a Windows user, but my church uses a Mac to run its projection and video recording. I'll admit it works pretty well for what we typically need it to do, but it recently took me like five minutes to figure out how to crop a picture because you apparently can't do that by simply opening the file and clicking the crop icon.

    Mac's filesystem is an absolute mess, too. This might just be my own inexperience, but I've saved things like PowerPoints and videos in order to upload them, and then I'll go to the website to upload them, and I won't be able to find them because they're not in a specific folder or something.

    MystikIncarnate ,

    I picked up an iPhone several years ago, I think a 6 or 6s? Anyways, I tried to use it for a while, because I work in IT and sometimes need to support people on their iPhone, and being an Android person, I had no idea what I was doing.

    I could not stand it. Everything took so much more effort. I never got rid of my android, I just tried to use the iPhone whenever possible to familiarize myself with the apple way of doing things. I hated some of the layouts, I missed the back button... Even something as simple as copy/paste just seemed a lot more cumbersome for no good reason.

    I learned a lot about it and where options and such were located (which is what I primarily needed) then I simply used it a bit less and less all the time until I finally stopped using it entirely. I have no idea where it is at this point, but I'm sure it still works and I'm sure I would still hate it. I've wanted to retry the experiment with a newer device like the X or 11 or something, but anytime I consider it, I just think back on my experience and unless I can pick up a relatively modern iPhone for next to nothing, I'm pretty uninterested in trying again. I know iOS has had a lot of updates in the past few years since I used one and maybe it sucks less? But I'm not willing to sacrifice my sanity to figure it out.

    I don't mean to hate on iOS or iPhones. I certainly don't like them, but if that's what works for you, then go ham. I find it cumbersome and restrictive, and you're free to disagree and use whatever you like; don't let me stop you.

    Mango ,

    Right? I gotta use an iPad at work now and where the FUCK is the back button!?!? I'm so tired of mashing the home button. It's cool AF that my stylus will put text specifically where I write it though, and it translates my cursive!

    lost_faith ,

    Ahh Apple, the first to introduce what Android users have simply taken for granted

    Midnight1938 ,

    When everything = one of two.

    It can

    kworpy ,
    @kworpy@lemm.ee avatar

    It's Apple, their entire business model is making their tech as restrictive as possible and stripping away as much freedom as they legally can. You can't name a company more power-hungry.

    Anticorp ,

    I had an iPhone before this Android I have now, and you could definitely put icons wherever you wanted on the home screen.

    JamesStallion , to Memes in *Cough Cough...* Chrome... *Chough*...

    Everytime this is reposted in a new template I remind everyone that no one is using incognito mode to hide from their ISP they are using it to hide from their spouse or partner.

    Bonehead ,

    ...and so that typing in a url doesn't automatically auto fill with a site you'd rather not let anyone else see.

    BeardedBlaze ,
    @BeardedBlaze@lemmy.world avatar

    That's an option you can disable, no need for incognito

    Bonehead ,

    Yes, but I want auto fill turned on for some websites because they go straight to the section that I want instead of navigating through the site every time.

    spicytuna62 ,
    @spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

    I also use private mode for searching things that I myself would be appalled to find in my own search history.

    herrcaptain ,

    That's pretty advanced usage - hiding stuff from yourself.

    Confused_Emus ,

    Never underestimate the depths of my shame.

    BolexForSoup ,
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

    I produce a podcast that gets us into some twisted corners of the internet. Especially when I fact check things for the other hosts. Mullvad + proton VPN always up, no question.

    ColeSloth ,

    Or occasionally just when I'm looking up something stupid and don't want to see advertisements for the next two weeks for it.

    herrcaptain ,

    Beyond that it's legitimately useful for logging into a second account on a site or for various testing purposes as a web developer. Though if you're consistently using it for the former, containers are a better solution.

    bandwidthcrisis ,

    Also useful for testing links that might only work if signed in.

    For instance, if I share a link to a OneDrive file, will it force the receiver to sign up with Microsoft before they can view the file.

    herrcaptain ,

    Absolutely! I do that all the time.

    solarvector ,

    Eh, or they just don't want a forever history stored on their own computer any more than they want it stored on someone else's computer.

    BolexForSoup , (edited )
    @BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

    I don’t need the obvious URL’s popping up whenever I start typing. I’m just one fat finger away from a bad mistake and subsequent loud sounds on my studio speakers when anyone could be around if I don’t do that.

    It’s best to keep that stuff separated out to spare yourself some incredibly avoidable embarrassing moments.

    Squiddly ,

    I mainly use it so my wife doesn't see the stupid crap I look up

    JackFrostNCola ,

    I use private mode for a whole bunch of stuff, visiting shopping sites i dont want coming up in targeted ads, watching youtube videos that are out of my usual jam and not wanting to get endless suggestions for crap im not into because i wanted to see a plumbing repair how-to or listen to a song wildly out of my usual genres because i was in the mood.

    Sotuanduso ,
    @Sotuanduso@lemm.ee avatar

    I mainly use it for random things that I don't want to influence my recommendations, like clickbait YouTube videos.

    pyre ,

    also good for temporarily logging in to an account on a service without logging out of your regular one on main

    Appoxo ,
    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Literally my usecase for it. Quickly test the browser if it's an issue related zo my account or not.

    asexualchangeling ,

    I do this but whenever i have to quickly use someone else's computer

    pyre ,

    me too, it doesn't disturb the owner's account and you don't have to worry about whether you logged out afterwards.

    Mongostein ,

    No doubt. Whoever’s making these memes obviously wasn’t around when Incognito/Private browsing was introduced. It was never advertised as hiding anything from your ISP.

    Deestan ,
    ares35 ,
    @ares35@kbin.social avatar

    i use private windows mainly so i don't clutter up browser histories with useless stuff i won't go back to (if i do run across something to save, it gets bookmarked or printed to pdf).

    mexicancartel ,

    Yeah thats why I use Firefox Focus on mobile. It has no feature to save history. I use normal Firefox in case I want to save history or login permanently

    pyre , (edited )

    I use DDG browser for the same reason; if I want to go back to something I use Firefox on mobile instead.

    hemko ,

    Not even to hide anything from anyone, but to not have porn pop up in suggestions when casually browsing internet.

    I do this on both phone and computer, that my wife doesn't even know password to (or care about)

    Dirk ,
    @Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

    Because different accounts are not possible on every OS, right?

    lolcatnip ,

    Browser profiles serve very different needs from OS level accounts.

    Dirk ,
    @Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yes, they do. I use 4 different browser profiles for various things. But everyone who uses my computer while I cannot control what they do, gets their own user account or can use a guest account.

    lolcatnip ,

    My brother in Christ, you are literally giving an example of how browser profiles and OS accounts solve different problems.

    Dirk ,
    @Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar

    I still don't get what you're trying to say.

    Do not let people use your OS account if you don't want them to have access to all of your data, including all of your browser profiles.

    Browser profiles are not a security feature.

    variants ,

    I've always been used to browser clearing everything on exit. On my phone I set Firefox focus as the default browser so whenever I search anything I just dump it after

    dependencyinjection ,

    It’s for wanking. That’s it. It only ever goes to pornhub

    Senseless ,

    I'm in my thirties, single for years and occasionally make sexual jokes. People know I fap. Everyone faps (huh, could be the title for an educational children's book..), I don't hide my browser history. Other question is who from? I live alone.

    DanVctr ,

    What about when when the police go through your computer after you slip and die on a banana peel? That could be embarrassing you know

    olutukko ,

    no there is also a second use. to search answers for questins you're too embarassed about

    dependencyinjection ,

    There is nothing embarrassing about learning something new.

    henfredemars ,

    I’m not even hiding it in the sense that I’m being sneaky. My spouse just rather not see it in the suggestions!

    Landless2029 ,

    I use it for Xmas shopping and for when I don't want a site to auto login with any of my sessions.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    Firefox containers

    Put all your accounts in different containers and just open the page outside of them (also great for multilogging and not being cookie tracked)

    lolcatnip ,

    That's great for sites you visit routinely but way more hassle than it's worth for one-off visits.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    You can have a container for one offs though I don’t think you are worried about them auto logging in

    Landless2029 ,

    I do this as well for work stuff. Multiple tenants and customers. It's great.

    sverit ,
    UltraMagnus0001 ,

    Sometimes to browse deals on hotels, planes, ISP, mobile cell providers, but mostly porn

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